def fulfillment(self, value): if value == None: self._fulfillment = FulfillmentSingleSignature() return if not isinstance(value, FulfillmentBaseClass): raise TypeError( "cannot assign value of type {} as a CoinInput's fulfillment (expected: FulfillmentBaseClass)".format(type(value))) self._fulfillment = value
def mint_fulfillment(self): """ Retrieve the current mint fulfillment """ if self._mint_fulfillment is None: return FulfillmentSingleSignature() return self._mint_fulfillment
class CoinInput(BaseDataTypeClass): """ CoinIput class """ def __init__(self, parentid=None, fulfillment=None, parent_output=None): self._parent_id = None self.parentid = parentid self._fulfillment = None self.fulfillment = fulfillment # property that can be set if known, but which is not part of the actual CoinInput self._parent_output = None self.parent_output = parent_output @classmethod def from_json(cls, obj): return cls( parentid=Hash.from_json(obj['parentid']), fulfillment=FulfillmentTypes.from_json(obj['fulfillment'])) @classmethod def from_coin_output(cls, co): if not isinstance(co, CoinOutput): raise TypeError( "invalid co parameter, expected value of type CoinOutput, not {}".format(type(co))) ci = cls(, fulfillment=FulfillmentTypes.from_condition(co.condition)) ci.parent_output = co return ci @property def parentid(self): return self._parent_id @parentid.setter def parentid(self, value): if isinstance(value, Hash): self._parent_id = Hash(value=value.value) return self._parent_id = Hash(value=value) @property def fulfillment(self): return self._fulfillment @fulfillment.setter def fulfillment(self, value): if value == None: self._fulfillment = FulfillmentSingleSignature() return if not isinstance(value, FulfillmentBaseClass): raise TypeError( "cannot assign value of type {} as a CoinInput's fulfillment (expected: FulfillmentBaseClass)".format(type(value))) self._fulfillment = value @property def has_parent_output(self): return self._parent_output != None @property def parent_output(self): return self._parent_output or CoinOutput() @parent_output.setter def parent_output(self, value): if value == None: self._parent_output = None return if not isinstance(value, CoinOutput): raise TypeError( "cannot assign value of type {} as a CoinInput's parent output (expected: CoinOutput)".format(type(value))) self._parent_output = value def json(self): return { 'parentid': self._parent_id.json(), 'fulfillment': self._fulfillment.json() } def sia_binary_encode(self, encoder): """ Encode this CoinInput according to the Sia Binary Encoding format. """ encoder.add_all(self._parent_id, self._fulfillment) def rivine_binary_encode(self, encoder): """ Encode this CoinInput according to the Rivine Binary Encoding format. """ encoder.add_all(self._parent_id, self._fulfillment) def signature_requests_new(self, input_hash_func): """ Returns all signature requests that can be generated for this Coin Inputs, only possible if the parent (coin) output is defined and when there are still signatures required. """ if self._parent_output == None: # no requestsd get created if the parent output is not set, # this allows for partial Tx signings return [] return self._fulfillment.signature_requests_new( input_hash_func=input_hash_func, parent_condition=self._parent_output.condition, ) def is_fulfilled(self): """ Returns true if this CoinInput is fulfilled. """ if self._parent_output == None: return False return self._fulfillment.is_fulfilled(self._parent_output.condition)