def build_model(self): self.X = tf.placeholder("float", [None, self.width, self.height]) if self.is_train: self.trX, self.trY = read_mat( './data/' + self.data_set + '.mat', True) self.Y = tf.placeholder("float", [None, self.width, self.height]) else: self.trX = read_mat('./data/' + self.test_set + '.mat', False) self.num_of_data = len(self.trX) if self.is_train: loss_tmp, grad_tmp = self.loss_and_grad() with tf.device('/cpu:0'): self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(loss_tmp) grad = average_gradients(grad_tmp) tf.summary.scalar("cost", self.cost) else: with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()): self.logit = self.inference(self.X) update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): self.train_op = self.optimizer.apply_gradients(grad) self.summary = tf.summary.merge_all() self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
def test5(): print("\n\nTest 5 - Algorithm Tweaks (Bias & Variance)") print("Expected / Actual:") print("\nRegularized Linear Regression: ") X, y = ut.read_mat('mat/ex5data1.mat') X = ut.create_design(X) theta = np.array([1, 1]) print("303.993 / ", alg.SSD(theta, X, y, 1)) grad = alg.SSD_gradient(theta, X, y, 1) print("-15.30 / ", grad[0]) print("598.250 / ", grad[1]) print("\nLearning Curve:") raw = ut.read_mat_raw('mat/ex5data1.mat') X = raw['X'] y = raw['y'].reshape(-1) Xval = raw['Xval'] yval = raw['yval'].reshape(-1) print("Check plot") # pt.plot_learning_curve(ut.create_design(X), y, ut.create_design(Xval), yval, 0) print("\nFitting polynomial regression:") p = 8 X_poly = ut.poly_features(X, p) X_poly, mu, sigma = ut.normalize_features(X_poly) X_poly = ut.create_design(X_poly) Xval = ut.poly_features(Xval, p) Xval -= mu Xval /= sigma Xval = ut.create_design(Xval) l = 0.01 theta = alg.parametrize_linear(X_poly, y, l) print("Check plot, l =", l) pt.fit_plot(X, y, mu, sigma, theta, p) pt.plot_learning_curve(X_poly, y, Xval, yval, l) print("\nOptimize regularization:") print("Check plot") l = pt.plot_validation_curve(X_poly, y, Xval, yval) Xtest = raw['Xtest'] ytest = raw['ytest'].reshape(-1) Xtest = ut.poly_features(Xtest, p) Xtest -= mu Xtest /= sigma Xtest = ut.create_design(Xtest) theta = alg.parametrize_linear(X_poly, y, l) print("3.8599 / ", alg.SSD(theta, Xtest, ytest, 0)) print("\nRandomized learning curve:") print("Check plot") pt.plot_randomized_learning_curve(X_poly, y, Xval, yval, 0.01) return
def bruteforce(slot_inicial, nslots): # Inicializacao e importacao de dados mat_file = utils.read_mat("final.mat") s2 = mat_file["s2"] P = mat_file["P"] PI = mat_file["PI"] n_maquinas = mat_file["n_maquinas"] pesos = mat_file["pesos"] x_teste = mat_file["x_teste"] Consumo_total = x_teste[slot_inicial:slot_inicial+nslots] [lista,combinacoes] = utils.init_markov(nslots,n_maquinas, pesos) while(1): cost = 0 return
def test3(): print("\n\nTest 3 - Multiclass Logistic Regression & Neural Networks") print("Expected / Actual:") print("\nMulticlass LR:") X, y = ut.read_mat('mat/ex3data1.mat') for i in range(y.shape[0]): if (y[i] == 10): y[i] = 0 theta = np.array([-2, -1, 1, 2]) X_t = ut.create_design(np.arange(1, 16, 1).reshape(3, 5).T / 10) y_t = np.array(([1, 0, 1, 0, 1])) l_t = 3 cost = alg.cross_ent(theta, X_t, y_t, l_t) grad = alg.cross_ent_gradient(theta, X_t, y_t, l_t) print("2.534819 / %f" % cost) print("0.146561 / %f" % grad[0]) print("-0.548558 / %f" % grad[1]) print("0.724722 / %f" % grad[2]) print("1.398003 / %f" % grad[3]) degree = 10 l = 0.1 theta = alg.multiclass_logreg(X, y, l, degree) p = ut.multiclass_prediction(theta, X) print(">= 95 / %f" % (np.mean(p == y) * 100)) print("\nNeural Networks (Forward Propagation): ") data = ut.read_mat_raw('mat/ex3weights.mat') theta1 = data['Theta1'] theta2 = data['Theta2'] X, y = ut.read_mat('mat/ex3data1.mat') p = test3neuralnet(theta1, theta2, X) print("Predicted: ", p) print("Actual: ", y) print("Expected vs. Actual Accuracy: 97.52 / %f" % (np.mean(p == y) * 100)) return
def main(configs): # read mat data from file input_data = utl.read_mat(configs['DATA_PATH']) # data preprocessing input_data, proc_mask = utl.data_preprocessing(input_data,\ configs['MONTH_SELECTION']) # generate feature vectors feats, labels = generate_features(input_data) # backup feats and labels feats_backup = feats labels_backup = labels # weather classification feats, labels, masks = weather_classification(feats, configs['MODE'], labels) if configs['MODE'] == 'grid search': grid_search_wrapper(feats, labels, configs) elif configs['MODE'] == 'holdout training': holdout_train_wrapper(feats, labels, configs, masks) elif configs['MODE'] == 'weather prediction': preds = weather_prediction(feats, labels, configs, masks) # compare predicted irradiance drop utl.plot_irradiance_drop(feats_backup[:, 5] - preds, feats_backup[:, 5] - labels_backup) utl.plot_irradiance_drop(preds, labels_backup) ''' regroup the data ''' preds_cube, labels_cube = utl.regroup_data(preds, labels_backup, proc_mask) utl.compare_daily_mean(preds_cube, labels_cube, sensor_selection=24)
def bruteforce(slot_inicial, nslots): # Inicializacao e importacao de dados mat_file = utils.read_mat("final.mat") s2 = mat_file["s2"] P = mat_file["P"] PI = mat_file["PI"] n_maquinas = mat_file["n_maquinas"] pesos = mat_file["pesos"] x_teste = mat_file["x_teste"] Consumo_total = x_teste[slot_inicial:slot_inicial + nslots] [lista, combinacoes] = utils.init_markov(nslots, n_maquinas, pesos) while (1): cost = 0 return
def test4(): print("\n\nTest 4 - Neural Networks") print("Expected / Actual:") print("\nForward Propagation & Cost: ") X, y = ut.read_mat('mat/ex4data1.mat') data = io.loadmat('mat/ex4weights.mat') w1 = data['Theta1'][:, 1:] b1 = data['Theta1'][:, 0] w2 = data['Theta2'][:, 1:] b2 = data['Theta2'][:, 0] layers = np.array([400, 25, 10]) y = nn.Neural.binarize_ground_truth(y, 10) net = nn.Neural(layers, X, y) net.weight = np.concatenate([w1.flatten(), w2.flatten()]) net.bias = np.concatenate([b1.flatten(), b2.flatten()]) result = net.fp().T print("0.00011266 / %.8f" % result[0, 0]) print("0.9907 / %.4f" % result[2665, 4]) print("0.000047972 / %.9f" % result[321, 0]) print("0.0819 / %.4f" % result[-1, -1]) print("0.287629 / %.6f" % net.cost()) print("\nRegularized Cost:") net.l = 1 print("0.383770 / %.6f" % net.cost()) print("\nSigmoid Derivative:") print("0.25 / ", net.sigmoid_deriv(net.sigmoid(0))) net.l = 0 print("\nBackpropagation: ") grad = net.bp() print("(10285,) /", grad.shape) print("0.0000015972 /%.10f" % grad[5]) print("0.00015668 / %.8f" % grad[666]) print("-0.0011 / %.4f" % grad[-(net.bias.shape[0] + 55)]) print("0.00077333 / %.8f" % grad[-(net.bias.shape[0] + 1)]) print("0.000061871 / %.9f" % grad[-(net.bias.shape[0])]) print("-0.000037065 / %.9f" % grad[-(net.bias.shape[0] - 15)]) print("0.00024755 / %.8f" % grad[-1]) print("< 1e-9 / ", nn.Neural.debug_bp()) print("\nBackpropagation, with regularization:") net.l = 3 print("0.576051 / %f" % net.binary_cross_entropy()) net.fp() net.bp() print("< 1e-9 /", nn.Neural.debug_bp()) print("\nGradient descent: ") net = nn.Neural(layers, X, y) net.l = 300 net.parametrize(1000) p = net.predict(X) print("Training accuracy: ", np.mean(p == y) * 100) return
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np, sys, os from sklearn.utils import shuffle from scipy.ndimage import imread from scipy.misc import imresize import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils import read_mat np.random.seed(678) tf.set_random_seed(1400) # load DataSet train_X, train_label = read_mat('./data/data_set.mat', True) test_X, test_label = read_mat('./data/test_set.mat', True) train_images = np.expand_dims(train_X[0:1400, :, :], axis=3) train_labels = np.expand_dims(train_label[0:1400, :, :], axis=3) train_images = (train_images - train_images.min()) / (train_images.max() - train_images.min()) train_labels = (train_labels - train_labels.min()) / (train_labels.max() - train_labels.min()) test_images = np.expand_dims(test_X[0:400, :, :], axis=3) test_labels = np.expand_dims(test_label[0:400, :, :], axis=3) test_images = (test_images - test_images.min()) / (test_images.max() - test_images.min()) test_labels = (test_labels - test_labels.min()) / (test_labels.max() - test_labels.min()) def tf_relu(x): return tf.nn.relu(x)
import utils import scipy import numpy # Inicializacao e importacao de dados print "initializing and loading data" #mat_file = utils.read_mat("final.mat") mat_file = utils.read_mat("Final35.mat") # Variancia s2 = mat_file["s2"] # Matriz de probabilidades matriz_probabilidades = mat_file["probab"] # Consumo total Consumo_total = mat_file["x_teste"] # Vector com o numero de submaquinas de cada maquina n_maquinas = mat_file["n_maquinas"][0].tolist() # Vector com o consumo de cada submaquina pesos = mat_file["pesos"].tolist()[0] # Variaveis auxiliares l = scipy.shape(pesos)[0] t = scipy.shape(Consumo_total)[0] # Matriz de armazenamento dos resultados de cada problema
import utils import scipy import numpy # Inicializacao e importacao de dados print "initializing and loading data" #mat_file = utils.read_mat("final.mat") mat_file = utils.read_mat("Final35.mat") # Variancia s2 = mat_file["s2"] # Matriz de probabilidades matriz_probabilidades = mat_file["probab"] # Consumo total Consumo_total = mat_file["x_teste"] # Vector com o numero de submaquinas de cada maquina n_maquinas = mat_file["n_maquinas"][0].tolist() # Vector com o consumo de cada submaquina pesos = mat_file["pesos"].tolist()[0] # Variaveis auxiliares l = scipy.shape(pesos)[0] t = scipy.shape(Consumo_total)[0]
import os, glob from PIL import Image from utils import read_mat DATA_DIR = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(__file__, os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir)) OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'processed', 'annotations') try: os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR) except: pass annotation_files = glob.glob( os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'raw', 'clothing-co-parsing', 'annotations', 'pixel-level', '*.mat')) for f in annotation_files: image_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] annotation = read_mat(f)['groundtruth'] annotation = Image.fromarray(annotation), image_name + '.png'))
import os import numpy as np from utils import read_mat DATA_DIR = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(__file__, os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir)) OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'metadata') labels_filepath = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'raw', 'clothing-co-parsing', 'label_list.mat') labels = read_mat(labels_filepath)['label_list'][0] labels = np.array([l[0] for i, l in enumerate(labels)]) labels = np.stack((range(len(labels)), labels), axis=1) np.savetxt(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'labels.txt'), labels, fmt='%s', delimiter=',')
import utils import scipy import numpy import unfold # Inicializacao e importacao de dados print "initializing and loading data" mat_file = utils.read_mat("final.mat") # Variancia s2 = mat_file["s2"] # Matriz de probabilidades matriz_probabilidades = mat_file["probab"] # Consumo total Consumo_total = mat_file["x_teste"] # Vector com o numero de submaquinas de cada maquina n_maquinas = mat_file["n_maquinas"] # Vector com o consumo de cada submaquina pesos = mat_file["pesos"].tolist()[0] # Variaveis auxiliares l = scipy.shape(pesos)[0] t = scipy.shape(Consumo_total)[0] # Matriz de armazenamento dos resultados de cada problema