Ejemplo n.º 1
    def find_nvecs_old(self):
        N = self.N
        track = self.cline

        nvecs = []
        # new_track.append(track[0, :])
        nvec = lib.theta_to_xy(np.pi/2 + lib.get_bearing(track[0, :], track[1, :]))
        for i in range(1, len(track)-1):
            pt1 = track[i-1]
            pt2 = track[min((i, N)), :]
            pt3 = track[min((i+1, N-1)), :]

            th1 = lib.get_bearing(pt1, pt2)
            th2 = lib.get_bearing(pt2, pt3)
            if th1 == th2:
                th = th1
                dth = lib.sub_angles_complex(th1, th2) / 2
                th = lib.add_angles_complex(th2, dth)

            new_th = th + np.pi/2
            nvec = lib.theta_to_xy(new_th)

        nvec = lib.theta_to_xy(np.pi/2 + lib.get_bearing(track[-2, :], track[-1, :]))

        self.nvecs = np.array(nvecs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def convert_pts_s_th(pts):
    N = len(pts)
    s_i = np.zeros(N-1)
    th_i = np.zeros(N-1)
    for i in range(N-1):
        s_i[i] = lib.get_distance(pts[i], pts[i+1])
        th_i[i] = lib.get_bearing(pts[i], pts[i+1])

    return s_i, th_i
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def cth_reward(self, s_p):
        pt_i, pt_ii, d_i, d_ii = find_closest_pt(s_p[0:2], self.wpts)
        d = lib.get_distance(pt_i, pt_ii)
        d_c = get_tiangle_h(d_i, d_ii, d) / self.dis_scale

        th_ref = lib.get_bearing(pt_i, pt_ii)
        th = s_p[2]
        d_th = abs(lib.sub_angles_complex(th_ref, th))
        v_scale = s_p[3] / self.max_v

        r = self.mh * np.cos(d_th) * v_scale - self.md * d_c

        return r
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def transform_obs(self, obs):
        cur_v = [obs[3] / self.max_v]
        cur_d = [obs[4] / self.max_d]

        th_target = lib.get_bearing(obs[0:2], self.env_map.end)
        alpha = lib.sub_angles_complex(th_target, obs[2])
        th_scale = [(alpha) * 2 / np.pi]

        scan = self.scan_sim.get_scan(obs[0], obs[1], obs[2])

        nn_obs = np.concatenate([cur_v, cur_d, th_scale, scan])

        return nn_obs
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def find_centerline(self, show=True):
        dt = self.dt

        d_search = 0.8
        n_search = 11
        dth = (np.pi * 4/5) / (n_search-1)

        # makes a list of search locations
        search_list = []
        for i in range(n_search):
            th = -np.pi/2 + dth * i
            x = -np.sin(th) * d_search
            y = np.cos(th) * d_search
            loc = [x, y]

        pt = start = np.array([self.conf.sx, self.conf.sy])
        self.cline = [pt]
        th = self.stheta
        while (lib.get_distance(pt, start) > d_search/2 or len(self.cline) < 10) and len(self.cline) < 500:
            vals = []
            self.search_space = []
            for i in range(n_search):
                d_loc = lib.transform_coords(search_list[i], -th)
                search_loc = lib.add_locations(pt, d_loc)


                x, y = self.xy_to_row_column(search_loc)
                val = dt[y, x]

            ind = np.argmax(vals)
            d_loc = lib.transform_coords(search_list[ind], -th)
            pt = lib.add_locations(pt, d_loc)

            if show:

            th = lib.get_bearing(self.cline[-2], pt)
            print(f"Adding pt: {pt}")

        self.cline = np.array(self.cline)
        self.N = len(self.cline)
        print(f"Raceline found --> n: {len(self.cline)}")
        if show:
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_curvature(pos_history):
    n = len(pos_history)
    ths = [
        lib.get_bearing(pos_history[i], pos_history[i + 1])
        for i in range(n - 1)
    dth = [
        abs(lib.sub_angles_complex(ths[i], ths[i + 1])) for i in range(n - 2)

    total_curve = np.sum(dth)
    avg_curve = np.mean(dth)
    print(f"Total Curvatue: {total_curve}, Avg: {avg_curve}")

    return total_curve
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __call__(self, s, a, s_p, r, dev):
        if r == -1:
            return r
            pt_i, pt_ii, d_i, d_ii = find_closest_pt(s_p[0:2], self.wpts)
            d = lib.get_distance(pt_i, pt_ii)
            d_c = get_tiangle_h(d_i, d_ii, d) / self.dis_scale

            th_ref = lib.get_bearing(pt_i, pt_ii)
            th = s_p[2]
            d_th = abs(lib.sub_angles_complex(th_ref, th))
            v_scale = s_p[3] / self.max_v

            new_r = self.mh * np.cos(d_th) * v_scale - self.md * d_c

            return new_r + r
Ejemplo n.º 8
def MinCurvatureTrajectory(pts, nvecs, ws):
    This function uses optimisation to minimise the curvature of the path
    w_min = - ws[:, 0] * 0.9
    w_max = ws[:, 1] * 0.9
    th_ns = [lib.get_bearing([0, 0], nvecs[i, 0:2]) for i in range(len(nvecs))]

    N = len(pts)

    n_f_a = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N)
    n_f = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N-1)
    th_f = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N-1)

    x0_f = ca.MX.sym('x0_f', N-1)
    x1_f = ca.MX.sym('x1_f', N-1)
    y0_f = ca.MX.sym('y0_f', N-1)
    y1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N-1)
    th1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N-1)
    th2_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N-1)
    th1_f1 = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N-2)
    th2_f1 = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N-2)

    o_x_s = ca.Function('o_x', [n_f], [pts[:-1, 0] + nvecs[:-1, 0] * n_f])
    o_y_s = ca.Function('o_y', [n_f], [pts[:-1, 1] + nvecs[:-1, 1] * n_f])
    o_x_e = ca.Function('o_x', [n_f], [pts[1:, 0] + nvecs[1:, 0] * n_f])
    o_y_e = ca.Function('o_y', [n_f], [pts[1:, 1] + nvecs[1:, 1] * n_f])

    dis = ca.Function('dis', [x0_f, x1_f, y0_f, y1_f], [ca.sqrt((x1_f-x0_f)**2 + (y1_f-y0_f)**2)])

    track_length = ca.Function('length', [n_f_a], [dis(o_x_s(n_f_a[:-1]), o_x_e(n_f_a[1:]), 
                                o_y_s(n_f_a[:-1]), o_y_e(n_f_a[1:]))])

    real = ca.Function('real', [th1_f, th2_f], [ca.cos(th1_f)*ca.cos(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f)*ca.sin(th2_f)])
    im = ca.Function('im', [th1_f, th2_f], [-ca.cos(th1_f)*ca.sin(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f)*ca.cos(th2_f)])

    sub_cmplx = ca.Function('a_cpx', [th1_f, th2_f], [ca.atan2(im(th1_f, th2_f),real(th1_f, th2_f))])
    get_th_n = ca.Function('gth', [th_f], [sub_cmplx(ca.pi*np.ones(N-1), sub_cmplx(th_f, th_ns[:-1]))])
    d_n = ca.Function('d_n', [n_f_a, th_f], [track_length(n_f_a)/ca.tan(get_th_n(th_f))])

    # objective
    real1 = ca.Function('real1', [th1_f1, th2_f1], [ca.cos(th1_f1)*ca.cos(th2_f1) + ca.sin(th1_f1)*ca.sin(th2_f1)])
    im1 = ca.Function('im1', [th1_f1, th2_f1], [-ca.cos(th1_f1)*ca.sin(th2_f1) + ca.sin(th1_f1)*ca.cos(th2_f1)])

    sub_cmplx1 = ca.Function('a_cpx1', [th1_f1, th2_f1], [ca.atan2(im1(th1_f1, th2_f1),real1(th1_f1, th2_f1))])
    # define symbols
    n = ca.MX.sym('n', N)
    th = ca.MX.sym('th', N-1)

    nlp = {\
    'x': ca.vertcat(n, th),
    'f': ca.sumsqr(sub_cmplx1(th[1:], th[:-1])), 
    # 'f': ca.sumsqr(track_length(n)), 
    'g': ca.vertcat(
                # dynamic constraints
                n[1:] - (n[:-1] + d_n(n, th)),

                # boundary constraints
                n[0], #th[0],
                n[-1], #th[-1],
            ) \

    # S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt':{'print_level':5}})
    S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt':{'print_level':0}})

    ones = np.ones(N)
    n0 = ones*0

    th0 = []
    for i in range(N-1):
        th_00 = lib.get_bearing(pts[i, 0:2], pts[i+1, 0:2])

    th0 = np.array(th0)

    x0 = ca.vertcat(n0, th0)

    lbx = list(w_min) + [-np.pi]*(N-1) 
    ubx = list(w_max) + [np.pi]*(N-1) 

    r = S(x0=x0, lbg=0, ubg=0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx)

    x_opt = r['x']

    n_set = np.array(x_opt[:N])
    # thetas = np.array(x_opt[1*N:2*(N-1)])

    return n_set