Ejemplo n.º 1
 def fulfillment(self, value):
     if value == None:
         self._fulfillment = FulfillmentSingleSignature()
     if not isinstance(value, FulfillmentBaseClass):
         raise TypeError(
             "cannot assign value of type {} as a  CoinInput's fulfillment (expected: FulfillmentBaseClass)".format(type(value)))
     self._fulfillment = value
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def mint_fulfillment(self):
     Retrieve the current mint fulfillment
     if self._mint_fulfillment is None:
         return FulfillmentSingleSignature()
     return self._mint_fulfillment
Ejemplo n.º 3
class CoinInput(BaseDataTypeClass):
    CoinIput class

    def __init__(self, parentid=None, fulfillment=None, parent_output=None):
        self._parent_id = None
        self.parentid = parentid
        self._fulfillment = None
        self.fulfillment = fulfillment
        # property that can be set if known, but which is not part of the actual CoinInput
        self._parent_output = None
        self.parent_output = parent_output

    def from_json(cls, obj):
        return cls(

    def from_coin_output(cls, co):
        if not isinstance(co, CoinOutput):
            raise TypeError(
                "invalid co parameter, expected value of type CoinOutput, not {}".format(type(co)))
        ci = cls(
        ci.parent_output = co
        return ci

    def parentid(self):
        return self._parent_id

    def parentid(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, Hash):
            self._parent_id = Hash(value=value.value)
        self._parent_id = Hash(value=value)

    def fulfillment(self):
        return self._fulfillment

    def fulfillment(self, value):
        if value == None:
            self._fulfillment = FulfillmentSingleSignature()
        if not isinstance(value, FulfillmentBaseClass):
            raise TypeError(
                "cannot assign value of type {} as a  CoinInput's fulfillment (expected: FulfillmentBaseClass)".format(type(value)))
        self._fulfillment = value

    def has_parent_output(self):
        return self._parent_output != None

    def parent_output(self):
        return self._parent_output or CoinOutput()

    def parent_output(self, value):
        if value == None:
            self._parent_output = None
        if not isinstance(value, CoinOutput):
            raise TypeError(
                "cannot assign value of type {} as a CoinInput's parent output (expected: CoinOutput)".format(type(value)))
        self._parent_output = value

    def json(self):
        return {
            'parentid': self._parent_id.json(),
            'fulfillment': self._fulfillment.json()

    def sia_binary_encode(self, encoder):
        Encode this CoinInput according to the Sia Binary Encoding format.
        encoder.add_all(self._parent_id, self._fulfillment)

    def rivine_binary_encode(self, encoder):
        Encode this CoinInput according to the Rivine Binary Encoding format.
        encoder.add_all(self._parent_id, self._fulfillment)

    def signature_requests_new(self, input_hash_func):
        Returns all signature requests that can be generated for this Coin Inputs,
        only possible if the parent (coin) output is defined and when there
        are still signatures required.
        if self._parent_output == None:
            # no requestsd get created if the parent output is not set,
            # this allows for partial Tx signings
            return []
        return self._fulfillment.signature_requests_new(

    def is_fulfilled(self):
        Returns true if this CoinInput is fulfilled.
        if self._parent_output == None:
            return False
        return self._fulfillment.is_fulfilled(self._parent_output.condition)