Ejemplo n.º 1
def format_definition(json_obj):
	""" Format an API-provided JSON object for display"""
	word = json_obj['word']
	definition = dedent(json_obj['definition']).replace('\r\n', ' ')
	example = dedent(json_obj['example']).replace('\r\n', ' ')
	permalink = json_obj['permalink']

	parts = textwrap(definition, DEFINITION_LENGTH)
	definition = parts[0]
	if len(parts) > 1:
		definition += ' [...]'

	if example:
		parts = textwrap(example, TOTAL_LENGTH - len(definition))
		example = parts[0]
		if len(parts) > 1:
			example += ' [...]'

	s = bold(word) + ': '
	if definition and not example:
		s += definition
	elif example and not definition:
		s += 'E.g. ' + example
		# U+2014 EM DASH
		s += definition + u' \u2014 e.g. ' + example

	return '%s (%s)' % (s, permalink)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def format_definition(json_obj):
    """ Format an API-provided JSON object for display"""
    word = json_obj['word']
    definition = dedent(json_obj['definition']).replace('\r\n', ' ')
    example = dedent(json_obj['example']).replace('\r\n', ' ')
    permalink = json_obj['permalink']

    parts = textwrap(definition, DEFINITION_LENGTH)
    definition = parts[0]
    if len(parts) > 1:
        definition += ' [...]'

    if example:
        parts = textwrap(example, TOTAL_LENGTH - len(definition))
        example = parts[0]
        if len(parts) > 1:
            example += ' [...]'

    s = bold(word) + ': '
    if definition and not example:
        s += definition
    elif example and not definition:
        s += 'E.g. ' + example
        # U+2014 EM DASH
        s += definition + u' \u2014 e.g. ' + example

    return '%s (%s)' % (s, permalink)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def urbandictionary(event, bot):
	""" urbandictionary [TERM]. Searches Urban Dictionary for TERM if supplied.
	Otherwise a random definition will be displayed."""
	if not event.argument:
		json_obj = jsonload(urlopen(RANDOM_URL))
		json_obj = jsonload(urlopen(API_URL + urlquote(event.argument)))
		if not json_obj['list']:
			return bot.say("No definition found for '%s'." % bold(event.argument))

	return bot.say(format_definition(json_obj['list'][0]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def urbandictionary(event, bot):
    """ urbandictionary [TERM]. Searches Urban Dictionary for TERM if supplied.
	Otherwise a random definition will be displayed."""
    if not event.argument:
        json_obj = jsonload(urlopen(RANDOM_URL))
        json_obj = jsonload(urlopen(API_URL + urlquote(event.argument)))
        if not json_obj['list']:
            return bot.say("No definition found for '%s'." %

    return bot.say(format_definition(json_obj['list'][0]))