Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_linearize_pendulum_kane_nonminimal():
    # Create generalized coordinates and speeds for this non-minimal realization
    # q1, q2 = N.x and N.y coordinates of pendulum
    # u1, u2 = N.x and N.y velocities of pendulum
    q1, q2 = dynamicsymbols('q1:3')
    q1d, q2d = dynamicsymbols('q1:3', level=1)
    u1, u2 = dynamicsymbols('u1:3')
    u1d, u2d = dynamicsymbols('u1:3', level=1)
    L, m, t = symbols('L, m, t')
    g = 9.8

    # Compose world frame
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    pN = Point('N*')
    pN.set_vel(N, 0)

    # A.x is along the pendulum
    theta1 = atan(q2/q1)
    A = N.orientnew('A', 'axis', [theta1, N.z])

    # Locate the pendulum mass
    P = pN.locatenew('P1', q1*N.x + q2*N.y)
    pP = Particle('pP', P, m)

    # Calculate the kinematic differential equations
    kde = Matrix([q1d - u1,
                  q2d - u2])
    dq_dict = solve(kde, [q1d, q2d])

    # Set velocity of point P
    P.set_vel(N, P.pos_from(pN).dt(N).subs(dq_dict))

    # Configuration constraint is length of pendulum
    f_c = Matrix([P.pos_from(pN).magnitude() - L])

    # Velocity constraint is that the velocity in the A.x direction is
    # always zero (the pendulum is never getting longer).
    f_v = Matrix([P.vel(N).express(A).dot(A.x)])

    # Acceleration constraints is the time derivative of the velocity constraint
    f_a = f_v.diff(t)

    # Input the force resultant at P
    R = m*g*N.x

    # Derive the equations of motion using the KanesMethod class.
    KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q2], u_ind=[u2], q_dependent=[q1],
            u_dependent=[u1], configuration_constraints=f_c,
            velocity_constraints=f_v, acceleration_constraints=f_a, kd_eqs=kde)
    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        (fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations([(P, R)], [pP])

    # Set the operating point to be straight down, and non-moving
    q_op = {q1: L, q2: 0}
    u_op = {u1: 0, u2: 0}
    ud_op = {u1d: 0, u2d: 0}

    A, B, inp_vec = KM.linearize(op_point=[q_op, u_op, ud_op], A_and_B=True,

    assert A.expand() == Matrix([[0, 1], [-9.8/L, 0]])
    assert B == Matrix([])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def linearize(self, op_point=None, A_and_B=False, simplify=False):
        """Linearize the system about the operating point. Note that
        q_op, u_op, qd_op, ud_op must satisfy the equations of motion.
        These may be either symbolic or numeric.

        op_point : dict or iterable of dicts, optional
            Dictionary or iterable of dictionaries containing the operating
            point conditions. These will be substituted in to the linearized
            system before the linearization is complete. Leave blank if you
            want a completely symbolic form. Note that any reduction in
            symbols (whether substituted for numbers or expressions with a
            common parameter) will result in faster runtime.

        A_and_B : bool, optional
            If A_and_B=False (default), (M, A, B) is returned for forming
            [M]*[q, u]^T = [A]*[q_ind, u_ind]^T + [B]r. If A_and_B=True,
            (A, B) is returned for forming dx = [A]x + [B]r, where
            x = [q_ind, u_ind]^T.

        simplify : bool, optional
            Determines if returned values are simplified before return.
            For large expressions this may be time consuming. Default is False.

        Potential Issues
            Note that the process of solving with A_and_B=True is
            computationally intensive if there are many symbolic parameters.
            For this reason, it may be more desirable to use the default
            A_and_B=False, returning M, A, and B. More values may then be
            substituted in to these matrices later on. The state space form can
            then be found as A = P.T*M.LUsolve(A), B = P.T*M.LUsolve(B), where
            P = Linearizer.perm_mat.

        # Run the setup if needed:
        if not self._setup_done:

        # Compose dict of operating conditions
        if isinstance(op_point, dict):
            op_point_dict = op_point
        elif isinstance(op_point, Iterable):
            op_point_dict = {}
            for op in op_point:
            op_point_dict = {}

        # Extract dimension variables
        l, m, n, o, s, k = self._dims

        # Rename terms to shorten expressions
        M_qq = self._M_qq
        M_uqc = self._M_uqc
        M_uqd = self._M_uqd
        M_uuc = self._M_uuc
        M_uud = self._M_uud
        M_uld = self._M_uld
        A_qq = self._A_qq
        A_uqc = self._A_uqc
        A_uqd = self._A_uqd
        A_qu = self._A_qu
        A_uuc = self._A_uuc
        A_uud = self._A_uud
        B_u = self._B_u
        C_0 = self._C_0
        C_1 = self._C_1
        C_2 = self._C_2

        # Build up Mass Matrix
        #     |M_qq    0_nxo   0_nxk|
        # M = |M_uqc   M_uuc   0_mxk|
        #     |M_uqd   M_uud   M_uld|
        if o != 0:
            col2 = Matrix([zeros(n, o), M_uuc, M_uud])
        if k != 0:
            col3 = Matrix([zeros(n + m, k), M_uld])
        if n != 0:
            col1 = Matrix([M_qq, M_uqc, M_uqd])
            if o != 0 and k != 0:
                M = col1.row_join(col2).row_join(col3)
            elif o != 0:
                M = col1.row_join(col2)
                M = col1
        elif k != 0:
            M = col2.row_join(col3)
            M = col2
        M_eq = msubs(M, op_point_dict)

        # Build up state coefficient matrix A
        #     |(A_qq + A_qu*C_1)*C_0       A_qu*C_2|
        # A = |(A_uqc + A_uuc*C_1)*C_0    A_uuc*C_2|
        #     |(A_uqd + A_uud*C_1)*C_0    A_uud*C_2|
        # Col 1 is only defined if n != 0
        if n != 0:
            r1c1 = A_qq
            if o != 0:
                r1c1 += (A_qu * C_1)
            r1c1 = r1c1 * C_0
            if m != 0:
                r2c1 = A_uqc
                if o != 0:
                    r2c1 += (A_uuc * C_1)
                r2c1 = r2c1 * C_0
                r2c1 = Matrix()
            if o - m + k != 0:
                r3c1 = A_uqd
                if o != 0:
                    r3c1 += (A_uud * C_1)
                r3c1 = r3c1 * C_0
                r3c1 = Matrix()
            col1 = Matrix([r1c1, r2c1, r3c1])
            col1 = Matrix()
        # Col 2 is only defined if o != 0
        if o != 0:
            if n != 0:
                r1c2 = A_qu * C_2
                r1c2 = Matrix()
            if m != 0:
                r2c2 = A_uuc * C_2
                r2c2 = Matrix()
            if o - m + k != 0:
                r3c2 = A_uud * C_2
                r3c2 = Matrix()
            col2 = Matrix([r1c2, r2c2, r3c2])
            col2 = Matrix()
        if col1:
            if col2:
                Amat = col1.row_join(col2)
                Amat = col1
            Amat = col2
        Amat_eq = msubs(Amat, op_point_dict)

        # Build up the B matrix if there are forcing variables
        #     |0_(n + m)xs|
        # B = |B_u        |
        if s != 0 and o - m + k != 0:
            Bmat = zeros(n + m, s).col_join(B_u)
            Bmat_eq = msubs(Bmat, op_point_dict)
            Bmat_eq = Matrix()

        # kwarg A_and_B indicates to return  A, B for forming the equation
        # dx = [A]x + [B]r, where x = [q_indnd, u_indnd]^T,
        if A_and_B:
            A_cont = self.perm_mat.T * M_eq.LUsolve(Amat_eq)
            if Bmat_eq:
                B_cont = self.perm_mat.T * M_eq.LUsolve(Bmat_eq)
                # Bmat = Matrix([]), so no need to sub
                B_cont = Bmat_eq
            if simplify:
            return A_cont, B_cont
        # Otherwise return M, A, B for forming the equation
        # [M]dx = [A]x + [B]r, where x = [q, u]^T
            if simplify:
            return M_eq, Amat_eq, Bmat_eq
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def linearize(self, op_point=None, A_and_B=False, simplify=False):
        """Linearize the system about the operating point. Note that
        q_op, u_op, qd_op, ud_op must satisfy the equations of motion.
        These may be either symbolic or numeric.

        op_point : dict or iterable of dicts, optional
            Dictionary or iterable of dictionaries containing the operating
            point conditions. These will be substituted in to the linearized
            system before the linearization is complete. Leave blank if you
            want a completely symbolic form. Note that any reduction in
            symbols (whether substituted for numbers or expressions with a
            common parameter) will result in faster runtime.

        A_and_B : bool, optional
            If A_and_B=False (default), (M, A, B) is returned for forming
            [M]*[q, u]^T = [A]*[q_ind, u_ind]^T + [B]r. If A_and_B=True,
            (A, B) is returned for forming dx = [A]x + [B]r, where
            x = [q_ind, u_ind]^T.

        simplify : bool, optional
            Determines if returned values are simplified before return.
            For large expressions this may be time consuming. Default is False.

        Potential Issues
            Note that the process of solving with A_and_B=True is
            computationally intensive if there are many symbolic parameters.
            For this reason, it may be more desirable to use the default
            A_and_B=False, returning M, A, and B. More values may then be
            substituted in to these matrices later on. The state space form can
            then be found as A = P.T*M.LUsolve(A), B = P.T*M.LUsolve(B), where
            P = Linearizer.perm_mat.

        # Run the setup if needed:
        if not self._setup_done:

        # Compose dict of operating conditions
        if isinstance(op_point, dict):
            op_point_dict = op_point
        elif isinstance(op_point, Iterable):
            op_point_dict = {}
            for op in op_point:
            op_point_dict = {}

        # Extract dimension variables
        l, m, n, o, s, k = self._dims

        # Rename terms to shorten expressions
        M_qq = self._M_qq
        M_uqc = self._M_uqc
        M_uqd = self._M_uqd
        M_uuc = self._M_uuc
        M_uud = self._M_uud
        M_uld = self._M_uld
        A_qq = self._A_qq
        A_uqc = self._A_uqc
        A_uqd = self._A_uqd
        A_qu = self._A_qu
        A_uuc = self._A_uuc
        A_uud = self._A_uud
        B_u = self._B_u
        C_0 = self._C_0
        C_1 = self._C_1
        C_2 = self._C_2

        # Build up Mass Matrix
        #     |M_qq    0_nxo   0_nxk|
        # M = |M_uqc   M_uuc   0_mxk|
        #     |M_uqd   M_uud   M_uld|
        if o != 0:
            col2 = Matrix([zeros(n, o), M_uuc, M_uud])
        if k != 0:
            col3 = Matrix([zeros(n + m, k), M_uld])
        if n != 0:
            col1 = Matrix([M_qq, M_uqc, M_uqd])
            if o != 0 and k != 0:
                M = col1.row_join(col2).row_join(col3)
            elif o != 0:
                M = col1.row_join(col2)
                M = col1
        elif k != 0:
            M = col2.row_join(col3)
            M = col2
        M_eq = msubs(M, op_point_dict)

        # Build up state coefficient matrix A
        #     |(A_qq + A_qu*C_1)*C_0       A_qu*C_2|
        # A = |(A_uqc + A_uuc*C_1)*C_0    A_uuc*C_2|
        #     |(A_uqd + A_uud*C_1)*C_0    A_uud*C_2|
        # Col 1 is only defined if n != 0
        if n != 0:
            r1c1 = A_qq
            if o != 0:
                r1c1 += (A_qu * C_1)
            r1c1 = r1c1 * C_0
            if m != 0:
                r2c1 = A_uqc
                if o != 0:
                    r2c1 += (A_uuc * C_1)
                r2c1 = r2c1 * C_0
                r2c1 = Matrix()
            if o - m + k != 0:
                r3c1 = A_uqd
                if o != 0:
                    r3c1 += (A_uud * C_1)
                r3c1 = r3c1 * C_0
                r3c1 = Matrix()
            col1 = Matrix([r1c1, r2c1, r3c1])
            col1 = Matrix()
        # Col 2 is only defined if o != 0
        if o != 0:
            if n != 0:
                r1c2 = A_qu * C_2
                r1c2 = Matrix()
            if m != 0:
                r2c2 = A_uuc * C_2
                r2c2 = Matrix()
            if o - m + k != 0:
                r3c2 = A_uud * C_2
                r3c2 = Matrix()
            col2 = Matrix([r1c2, r2c2, r3c2])
            col2 = Matrix()
        if col1:
            if col2:
                Amat = col1.row_join(col2)
                Amat = col1
            Amat = col2
        Amat_eq = msubs(Amat, op_point_dict)

        # Build up the B matrix if there are forcing variables
        #     |0_(n + m)xs|
        # B = |B_u        |
        if s != 0 and o - m + k != 0:
            Bmat = zeros(n + m, s).col_join(B_u)
            Bmat_eq = msubs(Bmat, op_point_dict)
            Bmat_eq = Matrix()

        # kwarg A_and_B indicates to return  A, B for forming the equation
        # dx = [A]x + [B]r, where x = [q_indnd, u_indnd]^T,
        if A_and_B:
            A_cont = self.perm_mat.T * M_eq.LUsolve(Amat_eq)
            if Bmat_eq:
                B_cont = self.perm_mat.T * M_eq.LUsolve(Bmat_eq)
                # Bmat = Matrix([]), so no need to sub
                B_cont = Bmat_eq
            if simplify:
            return A_cont, B_cont
        # Otherwise return M, A, B for forming the equation
        # [M]dx = [A]x + [B]r, where x = [q, u]^T
            if simplify:
            return M_eq, Amat_eq, Bmat_eq
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_linearize_pendulum_kane_nonminimal():
    # Create generalized coordinates and speeds for this non-minimal realization
    # q1, q2 = N.x and N.y coordinates of pendulum
    # u1, u2 = N.x and N.y velocities of pendulum
    q1, q2 = dynamicsymbols('q1:3')
    q1d, q2d = dynamicsymbols('q1:3', level=1)
    u1, u2 = dynamicsymbols('u1:3')
    u1d, u2d = dynamicsymbols('u1:3', level=1)
    L, m, t = symbols('L, m, t')
    g = 9.8

    # Compose world frame
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    pN = Point('N*')
    pN.set_vel(N, 0)

    # A.x is along the pendulum
    theta1 = atan(q2/q1)
    A = N.orientnew('A', 'axis', [theta1, N.z])

    # Locate the pendulum mass
    P = pN.locatenew('P1', q1*N.x + q2*N.y)
    pP = Particle('pP', P, m)

    # Calculate the kinematic differential equations
    kde = Matrix([q1d - u1,
                  q2d - u2])
    dq_dict = solve(kde, [q1d, q2d])

    # Set velocity of point P
    P.set_vel(N, P.pos_from(pN).dt(N).subs(dq_dict))

    # Configuration constraint is length of pendulum
    f_c = Matrix([P.pos_from(pN).magnitude() - L])

    # Velocity constraint is that the velocity in the A.x direction is
    # always zero (the pendulum is never getting longer).
    f_v = Matrix([P.vel(N).express(A).dot(A.x)])

    # Acceleration constraints is the time derivative of the velocity constraint
    f_a = f_v.diff(t)

    # Input the force resultant at P
    R = m*g*N.x

    # Derive the equations of motion using the KanesMethod class.
    KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q2], u_ind=[u2], q_dependent=[q1],
            u_dependent=[u1], configuration_constraints=f_c,
            velocity_constraints=f_v, acceleration_constraints=f_a, kd_eqs=kde)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SymPyDeprecationWarning)
        (fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations([(P, R)], [pP])

    # Set the operating point to be straight down, and non-moving
    q_op = {q1: L, q2: 0}
    u_op = {u1: 0, u2: 0}
    ud_op = {u1d: 0, u2d: 0}

    A, B, inp_vec = KM.linearize(op_point=[q_op, u_op, ud_op], A_and_B=True,
            new_method=True, simplify=True)

    assert A.expand() == Matrix([[0, 1], [-9.8/L, 0]])
    assert B == Matrix([])