Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_findPathZero(self):
        graphFile = '../data/test_zero.tlp'
        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)
        sourceId = 176
        targetId = 606
        maxNumHops = 1

        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)
        targetNode = tp.getNodeById(targetId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findPaths(sourceNode, targetNode, maxNumHops)

        self.assertTrue(len(finder.valid) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(len(finder.failed) == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_findPathOne(self):
        graphFile = '../data/test_one.tlp'
        sourceId = 176
        targetId = 606
        maxNumHops = 4

        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)
        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)
        targetNode = tp.getNodeById(targetId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findPaths(sourceNode, targetNode, maxNumHops)

        self.assertTrue(len(finder.valid) == 4)
        self.assertTrue(len(finder.failed) == 1)
        for path in finder.valid:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_basicStatCounting(self):
        graphFile = '../data/test_one.tlp'
        sourceId = 176
        targetId = 606
        maxNumHops = 4

        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)
        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)
        targetNode = tp.getNodeById(targetId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findPaths(sourceNode, targetNode, maxNumHops)

        stats = tp.PathStats(finder.valid)

        # Tests of unique path counting
        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumPathsWithLoop() == 2)
        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumUniqueTypes() == 4)
        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumPaths() == len(finder.valid))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_findAllPaths(self):
        graphFile = '../data/test_one.tlp'
        maxNumHops = 2
        sourceId = 176

        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)

        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findAllPaths(sourceNode, maxNumHops)

        self.assertTrue(len(finder.valid) == 3)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_intermediateStatCounting(self):
        graphFile = '../data/test_two.tlp'
        sourceId = 5860
        targetId = 606
        maxNumHops = 2

        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)
        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)
        targetNode = tp.getNodeById(targetId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findPaths(sourceNode, targetNode, maxNumHops)

        stats = tp.PathStats(finder.valid)

        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumPathsWithLoop() == 0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumPaths() == len(finder.valid))
        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumUniqueTypes() == 2)

        unique = stats.getUniqueTypes()
        ) == 'GAC Aii, Gap Junction, CBb3-4i, Ribbon Synapse, GC ON')
        self.assertTrue(unique[1].toStringOfTypes() ==
                        'GAC Aii, Gap Junction, CBb4w, Ribbon Synapse, GC ON')
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = tlp.loadGraph('../data/test_one.tlp')
        self.startNodeId = 606

        self.path = tp.Path(self.graph)
        node = tp.getNodeById(self.startNodeId, self.graph)

        edges = self.graph.getOutEdges(node)

        for edge in edges:
            self.lastNode = self.graph.target(edge)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_pathTracker(self):
        tp.VERBOSE = True
        graphFile = '../data/test_one.tlp'
        maxNumHops = 2
        sourceId = 176

        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)

        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findAllPaths(sourceNode, maxNumHops)

        tracker = tp.PathTracker()
        for path in finder.valid:

        self.assertTrue(tracker.getNumUniquePathTypes() == 3)

        for i in range(0, len(finder.valid)):
            self.assertTrue(tracker.getOrCreatePathTypeID(finder.valid[i]) == i)
""" Example of finding paths and visualizing them for debugging. """

from tulip import *
from tulipgui import *
import tulippaths as tp

# Path parameters
graphFile = '../data/test_one.tlp'
sourceNodeId = 176
maxNumHops = 2

# Load the graph
graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)

# Find start and end nodes
source = tp.getNodeById(sourceNodeId, graph)

# Find paths
finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
results = finder.findAllPaths(source, maxNumHops)

print('The valid paths are:')
for path in finder.valid:
    print(('  ' + path.toString()))
    print(('  ' + path.toStringOfTypes()))
    print(('  ' + path.toStringOfIds()))

# Make all edges and nodes transparent
transparentGrey = tlp.Color(50, 50, 50, 50)
tp.setEdgeColor(transparentGrey, graph)
tp.setNodeColor(transparentGrey, graph)
""" Example of finding paths and unique types using PathStats """

from tulip import *
from tulipgui import *
import tulippaths as tp

# Path parameters
graphFile = '../data/514_4hops.tlp'
sourceNodeId = 593
targetNodeId = 514
maxNumHops = 5

graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)

# Find start and end nodes
source = tp.getNodeById(sourceNodeId, graph)
target = tp.getNodeById(targetNodeId, graph)

finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
print 'hops, total, valid, unique, num w\ loop'
for i in range(0, maxNumHops):
    finder.findPaths(source, target, i)
    stats = tp.PathStats(finder.valid)

    print str(i) + ', ' + str(len(finder.valid) + len(finder.failed)) + ', ' + str(len(finder.valid)) + ', ' + \
          str(stats.getNumUniqueTypes()) + ', ' + str(stats.getNumPathsWithLoop())

# Render the graph in a node-link diagram.
nodeLinkView = tlpgui.createNodeLinkDiagramView(graph)
Ejemplo n.º 10
""" Example of messing with node color
 This will turn all nodes black, then set the start node and end node to green and red repsectively.
from tulip import *
from tulipgui import *
import tulippaths as tp

graph = tlp.loadGraph("../data/test_one.tlp")

viewColor = graph.getColorProperty("viewColor")

source = tp.getNodeById(176, graph)
target = tp.getNodeById(606, graph)

# Make all nodes black
for node in graph.getNodes():
    viewColor[node] = tlp.Color.Black

# Make start node green and end node red.
viewColor[source] = tlp.Color(0, 255, 0)
viewColor[target] = tlp.Color(255, 0, 0)

# Render the graph in a node-link diagram.
nodeLinkView = tlpgui.createNodeLinkDiagramView(graph)
renderingParameters = nodeLinkView.getRenderingParameters()
Ejemplo n.º 11
""" Example of finding paths and unique types using PathStats """

from tulip import *
from tulipgui import *
import tulippaths as tp

# Path parameters
graphFile = '../data/514_4hops.tlp'
sourceNodeId = 593
targetNodeId = 514
maxNumHops = 5

graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)

# Find start and end nodes
source = tp.getNodeById(sourceNodeId, graph)
target = tp.getNodeById(targetNodeId, graph)

finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
print('hops, total, valid, unique, num w\ loop')
for i in range(0, maxNumHops):
    finder.findPaths(source, target, i)
    stats = tp.PathStats(finder.valid)

    print((str(i) + ', ' + str(len(finder.valid) + len(finder.failed)) + ', ' + str(len(finder.valid)) + ', ' + \
          str(stats.getNumUniqueTypes()) + ', ' + str(stats.getNumPathsWithLoop())))

# Render the graph in a node-link diagram.
nodeLinkView = tlpgui.createNodeLinkDiagramView(graph)