Ejemplo n.º 1
def Hello(message):
    bot = Bot()
    status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
    status = bot.sendPhoto(message["chat"]["id"],
                           bot.plugin_dir + "Hello/helloworld.png",
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Top(message):
    bot = Bot()
    if str(message["from"]["id"]) == config["root"]:
        url = ""
        data = {"Key" : ""}
        with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Top/key.ini", "r") as f:
            sets = f.readlines()
            url = sets[0].strip()
            data["Key"] = sets[1].strip()

        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], text="主人,正在获取服务器信息,请稍等...", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
        req = requests.post(url=url, data=data)
        if req.json().get("status") == False:
            status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
            status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], text="抱歉主人,获取服务器信息失败", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
        elif req.json().get("status") == True:
            contents = req.json().get("contents")
            Top = contents.get("Top")
            Cpu = contents.get("Cpu")
            Memory = contents.get("Memory")
            Swap = contents.get("Swap")

            Hostname = contents.get("Hostname")
            top_time = Top["top_time"]
            top_time_head = top_time[0]
            top_time_tail = top_time[1]
            top_up = Top["top_up"]
            top_load_average = Top["top_load_average"]
            top_user = Top["top_user"]
            cpu_id = Cpu["cpu_id"]
            memory_total = Memory["memory_total"]
            avail_memory = Swap["avail_memory"]
            Cpu_temperature = contents.get("Cpu_temperature")
            Hard_disk = contents.get("Hard_disk")
            hd_total = Hard_disk[0]
            hd_avail = Hard_disk[1]

            msg = "<b>服务器:" + str(Hostname) + "</b>%0A" + \
                "查询时间:<i>" + str(top_time_head) + " " + str(top_time_tail) + "</i>%0A%0A" + \
                "登入用户:<b>" + str(top_user) + "</b> 个%0A" + \
                "运行时间:<b>" + str(top_up) + "</b>%0A" + \
                "平均负载:<b>" + str(top_load_average[0]) + " " + str(top_load_average[1]) + " " + str(top_load_average[2]) + "</b>%0A" + \
                "CPU温度:<b>" + str(Cpu_temperature) + " ℃</b>%0A" + \
                "CPU用量:<b>" + str(round(100.0-float(cpu_id), 2)) + "</b> 已用,<b>" + str(round(float(cpu_id), 2)) + "</b> 空闲%0A" + \
                "内存用量:<b>" + str(round((float(memory_total)-float(avail_memory))/1024, 2)) + "G</b> 已用,<b>" + str(round(float(avail_memory)/1024,2)) + "G</b> 空闲%0A" + \
                "硬盘用量:<b>" + str(int(float(hd_total)-float(hd_avail))) + "G</b> 已用,<b>" + str(hd_avail) + "G</b> 空闲"

            status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
            status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], text=msg, parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], text="您没有权限!", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ID(message):
    bot = Bot()
    status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
    if str(message["from"]["id"]) == config["root"]:
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "主人," + "您的用户ID为:<b>" + str(message["from"]["id"]) + "</b>", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], str(message["from"]["first_name"]) + "%0A您的用户ID为:<b>" + str(message["from"]["id"]) + "</b>", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Translate(message):
    bot = Bot()

    with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Translate/__init__.py", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        h = f.readline()[1:]
    if len(message["text"]) < len(h) + 1:
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"],
        return False
    elif message["text"][len(h) - 1] != ':':
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"],
                                 "翻译失败!%0A请检查分隔符是否为' : '!",
        return False

    url = "http://fanyi.youdao.com/translate?&doctype=json&type=AUTO&i="
    words = ubp.quote(message["text"][len(h):])

    headers = {
        "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36 Edg/83.0.478.37",
        "Host": "fanyi.youdao.com"
    req = requests.get(url + words, headers=headers)  #urlencode编码
    types = {
        "ZH_CN2EN": "中文 » 英语",
        "ZH_CN2JA": "中文 » 日语",
        "ZH_CN2KR": "中文 » 韩语",
        "ZH_CN2FR": "中文 » 法语",
        "ZH_CN2RU": "中文 » 俄语",
        "ZH_CN2SP": "中文 » 西语",
        "EN2ZH_CN": "英语 » 中文",
        "JA2ZH_CN": "日语 » 中文",
        "KR2ZH_CN": "韩语 » 中文",
        "FR2ZH_CN": "法语 » 中文",
        "RU2ZH_CN": "俄语 » 中文",
        "SP2ZH_CN": "西语 » 中文"

    type_ = req.json().get("type")
    result = ""
    for paragraph in req.json().get("translateResult"):
        for sentence in paragraph:
            result += sentence["tgt"]
        result += "%0A"

    #print(type_, result)

    status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
    status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"],
                             text="<b>" + types[type_] + "</b>%0A%0A" + result,
Ejemplo n.º 5
def Menu(message):
    bot = Bot()

    plugin_list = bot.plugin_bridge.values()
    menu_str = ""
    for plugin in plugin_list:
        with open(bot.plugin_dir + plugin + r"/__init__.py", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            line_1 = ""
            line_2 = ""
            for i in range(2):
                if i == 0:
                    line_1 = f.readline().strip()[1:]
                elif i == 1:
                    line_2 = f.readline().strip()[1:]
            menu_str += line_1 + " - " + line_2 + "%0A%0A"
    menu_str = "===== Command Menu =====%0A%0A" + menu_str + "%0A%0Av" + bot.VERSION
    status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], menu_str, "html")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def Cheak_code(message):
    bot = Bot()
    status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
    if cheak():
        bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "喵没码")
        bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "买码惹")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def Menu(message):
    bot = Bot()

    plugin_list = bot.plugin_bridge.values()
    menu_str = ""
    for plugin in plugin_list:
        with open(bot.plugin_dir + plugin + r"/__init__.py", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            line_1 = ""
            line_2 = ""
            for i in range(2):
                if i == 0:
                    line_1 = f.readline().strip()[1:]
                elif i == 1:
                    line_2 = f.readline().strip()[1:]
            menu_str += "<b>" + line_1 + "</b> - " + line_2 + "%0A%0A"
    menu_str = "<b>===== Command Menu =====</b>%0A%0A" + menu_str + "%0A%0Av" + bot.VERSION
    status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
    status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], menu_str, parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def Menu(message):
    bot = Bot()

    plugin_list = bot.plugin_bridge.values()
    menu_str = ""
    for plugin in plugin_list:
        with open(bot.plugin_dir + plugin + r"/__init__.py",
                  encoding="utf-8") as f:
            line_1 = ""
            line_2 = ""
            for i in range(2):
                if i == 0:
                    line_1 = f.readline().strip()[1:]
                elif i == 1:
                    line_2 = f.readline().strip()[1:]
            menu_str += "<b>" + line_1 + "</b> - " + line_2 + "%0A%0A"
    menu_str = "<b>===== Command Menu =====</b>%0A%0A" + menu_str + "%0A%0A" + "开源地址:https://github.com/southcat/telebot-invitecode"
    status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
    status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], menu_str, "HTML")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def Bing(message):

    bot = Bot()
    headers = {
        'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Safari/537.36 Edg/80.0.361.66'
    url = "https://bing.ioliu.cn"
    req = requests.post(url, headers=headers, verify=False)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, "lxml")
    item = soup.find_all("div", class_="item")[0]
    desc = item.find("h3").text
    date = item.find("em").text
    src = url + item.find("a", class_="ctrl download")["href"]
    if not os.path.isfile(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/status.db"):
        with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/status.db", "w") as f:
    if not os.path.isfile(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/today.jpg"):
        with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/today.jpg", "wb") as p:
            req = requests.get(src, headers=headers)

    with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/status.db", "r") as f:
        old = f.readline().strip()
    if date != old:
        req = requests.get(src, headers=headers)
        with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/today.jpg", "wb") as p:
        with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/status.db", "w") as f:

    status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
    status = bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=message["chat"]["id"],
                           photo=bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/today.jpg",
                           caption=desc + "%0A%0A" + date,
Ejemplo n.º 10
def ID(message):
    bot = Bot()
    status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
    if str(message["from"]["id"]) == config["root"]:
                        "尊敬的主人" + "%0A您的用户ID为:" + str(message["from"]["id"]),
            str(message["from"]["first_name"]) + "%0A您的用户ID为:" +
            str(message["from"]["id"]), "html")
Ejemplo n.º 11
def Chat(message):
    bot = Bot()
    url = "http://api.qingyunke.com/api.php?key=free&appid=0&msg="
    url1 = "https://api.ownthink.com/bot?spoken="
    requests.adapters.DEFAULT_RETRIES = 5
    hello = ("你好", "nihao", "hello", "Hello",
            "HELLO", "hi", "Hi", "HI",
             "早上好", "上午好", "下午好", "晚上好", "中午好",
             "good morning", "Good morning", "good afternoom",
             "Good afternoom", "good evening", "Good evening")
    if message["text"][1:] in hello:
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendVoice(message["chat"]["id"], bot.plugin_dir + "Chat/hello.ogg")
        req = requests.get(url + ubp.quote(message["text"][1:])) #urlencode编码
        req.keep_alive = False
        req.encoding = "utf-8"
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], str(req.json().get("content").replace("{br}", "%0A")), "HTML")
Ejemplo n.º 12

from teelebot import Bot
from collections import defaultdict
import re
import string
import sqlite3
import time
from threading import Timer
from teelebot.handler import config
from captcha.image import ImageCaptcha
from random import randint
from io import BytesIO

config = config()
bot = Bot()

def Guard(message):
    repl = "<*>"
    DFA = DFAFilter()
    DFA.parse(bot.plugin_dir + "Guard/keywords")
    message_id = message["message_id"]
    chat_id = message["chat"]["id"]
    user_id = message["from"]["id"]
    db = SqliteDB()
    gap = 60
    bot_id = (bot.getMe()["id"])
    with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Guard/config.ini") as f:
        data_group_id = f.read().strip()
Ejemplo n.º 13
def Firefoxmoniter(message):
    bot = Bot()

    with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Firefoxmoniter/__init__.py",
              encoding="utf-8") as f:
        h = f.readline()[1:]
    if len(message["text"]) < len(h):
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "查询失败!%0A邮件地址为空!",
        return False
    email = message["text"][len(h) - 1:]
    if all(['@' in email, '.' in email.split('@')[1]]):
        ehash = hashlib.sha1(email.encode("utf-8"))  #经测试由sha1加密
        emailhash = ehash.hexdigest()
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "查询失败!%0A请检查邮件格式!",
        return False

    if str(message["from"]["id"]) == config["root"]:
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"],
                                 "主人,正在查询邮件地址[" + str(email) + "],请稍等...",
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"],
                                 "正在查询邮件地址" + str(email) + ",请稍等...", "HTML")

    protocol, ip, port = get_ip()
    proxies = {protocol: protocol + '://' + ip + ':' + port}

    url = "https://monitor.firefox.com/"
    r_session = requests.Session()
    page = r_session.get(url, proxies=proxies)
    if not page.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"],
                                 "查询失败!%0A操作过于频繁,请稍后再试!", "text")
        return False
    page.encoding = "utf-8"
    session = page.cookies["session"]
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, "lxml")
    csrf = soup.find_all("input")[0]["value"]

    url = "https://monitor.firefox.com/scan"
    data = {'_csrf': csrf, 'email': email, 'emailHash': emailhash}
    headers = {
        'session=' + session +
        "; _ga=GA1.3.1750251620.1566005038; _gid=GA1.3.1329192982.1566005038; _gat=1;",
        'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36',
    page = r_session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, proxies=proxies)
    page.encoding = "utf-8"

    result = ""
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, "lxml")
    if "扫描结果" in soup.find("title").text:
        result += "电子邮件地址" + email + "出现在" + str(
            soup.find("span", class_="bold").text) + "次已知数据外泄事件中。%0A%0A"
        for section in soup.find_all("div", class_="flx flx-col"):
            source = section.find_all("span")[0].text + "%0A"
            date = "事件记录时间:%0A" + section.find_all("span")[2].text + "%0A"
            data = "泄露的数据:%0A" + section.find_all("span")[4].text + "%0A"
            result += source + date + data + "%0A"

        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], result, "html")
        status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing")
        status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "查询失败!%0A请检测命令格式!",
Ejemplo n.º 14
def Hello(message):
    bot = Bot()
    status = bot.sendPhoto(message["chat"]["id"],
                           bot.plugin_dir + "Hello/helloworld.png")