def Hello(message): #print("你好,世界!") bot = Bot() status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendPhoto(message["chat"]["id"], bot.plugin_dir + "Hello/helloworld.png", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
def Top(message): bot = Bot() if str(message["from"]["id"]) == config["root"]: url = "" data = {"Key" : ""} with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Top/key.ini", "r") as f: sets = f.readlines() url = sets[0].strip() data["Key"] = sets[1].strip() status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], text="主人,正在获取服务器信息,请稍等...", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"]) req =, data=data) if req.json().get("status") == False: req.close() status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], text="抱歉主人,获取服务器信息失败", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"]) elif req.json().get("status") == True: contents = req.json().get("contents") Top = contents.get("Top") Cpu = contents.get("Cpu") Memory = contents.get("Memory") Swap = contents.get("Swap") Hostname = contents.get("Hostname") top_time = Top["top_time"] top_time_head = top_time[0] top_time_tail = top_time[1] top_up = Top["top_up"] top_load_average = Top["top_load_average"] top_user = Top["top_user"] cpu_id = Cpu["cpu_id"] memory_total = Memory["memory_total"] avail_memory = Swap["avail_memory"] Cpu_temperature = contents.get("Cpu_temperature") Hard_disk = contents.get("Hard_disk") hd_total = Hard_disk[0] hd_avail = Hard_disk[1] msg = "<b>服务器:" + str(Hostname) + "</b>%0A" + \ "查询时间:<i>" + str(top_time_head) + " " + str(top_time_tail) + "</i>%0A%0A" + \ "登入用户:<b>" + str(top_user) + "</b> 个%0A" + \ "运行时间:<b>" + str(top_up) + "</b>%0A" + \ "平均负载:<b>" + str(top_load_average[0]) + " " + str(top_load_average[1]) + " " + str(top_load_average[2]) + "</b>%0A" + \ "CPU温度:<b>" + str(Cpu_temperature) + " ℃</b>%0A" + \ "CPU用量:<b>" + str(round(100.0-float(cpu_id), 2)) + "</b> 已用,<b>" + str(round(float(cpu_id), 2)) + "</b> 空闲%0A" + \ "内存用量:<b>" + str(round((float(memory_total)-float(avail_memory))/1024, 2)) + "G</b> 已用,<b>" + str(round(float(avail_memory)/1024,2)) + "G</b> 空闲%0A" + \ "硬盘用量:<b>" + str(int(float(hd_total)-float(hd_avail))) + "G</b> 已用,<b>" + str(hd_avail) + "G</b> 空闲" status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], text=msg, parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"]) else: status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], text="您没有权限!", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
def ID(message): bot = Bot() status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") if str(message["from"]["id"]) == config["root"]: status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "主人," + "您的用户ID为:<b>" + str(message["from"]["id"]) + "</b>", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"]) else: status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], str(message["from"]["first_name"]) + "%0A您的用户ID为:<b>" + str(message["from"]["id"]) + "</b>", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
def Translate(message): bot = Bot() with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Translate/", encoding="utf-8") as f: h = f.readline()[1:] if len(message["text"]) < len(h) + 1: status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "翻译失败!%0A要翻译的内容为空!", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"]) return False elif message["text"][len(h) - 1] != ':': status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "翻译失败!%0A请检查分隔符是否为' : '!", parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"]) return False url = "" words = ubp.quote(message["text"][len(h):]) headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36 Edg/83.0.478.37", "Host": "" } req = requests.get(url + words, headers=headers) #urlencode编码 types = { "ZH_CN2EN": "中文 » 英语", "ZH_CN2JA": "中文 » 日语", "ZH_CN2KR": "中文 » 韩语", "ZH_CN2FR": "中文 » 法语", "ZH_CN2RU": "中文 » 俄语", "ZH_CN2SP": "中文 » 西语", "EN2ZH_CN": "英语 » 中文", "JA2ZH_CN": "日语 » 中文", "KR2ZH_CN": "韩语 » 中文", "FR2ZH_CN": "法语 » 中文", "RU2ZH_CN": "俄语 » 中文", "SP2ZH_CN": "西语 » 中文" } type_ = req.json().get("type") result = "" for paragraph in req.json().get("translateResult"): for sentence in paragraph: result += sentence["tgt"] result += "%0A" #print(type_, result) status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], text="<b>" + types[type_] + "</b>%0A%0A" + result, parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
def Menu(message): bot = Bot() plugin_list = bot.plugin_bridge.values() menu_str = "" for plugin in plugin_list: with open(bot.plugin_dir + plugin + r"/", encoding="utf-8") as f: line_1 = "" line_2 = "" for i in range(2): if i == 0: line_1 = f.readline().strip()[1:] elif i == 1: line_2 = f.readline().strip()[1:] menu_str += line_1 + " - " + line_2 + "%0A%0A" menu_str = "===== Command Menu =====%0A%0A" + menu_str + "%0A%0Av" + bot.VERSION status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], menu_str, "html")
def Cheak_code(message): bot = Bot() status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") if cheak(): bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "喵没码") else: bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "买码惹")
def Menu(message): bot = Bot() plugin_list = bot.plugin_bridge.values() menu_str = "" for plugin in plugin_list: with open(bot.plugin_dir + plugin + r"/", encoding="utf-8") as f: line_1 = "" line_2 = "" for i in range(2): if i == 0: line_1 = f.readline().strip()[1:] elif i == 1: line_2 = f.readline().strip()[1:] menu_str += "<b>" + line_1 + "</b> - " + line_2 + "%0A%0A" menu_str = "<b>===== Command Menu =====</b>%0A%0A" + menu_str + "%0A%0Av" + bot.VERSION status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], menu_str, parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
def Menu(message): bot = Bot() plugin_list = bot.plugin_bridge.values() menu_str = "" for plugin in plugin_list: with open(bot.plugin_dir + plugin + r"/", encoding="utf-8") as f: line_1 = "" line_2 = "" for i in range(2): if i == 0: line_1 = f.readline().strip()[1:] elif i == 1: line_2 = f.readline().strip()[1:] menu_str += "<b>" + line_1 + "</b> - " + line_2 + "%0A%0A" menu_str = "<b>===== Command Menu =====</b>%0A%0A" + menu_str + "%0A%0A" + "开源地址:" status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], menu_str, "HTML")
def Bing(message): ''' Bing接口Github地址: ''' bot = Bot() headers = { 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Safari/537.36 Edg/80.0.361.66' } url = "" req =, headers=headers, verify=False) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, "lxml") item = soup.find_all("div", class_="item")[0] desc = item.find("h3").text date = item.find("em").text src = url + item.find("a", class_="ctrl download")["href"] if not os.path.isfile(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/status.db"): with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/status.db", "w") as f: f.write(str(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) if not os.path.isfile(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/today.jpg"): with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/today.jpg", "wb") as p: req = requests.get(src, headers=headers) p.write(req.content) with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/status.db", "r") as f: old = f.readline().strip() if date != old: req = requests.get(src, headers=headers) with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/today.jpg", "wb") as p: p.write(req.content) with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/status.db", "w") as f: f.write(str(date)) status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=message["chat"]["id"], photo=bot.plugin_dir + "Bing/today.jpg", caption=desc + "%0A%0A" + date, parse_mode="HTML", reply_to_message_id=message["message_id"])
def ID(message): bot = Bot() status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") if str(message["from"]["id"]) == config["root"]: bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "尊敬的主人" + "%0A您的用户ID为:" + str(message["from"]["id"]), "html") else: bot.sendMessage( message["chat"]["id"], str(message["from"]["first_name"]) + "%0A您的用户ID为:" + str(message["from"]["id"]), "html")
def Chat(message): bot = Bot() url = "" url1 = "" requests.adapters.DEFAULT_RETRIES = 5 hello = ("你好", "nihao", "hello", "Hello", "HELLO", "hi", "Hi", "HI", "早上好", "上午好", "下午好", "晚上好", "中午好", "good morning", "Good morning", "good afternoom", "Good afternoom", "good evening", "Good evening") if message["text"][1:] in hello: status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendVoice(message["chat"]["id"], bot.plugin_dir + "Chat/hello.ogg") else: req = requests.get(url + ubp.quote(message["text"][1:])) #urlencode编码 req.keep_alive = False req.encoding = "utf-8" status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], str(req.json().get("content").replace("{br}", "%0A")), "HTML")
''' from teelebot import Bot from collections import defaultdict import re import string import sqlite3 import time from threading import Timer from teelebot.handler import config from captcha.image import ImageCaptcha from random import randint from io import BytesIO config = config() bot = Bot() def Guard(message): repl = "<*>" DFA = DFAFilter() DFA.parse(bot.plugin_dir + "Guard/keywords") message_id = message["message_id"] chat_id = message["chat"]["id"] user_id = message["from"]["id"] db = SqliteDB() gap = 60 bot_id = (bot.getMe()["id"]) with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Guard/config.ini") as f: data_group_id =
def Firefoxmoniter(message): bot = Bot() with open(bot.plugin_dir + "Firefoxmoniter/", encoding="utf-8") as f: h = f.readline()[1:] if len(message["text"]) < len(h): status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "查询失败!%0A邮件地址为空!", "HTML") return False email = message["text"][len(h) - 1:] if all(['@' in email, '.' in email.split('@')[1]]): ehash = hashlib.sha1(email.encode("utf-8")) #经测试由sha1加密 emailhash = ehash.hexdigest() else: status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "查询失败!%0A请检查邮件格式!", "HTML") return False if str(message["from"]["id"]) == config["root"]: status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "主人,正在查询邮件地址[" + str(email) + "],请稍等...", "HTML") else: status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "正在查询邮件地址" + str(email) + ",请稍等...", "HTML") protocol, ip, port = get_ip() proxies = {protocol: protocol + '://' + ip + ':' + port} url = "" r_session = requests.Session() page = r_session.get(url, proxies=proxies) if not page.status_code == status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "查询失败!%0A操作过于频繁,请稍后再试!", "text") return False page.encoding = "utf-8" session = page.cookies["session"] soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, "lxml") csrf = soup.find_all("input")[0]["value"] url = "" data = {'_csrf': csrf, 'email': email, 'emailHash': emailhash} headers = { 'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'cookie': 'session=' + session + "; _ga=GA1.3.1750251620.1566005038; _gid=GA1.3.1329192982.1566005038; _gat=1;", 'origin': '', 'referer': '', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36', } page =, data=data, headers=headers, proxies=proxies) page.encoding = "utf-8" result = "" soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, "lxml") if "扫描结果" in soup.find("title").text: result += "电子邮件地址" + email + "出现在" + str( soup.find("span", class_="bold").text) + "次已知数据外泄事件中。%0A%0A" for section in soup.find_all("div", class_="flx flx-col"): source = section.find_all("span")[0].text + "%0A" date = "事件记录时间:%0A" + section.find_all("span")[2].text + "%0A" data = "泄露的数据:%0A" + section.find_all("span")[4].text + "%0A" result += source + date + data + "%0A" status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], result, "html") else: status = bot.sendChatAction(message["chat"]["id"], "typing") status = bot.sendMessage(message["chat"]["id"], "查询失败!%0A请检测命令格式!", "text")
def Hello(message): #print("你好,世界!") bot = Bot() status = bot.sendPhoto(message["chat"]["id"], bot.plugin_dir + "Hello/helloworld.png")