def load_secrets(mount_path='/secret/kubeaction'): _secrets = {} for f in files_list(mount_path): with open(path.join(mount_path, f), 'r') as raw: _secrets[f] = print('secrets', _secrets) return _secrets
def main(mode): in_fold = os.path.join(root_folder, mode) print "Reading images from %s" % in_fold print "Run mode: %s" % mode.upper() names = files_list(in_fold, mode) print "Total number of files: %d" % len(names) # Create a parallel pool errf = open('err.log', 'w') sys.stderr = errf with Parallel(n_jobs=8) as parallel: rets = parallel(delayed(downsample)(fname_label, mode) for fname_label in names) print "Done. A total of %d files processed." % len(rets) errf.close()
test_path = '/home/ubuntu/dataset/test/test/' job_id = "model_303_01_14.csv" # net01 = caffe.Net(dep_path01, model_path01, caffe.TEST) # net01.blobs['data'].reshape(*(batch_size, 3, input_shape[0], input_shape[1])) # net14 = caffe.Net(dep_path14, model_path14, caffe.TEST) # net14.blobs['data'].reshape(*(batch_size, 3, input_shape[0], input_shape[1])) # transformer ={'data': net01.blobs['data'].data.shape}) # transformer.set_mean('data', (*255).mean(0).mean(0)) # transformer.set_transpose('data', (2,0,1)) # transformer.set_channel_swap('data', (2,1,0)) # transformer.set_raw_scale('data', 255.0) names = sorted(files_list(test_path, "test"), key=key_names) num_files = len(names) print "Total number of test files: %d" % num_files out_file = open("pred_%s.csv" % (job_id), "w", 0) # with Parallel(n_jobs=5) as parallel: # for i in xrange(0, num_files, uniq_im_per_batch): # upper_idx = min(i + uniq_im_per_batch, num_files) # files_batch = names[i:upper_idx] # num_uniq_im = (upper_idx - i) # ret = parallel(delayed(process_img)(fname_lab, crop_shape, scale, random_draws, "test", False) # for fname_lab in files_batch) # ret = np.asarray(ret).reshape((num_uniq_im * (random_draws + 1), crop_shape[0], crop_shape[1], 3)) # if ret.shape[0] < batch_size: # pad = np.zeros((batch_size - num_uniq_im, crop_shape[0], crop_shape[1], 3), dtype=ret.dtype)