Ejemplo n.º 1
def restoreFocus( ) :
  antList = SAC.currentAntennaNumbers()
  for ant in antList :
    SAC.focus( None, None, f0[ant-1], ant )
  if focusMoving( antList) :
    print "hey - timed out and a focus is still changing!"  
Ejemplo n.º 2
def refocus( antList, outfile, startNominal=True, apply=False ) :
    refocus( antList, outfile, startNominal=True, apply=False )

  Performs refocusing on all antennas included in 'antList'.
  Allows outputting the results to a text file 'outfile'. 
  If startNominal is chosen 'False', the script starts from the
  most recent focus values (the nominal focus values are fixed,
  hardcoded numbers for the moment).
  If apply=False, measurements will be taken (and output),
  but no changes will be made to the focus of any antenna.

  offsets = numpy.array( [ -.9, -.6, -.3, 0., .3, .6, .9 ] )
  offsets = numpy.array( [ -3., -2., -1.5, -1., -.5, 0., .5, 1., 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 ] )
  timeout = 20.

# for ease in querying focus values and focus status, make list of monitor point names
  focusNameList = []
  focusStatusNameList = []
  focusOK = []
  ampNameList = []
  for ant in antList :
    if (ant < 7) :
      focusNameList.append( "Ovro%d.Secondary.zPosition" % ant )
      focusStatusNameList.append( "Ovro%d.Secondary.zMovementStatus" % ant )
      focusOK.append( 1 )
    else :
      focusNameList.append( "Bima%d.AntennaCommon.Secondary.focusZ" % (ant-6) )
      focusStatusNameList.append( "Bima%d.AntennaCommon.Secondary.focusState" % (ant-6) )
      focusOK.append( 0 )
    ampNameList.append( 'Astro.Antenna%d.MedianAmp' % ant )

  focusOK = numpy.array( focusOK )
  #print focusNameList
  #print focusStatusNameList
  #print ampNameList
  #print focusOK

# save starting focus values for all ants in subarray
  if startNominal :
    startFocus = numpy.zeros( len(antList), dtype=float )
    j = 0
    for ant in antList:
      startFocus[j] = f0[ant-1]
      j = j + 1
  else :
    startFocus = numpy.array( SAC.queryMpValues( focusNameList, nothrow=True ) )
  print "startfocus : ", startFocus

  fout=open( outfile, "a" )
  fout.write("\n# %s\n" % (time.strftime( "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M", time.gmtime())) )
  elev = SAC.queryDouble("Ovro1.AntennaCommon.Drive.Track.actualElevation", 20)
  fout.write("# elev = %.2f\n" % elev)
  source = SAC.queryString("Control.Subarray1.source", 20)
  fout.write("# source = %s\n" % source)

  lo1 = SAC.queryDouble("Control.Subarray1.loFreq", 20)
  fout.write("# LO1 = %.2f\n#\n" % lo1)
  fout.write("#    ");
  for ant in antList :
    fout.write(" %7d" % ant)

# now generate array of target focus positions
  zTarg = numpy.empty( [len(offsets), len(antList)], dtype=float )
  amps = numpy.zeros( [len(offsets), len(antList)], dtype=float )

# Preload all focus positions
  for i in range(0, len(offsets)) :
    j = 0
    for ant in antList:
      zTarg[i][j] = startFocus[j] + offsets[i]
      j = j + 1

# now step through the focus ranges, recording selfcal amps
  for i in range(0, len(offsets)) :
    j = 0
    for ant in antList:
      #zTarg[i][j] = startFocus[j] + offsets[i]
      #print "focus %d to %.3f" % (ant, zTarg[i][j])
      SAC.focus( None, None, zTarg[i][j], ant )
      j = j + 1

    print "focus to:", zTarg[i]

    t0 = time.time()
    stillTuning = True
    while ( (time.time() - t0) < timeout) and stillTuning :
      zState = numpy.array( SAC.queryMpValues( focusStatusNameList, nothrow=True ), dtype=int )
      print "waiting for : ", (zState - focusOK)
      if numpy.array_equiv( zState, focusOK ) : stillTuning = False

    print "begin integration"
    SAC.integrate( integTime=10., reps=1 )
    amps[i] = SAC.queryMpValues( ampNameList, nothrow=True )
    print amps
    ######## Plot amps retrieved so far ###########
    fout.write(" %5.2f" % offsets[i] )
    j = 0
    for ant in antList :
      fout.write(" %7.3f" % amps[i][j] )
      j = j + 1
  bestGaussians = plotamps(zTarg, amps, antList, fitGaussian=True, plotCurves=True, returnSolutions=True)
  print bestGaussians
  bestFocus = numpy.zeros( [len(antList)], dtype=float )

  fout.write("#\n# orig")
  j = 0
  for ant in antList: 
    fout.write(" %7.3f" % startFocus[j] )
    j = j+1

  fout.write("# gfit")
  j = 0
  for ant in antList: 
    fout.write(" %7.3f" % bestGaussians[j] )
    j = j+1

  fout.write("# best")
  j = 0
  for ant in antList:
      bestFocus[j] = numpy.average( zTarg[:,j], weights=amps[:,j] )
      print "Cannot average when all weights are zero, leaving focus position alone for antenna " + str(ant)
      bestFocus[j] = startFocus[j]
      bestGaussians[j] = startFocus[j]
    # We now have the weighted average of amplitudes for a best focus estimate,
    # as well as the gaussian fits. Time to judge the gaussian fits and see if they make sense,
    # if so: adopt them if not: stick with the weighted average.
    thresholdFocusChange = 0.7
    if (numpy.abs(bestGaussians[j] - startFocus[j]) < thresholdFocusChange):
      # We'll trust the Gaussian fit
      bestFocus[j] = bestGaussians[j]
      # Can't trust the Gaussian fit
      print "FOCUS: Antenna: %2d, Current focus: %2.1f, Gaussian fit: %2.1f" % (float(ant),startFocus[j],bestGaussians[j])
      print "FOCUS: Gaussian fit recommends a change in focus above the threshold of %1.1f mm! Not using that value." % thresholdFocusChange
      if (numpy.abs(bestFocus[j] - startFocus[j]) > thresholdFocusChange):
        # Weighted average is too far off as well!
        print "FOCUS: Antenna: %2d, Current focus: %2.1f, Weighted average: %2.1f" % (float(ant),startFocus[j],bestFocus[j])
        print "FOCUS: Weighted average focus is also above threshold!"
        print "FOCUS: Not changing focus."
        bestFocus[j] = startFocus[j]
    if (apply == True):
      SAC.focus( None, None, bestFocus[j], ant )
    fout.write(" %7.3f" % bestFocus[j] )
    j = j+1

  fout.write("# chng")
  j = 0
  for ant in antList: 
    if (apply == True):
      fout.write(" %7.3f" % (bestFocus[j]-startFocus[j]) )
      fout.write(" %7.3f" % 0.)
    j = j+1

  print ""
  print "startFocus = ", startFocus 
  print "bestFocus  = ", bestFocus
  print "change     = ", (bestFocus-startFocus)