Ejemplo n.º 1
def FormatOutput(beta_zero, beta_one, 
                correlation_r, correlation_square_r, 
                estimated_proxy_size=False, prediction=False):
    OutPut whit the optimal Format.
    beta_zero: float,
        Beta Zero
    beta_one: float,
        Beta One
    correlation_r: float,
        Correlation Index R
    correlation_square_r: float,
        Square Correlation Index R
    estimated_proxy_size: float,
        Estimated Proxy Size
       prediction: float,
        Prediction for estimated_proxy_size
    #Print Header
    print "===================================================================="
    print string.expandtabs("BetaZero\tBetaOne\tCorrelation R\tCorrelation R^2",
    print "===================================================================="
    #Print Values
    print string.expandtabs("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (
    print "===================================================================="
    if estimated_proxy_size and prediction:
        print ("For E=%s The prediction is P=%s" % 
                                             (estimated_proxy_size, prediction))
def get_playerNames(numPlayers, playerNames_hum, playerNames_comp):
    players = ["Player 1", "Player 2", "Player 3"]
    print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
    print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
    for i in range(numPlayers):
        name = ""
        while name == "":
            name = raw_input(players[i] + ", what is your name? ")
            name = name.title()
            if name == "":
                print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
                print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
                print string.expandtabs("ERROR, FIELD EMPTY")
                print string.expandtabs("Please try again.")
                print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
                print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
        players[i] = name
    if numPlayers == 3:
        print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
        print "Welcome", players[0] + ",", players[1] + ", and", players[2] + "!"
    if numPlayers == 2:
        players[2] = playerNames_comp[0]
        print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
        print "Welcome", players[0] + " and", players[1] + "! Today you will be playing against", players[2] + "."
    if numPlayers == 1:
        players[1] = playerNames_comp[0]
        players[2] = playerNames_comp[1]
        print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
        print "Welcome", players[0] + "! Today you will be playing against", players[1], "and", players[2] + "."    
    return players
Ejemplo n.º 3
def LOCCountDir(root, extensions=PY_EXTENSION):
    Locate all files matching supplied filename pattern in and below
    supplied root directory.
    root : str, path of programs 
        search file for counting lines..
    extensions : list, List of extensions
        Extension to search programs
    locate = LocateFiles(root, extensions)
    great_total = 0
    while True:
            file_to_count = locate.next()
            log.info("Counting File: %s" % file_to_count)
            (code_lines, parts, total_lines, blank_lines, comment_lines)=LOCCountFile(file_to_count)
            #print "===================================================================="
            print string.expandtabs("\t%s" % file_to_count.split("/")[-1],16)
            FormatOutput(code_lines, parts, total_lines, blank_lines, comment_lines)
        except StopIteration:
            log.info("Fin De Archivado")
    print "===================================================================="
    print string.expandtabs("TOTAL\t\t\t%s" % great_total,16)
    print "===================================================================="
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def send_literal_data(self, data):
     if not data:
     lines = string.splitfields(data, '\n')
     text = string.expandtabs(lines[0])
     for l in lines[1:]:
         self.OutputLine(text, 1)
         text = string.expandtabs(l)
     self.OutputLine(text, 0)
     self.atbreak = 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def parseJR(fwReport):
        print fwReport
        lfnText = None
        pfnText = None
        guid = None
        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(fwReport)
        #get the output LFN
        fileNode = doc.getElementsByTagName('File')
        #print fileNode[0].toxml()
        print fileNode
        if ( fileNode is not None ):
            print len(fileNode) 
            print type(fileNode)
            fileNode = fileNode[0]
            lfnNode = fileNode.getElementsByTagName('LFN')
            print 'lfnNode %s' % lfnNode
            if ( lfnNode is not None):
                lfnText = getText(lfnNode[0].childNodes)
                #replace all tabs with 0 space
                lfnText = expandtabs(lfnText, 0)
                lfnText = lfnText.replace('\n','')  

            #pfnNode = xpath.Evaluate('descendant::File/PFN', doc.documentElement)
            pfnNode = fileNode.getElementsByTagName('PFN')
            print 'pfnNode %s ' % pfnNode
            if ( pfnNode is not None):
                pfnText = getText(pfnNode[0].childNodes)
                pfnText = expandtabs(pfnText, 0)
                pfnText = pfnText.replace('\n','') 

            #guidNode = xpath.Evaluate('descendant::File/GUID', doc.documentElement)
            guidNode = fileNode.getElementsByTagName('GUID')
            #print 'guidNode %s' % guidNode
            if ( guidNode is not None):
                guid = getText(guidNode[0].childNodes)
                guid = expandtabs(guid, 0)
                guid = guid.replace('\n','')

        #print 'LFN: %s' % lfnText
        #print 'PFN: %s' % pfnText
        #print 'GUID: %s' % guid

        return {'LFN':lfnText, 'PFN': pfnText, 'GUID': guid}
        print 'problem addToDataCache:%s, %s' % \
               (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])
        return {'Error':'Parse_Error'}
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.
    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!':
            start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1

        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1

            return string.join(comments, '')
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0:
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))

            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []

            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []

            return string.join(comments, '')
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def cleandoc(doc):
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None

    margin = sys.maxint
    for line in lines[1:]:
        content = len(string.lstrip(line))
        if content:
            indent = len(line) - content
            margin = min(margin, indent)

    if lines:
        lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
    if margin < sys.maxint:
        for i in range(1, len(lines)):
            lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]

    while lines and not lines[-1]:

    while lines and not lines[0]:

    return string.join(lines, '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def generate_assigns_buffer(invert_reset, bindings, internal_bindings, debug=False):
    buf = ""
    if len(internal_bindings) > 0:
        buf += "//Internal Bindings\n"
        for key in internal_bindings:
            if key == "clk":
            if key == "rst":
            if key == internal_bindings[key]["signal"]:

            buf += "assign\t{0:<20}=\t{1};\n".format(key, internal_bindings[key]["signal"])

    buf += "\n\n"
    if len(bindings) > 0:
        buf += "//Bindings\n"
        buf += "always @ (*) begin\n"

        for key in bindings:
            if key == "clk":
            if key == "rst":
            if key == bindings[key]["loc"]:

            if (bindings[key]["direction"] == "input") and ("reg" in bindings[key]):
                buf += "\t{0:<20}=\t{1};\n".format(key, bindings[key]["loc"])
                #buf += "assign\t{0:<20}=\t{1};\n".format(key, bindings[key]["loc"])

        buf += "end\n" 
        for key in bindings:
            if key == "clk":
            if key == "rst":
            if key == bindings[key]["loc"]:

            if (bindings[key]["direction"] == "input") and ("reg" not in bindings[key]):
                buf += "assign\t{0:<20}=\t{1};\n".format(key, bindings[key]["loc"])

        for key in bindings:
            if key == bindings[key]["loc"]:

            if bindings[key]["direction"] == "output":
                buf += "assign\t{0:<20}=\t{1};\n".format(bindings[key]["loc"], key)

    if invert_reset:
        buf += "\n"
        buf += "//Invert Reset for this board\n"
        buf += "always @ (*) begin\n"
        buf += "\t{0:<20}=\t{1};\n".format("rst_n", "~rst")
        buf += "end\n"

    return string.expandtabs(buf, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def print_html(self):
     # For each line, we scan through looking for magic
     # strings, outputting verbatim any intervening text
     scan_re = re.compile(
         + r"|(?P<ent>[<>&])"
         + r"|(?P<word>\b(?:[A-Z][a-z]+){2,}\b)"
         + r"|(?P<rule>-{4,})"
         + r"|(?P<url>(http|ftp|nntp|news|mailto)\:[^\s'\"]+\S)"
         + r"|(?P<email>[-\w._+]+\@[\w.-]+)"
         + r"|(?P<li>^\s+\*)"
         + r"|(?P<pre>(\{\{\{|\}\}\}))"
         + r"|(?P<macro>\[\[(TitleSearch|FullSearch|WordIndex"
                         + r"|TitleIndex|RecentChanges|GoTo)\]\])"
         + r")")
     blank_re = re.compile("^\s*$")
     bullet_re = re.compile("^\s+\*")
     indent_re = re.compile("^\s*")
     eol_re = re.compile(r'\r?\n')
     raw = string.expandtabs(self.raw)
     for line in eol_re.split(raw):
         if not self.in_pre:
             # XXX: Should we check these conditions in this order?
             if blank_re.match(line):
                 print '<p>'
             indent = indent_re.match(line)
             print self._indent_to(len(indent.group(0)))
         print re.sub(scan_re, self.replace, line)
     if self.in_pre: print '</pre>'
     print self._undent()
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def smart_indent_event(self, event):
     # if intraline selection:
     #     delete it
     # elif multiline selection:
     #     do indent-region & return
     # indent one level
     text = self.text
     first, last = self.editwin.get_selection_indices()
         if first and last:
             if index2line(first) != index2line(last):
                 return self.indent_region_event(event)
             text.delete(first, last)
             text.mark_set("insert", first)
         prefix = text.get("insert linestart", "insert")
         raw, effective = classifyws(prefix, self.tabwidth)
         if raw == len(prefix):
             # only whitespace to the left
             self.reindent_to(effective + self.indentwidth)
             if self.usetabs:
                 pad = '\t'
                 effective = len(string.expandtabs(prefix,
                 n = self.indentwidth
                 pad = ' ' * (n - effective % n)
             text.insert("insert", pad)
         return "break"
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: Color.py Proyecto: auag92/n2dm
 def __init__(self, filename, title, out = sys.stdout):
     """ Store the source text.
     raw = file(filename).read()
     self.title = title
     self.raw = string.strip(string.expandtabs(raw))
     self.out = out
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, raw, out=sys.stdout, not_covered=[]):
     """ Store the source text.
     self.raw = string.strip(string.expandtabs(raw))
     self.out = out
     self.not_covered = not_covered  # not covered list of lines
     self.cover_flag = False  # is there a <span> tag opened?
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def collect_paras(lines):
        paras = []
        line_number = 1
        lineacc = []
        previndent = None

        for line in lines:
            line = string.expandtabs(string.rstrip(line, '\r\n'))
            (prefix, line) = _ws_prefix_re.match(line).groups()
            indent = len(prefix)
            if previndent is None: previndent = indent

            if previndent != indent or not line:
                if lineacc: paras.append(Paragraph(previndent, prevline_number, lineacc))
                previndent = indent
                lineacc = []

            if line:
                if not lineacc: prevline_number = line_number

            line_number = line_number + 1

        if lineacc:
            paras.append(Paragraph(previndent, prevline_number, lineacc))

        return paras
Ejemplo n.º 14
  def __init__(self,line,name=None,detectorname='',level=None,signature=None,inpnum=None,dimnum=None,configured=None,edge=None,delay=None,deltamin=None,deltamax=None):
    if line=='':
      self.name          = name
      self.detectorname  = detectorname
      self.level         = level
      self.signature     = signature
      self.inpnum        = inpnum
      self.dimnum        = dimnum
      self.configured    = configured
      self.edge          = edge
      self.delay         = delay
      self.deltamin      = deltamin
      self.deltamax      = deltamax
      self.l0fdefinition = None
    self.line          = line
    self.name          = None
    self.detectorname  = None
    self.level         = None
    self.signature     = None
    self.inpnum        = None
    self.dimnum        = None
    self.configured    = None
    self.l0fdefinition = None
    self.edge          = 0
    self.delay         = 0
    self.deltamin      = 1000
    self.deltamax      = 1000
    # parse line (extract input name)
    self.line = string.expandtabs(self.line)
    self.line = string.strip(self.line,'\n')
    ninps = string.split(self.line,'=')
    if len(ninps)!=2:
      PrintError("CTP input definition (or detector it belongs to) missing for "+line)
    self.name = string.strip(ninps[0])
    if self.name[:3]=='l0f' or self.name[:3]=='l0A' or self.name[:3]=='l0B':
      self.l0fdefinition = string.strip(ninps[1])
    # parse the remaining line (input description)
    li = string.split(ninps[1],' ')
    for ix in range(len(li)-1, -1, -1):
      if li[ix]=='': del li[ix]
    self.detectorname = li[0]
    if len(li) == 1:
      self.configured = 0
    elif len(li) >= 9:
      self.level      = int(li[1])
      self.signature  = int(li[2])
      self.inpnum     = int(li[3])
      self.dimnum     = int(li[4])
      self.configured = int(li[5])
#    elif len(li) >= 9:
      self.edge       = int(li[6])
      self.delay      = int(li[7])
      self.deltamin   = int(li[8])
      self.deltamax   = int(li[9])
      PrintError("Bad CTP input definition:"+line)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def getdoc(object):
    """Get the documentation string for an object.

    All tabs are expanded to spaces.  To clean up docstrings that are
    indented to line up with blocks of code, any whitespace than can be
    uniformly removed from the second line onwards is removed."""
        doc = object.__doc__
    except AttributeError:
        return None
    if not isinstance(doc, types.StringTypes):
        return None
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, raw):
     """ Store the source text. """
     self.out_lines = []
     for line in string.strip(string.expandtabs(raw)).split('\n'):
         self.raw = line
         self.out = ""
         self.out_lines += [self.format(None, None)]
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __init__( self, raw, output = sys.stdout, color_mapping = _colors ):
     """ Store the source text"""
     self._colors = color_mapping
     self._outfile = output
     self._raw = string.strip(string.expandtabs(raw))
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: grok.py Proyecto: nkzxw/solrex
    def parse(self, source):
        """ Parse and send the colored source.
        self.source = string.expandtabs(source)
        self.tokenlist = []

        # store line offsets in self.offset
        self.offset = [0, 0]
        self.lines = 0
        pos = 0
        while pos < len(self.source):
            self.lines = self.lines + 1
            pos = string.find(self.source, '\n', pos) + 1
            if not pos: break

        # parse the source
        self.pos = 0
        text = cStringIO.StringIO(self.source)
            tokenize.tokenize(text.readline, self)
        except tokenize.TokenError, ex:
            msg = ex[0]
            line = ex[1][0]
            raise ParseError("ERROR %s\n%s" % (
                msg, self.source[self.offset[line]:]))
Ejemplo n.º 19
  def __getCalls(self, lines):
    """returns a tuple containing the list of defined subroutines and 
    the list of used subroutines of a fortran source file
    defined : a list of subroutine defined in the fortran source code
    used : a list of subroutine that are used by the code
    included : a list of things included in the code

    used = []

    for lsave in lines:
      if len(words) > 0:
        if (words[0][0] == '!'):
        for i in range(len(words)-1):
          if words[i] == 'call':
            name = string.split(words[i+1],'(')[0]


# We delete all dependencies that are present several number of times.
    used = list(set(used))

    return used
Ejemplo n.º 20
def scrub_asm_x86(asm, args):
  # Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
  # whitespace in place.
  asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
  # Expand the tabs used for indentation.
  asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
  # Detect shuffle asm comments and hide the operands in favor of the comments.
  asm = SCRUB_X86_SHUFFLES_RE.sub(r'\1 {{.*#+}} \2', asm)
  # Detect stack spills and reloads and hide their exact offset and whether
  # they used the stack pointer or frame pointer.
  asm = SCRUB_X86_SPILL_RELOAD_RE.sub(r'{{[-0-9]+}}(%\1{{[sb]}}p)\2', asm)
  # Generically match the stack offset of a memory operand.
  asm = SCRUB_X86_SP_RE.sub(r'{{[0-9]+}}(%\1)', asm)
  if getattr(args, 'x86_scrub_rip', False):
    # Generically match a RIP-relative memory operand.
    asm = SCRUB_X86_RIP_RE.sub(r'{{.*}}(%rip)', asm)
  # Generically match a LCP symbol.
  asm = SCRUB_X86_LCP_RE.sub(r'{{\.LCPI.*}}', asm)
  if getattr(args, 'extra_scrub', False):
    # Avoid generating different checks for 32- and 64-bit because of 'retl' vs 'retq'.
    asm = SCRUB_X86_RET_RE.sub(r'ret{{[l|q]}}', asm)
  # Strip kill operands inserted into the asm.
  asm = common.SCRUB_KILL_COMMENT_RE.sub('', asm)
  # Strip trailing whitespace.
  asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
  return asm
Ejemplo n.º 21
def getdoc(object):
    """Get the documentation string for an object.

    All tabs are expanded to spaces.  To clean up docstrings that are
    indented to line up with blocks of code, any whitespace than can be
    uniformly removed from the second line onwards is removed."""
        doc = object.__doc__
    except AttributeError:
        return None
    if not isinstance(doc, (str, unicode)):
        return None
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        margin = None
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if not content: continue
            indent = len(line) - content
            if margin is None: margin = indent
            else: margin = min(margin, indent)
        if margin is not None:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def compute_bracket_indent(self, _find=string.find):
     assert self.continuation == C_BRACKET
     j = self.lastopenbracketpos
     str = self.str
     n = len(str)
     origi = i = string.rfind(str, '\n', 0, j) + 1
     j = j+1     # one beyond open bracket
     # find first list item; set i to start of its line
     while j < n:
         m = _itemre(str, j)
         if m:
             j = m.end() - 1     # index of first interesting char
             extra = 0
             # this line is junk; advance to next line
             i = j = _find(str, '\n', j) + 1
         # nothing interesting follows the bracket;
         # reproduce the bracket line's indentation + a level
         j = i = origi
         while str[j] in " \t":
             j = j+1
         extra = self.indentwidth
     return len(string.expandtabs(str[i:j],
                                  self.tabwidth)) + extra
Ejemplo n.º 23
def reformat_paragraph(data, limit=70):
    lines = string.split(data, "\n")
    i = 0
    n = len(lines)
    while i < n and is_all_white(lines[i]):
        i = i+1
    if i >= n:
        return data
    indent1 = get_indent(lines[i])
    if i+1 < n and not is_all_white(lines[i+1]):
        indent2 = get_indent(lines[i+1])
        indent2 = indent1
    new = lines[:i]
    partial = indent1
    while i < n and not is_all_white(lines[i]):
        # XXX Should take double space after period (etc.) into account
        words = re.split("(\s+)", lines[i])
        for j in range(0, len(words), 2):
            word = words[j]
            if not word:
                continue # Can happen when line ends in whitespace
            if len(string.expandtabs(partial + word)) > limit and \
               partial != indent1:
                partial = indent2
            partial = partial + word + " "
            if j+1 < len(words) and words[j+1] != " ":
                partial = partial + " "
        i = i+1
    # XXX Should reformat remaining paragraphs as well
    return string.join(new, "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 24
def adjust_whitespace(text):
    """remove the left-whitespace margin of a block of Python code."""
    state = [False, False]
    (backslashed, triplequoted) = (0, 1)

    def in_multi_line(line):
        current_state = state[backslashed] or state[triplequoted]
        if re.search(r"\\$", line):
            state[backslashed] = True
            state[backslashed] = False
        line = re.split(r"#", line)[0]
        triples = len(re.findall(r"\"\"\"|\'\'\'", line))
        if triples == 1 or triples % 2 != 0:
            state[triplequoted] = not state[triplequoted]
        return current_state

    def _indent_line(line, stripspace=""):
        return re.sub(r"^%s" % stripspace, "", line)

    stream = StringIO()
    stripspace = None

    for line in re.split(r"\r?\n", text):
        if in_multi_line(line):
            stream.write(line + "\n")
            line = string.expandtabs(line)
            if stripspace is None and re.search(r"^[ \t]*[^# \t]", line):
                stripspace = re.match(r"^([ \t]*)", line).group(1)
            stream.write(_indent_line(line, stripspace) + "\n")
    return stream.getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self,line,nameweb=None,namectp=None,eq=None,sin=None,sout=None,ctpin=None):
   if line=='':
   self.line = string.expandtabs(line)
   self.line = string.strip(self.line,'\n')
   li = string.split(self.line,' ')
   for ix in range(len(li)-1, -1, -1):
     if li[ix]=='': del li[ix]
   if len(li)>6: PrintError('Failed to parse switch configuration line:'+line)
   self.nameweb       = li[0]
   self.namectp       = li[1]
   self.eq            = int(li[2])
   self.sin           = int(li[3])
   self.sout          = int(li[4])
   if len(li)>5:
     self.ctpin       = int(li[5])
     self.ctpin       = self.sout-1
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def histUser(self, userId, userIdtoSearch):
        self._log.info("user:"******" command:histImg args={userIdtoSearch:" + userIdtoSearch + "}")
        output = {}
        output ['head'] = "User Id  Used Disk \t\t  Last Login  \t\t #Owned Images \n"
        output ['head'] = string.expandtabs(output ['head'], 8)
        stradd = ""
        for i in range(len(output['head'])):
            stradd += "-"
        output ['head'] += stradd

        if (userIdtoSearch == "None"):
            userIdtoSearch = None

        users = self.userStore.queryStore(userId, userIdtoSearch)

        if(users != None):
            for key in users.keys():
                spaces = ""
                num = 8 - len(users[key]._userId)
                if (num > 0):
                    for i in range(num):
                        spaces += " "

                output[key] = users[key]._userId + spaces + "   " + str(users[key]._fsUsed).split(".")[0] + " \t\t " + \
                        str(users[key]._lastLogin) + "   \t " + str(users[key]._ownedImgs).split(".")[0] + "\n"

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 27
def wrap_text(text, width):
    if text is None:
        return []
    if len(text) <= width:
        return [text]
    text = string.expandtabs(text)
    text = string.translate(text, WS_TRANS)
    chunks = re.split('( +|-+)', text)
    chunks = filter(None, chunks)
    lines = []
    while chunks:
        cur_line = []
        cur_len = 0
        while chunks:
            l = len(chunks[0])
            if cur_len + l <= width:
                del chunks[0]
                cur_len = cur_len + l
                if cur_line and cur_line[-1][0] == ' ':
                    del cur_line[-1]

        if chunks:
            if cur_len == 0:
                chunks[0] = chunks[0][width:]
            if chunks[0][0] == ' ':
                del chunks[0]
        lines.append(string.join(cur_line, ''))

    return lines
    def run(self, edit, width=0):
        width = get_width(self.view)
        settings = self.view.settings()
        # Make sure tabs are handled as per the current buffer
        tab_width = 8
        if settings.get("tab_size", False):
                tab_width = int(self.view.settings().get("tab_size"))
            except TypeError:

        if tab_width == 0:
            tab_width == 8

        paragraphs = []
        for s in self.view.sel():
            #self.view.insert(edit, s.begin(), self.MARKER)
                par.all_paragraphs_intersecting_selection(self.view, s))

        if len(paragraphs) > 0:
            for p in paragraphs:

            # This isn't an ideal way to do it, as we loose the position of the
            # cursor within the paragraph: hence why the paragraph is selected
            # at the end.
            for s in self.view.sel():
                wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper()
                wrapper.expand_tabs = False
                wrapper.replace_whitespace = settings.get(
                    'replace_whitespace', True)
                wrapper.drop_whitespace = settings.get(
                    'drop_whitespace', True)
                wrapper.width = width
                prefix = self.extract_prefix(s)
                if prefix:
                    wrapper.initial_indent = prefix[0]
                    wrapper.subsequent_indent = prefix[1]
                    wrapper.width -= self.width_in_spaces(prefix, tab_width)

                if wrapper.width < 0:

                txt = self.view.substr(s)
                if prefix:
                    txt = txt.replace(prefix[0], u"")

                txt = string.expandtabs(txt, tab_width)

                txt = wrapper.fill(txt) + u"\n"
                self.view.replace(edit, s, txt)

            # It's unhelpful to have the entire paragraph selected, just leave the
            # selection at the end
            ends = [s.end() - 1 for s in self.view.sel()]
            for pt in ends:
Ejemplo n.º 29
def writeAlnFile(fh, n):

    #  A regular expression object that indicates the
    #  start of a new pattern
    patRegex = re.compile("^pattern (?P<patNo>[0-9]+)")
    instanceRegex = re.compile("^\s+(?P<seqNo>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<posNo>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<string>[A-Z]+)")

    #  Find the pattern we want
    for line in fh:
        m = patRegex.match(line)
        if m != None and int(m.group('patNo')) == n:

    alnOutput = ""
    for line in fh:
        m = instanceRegex.match(line)
        if m == None:
            alnOutput = alnOutput + "seq%s_%s\t\t%s\n" % (m.group('seqNo'), m.group('posNo'), m.group('string'))

    alnOutput = string.expandtabs(alnOutput, 2)

    (fileno,alnFile) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=sys.argv[0])
        alnFileH = open(alnFile, "w")
    except IOError, (errno, strerror):
        print "Error %s: %s" % (errno, strerror)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 31
def scrub_asm_riscv(asm, args):
    # Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
    # whitespace in place.
    asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
    # Expand the tabs used for indentation.
    asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
    # Strip trailing whitespace.
    asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
    return asm
Ejemplo n.º 32
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
Ejemplo n.º 33
def getcomments(object):
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!':
            start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1

        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1

            return string.join(comments, '')
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and indentsize(
                lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0:
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))

            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []

            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []

            return string.join(comments, '')
Ejemplo n.º 34
def scrub_asm_mips(asm, args):
    # Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
    # whitespace in place.
    asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
    # Expand the tabs used for indentation.
    asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
    # Strip trailing whitespace.
    asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
    global last_frame_size
    last_frame_size = None

    stackframe_size_regex = re.compile(
        r'(?P<instr>cincoffset \$c11, \$c11), -(?P<size>\d+)\n *.cfi_def_cfa_offset (?P<cfa>\d+)'
    asm = stackframe_size_regex.sub(do_stackframe_size_sub, asm, count=1)
    if not last_frame_size:
        mips_stackframe_size_regex = re.compile(
            r'(?P<instr>daddiu \$sp, \$sp), -(?P<size>\d+)\n *.cfi_def_cfa_offset (?P<cfa>\d+)'
        asm = mips_stackframe_size_regex.sub(do_stackframe_size_sub,
    if not last_frame_size:
        stackframe_size_fallback_regex = re.compile(
            r'(?P<instr>cincoffset \$c11, \$c11), -(?P<size>\d+)\n')
        asm = stackframe_size_fallback_regex.sub(
            do_stackframe_size_fallback_sub, asm, count=1)
    if not last_frame_size:
        mips_stackframe_size_fallback_regex = re.compile(
            r'(?P<instr>daddiu \$sp, \$sp), -(?P<size>\d+)\n')
        asm = mips_stackframe_size_fallback_regex.sub(
            do_stackframe_size_fallback_sub, asm, count=1)

    # Expand .cfi offsets and clc offset to #CAPS_SIZE for CHERI128/256
    stack_store_cap_re = re.compile(
        r'(?P<insn>csc|clc) (?P<reg>\$\w+), \$zero, (?P<offset_sign>\-)?(?P<offset>\d+)\(\$c11\) *# (?P<cap_size>16|32)\-byte Folded (Spill|Reload)'
    asm = stack_store_cap_re.sub(do_clc_csc_sub, asm)
    stack_store_dword_re = re.compile(
        r'(?P<insn>csd|cld) (?P<reg>\$\w+), \$zero, (?P<offset_sign>\-)?(?P<offset>\d+)\(\$c11\) *# 8\-byte Folded (Spill|Reload)'
    asm = stack_store_dword_re.sub(do_save_load_dword_sub, asm)
    cfi_offset_regex = re.compile(
        r'\.cfi_offset (?P<reg>[$\w]+), -(?P<offset>\d+)')
    asm = cfi_offset_regex.sub(do_cfi_offset_sub, asm)
    stackframe_inc_return_regex = re.compile(
        r'cjr \$c17\n *cincoffset \$c11, \$c11, \d+')
    asm = stackframe_inc_return_regex.sub(
        'cjr $c17\n  cincoffset $c11, $c11, [[#STACKFRAME_SIZE]]', asm)
    # Finally try to replace all other stack cincoffsets
    if last_frame_size:
        asm = re.sub("cincoffset\s+\$c11,\s+\$c11, " + str(last_frame_size),
                     "cincoffset $c11, $c11, [[#STACKFRAME_SIZE]]", asm)
        asm = re.sub("daddiu\s+\$sp,\s+\$sp, " + str(last_frame_size),
                     "daddiu $sp, $sp, [[#STACKFRAME_SIZE]]", asm)
    return asm
Ejemplo n.º 35
def adjust_whitespace(text):
    """remove the left-whitespace margin of a block of Python code."""
    state = [False, False]
    (backslashed, triplequoted) = (0, 1)

    def in_multi_line(line):
        start_state = (state[backslashed] or state[triplequoted])

        if re.search(r"\\$", line):
            state[backslashed] = True
            state[backslashed] = False

        def match(reg, t):
            m = re.match(reg, t)
            if m:
                return m, t[len(m.group(0)):]
                return None, t

        while line:
            if state[triplequoted]:
                m, line = match(r"%s" % state[triplequoted], line)
                if m:
                    state[triplequoted] = False
                    m, line = match(r".*?(?=%s|$)" % state[triplequoted], line)
                m, line = match(r'#', line)
                if m:
                    return start_state

                m, line = match(r"\"\"\"|\'\'\'", line)
                if m:
                    state[triplequoted] = m.group(0)

                m, line = match(r".*?(?=\"\"\"|\'\'\'|#|$)", line)

        return start_state

    def _indent_line(line, stripspace=''):
        return re.sub(r"^%s" % stripspace, '', line)

    lines = []
    stripspace = None

    for line in re.split(r'\r?\n', text):
        if in_multi_line(line):
            line = string.expandtabs(line)
            if stripspace is None and re.search(r"^[ \t]*[^# \t]", line):
                stripspace = re.match(r"^([ \t]*)", line).group(1)
            lines.append(_indent_line(line, stripspace))
    return "\n".join(lines)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def handle_literal(self, text):
     lines = string.splitfields(text, '\n')
     for i in range(1, len(lines)):
         lines[i] = string.expandtabs(lines[i], 8)
     for line in lines[:-1]:
         self.fmt.addword(line, 0)
         self.fmt.nospace = 0
     for line in lines[-1:]:
         self.fmt.addword(line, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def __getModules(self):
        """returns a tuple containing the list of defined modules and 
    the list of used modules of a fortran source file
    defined : a list of procedures defined in the fortran source code
    used : a list of modules that are used by the code
    included : a list of things included in the code

        f = open(self.filename, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()

        defined = []
        used = []
        included = []

        for lsave in lines:
            l = string.expandtabs(string.lower(lsave)[:-1], 1)
            words = string.split(string.lstrip(l))
            if len(words) > 0:
                if words[0] == 'use':
                    used.append(string.split(words[1], ',')[0])
                if words[0] == 'module':
                    if len(words) == 2 or words[1] != "procedure":
                if words[0] == 'include':
                    newstring = string.replace(words[1], '\'', '')
                    newstring = string.replace(newstring, '\"', '')
            l = string.expandtabs(lsave[:-1], 1)
            words = string.split(string.lstrip(l))
            if len(words) > 0:
                if words[0] == '#include':
                    newstring = string.replace(words[1], '\"', '')

# We delete all dependencies that are present several number of times.
        used = list(set(used))

        return defined, used, included
Ejemplo n.º 38
def trim(string):
    # type: (str) -> str
    Trim a string in PEP-256 compatible way
    lines = string.expandtabs().splitlines()

    lines = list(map(str.lstrip, lines[:1])) + left_trim_lines(lines[1:])

    return "\n".join(trim_leading_lines(trim_trailing_lines(lines)))
def get_playerNames(numPlayers, playerNames_hum, playerNames_comp):
    players = ["Player 1", "Player 2", "Player 3"]
    print ""
    ##    print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
    ##    print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
    for i in range(numPlayers):
        name = ""
        while name == "":
            name = raw_input(players[i] + ", what is your name? ")
            name = name.title()
            if name == "":
                print ""
                print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
                print string.expandtabs("ERROR, FIELD EMPTY")
                print string.expandtabs("Please try again.")
                print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
                print ""
        players[i] = name
    if numPlayers == 3:
        print ""
        ##        print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
        print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
        print ""
        print "Welcome", players[0] + ",", players[1] + ", and", players[
            2] + "!"
        print ""
    if numPlayers == 2:
        players[2] = playerNames_comp[0]
        print ""
        ##        print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
        print "Welcome", players[0] + " and", players[
            1] + "! Today you will be playing against", players[2] + "."
    if numPlayers == 1:
        players[1] = playerNames_comp[0]
        players[2] = playerNames_comp[1]
        print ""
        ##        print string.center(("-" * 80), 80)
        print "Welcome", players[
            0] + "! Today you will be playing against", players[
                1], "and", players[2] + "."

    return players
Ejemplo n.º 40
def engine(text, style=None, width=79, refill=1, tabify=0, position=None):
Add, delete or adjust a boxed comment held in TEXT, according to STYLE.
STYLE values are explained at beginning of this file.  Any zero attribute
in STYLE indicates that the corresponding attribute should be recovered
from the currently existing box.  Produced lines will not go over WIDTH
columns if possible, if refilling gets done.  But if REFILL is false, WIDTH
is ignored.  If TABIFY is true, the beginning of produced lines will have
spaces replace by TABs.  POSITION is either None, or a character position
within TEXT.  Returns four values: the old box style, the new box style,
the reformatted text, and either None or the adjusted value of POSITION in
the new text.  The reformatted text is returned as None if the requested
style does not exist.
    last_line_complete = text and text[-1] == '\n'
    if last_line_complete:
        text = text[:-1]
    lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(text), '\n')
    # Decide about refilling and the box style to use.
    new_style = 111
    old_template = guess_template(lines)
    new_style = merge_styles(new_style, old_template.style)
    if style is not None:
        new_style = merge_styles(new_style, style)
    new_template = template_registry.get(new_style)
    # Interrupt processing if STYLE does not exist.
    if not new_template:
        return old_template.style, new_style, None, None
    # Remove all previous comment marks, and left margin.
    if position is not None:
        marker = Marker()
        marker.save_position(text, position, old_template.characters())
    lines, margin = old_template.unbuild(lines)
    # Ensure only one white line between paragraphs.
    counter = 1
    while counter < len(lines) - 1:
        if lines[counter] == '' and lines[counter - 1] == '':
            del lines[counter]
            counter = counter + 1
    # Rebuild the boxed comment.
    lines = new_template.build(lines, width, refill, margin)
    # Retabify to the left only.
    if tabify:
        for counter in range(len(lines)):
            tabs = len(re.match(' *', lines[counter]).group()) / 8
            lines[counter] = '\t' * tabs + lines[counter][8 * tabs:]
    # Restore the point position.
    text = string.join(lines, '\n')
    if last_line_complete:
        text = text + '\n'
    if position is not None:
        position = marker.get_position(text, new_template.characters())
    return old_template.style, new_style, text, position
Ejemplo n.º 41
	def __init__(self, raw, out = sys.stdout):
		self.raw = string.strip(string.expandtabs(raw))
		self.out = out
		self.inComment = False
		self.commentType = None
		self.commentText = None
		self.possibleMultilineComment = False
		self.possibleMultilineChar = None
		self.backupMode = False
		self.tok = None
		self.nextTok = None
Ejemplo n.º 42
def scrub_body(body, tool_basename):
    # Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
    # whitespace in place.
    body = SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', body)
    # Expand the tabs used for indentation.
    body = string.expandtabs(body, 2)
    # Strip trailing whitespace.
    body = SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', body)
    if tool_basename == "llc":
        body = scrub_asm(body)
    return body
Ejemplo n.º 43
def scrub_asm_powerpc64(asm, args):
    # Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
    # whitespace in place.
    asm = SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
    # Expand the tabs used for indentation.
    asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
    # Stripe unimportant comments
    asm = SCRUB_LOOP_COMMENT_RE.sub(r'', asm)
    # Strip trailing whitespace.
    asm = SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
    return asm
def scrub_asm_arm_eabi(asm):
  # Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
  # whitespace in place.
  asm = SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
  # Expand the tabs used for indentation.
  asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
  # Strip kill operands inserted into the asm.
  asm = SCRUB_KILL_COMMENT_RE.sub('', asm)
  # Strip trailing whitespace.
  asm = SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
  return asm
Ejemplo n.º 45
def make_safe(s):
    """string = make_safe(string)

    Remove control characters from a string."""

    s = string.expandtabs(s, 8)
    new = ''
    for i in s:
        if ord(i) > 31:
            new = new + i

    return new
Ejemplo n.º 46
def wrap_text(text, width):

    if text is None:
        return []
    if len(text) <= width:
        return [text]

    text = string.expandtabs(text)
    text = string.translate(text, WS_TRANS)
    chunks = re.split(r'( +|-+)', text)
    chunks = filter(None, chunks)  # ' - ' results in empty strings
    lines = []

    while chunks:

        cur_line = []  # list of chunks (to-be-joined)
        cur_len = 0  # length of current line

        while chunks:
            l = len(chunks[0])
            if cur_len + l <= width:  # can squeeze (at least) this chunk in
                del chunks[0]
                cur_len = cur_len + l
            else:  # this line is full
                # drop last chunk if all space
                if cur_line and cur_line[-1][0] == ' ':
                    del cur_line[-1]

        if chunks:  # any chunks left to process?

            # if the current line is still empty, then we had a single
            # chunk that's too big too fit on a line -- so we break
            # down and break it up at the line width
            if cur_len == 0:
                chunks[0] = chunks[0][width:]

            # all-whitespace chunks at the end of a line can be discarded
            # (and we know from the re.split above that if a chunk has
            # *any* whitespace, it is *all* whitespace)
            if chunks[0][0] == ' ':
                del chunks[0]

        # and store this line in the list-of-all-lines -- as a single
        # string, of course!
        lines.append(string.join(cur_line, ''))

    # while chunks

    return lines
Ejemplo n.º 47
def scrub_asm_powerpc(asm, args):
  # Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
  # whitespace in place.
  asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
  # Expand the tabs used for indentation.
  asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
  # Strip unimportant comments, but leave the token '#' in place.
  asm = common.SCRUB_LOOP_COMMENT_RE.sub(r'#', asm)
  # Strip trailing whitespace.
  asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
  # Strip the tailing token '#', except the line only has token '#'.
  asm = common.SCRUB_TAILING_COMMENT_TOKEN_RE.sub(r'', asm)
  return asm
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def parse(self, inFileName):
        """ Read and parse the source. """
        fd = open(inFileName)
            srcLines = fd.read()
            self.srcLines = string.expandtabs(srcLines)

        self.tokenlist = []

Ejemplo n.º 49
    def __init__(self, raw, times, counts, thresholdT=0.01, out=sys.stdout):
        """ Store the source text.
        self.raw = string.strip(string.expandtabs(raw))
        self.out = out
        self.times = times
        self.counts = counts

        self.totTime = sum(times.values())
        self.maxTime = max(max(times.values()), 1e-3)
        self.cover_flag = False
        self.line_flag = False
        self.thresholdT = thresholdT
Ejemplo n.º 50
def msg_emit(lev, tag, msg):
    if msg_verbose >= lev:
        msg = string.split(msg, "\n")
        msg = map(string.rstrip, msg)
        while msg and msg[-1] == "":

        pad = "|" + " " * (len(tag) - 1)

        for s in msg:
            s = string.expandtabs(s)
            print "%s%s" % (tag, s)
            tag = pad
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def get_html(self):
     res = ["<h1>%s</h1>" % self.word]
     raw = string.expandtabs(self.raw)
     for line in eol_re.split(raw):
         if not self.in_pre:
             if blank_re.match(line):
         res.append(re.sub(scan_re, self.replace, line))
     if self.in_pre:
     return "".join(res)
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def tabify(self,data):
     from moinmoin tokenizer example
     self.raw = string.strip(string.expandtabs(data))
     #print "read ",len(self.raw)
     self.lines = [0,0]
     pos = 0
     while True:
         pos = string.find(self.raw,'\n',pos) + 1
         if not pos: break
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def __init__(self, raw, colors, title, out=sys.stdout):
     ''' Store the source text.
     self.raw = string.strip(string.expandtabs(raw))
     self.out = out
     self.title = os.path.basename(title)
     self.ClassFlag = 0
     self.DefFlag = 0
     self.colors = colors
     # Name: Date stamp top
     self.header = 0
     # Name: Date stamp bottom
     self.footer = 0
Ejemplo n.º 54
def makeHtmlSection(text, bgcolor='#FFA0FF'):
    """Create HTML code for a section.

    This is usually a header for all classes or functions.
u    """
    text = htmlescape(expandtabs(text))
    result = []
    result.append("""<TABLE WIDTH="100\%" BORDER="0">""")
    result.append("""<TR><TD BGCOLOR="%s" VALIGN="CENTER">""" % bgcolor)
    result.append("""<H2>%s</H2>""" % text)

    return join(result, '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 55
def code_filter():
    '''This function does all the work.'''
    global language, backend
    inline_comment = inline_comments[language]
    blk_comment = block_comments[language]
    if blk_comment:
        blk_comment = (re.escape(block_comments[language][0]),
    stag, etag = commenttags[backend]
    in_comment = 0  # True if we're inside a multi-line block comment.
    tag_comment = 0  # True if we should tag the current line as a comment.
    line = sys.stdin.readline()
    while line:
        line = string.rstrip(line)
        line = string.expandtabs(line, tabsize)
        # Escape special characters.
        line = string.replace(line, '&', '&amp;')
        line = string.replace(line, '<', '&lt;')
        line = string.replace(line, '>', '&gt;')
        # Process block comment.
        if blk_comment:
            if in_comment:
                if re.match(r'.*' + blk_comment[1] + r'$', line):
                    in_comment = 0
                if re.match(r'^\s*' + blk_comment[0] + r'.*' + blk_comment[1],
                    # Single line block comment.
                    tag_comment = 1
                elif re.match(r'^\s*' + blk_comment[0], line):
                    # Start of multi-line block comment.
                    tag_comment = 1
                    in_comment = 1
                    tag_comment = 0
        if tag_comment:
            if line: line = stag + line + etag
            if inline_comment:
                pos = string.find(line, inline_comment)
                pos = -1
            if pos >= 0:
                # Process inline comment.
                line = re.sub(r'\b(?P<word>\w+)\b',sub_keyword,line[:pos]) \
                    + stag + line[pos:] + etag
                line = re.sub(r'\b(?P<word>\w+)\b', sub_keyword, line)
        sys.stdout.write(line + os.linesep)
        line = sys.stdin.readline()
Ejemplo n.º 56
def makeHtmlSubSection(text, bgcolor='#AAA0FF'):
    """Create HTML code for a subsection.

    This is usually a class or function name.
    text = htmlescape(expandtabs(text))
    result = []
    result.append("""<TABLE WIDTH="100\%" BORDER="0">""")
    result.append("""<TR><TD BGCOLOR="%s" VALIGN="CENTER">""" % bgcolor)
    result.append("""<H3><TT><FONT SIZE="+2">%s</FONT></TT></H3>""" % text)

    return join(result, '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 57
    def compute_backslash_indent(self):
        assert self.continuation == C_BACKSLASH
        str = self.str
        i = self.stmt_start
        while str[i] in " \t":
            i = i+1
        startpos = i

        # See whether the initial line starts an assignment stmt; i.e.,
        # look for an = operator
        endpos = string.find(str, '\n', startpos) + 1
        found = level = 0
        while i < endpos:
            ch = str[i]
            if ch in "([{":
                level = level + 1
                i = i+1
            elif ch in ")]}":
                if level:
                    level = level - 1
                i = i+1
            elif ch == '"' or ch == "'":
                i = _match_stringre(str, i, endpos).end()
            elif ch == '#':
            elif level == 0 and ch == '=' and \
                   (i == 0 or str[i-1] not in "=<>!") and \
                   str[i+1] != '=':
                found = 1
                i = i+1

        if found:
            # found a legit =, but it may be the last interesting
            # thing on the line
            i = i+1     # move beyond the =
            found = re.match(r"\s*\\", str[i:endpos]) is None

        if not found:
            # oh well ... settle for moving beyond the first chunk
            # of non-whitespace chars
            i = startpos
            while str[i] not in " \t\n":
                i = i+1

        return len(string.expandtabs(str[self.stmt_start :
                                     self.tabwidth)) + 1
Ejemplo n.º 58
    def _munge_whitespace(self, text):
        """_munge_whitespace(text : string) -> string

        Munge whitespace in text: expand tabs and convert all other
        whitespace characters to spaces.  Eg. " foo\tbar\n\nbaz"
        becomes " foo    bar  baz".
        if self.expand_tabs:
            text = string.expandtabs(text)
        if self.replace_whitespace:
            if type(text) == type(''):
                text = string.translate(text, self.whitespace_trans)
            elif isinstance(text, unicode):
                text = string.translate(text, self.unicode_whitespace_trans)
        return text
Ejemplo n.º 59
def scrub_asm(asm):
  # Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
  # whitespace in place.
  asm = ASM_SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
  # Expand the tabs used for indentation.
  asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
  # Detect shuffle asm comments and hide the operands in favor of the comments.
  asm = ASM_SCRUB_SHUFFLES_RE.sub(r'\1 {{.*#+}} \2', asm)
  # Generically match the stack offset of a memory operand.
  asm = ASM_SCRUB_SP_RE.sub(r'{{[0-9]+}}(%\1)', asm)
  # Generically match a RIP-relative memory operand.
  asm = ASM_SCRUB_RIP_RE.sub(r'{{.*}}(%rip)', asm)
  # Strip kill operands inserted into the asm.
  asm = ASM_SCRUB_KILL_COMMENT_RE.sub('', asm)
  return asm
Ejemplo n.º 60
    def _flush_adjusted_lines(self):
        stripspace = None

        for entry in self.line_buffer:
            if self._in_multi_line(entry):
                self.stream.write(entry + "\n")
                entry = string.expandtabs(entry)
                if stripspace is None and re.search(r"^[ \t]*[^# \t]", entry):
                    stripspace = re.match(r"^([ \t]*)", entry).group(1)
                self.stream.write(self._indent_line(entry, stripspace) + "\n")

        self.line_buffer = []