Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _initialize_kindiffeq_matrices(self, kdeqs):
        """Initialize the kinematic differential equation matrices."""

        if kdeqs:
            if len(self.q) != len(kdeqs):
                raise ValueError('There must be an equal number of kinematic '
                                 'differential equations and coordinates.')
            kdeqs = Matrix(kdeqs)

            u = self.u
            qdot = self._qdot
            # Dictionaries setting things to zero
            u_zero = dict((i, 0) for i in u)
            uaux_zero = dict((i, 0) for i in self._uaux)
            qdot_zero = dict((i, 0) for i in qdot)

            f_k = msubs(kdeqs, u_zero, qdot_zero)
            k_ku = (msubs(kdeqs, qdot_zero) - f_k).jacobian(u)
            k_kqdot = (msubs(kdeqs, u_zero) - f_k).jacobian(qdot)

            f_k = k_kqdot.LUsolve(f_k)
            k_ku = k_kqdot.LUsolve(k_ku)
            k_kqdot = eye(len(qdot))

            self._qdot_u_map = solve_linear_system_LU(
                Matrix([k_kqdot.T, -(k_ku * u + f_k).T]).T, qdot)

            self._f_k = msubs(f_k, uaux_zero)
            self._k_ku = msubs(k_ku, uaux_zero)
            self._k_kqdot = k_kqdot
            self._qdot_u_map = None
            self._f_k = Matrix()
            self._k_ku = Matrix()
            self._k_kqdot = Matrix()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def forcing_full(self):
     """The forcing vector of the system, augmented by the kinematic
     differential equations."""
     if not self._fr or not self._frstar:
         raise ValueError('Need to compute Fr, Fr* first.')
     f1 = self._k_ku * Matrix(self.u) + self._f_k
     return -Matrix([f1, self._f_d, self._f_dnh])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_form_2():
    symsystem2 = SymbolicSystem(coordinates,

    assert symsystem2.coordinates == Matrix([x, y, lam])
    assert symsystem2.speeds == Matrix([u, v])
    assert symsystem2.states == Matrix([x, y, lam, u, v])

    assert symsystem2.alg_con == [4]

    inter = comb_implicit_rhs
    assert simplify(symsystem2.comb_implicit_rhs - inter) == zeros(5, 1)
    assert simplify(symsystem2.comb_implicit_mat -
                    comb_implicit_mat) == zeros(5)

    assert set(symsystem2.dynamic_symbols()) == {y, v, lam, u, x}
    assert type(symsystem2.dynamic_symbols()) == tuple
    assert set(symsystem2.constant_symbols()) == {l, g, m}
    assert type(symsystem2.constant_symbols()) == tuple

    inter = comb_explicit_rhs
    assert simplify(symsystem2.comb_explicit_rhs - inter) == zeros(5, 1)

    assert symsystem2.output_eqns == out_eqns

    assert symsystem2.bodies == (Pa, )
    assert symsystem2.loads == ((P, g * m * N.x), )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_n_link_pendulum_on_cart_higher_order():
    l0, m0 = symbols("l0 m0")
    l1, m1 = symbols("l1 m1")
    m2 = symbols("m2")
    g = symbols("g")
    q0, q1, q2 = dynamicsymbols("q0 q1 q2")
    u0, u1, u2 = dynamicsymbols("u0 u1 u2")
    F, T1 = dynamicsymbols("F T1")

    kane1 = models.n_link_pendulum_on_cart(2)
    massmatrix1 = Matrix([[m0 + m1 + m2, -l0*m1*cos(q1) - l0*m2*cos(q1),
                          [-l0*m1*cos(q1) - l0*m2*cos(q1), l0**2*m1 + l0**2*m2,
                           l0*l1*m2*(sin(q1)*sin(q2) + cos(q1)*cos(q2))],
                           l0*l1*m2*(sin(q1)*sin(q2) + cos(q1)*cos(q2)),
    forcing1 = Matrix([[-l0*m1*u1**2*sin(q1) - l0*m2*u1**2*sin(q1) -
                        l1*m2*u2**2*sin(q2) + F],
                       [g*l0*m1*sin(q1) + g*l0*m2*sin(q1) -
                        l0*l1*m2*(sin(q1)*cos(q2) - sin(q2)*cos(q1))*u2**2],
                       [g*l1*m2*sin(q2) - l0*l1*m2*(-sin(q1)*cos(q2) +
    assert simplify(massmatrix1 - kane1.mass_matrix) == zeros(3)
    assert simplify(forcing1 - kane1.forcing) == Matrix([0, 0, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_linearize_pendulum_lagrange_nonminimal():
    q1, q2 = dynamicsymbols("q1:3")
    q1d, q2d = dynamicsymbols("q1:3", level=1)
    L, m, t = symbols("L, m, t")
    g = 9.8
    # Compose World Frame
    N = ReferenceFrame("N")
    pN = Point("N*")
    pN.set_vel(N, 0)
    # A.x is along the pendulum
    theta1 = atan(q2 / q1)
    A = N.orientnew("A", "axis", [theta1, N.z])
    # Create point P, the pendulum mass
    P = pN.locatenew("P1", q1 * N.x + q2 * N.y)
    P.set_vel(N, P.pos_from(pN).dt(N))
    pP = Particle("pP", P, m)
    # Constraint Equations
    f_c = Matrix([q1 ** 2 + q2 ** 2 - L ** 2])
    # Calculate the lagrangian, and form the equations of motion
    Lag = Lagrangian(N, pP)
    LM = LagrangesMethod(
        Lag, [q1, q2], hol_coneqs=f_c, forcelist=[(P, m * g * N.x)], frame=N
    # Compose operating point
    op_point = {q1: L, q2: 0, q1d: 0, q2d: 0, q1d.diff(t): 0, q2d.diff(t): 0}
    # Solve for multiplier operating point
    lam_op = LM.solve_multipliers(op_point=op_point)
    # Perform the Linearization
    A, B, inp_vec = LM.linearize(
        [q2], [q2d], [q1], [q1d], op_point=op_point, A_and_B=True
    assert A == Matrix([[0, 1], [-9.8 / L, 0]])
    assert B == Matrix([])
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _rot(axis, angle):
     """DCM for simple axis 1,2,or 3 rotations. """
     if axis == 1:
         return Matrix(
                 [1, 0, 0],
                 [0, cos(angle), -sin(angle)],
                 [0, sin(angle), cos(angle)],
     elif axis == 2:
         return Matrix(
                 [cos(angle), 0, sin(angle)],
                 [0, 1, 0],
                 [-sin(angle), 0, cos(angle)],
     elif axis == 3:
         return Matrix(
                 [cos(angle), -sin(angle), 0],
                 [sin(angle), cos(angle), 0],
                 [0, 0, 1],
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_linearize_pendulum_lagrange_minimal():
    q1 = dynamicsymbols("q1")  # angle of pendulum
    q1d = dynamicsymbols("q1", 1)  # Angular velocity
    L, m, t = symbols("L, m, t")
    g = 9.8

    # Compose world frame
    N = ReferenceFrame("N")
    pN = Point("N*")
    pN.set_vel(N, 0)

    # A.x is along the pendulum
    A = N.orientnew("A", "axis", [q1, N.z])
    A.set_ang_vel(N, q1d * N.z)

    # Locate point P relative to the origin N*
    P = pN.locatenew("P", L * A.x)
    P.v2pt_theory(pN, N, A)
    pP = Particle("pP", P, m)

    # Solve for eom with Lagranges method
    Lag = Lagrangian(N, pP)
    LM = LagrangesMethod(Lag, [q1], forcelist=[(P, m * g * N.x)], frame=N)

    # Linearize
    A, B, inp_vec = LM.linearize([q1], [q1d], A_and_B=True)

    assert A == Matrix([[0, 1], [-9.8 * cos(q1) / L, 0]])
    assert B == Matrix([])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_form_1():
    symsystem1 = SymbolicSystem(

    assert symsystem1.coordinates == Matrix([x, y])
    assert symsystem1.speeds == Matrix([u, v])
    assert symsystem1.states == Matrix([x, y, u, v, lam])

    assert symsystem1.alg_con == [4]

    inter = comb_explicit_rhs
    assert simplify(symsystem1.comb_explicit_rhs - inter) == zeros(5, 1)

    assert set(symsystem1.dynamic_symbols()) == set([y, v, lam, u, x])
    assert type(symsystem1.dynamic_symbols()) == tuple
    assert set(symsystem1.constant_symbols()) == set([l, g, m])
    assert type(symsystem1.constant_symbols()) == tuple

    assert symsystem1.output_eqns == out_eqns

    assert symsystem1.bodies == (Pa, )
    assert symsystem1.loads == ((P, g * m * N.x), )
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_aux():
    # Same as above, except we have 2 auxiliary speeds for the ground contact
    # point, which is known to be zero. In one case, we go through then
    # substitute the aux. speeds in at the end (they are zero, as well as their
    # derivative), in the other case, we use the built-in auxiliary speed part
    # of KanesMethod. The equations from each should be the same.
    q1, q2, q3, u1, u2, u3 = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 q3 u1 u2 u3')
    q1d, q2d, q3d, u1d, u2d, u3d = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 q3 u1 u2 u3', 1)
    u4, u5, f1, f2 = dynamicsymbols('u4, u5, f1, f2')
    u4d, u5d = dynamicsymbols('u4, u5', 1)
    r, m, g = symbols('r m g')

    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    Y = N.orientnew('Y', 'Axis', [q1, N.z])
    L = Y.orientnew('L', 'Axis', [q2, Y.x])
    R = L.orientnew('R', 'Axis', [q3, L.y])
    w_R_N_qd = R.ang_vel_in(N)
    R.set_ang_vel(N, u1 * L.x + u2 * L.y + u3 * L.z)

    C = Point('C')
    C.set_vel(N, u4 * L.x + u5 * (Y.z ^ L.x))
    Dmc = C.locatenew('Dmc', r * L.z)
    Dmc.v2pt_theory(C, N, R)
    Dmc.a2pt_theory(C, N, R)

    I = inertia(L, m / 4 * r**2, m / 2 * r**2, m / 4 * r**2)

    kd = [dot(R.ang_vel_in(N) - w_R_N_qd, uv) for uv in L]

    ForceList = [(Dmc, -m * g * Y.z), (C, f1 * L.x + f2 * (Y.z ^ L.x))]
    BodyD = RigidBody('BodyD', Dmc, R, m, (I, Dmc))
    BodyList = [BodyD]

    KM = KanesMethod(N,
                     q_ind=[q1, q2, q3],
                     u_ind=[u1, u2, u3, u4, u5],
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SymPyDeprecationWarning)
        (fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(ForceList, BodyList)
    fr = fr.subs({u4d: 0, u5d: 0}).subs({u4: 0, u5: 0})
    frstar = frstar.subs({u4d: 0, u5d: 0}).subs({u4: 0, u5: 0})

    KM2 = KanesMethod(N,
                      q_ind=[q1, q2, q3],
                      u_ind=[u1, u2, u3],
                      u_auxiliary=[u4, u5])
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SymPyDeprecationWarning)
        (fr2, frstar2) = KM2.kanes_equations(ForceList, BodyList)
    fr2 = fr2.subs({u4d: 0, u5d: 0}).subs({u4: 0, u5: 0})
    frstar2 = frstar2.subs({u4d: 0, u5d: 0}).subs({u4: 0, u5: 0})


    assert (fr - fr2).expand() == Matrix([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    assert (frstar - frstar2).expand() == Matrix([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_body_dcm():
    A = Body('A')
    B = Body('B')
    A.frame.orient_axis(B.frame, B.frame.z, 10)
    assert A.dcm(B) == Matrix([[cos(10), sin(10), 0], [-sin(10),
                                                       cos(10), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
    assert A.dcm(B.frame) == Matrix([[cos(10), sin(10), 0],
                                     [-sin(10), cos(10), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_input_format():
    # 1 dof problem from test_one_dof
    q, u = dynamicsymbols("q u")
    qd, ud = dynamicsymbols("q u", 1)
    m, c, k = symbols("m c k")
    N = ReferenceFrame("N")
    P = Point("P")
    P.set_vel(N, u * N.x)

    kd = [qd - u]
    FL = [(P, (-k * q - c * u) * N.x)]
    pa = Particle("pa", P, m)
    BL = [pa]

    KM = KanesMethod(N, [q], [u], kd)
    # test for input format kane.kanes_equations((body1, body2, particle1))
    assert KM.kanes_equations(BL)[0] == Matrix([0])
    # test for input format kane.kanes_equations(bodies=(body1, body 2), loads=(load1,load2))
    assert KM.kanes_equations(bodies=BL, loads=None)[0] == Matrix([0])
    # test for input format kane.kanes_equations(bodies=(body1, body 2), loads=None)
    assert KM.kanes_equations(BL, loads=None)[0] == Matrix([0])
    # test for input format kane.kanes_equations(bodies=(body1, body 2))
    assert KM.kanes_equations(BL)[0] == Matrix([0])
    # test for error raised when a wrong force list (in this case a string) is provided
    from sympy.testing.pytest import raises

    raises(ValueError, lambda: KM._form_fr("bad input"))

    # 2 dof problem from test_two_dof
    q1, q2, u1, u2 = dynamicsymbols("q1 q2 u1 u2")
    q1d, q2d, u1d, u2d = dynamicsymbols("q1 q2 u1 u2", 1)
    m, c1, c2, k1, k2 = symbols("m c1 c2 k1 k2")
    N = ReferenceFrame("N")
    P1 = Point("P1")
    P2 = Point("P2")
    P1.set_vel(N, u1 * N.x)
    P2.set_vel(N, (u1 + u2) * N.x)
    kd = [q1d - u1, q2d - u2]

    FL = (
        (P1, (-k1 * q1 - c1 * u1 + k2 * q2 + c2 * u2) * N.x),
        (P2, (-k2 * q2 - c2 * u2) * N.x),
    pa1 = Particle("pa1", P1, m)
    pa2 = Particle("pa2", P2, m)
    BL = (pa1, pa2)

    KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q1, q2], u_ind=[u1, u2], kd_eqs=kd)
    # test for input format
    # kane.kanes_equations((body1, body2), (load1, load2))
    KM.kanes_equations(BL, FL)
    MM = KM.mass_matrix
    forcing = KM.forcing
    rhs = MM.inv() * forcing
    assert expand(rhs[0]) == expand(
        (-k1 * q1 - c1 * u1 + k2 * q2 + c2 * u2) / m)
    assert expand(rhs[1]) == expand(
        (k1 * q1 + c1 * u1 - 2 * k2 * q2 - 2 * c2 * u2) / m)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_multi_mass_spring_damper_higher_order():
    c0, k0, m0 = symbols("c0 k0 m0")
    c1, k1, m1 = symbols("c1 k1 m1")
    c2, k2, m2 = symbols("c2 k2 m2")
    v0, x0 = dynamicsymbols("v0 x0")
    v1, x1 = dynamicsymbols("v1 x1")
    v2, x2 = dynamicsymbols("v2 x2")

    kane1 = models.multi_mass_spring_damper(3)
    massmatrix1 = Matrix([[m0 + m1 + m2, m1 + m2, m2], [m1 + m2, m1 + m2, m2],
                          [m2, m2, m2]])
    forcing1 = Matrix([[-c0 * v0 - k0 * x0], [-c1 * v1 - k1 * x1],
                       [-c2 * v2 - k2 * x2]])
    assert simplify(massmatrix1 - kane1.mass_matrix) == zeros(3)
    assert simplify(forcing1 - kane1.forcing) == Matrix([0, 0, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_one_dof():
    # This is for a 1 dof spring-mass-damper case.
    # It is described in more detail in the KanesMethod docstring.
    q, u = dynamicsymbols('q u')
    qd, ud = dynamicsymbols('q u', 1)
    m, c, k = symbols('m c k')
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    P = Point('P')
    P.set_vel(N, u * N.x)

    kd = [qd - u]
    FL = [(P, (-k * q - c * u) * N.x)]
    pa = Particle('pa', P, m)
    BL = [pa]

    KM = KanesMethod(N, [q], [u], kd)
    KM.kanes_equations(BL, FL)

    assert KM.bodies == BL

    MM = KM.mass_matrix
    forcing = KM.forcing
    rhs = MM.inv() * forcing
    assert expand(rhs[0]) == expand(-(q * k + u * c) / m)

    assert simplify(KM.rhs() -
                    KM.mass_matrix_full.LUsolve(KM.forcing_full)) == zeros(
                        2, 1)

    assert (KM.linearize(A_and_B=True, )[0] == Matrix([[0, 1],
                                                       [-k / m, -c / m]]))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, inlist):
        """This is the constructor for the Vector class.  You shouldn't be
        calling this, it should only be used by other functions. You should be
        treating Vectors like you would with if you were doing the math by
        hand, and getting the first 3 from the standard basis vectors from a

        The only exception is to create a zero vector:
        zv = Vector(0)


        self.args = []
        if inlist == 0:
            inlist = []
        if isinstance(inlist, dict):
            d = inlist
            d = {}
            for inp in inlist:
                if inp[1] in d:
                    d[inp[1]] += inp[0]
                    d[inp[1]] = inp[0]

        for k, v in d.items():
            if v != Matrix([0, 0, 0]):
                self.args.append((v, k))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_one_dof():
    # This is for a 1 dof spring-mass-damper case.
    # It is described in more detail in the KanesMethod docstring.
    q, u = dynamicsymbols('q u')
    qd, ud = dynamicsymbols('q u', 1)
    m, c, k = symbols('m c k')
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    P = Point('P')
    P.set_vel(N, u * N.x)

    kd = [qd - u]
    FL = [(P, (-k * q - c * u) * N.x)]
    pa = Particle('pa', P, m)
    BL = [pa]

    KM = KanesMethod(N, [q], [u], kd)
    # The old input format raises a deprecation warning, so catch it here so
    # it doesn't cause py.test to fail.
    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        KM.kanes_equations(FL, BL)

    MM = KM.mass_matrix
    forcing = KM.forcing
    rhs = MM.inv() * forcing
    assert expand(rhs[0]) == expand(-(q * k + u * c) / m)

    assert simplify(KM.rhs() -
                    KM.mass_matrix_full.LUsolve(KM.forcing_full)) == zeros(
                        2, 1)

    assert (KM.linearize(A_and_B=True, )[0] == Matrix([[0, 1],
                                                       [-k / m, -c / m]]))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, inlist):
        """This is the constructor for the Vector class.  You shouldn't be
        calling this, it should only be used by other functions. You should be
        treating Vectors like you would with if you were doing the math by
        hand, and getting the first 3 from the standard basis vectors from a

        The only exception is to create a zero vector:
        zv = Vector(0)


        self.args = []
        if inlist == 0:
            inlist = []
        while len(inlist) != 0:
            added = 0
            for i, v in enumerate(self.args):
                if inlist[0][1] == self.args[i][1]:
                    self.args[i] = (self.args[i][0] + inlist[0][0],
                    added = 1
            if added != 1:
        i = 0
        # This code is to remove empty frames from the list
        while i < len(self.args):
            if self.args[i][0] == Matrix([0, 0, 0]):
                i -= 1
            i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def _w_diff_dcm(self, otherframe):
     """Angular velocity from time differentiating the DCM. """
     from sympy.physics.vector.functions import dynamicsymbols
     dcm2diff = otherframe.dcm(self)
     diffed = dcm2diff.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
     angvelmat = diffed * dcm2diff.T
     w1 = trigsimp(expand(angvelmat[7]), recursive=True)
     w2 = trigsimp(expand(angvelmat[2]), recursive=True)
     w3 = trigsimp(expand(angvelmat[3]), recursive=True)
     return Vector([(Matrix([w1, w2, w3]), otherframe)])
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_form_3():
    symsystem3 = SymbolicSystem(

    assert symsystem3.coordinates == Matrix([x, y])
    assert symsystem3.speeds == Matrix([u, v])
    assert symsystem3.states == Matrix([x, y, u, v, lam])

    assert symsystem3.alg_con == [4]

    inter1 = kin_explicit_rhs
    inter2 = dyn_implicit_rhs
    assert simplify(symsystem3.kin_explicit_rhs - inter1) == zeros(2, 1)
    assert simplify(symsystem3.dyn_implicit_mat - dyn_implicit_mat) == zeros(3)
    assert simplify(symsystem3.dyn_implicit_rhs - inter2) == zeros(3, 1)

    inter = comb_implicit_rhs
    assert simplify(symsystem3.comb_implicit_rhs - inter) == zeros(5, 1)
    assert simplify(symsystem3.comb_implicit_mat -
                    comb_implicit_mat) == zeros(5)

    inter = comb_explicit_rhs
    assert simplify(symsystem3.comb_explicit_rhs - inter) == zeros(5, 1)

    assert set(symsystem3.dynamic_symbols()) == set([y, v, lam, u, x])
    assert type(symsystem3.dynamic_symbols()) == tuple
    assert set(symsystem3.constant_symbols()) == set([l, g, m])
    assert type(symsystem3.constant_symbols()) == tuple

    assert symsystem3.output_eqns == {}

    assert symsystem3.bodies == (Pa, )
    assert symsystem3.loads == ((P, g * m * N.x), )
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def form_lagranges_equations(self):
        """Method to form Lagrange's equations of motion.

        Returns a vector of equations of motion using Lagrange's equations of
        the second kind.

        qds = self._qdots
        qdd_zero = dict((i, 0) for i in self._qdoubledots)
        n = len(self.q)

        # Internally we represent the EOM as four terms:
        # EOM = term1 - term2 - term3 - term4 = 0

        # First term
        self._term1 = self._L.jacobian(qds)
        self._term1 = self._term1.diff(dynamicsymbols._t).T

        # Second term
        self._term2 = self._L.jacobian(self.q).T

        # Third term
        if self.coneqs:
            coneqs = self.coneqs
            m = len(coneqs)
            # Creating the multipliers
            self.lam_vec = Matrix(dynamicsymbols('lam1:' + str(m + 1)))
            self.lam_coeffs = -coneqs.jacobian(qds)
            self._term3 = self.lam_coeffs.T * self.lam_vec
            # Extracting the coeffecients of the qdds from the diff coneqs
            diffconeqs = coneqs.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
            self._m_cd = diffconeqs.jacobian(self._qdoubledots)
            # The remaining terms i.e. the 'forcing' terms in diff coneqs
            self._f_cd = -diffconeqs.subs(qdd_zero)
            self._term3 = zeros(n, 1)

        # Fourth term
        if self.forcelist:
            N = self.inertial
            self._term4 = zeros(n, 1)
            for i, qd in enumerate(qds):
                flist = zip(*_f_list_parser(self.forcelist, N))
                self._term4[i] = sum(v.diff(qd, N) & f for (v, f) in flist)
            self._term4 = zeros(n, 1)

        # Form the dynamic mass and forcing matrices
        without_lam = self._term1 - self._term2 - self._term4
        self._m_d = without_lam.jacobian(self._qdoubledots)
        self._f_d = -without_lam.subs(qdd_zero)

        # Form the EOM
        self.eom = without_lam - self._term3
        return self.eom
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_find_dynamicsymbols():
    a, b = symbols('a, b')
    x, y, z = dynamicsymbols('x, y, z')
    expr = Matrix([[a * x + b, x * y.diff() + y],
                   [x.diff().diff(), z + sin(z.diff())]])
    # Test finding all dynamicsymbols
    sol = {x, y.diff(), y, x.diff().diff(), z, z.diff()}
    assert find_dynamicsymbols(expr) == sol
    # Test finding all but those in sym_list
    exclude = [x, y, z]
    sol = {y.diff(), x.diff().diff(), z.diff()}
    assert find_dynamicsymbols(expr, exclude) == sol
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_msubs():
    a, b = symbols('a, b')
    x, y, z = dynamicsymbols('x, y, z')
    # Test simple substitution
    expr = Matrix([[a * x + b, x * y.diff() + y],
                   [x.diff().diff(), z + sin(z.diff())]])
    sol = Matrix([[a + b, y], [x.diff().diff(), 1]])
    sd = {x: 1, z: 1, z.diff(): 0, y.diff(): 0}
    assert msubs(expr, sd) == sol
    # Test smart substitution
    expr = cos(x + y) * tan(x + y) + b * x.diff()
    sd = {x: 0, y: pi / 2, x.diff(): 1}
    assert msubs(expr, sd, smart=True) == b + 1
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    v = x * N.x + y * N.y
    d = x * (N.x | N.x) + y * (N.y | N.y)
    v_sol = 1 * N.y
    d_sol = 1 * (N.y | N.y)
    sd = {x: 0, y: 1}
    assert msubs(v, sd) == v_sol
    assert msubs(d, sd) == d_sol
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def _w_diff_dcm(self, otherframe):
     """Angular velocity from time differentiating the DCM. """
     from sympy.physics.vector.functions import dynamicsymbols
     dcm2diff = self.dcm(otherframe)
     diffed = dcm2diff.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
     # angvelmat = diffed * dcm2diff.T
     # This one seems to produce the correct result when I checked using Autolev.
     angvelmat = dcm2diff * diffed.T
     w1 = trigsimp(expand(angvelmat[7]), recursive=True)
     w2 = trigsimp(expand(angvelmat[2]), recursive=True)
     w3 = trigsimp(expand(angvelmat[3]), recursive=True)
     return -Vector([(Matrix([w1, w2, w3]), self)])
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def _form_permutation_matrices(self):
        """Form the permutation matrices Pq and Pu."""

        # Extract dimension variables
        l, m, n, o, s, k = self._dims
        # Compute permutation matrices
        if n != 0:
            self._Pq = permutation_matrix(self.q, Matrix([self.q_i, self.q_d]))
            if l > 0:
                self._Pqi = self._Pq[:, :-l]
                self._Pqd = self._Pq[:, -l:]
                self._Pqi = self._Pq
                self._Pqd = Matrix()
        if o != 0:
            self._Pu = permutation_matrix(self.u, Matrix([self.u_i, self.u_d]))
            if m > 0:
                self._Pui = self._Pu[:, :-m]
                self._Pud = self._Pu[:, -m:]
                self._Pui = self._Pu
                self._Pud = Matrix()
        # Compute combination permutation matrix for computing A and B
        P_col1 = Matrix([self._Pqi, zeros(o + k, n - l)])
        P_col2 = Matrix([zeros(n, o - m), self._Pui, zeros(k, o - m)])
        if P_col1:
            if P_col2:
                self.perm_mat = P_col1.row_join(P_col2)
                self.perm_mat = P_col1
            self.perm_mat = P_col2
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: kane.py Proyecto: yyht/sympy
    def _initialize_vectors(self, q_ind, q_dep, u_ind, u_dep, u_aux):
        """Initialize the coordinate and speed vectors."""

        none_handler = lambda x: Matrix(x) if x else Matrix()

        # Initialize generalized coordinates
        q_dep = none_handler(q_dep)
        if not iterable(q_ind):
            raise TypeError('Generalized coordinates must be an iterable.')
        if not iterable(q_dep):
            raise TypeError('Dependent coordinates must be an iterable.')
        q_ind = Matrix(q_ind)
        self._qdep = q_dep
        self._q = Matrix([q_ind, q_dep])
        self._qdot = self.q.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)

        # Initialize generalized speeds
        u_dep = none_handler(u_dep)
        if not iterable(u_ind):
            raise TypeError('Generalized speeds must be an iterable.')
        if not iterable(u_dep):
            raise TypeError('Dependent speeds must be an iterable.')
        u_ind = Matrix(u_ind)
        self._udep = u_dep
        self._u = Matrix([u_ind, u_dep])
        self._udot = self.u.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
        self._uaux = none_handler(u_aux)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_input_format():
    # 1 dof problem from test_one_dof
    q, u = dynamicsymbols('q u')
    qd, ud = dynamicsymbols('q u', 1)
    m, c, k = symbols('m c k')
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    P = Point('P')
    P.set_vel(N, u * N.x)

    kd = [qd - u]
    FL = [(P, (-k * q - c * u) * N.x)]
    pa = Particle('pa', P, m)
    BL = [pa]

    KM = KanesMethod(N, [q], [u], kd)
    # test for input format kane.kanes_equations((body1, body2, particle1))
    assert KM.kanes_equations(BL)[0] == Matrix([0])
    # test for input format kane.kanes_equations(bodies=(body1, body 2), loads=(load1,load2))
    assert KM.kanes_equations(bodies=BL, loads=None)[0] == Matrix([0])
    # test for input format kane.kanes_equations(bodies=(body1, body 2), loads=None)
    assert KM.kanes_equations(BL, loads=None)[0] == Matrix([0])
    # test for input format kane.kanes_equations(bodies=(body1, body 2))
    assert KM.kanes_equations(BL)[0] == Matrix([0])
    # test for input format kane.kanes_equations(bodies=(body1, body2), loads=[])
    assert KM.kanes_equations(BL, [])[0] == Matrix([0])
    # test for error raised when a wrong force list (in this case a string) is provided
    raises(ValueError, lambda: KM._form_fr('bad input'))

    # 1 dof problem from test_one_dof with FL & BL in instance
    KM = KanesMethod(N, [q], [u], kd, bodies=BL, forcelist=FL)
    assert KM.kanes_equations()[0] == Matrix([-c*u - k*q])

    # 2 dof problem from test_two_dof
    q1, q2, u1, u2 = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 u1 u2')
    q1d, q2d, u1d, u2d = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 u1 u2', 1)
    m, c1, c2, k1, k2 = symbols('m c1 c2 k1 k2')
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    P1 = Point('P1')
    P2 = Point('P2')
    P1.set_vel(N, u1 * N.x)
    P2.set_vel(N, (u1 + u2) * N.x)
    kd = [q1d - u1, q2d - u2]

    FL = ((P1, (-k1 * q1 - c1 * u1 + k2 * q2 + c2 * u2) * N.x), (P2, (-k2 *
        q2 - c2 * u2) * N.x))
    pa1 = Particle('pa1', P1, m)
    pa2 = Particle('pa2', P2, m)
    BL = (pa1, pa2)

    KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q1, q2], u_ind=[u1, u2], kd_eqs=kd)
    # test for input format
    # kane.kanes_equations((body1, body2), (load1, load2))
    KM.kanes_equations(BL, FL)
    MM = KM.mass_matrix
    forcing = KM.forcing
    rhs = MM.inv() * forcing
    assert expand(rhs[0]) == expand((-k1 * q1 - c1 * u1 + k2 * q2 + c2 * u2)/m)
    assert expand(rhs[1]) == expand((k1 * q1 + c1 * u1 - 2 * k2 * q2 - 2 *
                                    c2 * u2) / m)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def to_matrix(self, reference_frame, second_reference_frame=None):
        """Returns the matrix form of the dyadic with respect to one or two
        reference frames.

        reference_frame : ReferenceFrame
            The reference frame that the rows and columns of the matrix
            correspond to. If a second reference frame is provided, this
            only corresponds to the rows of the matrix.
        second_reference_frame : ReferenceFrame, optional, default=None
            The reference frame that the columns of the matrix correspond

        matrix : ImmutableMatrix, shape(3,3)
            The matrix that gives the 2D tensor form.


        >>> from sympy import symbols
        >>> from sympy.physics.vector import ReferenceFrame, Vector
        >>> Vector.simp = True
        >>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import inertia
        >>> Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Iyz, Ixz = symbols('Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Iyz, Ixz')
        >>> N = ReferenceFrame('N')
        >>> inertia_dyadic = inertia(N, Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Iyz, Ixz)
        >>> inertia_dyadic.to_matrix(N)
        [Ixx, Ixy, Ixz],
        [Ixy, Iyy, Iyz],
        [Ixz, Iyz, Izz]])
        >>> beta = symbols('beta')
        >>> A = N.orientnew('A', 'Axis', (beta, N.x))
        >>> inertia_dyadic.to_matrix(A)
        [                           Ixx,                                           Ixy*cos(beta) + Ixz*sin(beta),                                           -Ixy*sin(beta) + Ixz*cos(beta)],
        [ Ixy*cos(beta) + Ixz*sin(beta), Iyy*cos(2*beta)/2 + Iyy/2 + Iyz*sin(2*beta) - Izz*cos(2*beta)/2 + Izz/2,                 -Iyy*sin(2*beta)/2 + Iyz*cos(2*beta) + Izz*sin(2*beta)/2],
        [-Ixy*sin(beta) + Ixz*cos(beta),                -Iyy*sin(2*beta)/2 + Iyz*cos(2*beta) + Izz*sin(2*beta)/2, -Iyy*cos(2*beta)/2 + Iyy/2 - Iyz*sin(2*beta) + Izz*cos(2*beta)/2 + Izz/2]])


        if second_reference_frame is None:
            second_reference_frame = reference_frame

        return Matrix([
            i.dot(self).dot(j) for i in reference_frame
            for j in second_reference_frame
        ]).reshape(3, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def solve_multipliers(self, op_point=None, sol_type="dict"):
        """Solves for the values of the lagrange multipliers symbolically at
        the specified operating point

        op_point : dict or iterable of dicts, optional
            Point at which to solve at. The operating point is specified as
            a dictionary or iterable of dictionaries of {symbol: value}. The
            value may be numeric or symbolic itself.

        sol_type : str, optional
            Solution return type. Valid options are:
            - 'dict': A dict of {symbol : value} (default)
            - 'Matrix': An ordered column matrix of the solution

        # Determine number of multipliers
        k = len(self.lam_vec)
        if k == 0:
            raise ValueError("System has no lagrange multipliers to solve for.")
        # Compose dict of operating conditions
        if isinstance(op_point, dict):
            op_point_dict = op_point
        elif iterable(op_point):
            op_point_dict = {}
            for op in op_point:
        elif op_point is None:
            op_point_dict = {}
            raise TypeError(
                "op_point must be either a dictionary or an "
                "iterable of dictionaries."
        # Compose the system to be solved
        mass_matrix = self.mass_matrix.col_join(
            (-self.lam_coeffs.row_join(zeros(k, k)))
        force_matrix = self.forcing.col_join(self._f_cd)
        # Sub in the operating point
        mass_matrix = msubs(mass_matrix, op_point_dict)
        force_matrix = msubs(force_matrix, op_point_dict)
        # Solve for the multipliers
        sol_list = mass_matrix.LUsolve(-force_matrix)[-k:]
        if sol_type == "dict":
            return dict(zip(self.lam_vec, sol_list))
        elif sol_type == "Matrix":
            return Matrix(sol_list)
            raise ValueError("Unknown sol_type {:}.".format(sol_type))
def test_linearize_pendulum_kane_minimal():
    q1 = dynamicsymbols('q1')  # angle of pendulum
    u1 = dynamicsymbols('u1')  # Angular velocity
    q1d = dynamicsymbols('q1', 1)  # Angular velocity
    L, m, t = symbols('L, m, t')
    g = 9.8

    # Compose world frame
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    pN = Point('N*')
    pN.set_vel(N, 0)

    # A.x is along the pendulum
    A = N.orientnew('A', 'axis', [q1, N.z])
    A.set_ang_vel(N, u1 * N.z)

    # Locate point P relative to the origin N*
    P = pN.locatenew('P', L * A.x)
    P.v2pt_theory(pN, N, A)
    pP = Particle('pP', P, m)

    # Create Kinematic Differential Equations
    kde = Matrix([q1d - u1])

    # Input the force resultant at P
    R = m * g * N.x

    # Solve for eom with kanes method
    KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q1], u_ind=[u1], kd_eqs=kde)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SymPyDeprecationWarning)
        (fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations([(P, R)], [pP])

    # Linearize
    A, B, inp_vec = KM.linearize(A_and_B=True, simplify=True)

    assert A == Matrix([[0, 1], [-9.8 * cos(q1) / L, 0]])
    assert B == Matrix([])
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_linearize_pendulum_kane_minimal():
    q1 = dynamicsymbols("q1")  # angle of pendulum
    u1 = dynamicsymbols("u1")  # Angular velocity
    q1d = dynamicsymbols("q1", 1)  # Angular velocity
    L, m, t = symbols("L, m, t")
    g = 9.8

    # Compose world frame
    N = ReferenceFrame("N")
    pN = Point("N*")
    pN.set_vel(N, 0)

    # A.x is along the pendulum
    A = N.orientnew("A", "axis", [q1, N.z])
    A.set_ang_vel(N, u1 * N.z)

    # Locate point P relative to the origin N*
    P = pN.locatenew("P", L * A.x)
    P.v2pt_theory(pN, N, A)
    pP = Particle("pP", P, m)

    # Create Kinematic Differential Equations
    kde = Matrix([q1d - u1])

    # Input the force resultant at P
    R = m * g * N.x

    # Solve for eom with kanes method
    KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q1], u_ind=[u1], kd_eqs=kde)
    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        (fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations([(P, R)], [pP])

    # Linearize
    A, B, inp_vec = KM.linearize(A_and_B=True, simplify=True)

    assert A == Matrix([[0, 1], [-9.8 * cos(q1) / L, 0]])
    assert B == Matrix([])
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_linearize_rolling_disc_lagrange():
    q1, q2, q3 = q = dynamicsymbols("q1 q2 q3")
    q1d, q2d, q3d = qd = dynamicsymbols("q1 q2 q3", 1)
    r, m, g = symbols("r m g")

    N = ReferenceFrame("N")
    Y = N.orientnew("Y", "Axis", [q1, N.z])
    L = Y.orientnew("L", "Axis", [q2, Y.x])
    R = L.orientnew("R", "Axis", [q3, L.y])

    C = Point("C")
    C.set_vel(N, 0)
    Dmc = C.locatenew("Dmc", r * L.z)
    Dmc.v2pt_theory(C, N, R)

    I = inertia(L, m / 4 * r ** 2, m / 2 * r ** 2, m / 4 * r ** 2)
    BodyD = RigidBody("BodyD", Dmc, R, m, (I, Dmc))
    BodyD.potential_energy = -m * g * r * cos(q2)

    Lag = Lagrangian(N, BodyD)
    l = LagrangesMethod(Lag, q)

    # Linearize about steady-state upright rolling
    op_point = {
        q1: 0,
        q2: 0,
        q3: 0,
        q1d: 0,
        q2d: 0,
        q1d.diff(): 0,
        q2d.diff(): 0,
        q3d.diff(): 0,
    A = l.linearize(q_ind=q, qd_ind=qd, op_point=op_point, A_and_B=True)[0]
    sol = Matrix(
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, -6 * q3d, 0],
            [0, -4 * g / (5 * r), 0, 6 * q3d / 5, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

    assert A == sol