Ejemplo n.º 1
 def constructLayer(self, inputShape, initParams, name, 
                    act_func=None, alpha=0.1, 
                    lr_scheduler=None, **layerSpecs):
     self.layerName = name
     self.actFunc = act_func
     self.alpha = alpha
     self.norm_axis = (0,) + tuple(range(2, len(inputShape)))
     x_avg_values = None
     beta_values = None
     param_shape = list(inputShape)
     for a in self.norm_axis:
         param_shape[a] = 1
     param_shape = tuple(param_shape)
     if initParams is not None:
         if ('x_avg' in initParams) and (initParams['x_avg'] is not None):
             x_avg_values = initParams['x_avg']
             warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                           +" value for x_avg, will use constant initialization for x_avg")
     if x_avg_values is None:
         x_avg_values = numpy.zeros(inputShape[1], dtype='float32').reshape(param_shape)
     x_avg_expr = theano.shared(x_avg_values, name='x_avg')
     if initParams is not None:
         if ('beta' in initParams) and (initParams['beta'] is not None):
             beta_values = initParams['beta']
             warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                           +" value for beta, will use constant initialization for beta")
     if beta_values is None:
         beta_values = numpy.ones(inputShape[1], dtype='float32').reshape(param_shape)
     beta_expr = theano.shared(beta_values, name='beta')
     self.inputShape = inputShape
     self.outputShape = self.inputShape
     # x_avg and x_std should never be tuned through grad descent
     if 'tune' not in layerSpecs:
         layerSpecs['tune'] = {'beta':True, 'x_avg':False}
         layerSpecs['tune']['x_avg'] = False
     tune, reg, constraint, lr, mu = setupDefaultLayerOptions(['beta', 'x_avg'], layerSpecs)
     self.params.addParameters(params = {'beta':beta_expr, 'x_avg':x_avg_expr},
                              tune = tune, 
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def constructLayer(self, inputShape, initParams, name, w_init, hiddens, 
                    b_init=0, act_func=None, lr_scheduler=None, weights_outside=None,
     self.layerName = name
     self.wInit = w_init
     self.bInit = b_init
     self.actFunc = act_func
     self.ignore_bias = ignore_bias
     self.weights_outside = weights_outside
     nHiddenSize = hiddens
     if len(inputShape) > 2:
         self.inputShape = (inputShape[0], numpy.prod(inputShape[1:]))
         self.inputShape = inputShape
     self.outputShape = (inputShape[0], nHiddenSize)
     W_values = None
     b_values = None
     if initParams is not None:
         if ('W' in initParams) and (initParams['W'] is not None):
             W_values = initParams['W']
             assert len(W_values.shape) == 2, \
                    "Initialize W dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                    +"2 dimenional matrix got %d dimensions" % len(W_values.shape)
             assert W_values.shape == (self.inputShape[-1], self.outputShape[-1]), \
                    ("Initialize W shape is incorrect, expected: (%d, %d), got: (%d, %d)" \
                     % (self.inputShape[-1], self.outputShape[-1], W_values.shape[0], W_values.shape[1]))
             warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                           +" value for W, will use random initialization for W")
     if initParams is not None:
         if ('b' in initParams) and (initParams['b'] is not None):
             b_values = initParams['b']
             assert len(b_values.shape) == 1, \
                    "Initialize W dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                    +"vector got %d dimensions" % len(b_values.shape)
             assert b_values.shape == (self.outputShape[-1],), \
                    ("Initialize b shape is incorrect, expected: %d, got: %d" \
                     % (self.outputShape[-1], b_values.shape[0]))
             warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                           +" value for b, will use constant initialization for b")
     if weights_outside is not None:
         W_expr = weights_outside[0]
         if W_values is None:
             W_values = self.wInit.init(self.inputShape[-1], self.outputShape[-1])
         W_expr = theano.shared(name='W', value=W_values, borrow=True)
     if b_values is None:
         b_values = self.bInit*numpy.ones((self.outputShape[-1],), dtype='float32')
     b_expr = theano.shared(name='b', value=b_values, borrow=True)
     if self.ignore_bias:
         if 'tune' in layerSpecs:
             layerSpecs['tune']['b'] = False
             layerSpecs['tune'] = {'W':True, 'b':False}
     tune, reg, constraint, lr, mu = setupDefaultLayerOptions(['W','b'], layerSpecs)
     self.params.addParameters(params = {'W':W_expr, 'b':b_expr},
                              tune = tune, 
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def constructLayer(self, inputShape, initParams, name, batch_size, w_init, 
                    channels, filter_size, 
                    strid_size=1, pad=0, b_init=0, act_func=None, 
                    lr_scheduler=None, algo='small',
                    weight_outside=None, **layerSpecs):
     self.layerName = name
     self.batchSize = batch_size
     self.strideSize = strid_size
     self.nPad = pad
     self.wInit = w_init
     self.bInit = b_init
     self.actFunc = act_func
     self.algo = algo
     self.weight_outside = weight_outside
     nFilters = channels
     filterSize = filter_size
     # this is the inverse of conv so instead of having (out, in, r, c)
     # we have here (in, out, r, c) so that when we do the grad it does the 
     # correct thing
     self.filterShape = (inputShape[1], nFilters, filterSize, filterSize)  
     self.inputShape = inputShape
     # calculate output size
     self.outputShape = (self.batchSize, nFilters,
                         int((inputShape[2]-0.5)*self.strideSize + filterSize - 2*self.nPad),
                         int((inputShape[3]-0.5)*self.strideSize + filterSize - 2*self.nPad))
     W_values = None
     b_values = None
     if initParams is not None:
         if ('W' in initParams) and (initParams['W'] is not None):
             W_values = initParams['W']
             assert len(W_values.shape) == 4, \
                    "Initialize W dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                    +"4 dimenional tensor got %d dimensions" % len(W_values.shape)
             assert W_values.shape == self.filterShape, \
                    ("Initialize W shape is incorrect, expected: (%d, %d, %d, %d), got: (%d, %d, %d, %d)"\
                     % (self.filterShape[0], self.filterShape[1], self.filterShape[2], self.filterShape[3],\
                        W_values.shape[0], W_values.shape[1], W_values.shape[2], W_values.shape[3]))
             warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                           +" value for W, will use random initialization for W")
     if initParams is not None:
         if ('b' in initParams) and (initParams['b'] is not None):
             b_values = initParams['b']
             assert len(b_values.shape) == 1, \
                    "Initialize W dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                    +"vector got %d dimensions" % len(b_values.shape)
             assert b_values.shape == (self.filterShape[1],), \
                    ("Initialize b shape is incorrect, expected: %d, got: %d" \
                     % (self.filterShape[1], b_values.shape[0]))
             warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                           +" value for b, will use random initialization for b")
     if weight_outside is not None:
         W_expr = weight_outside[0]
         if W_values is None:
             W_values = self.wInit.init(numpy.prod(self.filterShape[1:]), self.filterShape[0], 
                                        numpy.prod(self.filterShape[1:]), numpy.prod(self.filterShape)/self.filterShape[1])
         W_expr = theano.shared(name='W', value=W_values.reshape(self.filterShape), borrow=True)
     if b_values is None:
         b_values = self.bInit*numpy.ones((self.filterShape[1],), dtype='float32')
     b_expr = theano.shared(name='b', value=b_values, borrow=True)
     tune, reg, constraint, lr, mu = setupDefaultLayerOptions(['W','b'], layerSpecs)
     self.params.addParameters(params = {'W':W_expr, 'b':b_expr},
                              tune = tune, 
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def constructLayer(self, inputShape, initParams, name, batch_size, w_init,
                       channels, filter_size, 
                       strid_size=1, pad=0, b_init=0, act_func=None, 
                       post_act_normalize=True, W_expr=None, **layerSpecs):
        self.layerName = name
        self.batchSize = batch_size
        self.strideSize = strid_size
        self.nPad = pad
        self.wInit = w_init
        self.bInit = b_init
        self.actFunc = act_func
        self.post_act_normalize = post_act_normalize
        nFilters = channels
        filterSize = filter_size
        self.filterShape = (nFilters, inputShape[1], filterSize, filterSize)
        self.inputShape = inputShape
        # calculate output size
        self.outputShape = (self.batchSize, nFilters,
                           int((inputShape[2] - filterSize + self.nPad*2)//self.strideSize + 1),
                           int((inputShape[3] - filterSize + self.nPad*2)//self.strideSize + 1))
        W_values = None
        b_values = None
        gamma_values = None
        if initParams is not None:
            if ('W' in initParams) and (initParams['W'] is not None):
                W_values = initParams['W']
                assert len(W_values.shape) == 4, \
                       "Initialize W dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                       +"4 dimenional tensor got %d dimensions" % len(W_values.shape)
                assert W_values.shape == self.filterShape, \
                       ("Initialize W shape is incorrect, expected: (%d, %d, %d, %d), got: (%d, %d, %d, %d)"\
                        % (self.filterShape[0], self.filterShape[1], self.filterShape[2], self.filterShape[3],\
                           W_values.shape[0], W_values.shape[1], W_values.shape[2], W_values.shape[3]))
                warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                              +" value for W, will use random initialization for W")
        if initParams is not None:
            if ('b' in initParams) and (initParams['b'] is not None):
                b_values = initParams['b']
                assert len(b_values.shape) == 1, \
                       "Initialize W dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                       +"vector got %d dimensions" % len(b_values.shape)
                assert b_values.shape == (self.filterShape[0],), \
                       ("Initialize b shape is incorrect, expected: %d, got: %d" \
                        % (self.filterShape[0], b_values.shape[0]))
                warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                              +" value for b, will use random initialization for b")
        if initParams is not None:
            if ('gamma' in initParams) and (initParams['gamma'] is not None):
                gamma_values = initParams['gamma']
                assert len(gamma_values.shape) == 1, \
                       "Initialize gamma dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                       +"vector got %d dimensions" % len(gamma_values.shape)
                assert gamma_values.shape == (self.filterShape[0],), \
                       ("Initialize gamma shape is incorrect, expected: %d, got: %d" \
                        % (self.filterShape[0], gamma_values.shape[0]))
                warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                              +" value for gamma, will use constant initialization for gamma")

        if gamma_values is None:
            gamma_values = numpy.ones((self.filterShape[0],), dtype='float32')
        gamma_expr = theano.shared(gamma_values, name='gamma')
        if W_expr is not None:
            W_expr = W_expr
            if W_values is None:
                W_values = self.wInit.init(numpy.prod(self.filterShape[1:]), self.filterShape[0], 
                                           numpy.prod(self.filterShape[1:]), numpy.prod(self.filterShape)/self.filterShape[1])
            W_expr = theano.shared(name='W', value=W_values.reshape(self.filterShape), borrow=True)
        if b_values is None:
            b_values = self.bInit*numpy.ones((self.filterShape[0],), dtype='float32')
        b_expr = theano.shared(name='b', value=b_values, borrow=True)
#         beta_expr = theano.shared(name='beta', value=numpy.ones(self.filterShape[0], dtype='float32'))
        tune, reg, constraint, lr, mu = setupDefaultLayerOptions(['W','b', 'gamma'], layerSpecs)
        self.params.addParameters(params = {'W':W_expr, 'b':b_expr, 'gamma':gamma_expr},
                                 tune = tune, 
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def constructLayer(self, inputShape, initParams, name, w_init, hiddens, 
                       b_hid_init=0, b_vis_init=0, fact_func=None, bact_func=None,
                       lr_scheduler=None, tie_weights=False, **layerSpecs):
        self.layerName = name
        self.wInit = w_init
        self.bHidInit = b_hid_init
        self.bVisInit = b_vis_init
        self.forwardActFunc = fact_func
        self.backwardActFunc = bact_func
        self.inputShape = inputShape
        self.tieWeights = tie_weights
        nHiddenSize = hiddens
        if len(inputShape) > 2:
            inputShape = (inputShape[0], numpy.prod(inputShape[1:]))

        self.outputShape = (inputShape[0], nHiddenSize)
        W_values = None
        W_prime_values = None
        b_values = None
        b_prime_values = None
        if initParams is not None:
            if ('W' in initParams) and (initParams['W'] is not None):
                W_values = initParams['W']
                assert len(W_values.shape) == 2, \
                       "Initialize W dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                       +"2 dimenional matrix got %d dimensions" % len(W_values.shape)
                assert W_values.shape == (inputShape[-1], self.outputShape[-1]), \
                       ("Initialize W shape is incorrect, expected: (%d, %d), got: (%d, %d)" \
                        % (inputShape[-1], self.outputShape[-1], W_values.shape[0], W_values.shape[1]))
                warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                              +" value for W, will use random initialization for W")
        if initParams is not None:
            if not self.tieWeights:
                if ('W_prime' in initParams) and (initParams['W_prime'] is not None):
                    W_prime_values = initParams['W_prime']
                    assert len(W_prime_values.shape) == 2, \
                           "Initialize W_prime dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                           +"2 dimenional matrix got %d dimensions" % len(W_prime_values.shape)
                    assert W_prime_values.shape == (self.outputShape[-1], inputShape[-1]), \
                           ("Initialize W_prime shape is incorrect, expected: (%d, %d), got: (%d, %d)" \
                            % (self.outputShape[-1], inputShape[-1], W_prime_values.shape[0], W_prime_values.shape[1]))
                    warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                                  +" value for W, will use random initialization for W")
        if initParams is not None:
            if ('b' in initParams) and (initParams['b'] is not None):
                b_values = initParams['b']
                assert len(b_values.shape) == 1, \
                       "Initialize b dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                       +"vector got %d dimensions" % len(b_values.shape)
                assert b_values.shape == (self.outputShape[-1],), \
                       ("Initialize b shape is incorrect, expected: %d, got: %d" \
                        % (self.outputShape[-1], b_values.shape[0]))
                warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                              +" value for b, will use constant initialization for b")
        if initParams is not None:
            if ('b_prime' in initParams) and (initParams['b_prime'] is not None):
                b_prime_values = initParams['b_prime']
                assert len(b_values.shape) == 1, \
                       "Initialize b_prime dimension does not match, expected to be a" \
                       +"vector got %d dimensions" % len(b_prime_values.shape)
                assert b_prime_values.shape == (inputShape[-1],), \
                       ("Initialize b_prime shape is incorrect, expected: %d, got: %d" \
                        % (inputShape[-1], b_prime_values.shape[0]))
                warnings.warn("initParams provided but did not provide actual initialization"
                              +" value for b_prime, will use constant initialization for b_prime")
        if W_values is None:
            W_values = self.wInit.init(inputShape[-1], self.outputShape[-1])
        W_expr = theano.shared(name='W', value=W_values, borrow=True)
        if self.tieWeights:
            W_prime_expr = W_expr.T
            if W_prime_values is None:
                W_prime_values = self.wInit.init(self.outputShape[-1], inputShape[-1])
            W_prime_expr = theano.shared(name='W_prime', value=W_prime_values, borrow=True)
        if b_values is None:
            b_values = self.bHidInit*numpy.ones((self.outputShape[-1],), dtype='float32')
        b_expr = theano.shared(name='b', value=b_values, borrow=True)
        if b_prime_values is None:
            b_prime_values = self.bVisInit*numpy.ones((inputShape[-1],), dtype='float32')
        b_prime_expr = theano.shared(name='b_prime', value=b_prime_values, borrow=True)
        tune, reg, constraint, lr, mu = setupDefaultLayerOptions(['W','W_prime','b', 'b_prime'], layerSpecs)
        # no need to tune W_prime if it is tied with W
        if self.tieWeights:
            params = {'W':W_expr, 'b':b_expr, 'b_prime':b_prime_expr}
            params = {'W':W_expr, 'W_prime':W_prime_expr, 'b':b_expr, 'b_prime':b_prime_expr}
        self.params.addParameters(params = params,
                                 tune = tune, 