Ejemplo n.º 1
def gossip():
    # checks if I am currently gossiping with someone else
    if not shard.gossiping:
        shard.lastToGossip = False
        incoming_data = json.loads(request.get_json())
        shard.gossiping = True
        # causal context of the incoming node trying to gossip
        other_context = incoming_data["causal-context"]
        # key store of incoming node trying to gossip
        other_kvstore = incoming_data["kv-store"]
        # this is true if the other node determined i will be the tiebreaker
        tiebreaker = True if incoming_data["tiebreaker"] == ADDRESS else False
        incoming_Vc = VectorClock(view=None, clock=other_context)
        if other_kvstore == shard.keystore:
            shard.gossiping = False
            return jsonify({"message": "We're equal."}), 201
        elif incoming_Vc.allFieldsZero():
            shard.gossiping = False
            return jsonify({"message": "You dont have any data"}), 201
        elif incoming_Vc.selfHappensBefore(shard.VC.__repr__()):
            # I am at least concurrent or after
            shard.gossiping = False
            return jsonify({"message": "I Don't need yours."}), 201
        elif incoming_Vc.__repr__() != shard.VC.__repr__():
            shard.keystore = other_kvstore
            shard.VC.merge(other_context, ADDRESS)
            shard.gossiping = False
            return jsonify({"message": "I took your data"}), 200
    return jsonify({"message": "gossiping"}), 201
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, router, address, view, replication_factor):
        KV_store.__init__(self, address)
        self.gossipScheduled = False
        self.lastToGossip = False
        self.gossiping = False
        #self.sched = Scheduler()
        self.history = [('Initialized', datetime.now())]
        self.ADDRESS = address
        self.VC = VectorClock(view=view, clock=None)
        self.ring_edge = 691 if len(
            view) < 100 else 4127  # parameter for hash mod value
        self.repl_factor = replication_factor
        self.num_shards = 0
        self.virtual_range = 16
        self.shard_interval = self.ring_edge // self.virtual_range
        self.nodes = []
        self.shard_ID = -1
        self.V_SHARDS = []  # store all virtual shards
        self.P_SHARDS = [[] for i in range(0, self.num_shards)
                         ]  # map physical shards to nodes
        self.virtual_translation = {}  # map virtual shards to physical shards
        self.backoff_mod = 59

        self.router = router
        self.view_change(view, replication_factor)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def state_transfer():
    data = request.get_json()
    other_vector_clock = data["context"]
    if shard.VC.selfHappensBefore(other_vector_clock):
        shard.keystore = data["kv-store"]
        shard.vc = VectorClock(view=None, clock=other_vector_clock)
    return {"message": "Acknowledged"}, 201
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def put(self, key, metadata, value, destnode=None):
     if destnode is None:
         destnode = random.choice(DynamoNode.nodelist)
     if len(metadata) == 1 and metadata[0] is None:
         metadata = VectorClock()
         metadata = VectorClock.converge(metadata)
     putmsg = ClientPut(self, destnode, key, value, metadata)
     return putmsg
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        self.servers = []
        self.rm = None

        # Initial selection of replica manager to communicate with
            self.rm = self._choose_replica()
        except ValueError as e:

        self.ts = VectorClock(REPLICA_NUM)  # Vector timestamp of front end
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def put(self, key, metadata, value, destnode=None):
     if destnode is None:  # Pick a random node to send the request to
         destnode = random.choice(DynamoNode.nodelist)
     # Input metadata is always a sequence, but we always need to insert a
     # single VectorClock object into the ClientPut message
     if len(metadata) == 1 and metadata[0] is None:
         metadata = VectorClock()
         # A Put operation always implies convergence
         metadata = VectorClock.converge(metadata)
     putmsg = ClientPut(self, destnode, key, value, metadata)
     return putmsg
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, replica_id, stopper, status=None):

        self._id = replica_id

        # Replica status properties
        self.failure_prob = 0.1
        self.overload_prob = 0.2
        self.auto_status = True
        if status not in [n.value for n in list(Status)]:
            print('Invalid status provided, defaulting to active.')
            self.status = Status.ACTIVE
            self.status = Status(status)
            self.auto_status = False
            print(f'Status set to {status}.',
                  'Automatic status updating disabled.')

        # Gossip Architecture State
        self.value_ts = VectorClock(REPLICA_NUM)  # aka data timestamp
        self.replica_ts = VectorClock(REPLICA_NUM)  # aka log timestamp
        self.update_log = []
        self.ts_table = [
            VectorClock(REPLICA_NUM) if i != self._id else None
            for i in range(REPLICA_NUM)
        self.executed = []
        self.pending_queries = queue.Queue()
        self.query_results = {}
        self.interval = 8.0  # interval between gossip exchanges
        self.other_replicas = self._find_replicas()

        self.stopper = stopper  # Used to indicate to server to stop

        # Locks for objects shared between threads
        self.vts_lock = threading.Lock()  # for value_ts
        self.rts_lock = threading.Lock()  # for replica_ts
        self.log_lock = threading.Lock()  # for update_log
Ejemplo n.º 8
def gossip():
    # checks if I am currently gossiping with someone else
    if not shard.gossiping:
        incoming_data = json.loads(request.get_json())
        shard.gossiping = True
        # causal context of the incoming node trying to gossip
        other_context = incoming_data["context"]
        # key store of incoming node trying to gossip
        other_kvstore = incoming_data["kv-store"]
        if other_kvstore == shard.keystore:
            return jsonify({"message": "We're equal."}), 200
        # this is true if the other node determined i will be the tiebreaker
        tiebreaker = True if incoming_data["tiebreaker"] == ADDRESS else False
        incoming_Vc = VectorClock(view=None, clock=other_context)
        if shard.VC.selfHappensBefore(other_context):
            # I am before
            # i accept your data
            shard.keystore = other_kvstore
            shard.VC.merge(other_context, ADDRESS)
            shard.gossiping = False
            print("I HAPPENED BEFORE, I TAKE YOU" + str(shard.keystore),
            return jsonify({"message": "I took your data"}), 200
        elif incoming_Vc.selfHappensBefore(shard.VC.__repr__()):
            # I am after the incoming one, so return my data
            shard.gossiping = False
            return jsonify({
                "message": "I am after you, take my data",
                "context": shard.VC.__repr__(),
                "kv-store": shard.keystore,
            }), 501
        elif tiebreaker:
            shard.gossiping = False
            return jsonify({
                "message": "I am the tiebreaker, take my data",
                "context": shard.VC.__repr__(),
                "kv-store": shard.keystore,
            }), 501
        elif not tiebreaker:
            if bool(other_kvstore) and not incoming_Vc.allFieldsZero():
                shard.keystore = other_kvstore
                shard.VC.merge(other_context, ADDRESS)
                shard.gossiping = False
                return jsonify({"message": "I took your data"}), 200
    shard.gossiping = False
    return jsonify({"message": "I am gossiping with someone else"}), 400
Ejemplo n.º 9
def checkList(msg, host):
	temp = VectorClock()
	data = getClock(host)
	for  (i,j) in data:
	for (index,msgi) in enumerate(msg):
		aux = Vector.getCounter(str(index))
			aux_1 = temp.getCounter(str(index))
		for (i,mes) in enumerate(messages):
			if i == index:
				mes[0] = msgi[0]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def gossip(self):
     if (gossiping == False):
         gossiping = True
         replica_ip_addresses = self.shard_replicas(self.shard_ID)
         replica_index = random.randint(0, len(replica_ip_addresses) - 1)
         while (self.shard_ID == replica_index):
             replica_index = random.randint(0,
                                            len(replica_ip_addresses) - 1)
         replica = replica_ip_addresses[replica_index]
         tiebreaker = replica if (
             replica_index > self.shard_ID) else self.ADDRESS
         data = {
             "context": self.VC.__repr__(),
             "kv-store": self.keystore,
             "tiebreaker": tiebreaker
         content, code = self.router.PUT(replica,
                                         '/kv-store/internal/gossip/', data,
         if (code == 200):
             # 200: They took my data
             gossiping = False
         elif (code == 501):
             # 501:
             # the other node was either the tiebreaker or happened after self
             # so this node takes its data
             # context of node
             other_context = content["context"]
             # key store of incoming node trying to gossip
             other_kvstore = content["kv-store"]
             self.VC = VectorClock(view=None, clock=other_context)
             self.keystore = other_kvstore
             #self happened before other, take its kvstore and merge with my clock
             # concurrent but other is tiebreaker
             # 400: Other is already gossiping with someone else
             # ELSE: unresponsive node (maybe itll be code 404?)
             gossiping = False
         # Curretly gossiping,
         # Will call after gossip backoff again
         gossiping = False
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, ID, IP, servers_list):
        super(Server, self).__init__()
        self.id = int(ID)
        self.ip = str(IP)
        self.servers_list = servers_list
        self.serverIndex = self.servers_list.index(self.ip)
        self.vectorClock = VectorClock(self.serverIndex, len(self.servers_list))
        self.myLogger = mylogger.Logger(self.ip)
        self.blackboard = distributedboard.Blackboard(self.vectorClock, self.myLogger)
        self.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)

        # list all REST URIs
        # if you add new URIs to the server, you need to add them here

        # API for Clients
        self.route('/', callback=self.index)
        self.get('/board', callback=self.get_board)
        self.post('/', callback=self.post_index)
        self.post('/board', callback=self.post_board)
        self.post('/board/<number>/', callback=self.post_board_ID)
        # API for Scripts
        self.get('/serverlist', callback=self.get_serverlist)
        # API for Server Internals
        self.post('/propagate', callback=self.post_propagate)
        self.post('/update_ctrl', callback=self.post_update_ctrl)

        # we give access to the templates elements
        self.get('/templates/<filename:path>', callback=self.get_template)
        # You can have variables in the URI, here's an example
        # self.post('/board/<element_id:int>/', callback=self.post_board) where post_board takes an argument (integer) called element_id
        # Lab3 Option Task!!!!
        self.get('/operation_log_size', callback=self.get_operation_log_size)
        thread = Thread(target=self.checkUpdatesOfOtherServers)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def gossip(self):
        if (self.gossiping == False):
            current_key_store = self.keystore
            self.gossiping = True
            replica_ip_addresses = self.shard_replicas(self.shard_ID)
            replica = replica_ip_addresses[(random.randint(
                len(replica_ip_addresses) - 1))]
            while (self.ADDRESS == replica):
                replica = replica_ip_addresses[(random.randint(
                    len(replica_ip_addresses) - 1))]
            myNumber = int((self.ADDRESS.split(".")[3]).split(":")[0])
            otherNumber = int((replica.split(".")[3]).split(":")[0])
            tiebreaker = replica if (otherNumber > myNumber) else self.ADDRESS
            data = {
                "context": self.VC.__repr__(),
                "kv-store": current_key_store,
                "tiebreaker": tiebreaker
            print("sending to node: " + replica + " " + str(data),
                response = self.router.PUT(replica,
                code = -1
            code = response.status_code

            if (code == 200):
                # 200: They took my data
                self.gossiping = False
            elif (code == 501):
                content = response.json()
                # 501:
                # the other node was either the tiebreaker or happened after self
                # so this node takes its data
                # context of node
                other_context = content["context"]
                # key store of incoming node trying to gossip
                other_kvstore = content["kv-store"]
                incoming_Vc = VectorClock(view=None, clock=other_context)
                if bool(other_kvstore) and not incoming_Vc.allFieldsZero():
                    if current_key_store == self.keystore:
                        print("I TOOK DATA: " + str(self.keystore),
                        self.VC.merge(other_context, self.ADDRESS)
                        self.keystore = other_kvstore
                        print("I RECIEVED AN UPDATE WHILE GOSSIPING, ABORT",
                self.gossip = False
                #self happened before other, take its kvstore and merge with my clock
                # concurrent but other is tiebreaker
                # 400: Other is already gossiping with someone else
                # ELSE: unresponsive node (maybe itll be code 404?)
                self.gossiping = False
            # Curretly gossiping,
            # Will call after gossip backoff again
            self.gossiping = False
        return 200
Ejemplo n.º 13
from message_struct import MessageStruct
from client_socket import SocketDynamoClient

import logging, os
from flask import request, jsonify, Response
from flask import render_template
from consistentHashing import preference_list
from creating_bucket import create_bucket
from client_socket import bucket_creation_1, create_down_system, share_v_clock
from vectorclock import VectorClock
import json, random

peers_file_path = '/home/HDUSER/clouda2/peers.txt'
gossip_file_path = '/home/HDUSER/clouda2/gossip.txt'

vec = VectorClock()

def createApp():
    resp_data = {}
    app = Flask(__name__)
    file_handler = logging.FileHandler('server.log')

    PROJECT_HOME = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    UPLOAD_FOLDER = '{}/uploads/'.format(PROJECT_HOME)
    UPLOAD_BUCKET_FOLDER = '/home/HDUSER/clouda2/uploads/'

    if not os.path.exists(peers_file_path):
Ejemplo n.º 14

messages = []
servers_list = []
know_servers = []

layoutx = []
layouty = []
x = 0
y = 0

mylink = None

NO_ERROR = 200

Vector = VectorClock()

def index():
    return {'messages': messages, 'layoutx' : layoutx, 'layouty' : layouty, 'users' : servers_list}

#def index(name):
#    return {'messages': messages, 'layoutx' : layoutx, 'layouty' : layouty,'users' : servers_list}
#Recebe a mansagem e sincroniza com a lista, atualizando também o vectorClock respectivo a cada posição da
def sendMessage():
	global x