Пример #1
    def test_findPathZero(self):
        graphFile = '../data/test_zero.tlp'
        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)
        sourceId = 176
        targetId = 606
        maxNumHops = 1

        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)
        targetNode = tp.getNodeById(targetId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findPaths(sourceNode, targetNode, maxNumHops)

        self.assertTrue(len(finder.valid) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(len(finder.failed) == 0)
Пример #2
    def test_findPathOne(self):
        graphFile = '../data/test_one.tlp'
        sourceId = 176
        targetId = 606
        maxNumHops = 4

        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)
        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)
        targetNode = tp.getNodeById(targetId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findPaths(sourceNode, targetNode, maxNumHops)

        self.assertTrue(len(finder.valid) == 4)
        self.assertTrue(len(finder.failed) == 1)
        for path in finder.valid:
Пример #3
    def test_basicStatCounting(self):
        graphFile = '../data/test_one.tlp'
        sourceId = 176
        targetId = 606
        maxNumHops = 4

        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)
        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)
        targetNode = tp.getNodeById(targetId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findPaths(sourceNode, targetNode, maxNumHops)

        stats = tp.PathStats(finder.valid)

        # Tests of unique path counting
        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumPathsWithLoop() == 2)
        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumUniqueTypes() == 4)
        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumPaths() == len(finder.valid))
Пример #4
    def test_findAllPaths(self):
        graphFile = '../data/test_one.tlp'
        maxNumHops = 2
        sourceId = 176

        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)

        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findAllPaths(sourceNode, maxNumHops)

        self.assertTrue(len(finder.valid) == 3)
Пример #5
    def test_intermediateStatCounting(self):
        graphFile = '../data/test_two.tlp'
        sourceId = 5860
        targetId = 606
        maxNumHops = 2

        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)
        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)
        targetNode = tp.getNodeById(targetId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findPaths(sourceNode, targetNode, maxNumHops)

        stats = tp.PathStats(finder.valid)

        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumPathsWithLoop() == 0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumPaths() == len(finder.valid))
        self.assertTrue(stats.getNumUniqueTypes() == 2)

        unique = stats.getUniqueTypes()
        ) == 'GAC Aii, Gap Junction, CBb3-4i, Ribbon Synapse, GC ON')
        self.assertTrue(unique[1].toStringOfTypes() ==
                        'GAC Aii, Gap Junction, CBb4w, Ribbon Synapse, GC ON')
Пример #6
    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = tlp.loadGraph('../data/test_one.tlp')
        self.startNodeId = 606

        self.path = tp.Path(self.graph)
        node = tp.getNodeById(self.startNodeId, self.graph)

        edges = self.graph.getOutEdges(node)

        for edge in edges:
            self.lastNode = self.graph.target(edge)
Пример #7
    def test_pathTracker(self):
        tp.VERBOSE = True
        graphFile = '../data/test_one.tlp'
        maxNumHops = 2
        sourceId = 176

        graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)

        sourceNode = tp.getNodeById(sourceId, graph)

        finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
        finder.findAllPaths(sourceNode, maxNumHops)

        tracker = tp.PathTracker()
        for path in finder.valid:

        self.assertTrue(tracker.getNumUniquePathTypes() == 3)

        for i in range(0, len(finder.valid)):
            self.assertTrue(tracker.getOrCreatePathTypeID(finder.valid[i]) == i)
""" Example of finding paths and visualizing them for debugging. """

from tulip import *
from tulipgui import *
import tulippaths as tp

# Path parameters
graphFile = '../data/test_one.tlp'
sourceNodeId = 176
maxNumHops = 2

# Load the graph
graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)

# Find start and end nodes
source = tp.getNodeById(sourceNodeId, graph)

# Find paths
finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
results = finder.findAllPaths(source, maxNumHops)

print('The valid paths are:')
for path in finder.valid:
    print(('  ' + path.toString()))
    print(('  ' + path.toStringOfTypes()))
    print(('  ' + path.toStringOfIds()))

# Make all edges and nodes transparent
transparentGrey = tlp.Color(50, 50, 50, 50)
tp.setEdgeColor(transparentGrey, graph)
tp.setNodeColor(transparentGrey, graph)
""" Example of finding paths and unique types using PathStats """

from tulip import *
from tulipgui import *
import tulippaths as tp

# Path parameters
graphFile = '../data/514_4hops.tlp'
sourceNodeId = 593
targetNodeId = 514
maxNumHops = 5

graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)

# Find start and end nodes
source = tp.getNodeById(sourceNodeId, graph)
target = tp.getNodeById(targetNodeId, graph)

finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
print 'hops, total, valid, unique, num w\ loop'
for i in range(0, maxNumHops):
    finder.findPaths(source, target, i)
    stats = tp.PathStats(finder.valid)

    print str(i) + ', ' + str(len(finder.valid) + len(finder.failed)) + ', ' + str(len(finder.valid)) + ', ' + \
          str(stats.getNumUniqueTypes()) + ', ' + str(stats.getNumPathsWithLoop())

# Render the graph in a node-link diagram.
nodeLinkView = tlpgui.createNodeLinkDiagramView(graph)
Пример #10
""" Example of messing with node color
 This will turn all nodes black, then set the start node and end node to green and red repsectively.
from tulip import *
from tulipgui import *
import tulippaths as tp

graph = tlp.loadGraph("../data/test_one.tlp")

viewColor = graph.getColorProperty("viewColor")

source = tp.getNodeById(176, graph)
target = tp.getNodeById(606, graph)

# Make all nodes black
for node in graph.getNodes():
    viewColor[node] = tlp.Color.Black

# Make start node green and end node red.
viewColor[source] = tlp.Color(0, 255, 0)
viewColor[target] = tlp.Color(255, 0, 0)

# Render the graph in a node-link diagram.
nodeLinkView = tlpgui.createNodeLinkDiagramView(graph)
renderingParameters = nodeLinkView.getRenderingParameters()
Пример #11
""" Example of finding paths and unique types using PathStats """

from tulip import *
from tulipgui import *
import tulippaths as tp

# Path parameters
graphFile = '../data/514_4hops.tlp'
sourceNodeId = 593
targetNodeId = 514
maxNumHops = 5

graph = tlp.loadGraph(graphFile)

# Find start and end nodes
source = tp.getNodeById(sourceNodeId, graph)
target = tp.getNodeById(targetNodeId, graph)

finder = tp.PathFinder(graph)
print('hops, total, valid, unique, num w\ loop')
for i in range(0, maxNumHops):
    finder.findPaths(source, target, i)
    stats = tp.PathStats(finder.valid)

    print((str(i) + ', ' + str(len(finder.valid) + len(finder.failed)) + ', ' + str(len(finder.valid)) + ', ' + \
          str(stats.getNumUniqueTypes()) + ', ' + str(stats.getNumPathsWithLoop())))

# Render the graph in a node-link diagram.
nodeLinkView = tlpgui.createNodeLinkDiagramView(graph)