Ejemplo n.º 1
class Example(Frame):
    def __init__(self):
        self.style = Style()
        self.master.title("Log viewer")
        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)

        self.used = []  # List of currently plotted series ([str])
        self.series = {}  # List of all series ({str -> [number]})
        self.names = []  # List of all nodes in tree view ([str])
        self.queues = [] # List of all queues ([str])
        self.logs = {} # List of all text logs ({str -> [str]})

        self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
        self.columnconfigure(6, weight=3)
        self.columnconfigure(11, weight=1)

        # Series selection takes row 1-2, col 0-2
        self.series_ui = Treeview(self)
        self.series_ui.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, rowspan=2, sticky=N+S)
        self.series_ui.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.onselect)
        self.series_ui.tag_configure("graphall", foreground="#070")
        self.series_ui.tag_configure("graphnone", foreground="#000")
        self.series_ui.tag_configure("graphsome", foreground="#007")
        series_ui_scroll = Scrollbar(self, command=self.series_ui.yview, orient=VERTICAL)
        series_ui_scroll.grid(row=1, column=2, rowspan=2, sticky=N+S)
        self.series_ui["yscrollcommand"] = series_ui_scroll.set

        # The plot takes row 1-2, col 3-6
        move_mode = StringVar()
        show_path = IntVar()
        event_bars = IntVar()
        show_debug = IntVar()
        show_error = IntVar()
        show_warning = IntVar()
        show_info = IntVar()
        self.plot = HackPlot(self, move_mode, show_path, event_bars,
                [(show_debug, "[DEBUG]"), (show_error, "[ERROR]"), (show_warning, "[WARNING]"), (show_info, "[INFO]")])
        self.plot.canvas.grid(row=1, column=3, columnspan=4, rowspan=2, sticky=N+S+E+W)
        # Text logs take row 1-2, col 7-12
        self.plot.listbox.grid(row=1, column=7, columnspan=5, sticky=N+S+E+W)
        listbox_yscroll = Scrollbar(self, command=self.plot.listbox.yview, orient=VERTICAL)
        listbox_yscroll.grid(row=1, column=12, sticky=N+S)
        self.plot.listbox["yscrollcommand"] = listbox_yscroll.set
        listbox_xscroll = Scrollbar(self, command=self.plot.listbox.xview, orient=HORIZONTAL)
        listbox_xscroll.grid(row=2, column=7, columnspan=5, sticky=E+W)
        self.plot.listbox["xscrollcommand"] = listbox_xscroll.set

        # Controls take row 0, col 0-12
        Button(self, text="Load Directory", command=self.loaddir).grid(row=0, column=0)
        Button(self, text="Load File", command=self.loadfile).grid(row=0, column=1)
        Button(self, text="Fit X", command=self.plot.fit_x).grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=W)
        Button(self, text="Fit Y", command=self.plot.fit_y).grid(row=0, column=4, sticky=W)
        Button(self, text="Fit Auto", command=self.plot.fit_auto).grid(row=0, column=5, sticky=W)
        Button(self, text="Fit Tele", command=self.plot.fit_tele).grid(row=0, column=6, sticky=W)
        # Plot controls in a subframe to manage padding so it doesn't look awful
        move_mode_control = Frame(self, padx=10)
        Radiobutton(move_mode_control, text="Pan", value="pan", variable=move_mode).grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
        Radiobutton(move_mode_control, text="Zoom In", value="zoomin", variable=move_mode).grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
        Radiobutton(move_mode_control, text="Zoom Out", value="zoomout", variable=move_mode).grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W)
        move_mode_control.grid(row=0, column=7, sticky=W)
        Checkbutton(self, text="Event Bars", variable=event_bars, command=self.plot.show_textlogs).grid(row=0, column=8, sticky=W)
        Checkbutton(self, text="Debug", variable=show_debug, command=self.plot.show_textlogs).grid(row=0, column=9, sticky=W)
        Checkbutton(self, text="Error", variable=show_error, command=self.plot.show_textlogs).grid(row=0, column=10, sticky=W)
        Checkbutton(self, text="Warning", variable=show_warning, command=self.plot.show_textlogs).grid(row=0, column=11, sticky=W)
        Checkbutton(self, text="Info", variable=show_info, command=self.plot.show_textlogs).grid(row=0, column=12, sticky=W)
        Checkbutton(self, text="Directories", variable=show_path, command=self.plot.show_textlogs).grid(row=0, column=13, sticky=E)

    # Open Directory button clicked
    def loaddir(self):
        dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(initialdir=log_dir)
        if dirname != "" and dirname != (): # Cancel and (x) not pressed
            # Empty the data
            self.used = []
            self.series = {}
            self.names = []
            self.queues = []
            self.logs = {}
            for node in self.series_ui.get_children():
            # For every csv file in the directory, checking recursively and alphabetically
            for subdirname, subsubdirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
                for filename in filenames:
                    if filename.endswith(".csv") or filename.endswith(".log"):
                        # The name of the directory without the name of the directory selected,
                        # and the name of the file without the extension, separated by "."s
                        # For example if directory selected is /tmp/logs, subdirname is /tmp/logs/beta/666,
                        # and filename is foo.csv, nodeprefix is "beta.666.foo".
                        nodeprefix = ".".join(subdirname[len(dirname)+1:].split("/") + [filename[:-4]])
                        if nodeprefix.startswith("."):
                            nodeprefix = nodeprefix[1:]
                        # Add the file's data
                        self.readfile(subdirname + "/" + filename, nodeprefix)
            for name in self.names:
                # Add name to (name with everything after last dot removed), as the last child,
                # with text (everything after last dot of name) and tags graphnone and (whether name represents data)
                self.series_ui.insert(".".join(name.split(".")[0:-1]), "end", name,
                        text=name.split(".")[-1], tags=["graphnone"])

    # Open File button clicked
    def loadfile(self):
        filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("CSV Files", "*.csv"), ("Text log file", "*.log")], initialdir=log_dir)
        if filename != "" and filename != (): # Cancel and (x) not pressed
            # Empty the data
            self.used = []
            self.series = {}
            self.names = []
            self.queues = []
            self.logs = {}
            for node in self.series_ui.get_children():
            # Add the file's data
            self.readfile(filename, "")
            for name in self.names:
                # Add name to (name with everything after last dot removed), as the last child,
                # with text (everything after last dot of name) and tags graphnone and (whether name represents data)
                self.series_ui.insert(".".join(name.split(".")[0:-1]), "end", name,
                        text=name.split(".")[-1], tags=["graphnone"])

    # Add a file's data
    # nodeprefix is a string to add before every name in the file, represents file's name in the tree
    def readfile(self, filename, nodeprefix):
            if filename.endswith(".csv"):
                # For csv files this will always be concatenated with something
                if nodeprefix != "":
                    nodeprefix += "."
                csvfile = open(filename, "rb")
                reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
                series = {}
                for name in reader.fieldnames:
                    # Add ancestor_names to names, without creating duplicates
                    self.names = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(self.names + ancestor_names(nodeprefix + name)))
                    # Create a series for this field
                    series[nodeprefix + name] = []
                for row in reader:
                    for name in reader.fieldnames:
                            # Add cell to series if it represents a number
                            series[nodeprefix + name].append(float(row[name]))
                        except ValueError:
                            # Not a number, no problem, could be game_specific_string or something
                self.logs[nodeprefix] = open(filename, "r").readlines()
        except IOError:
            tkMessageBox.showerror(message="Could not open file: " + str(filename))

    # Tree element was double clicked
    def onselect(self, _):
        series = self.series_ui.focus()
        # Set it to graph if no children are graphed, and not to graph if all or some are
        self.setgraphed(series, self.series_ui.tag_has("graphnone", series))

    # Set a node and its children to be either all or none graphed
    def setgraphed(self, node, shouldgraph):
        if shouldgraph:
            self.series_ui.item(node, tags=["graphall"])
            # If the node represents data and it isn't already graphed, graph it
            if node in self.series and node not in self.used:
                # Timestamp is queue that contains node + ".timestamp"
                timestamp_name = [queue for queue in self.queues if node.startswith(queue)][0] + ".timestamp"
                self.plot.add_plot(self.series[timestamp_name], self.series[node], node)
            if node in self.logs and node not in self.used:
                self.plot.add_textlog(self.logs[node], node)
            # If nothing else is plotted, fit the plot to this
            if len(self.used) == 1:
            for child in self.series_ui.get_children(node):
                self.setgraphed(child, True)
            # Set tags to be (whether node represents data) and graphnone
            self.series_ui.item(node, tags=["graphnone"])
            if node in self.used:
                if node in self.logs:
                if node in self.series:
            for child in self.series_ui.get_children(node):
                self.setgraphed(child, False)

    # Update the tags (and color) on a node and its ancestors, should always be called after setgraphed
    def checkgraphed(self, node):
        # Top level nodes are children of ""
        if node == "":
        # True unless a child doesn't share this tag or there are no children
        graphall = True
        graphnone = True
        for child in self.series_ui.get_children(node):
            if not self.series_ui.tag_has("graphall", child):
                graphall = False
            if not self.series_ui.tag_has("graphnone", child):
                graphnone = False
        graphtag = ""
        if graphall and graphnone:
            # There are no children, check the used list instead
            graphtag = "graphall" if node in self.used else "graphnone"
        elif graphall:
            graphtag = "graphall"
        elif graphnone:
            graphtag = "graphnone"
            graphtag = "graphsome"
        # Set tags to be (whether node represents data) and the computed status
        self.series_ui.item(node, tags=[graphtag])
        # Now that the status of this node is known, check the parent