Ejemplo n.º 1
def gossip():
    # checks if I am currently gossiping with someone else
    if not shard.gossiping:
        shard.lastToGossip = False
        incoming_data = json.loads(request.get_json())
        shard.gossiping = True
        # causal context of the incoming node trying to gossip
        other_context = incoming_data["causal-context"]
        # key store of incoming node trying to gossip
        other_kvstore = incoming_data["kv-store"]
        # this is true if the other node determined i will be the tiebreaker
        tiebreaker = True if incoming_data["tiebreaker"] == ADDRESS else False
        incoming_Vc = VectorClock(view=None, clock=other_context)
        if other_kvstore == shard.keystore:
            shard.gossiping = False
            return jsonify({"message": "We're equal."}), 201
        elif incoming_Vc.allFieldsZero():
            shard.gossiping = False
            return jsonify({"message": "You dont have any data"}), 201
        elif incoming_Vc.selfHappensBefore(shard.VC.__repr__()):
            # I am at least concurrent or after
            shard.gossiping = False
            return jsonify({"message": "I Don't need yours."}), 201
        elif incoming_Vc.__repr__() != shard.VC.__repr__():
            shard.keystore = other_kvstore
            shard.VC.merge(other_context, ADDRESS)
            shard.gossiping = False
            return jsonify({"message": "I took your data"}), 200
    return jsonify({"message": "gossiping"}), 201
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Node(KV_store):
    '''docstring for node class'''
    def __init__(self, router, address, view, replication_factor):
        KV_store.__init__(self, address)
        self.gossipScheduled = False
        self.lastToGossip = False
        self.gossiping = False
        #self.sched = Scheduler()
        self.history = [('Initialized', datetime.now())]
        self.ADDRESS = address
        self.VC = VectorClock(view=view, clock=None)
        self.ring_edge = 691 if len(
            view) < 100 else 4127  # parameter for hash mod value
        self.repl_factor = replication_factor
        self.num_shards = 0
        self.virtual_range = 16
        self.shard_interval = self.ring_edge // self.virtual_range
        self.nodes = []
        self.shard_ID = -1
        self.V_SHARDS = []  # store all virtual shards
        self.P_SHARDS = [[] for i in range(0, self.num_shards)
                         ]  # map physical shards to nodes
        self.virtual_translation = {}  # map virtual shards to physical shards
        self.backoff_mod = 59

        self.router = router
        self.view_change(view, replication_factor)

    def __repr__(self):
        return {
            'ADDRESS': self.ADDRESS,
            'shard_ID': self.shard_ID,
            'P_SHARDS': self.P_SHARDS,
            'KEYS': self.keystore

    def __str__(self):
        return 'ADDRESS: ' + self.ADDRESS + '\nshard_ID: ' + str(
            self.shard_ID) + '\n: ' + (', '.join(map(
                str, self.keystore))) + '\nP_SHARDS: ' + (', '.join(
                    map(str, self.P_SHARDS)))

	give a state report 
	this includes node data and distribution of keys to nodes

    def state_report(self):
        state = self.__repr__()

        state['HISTORY'] = {}
        string = 'node'
        itr = 1
        for event in self.history:
            key = string + str(itr)
            itr += 1
            state['HISTORY'][key] = event

        return state

	return all physical shards

    def all_shards(self):
        return self.P_SHARDS

    def all_nodes(self):
        return self.nodes

	get all nodes in this shard

    def shard_replicas(self, shard_ID):
        return self.P_SHARDS[shard_ID]

	hash frunction is a composit of xxhash modded by prime

    def hash(self, key):
        hash_val = hasher.xxh32(key).intdigest()

        # may be expensive but will produce better distribution
        return (hash_val % self.ring_edge)

	evenly distribute nodes into num_shard buckets

    def even_distribution(self, repl_factor, nodes):

        num_shards = (len(nodes) // repl_factor)
        replicas = (len(nodes) // num_shards)
        overflow = (len(nodes) % num_shards)

        shards = [[] for i in range(0, num_shards)]

        node_iter = 0
        for shard in range(num_shards):
            extra = (1 if shard < overflow else 0)
            interval = replicas + extra

            shards[shard] = nodes[node_iter:(node_iter + interval)]
            node_iter += interval

        return shards

	Perform a key operation, ie. find the correct shard given key.
	First hash the key then perform binary search to find the correct shard
	to store the key. 

    def find_match(self, key):

        ring_val = self.hash(key)
        # get the virtual shard number
        v_shard = self.find_shard('predecessor', ring_val)
        # convert to physical shard
        shard_ID = self.virtual_translation[v_shard]

        return shard_ID

	perform binary search on list of virtual shards given ring value
	we need to be careful about wrap around case. If ring_val >= max_ring_val, return 0

    def find_shard(self, direction, ring_val):
        if direction == 'predecessor':
            v_shard = bisect_left(self.V_SHARDS, ring_val)
            if v_shard:
                return self.V_SHARDS[v_shard - 1]
            return self.V_SHARDS[-1]

        elif direction == 'successor':
            v_shard = bisect_right(self.V_SHARDS, ring_val)
            if v_shard != len(self.V_SHARDS):
                return self.V_SHARDS[v_shard]
            return self.V_SHARDS[0]

	respond to view change request, perform a reshard
	this can only be done if all nodes have been given new view
	2 cases:
		1. len(nodes) + 1 // r > or < shard_num: we need to add or 
			remove a shard to maintain repl_factor
		2. add and/or remove nodes

    def view_change(self, view, repl_factor):
        new_num_shards = len(view) // repl_factor

        # we should always have more than one shard
        if new_num_shards == 1:
            new_num_shards = 2

        buckets = self.even_distribution(repl_factor, view)

        # add nodes and shards
        for shard in range(len(buckets)):

            if self.ADDRESS in buckets[shard]:
                self.shard_ID = shard

                #if not self.gossipScheduled:
                #	self.sched.add_interval_job(self.gossip, seconds=self.gossip_backoff())
                #	self.gossipScheduled = True

            if shard >= len(self.P_SHARDS):

                self.update_shard(buckets[shard], shard)

        # remove empty shards
        for shard_ID in range(len(buckets), len(self.P_SHARDS)):

        for old_node in list(set(self.nodes) - set(view)):

	add shard to view

    def add_shard(self, nodes):

        #print('adding new shard', file=sys.stderr)

        new_shards = []
        p_shard = self.num_shards

        if p_shard >= len(self.P_SHARDS):

        # if nodes are new, add them to self.nodes and self.P_SHARDS
        for node in nodes:
            if node not in self.nodes:
            if node not in self.P_SHARDS[p_shard]:

        # create virtual shards
        for v_shard in range(self.virtual_range):

            virtural_shard = str(p_shard) + str(v_shard)
            ring_num = self.hash(virtural_shard)  # unique value on 'ring'

            # if ring_num is already in list, skip this iteration
            if ring_num in self.V_SHARDS:

            self.virtual_translation[ring_num] = p_shard

            successor = self.find_shard('successor', ring_num)
            predecessor = self.find_shard('predecessor', ring_num)

            # send appropriate keys to v_shard
            if self.virtual_translation[predecessor] == self.shard_ID:
                self.atomic_key_transfer(predecessor, ring_num, successor)

        self.num_shards += 1

    def update_shard(self, nodes, shard_ID):

        for node in self.P_SHARDS[shard_ID]:

            if node not in nodes:  # must be getting deleted or moved
                if node == self.ADDRESS:  # self is getting deleted
                    for new_node in nodes:
                        print('moving keys to', new_node, file=sys.stderr)
                        success = self.final_state_transfer(new_node)


        for node in nodes:
            if node not in self.nodes:

            if node not in self.P_SHARDS[shard_ID]:

	remove from all internal data structures if there are no nodes in shard

    def remove_shard(self, shard_ID):

	transfer keys from from self to new shard, according to consistent hashing rules

    def atomic_key_transfer(self, predecessor, new_shard, successor):

        for key in list(self.keystore):
            key_hash = self.hash(key)
            if key_hash < successor and key_hash > predecessor:

                shard_destination = self.virtual_translation[new_shard]
                replicas = self.shard_replicas(shard_destination)
                path = '/kv-store/keys/' + str(key) + '/forward'

                data = {'value': self.keystore[key], 'causal-context': {}}
                data = json.loads(json.dumps(data))
                status_code = 400

                print('I should definately send',

                # try to message all replicas, if a replica is unresponsive, ignore it
                for replica in replicas:
                    if replica in self.P_SHARDS[self.shard_ID]:
                    print('sending', key, 'to', replica, file=sys.stderr)
                        res = self.router.PUT(replica, path, data)
                        status_code = 201
                        #except Exception as e:
                        #	print('exception caught in atomic_key_transfer:', e, file=sys.stderr)
                        #	continue

                        # at least one replica responded
                        if status_code < 400:
                            print('deleting key from my keystore',
                            del self.keystore[key]
                            if key in self.keystore:
                                print('there was a problem deleting the key',
                                'replicas did not respond when transfering keys',

	send final state of node before removing a node

    def final_state_transfer(self, node):
        data = {
            "kv-store": self.keystore,
            "causal-context": self.VC.__repr__()
        replica_ip_addresses = self.shard_replicas(self.shard_ID)
        for replica in replica_ip_addresses:
            if (replica != self.ADDRESS):
                    res = self.router.PUT(replica,
                if status_code == 201:
                    return True
        return False

	handle node failures, check if node should be removed or not

    def handle_unresponsive_node(self, node):

    def gossip_backoff(self):
        return hash(self.ADDRESS) % random.randint(5, 15)

    def gossip(self):

        if (self.gossiping == False) and (not self.lastToGossip) and (
                self.repl_factor > 1):
            self.lastToGossip = True
            current_key_store = self.keystore
            self.gossiping = True
            replica_ip_addresses = self.shard_replicas(self.shard_ID)
            replica = replica_ip_addresses[(random.randint(
                len(replica_ip_addresses) - 1))]
            while (self.ADDRESS == replica):
                replica = replica_ip_addresses[(random.randint(
                    len(replica_ip_addresses) - 1))]
            myNumber = int((self.ADDRESS.split(".")[3]).split(":")[0])
            otherNumber = int((replica.split(".")[3]).split(":")[0])
            tiebreaker = replica if (otherNumber > myNumber) else self.ADDRESS
            data = {
                "causal-context": self.VC.__repr__(),
                "kv-store": current_key_store,
                "tiebreaker": tiebreaker

                response = self.router.PUT(replica,
                code = response.status_code
                code = -1

            self.gossiping = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Node(KV_store):
    '''docstring for node class'''
    def __init__(self, router, address, view, replication_factor):
        self.gossiping = False
        self.sched = Scheduler()
        KV_store.__init__(self, address)
        self.history = [('Initialized', datetime.now())]
        self.ADDRESS = address
        self.VC = VectorClock(view=view, clock=None)
        self.ring_edge = 691 if len(
            view) < 100 else 4127  # parameter for hash mod value
        self.repl_factor = replication_factor
        self.num_shards = 0
        self.virtual_range = 10
        self.shard_interval = self.ring_edge // self.virtual_range
        self.nodes = []
        self.shard_ID = -1
        self.V_SHARDS = []  # store all virtual shards
        self.P_SHARDS = [[] for i in range(0, self.num_shards)
                         ]  # map physical shards to nodes
        self.virtual_translation = {}  # map virtual shards to physical shards
        self.backoff_mod = 113

        self.router = router
        self.view_change(view, replication_factor)

    def __repr__(self):
        return {
            'ADDRESS': self.ADDRESS,
            'V_SHARDS': self.V_SHARDS,
            'P_SHARDS': self.P_SHARDS,
            'KEYS': len(self.keystore)

    def __str__(self):
        return 'ADDRESS: ' + self.ADDRESS + '\nREPL_F: ' + str(
            self.repl_factor) + '\nNODES: ' + (', '.join(map(
                str, self.nodes))) + '\nP_SHARDS: ' + (', '.join(
                    map(str, self.P_SHARDS)))

	give a state report 
	this includes node data and distribution of keys to nodes

    def state_report(self):
        state = self.__repr__()

        state['HISTORY'] = {}
        string = 'node'
        itr = 1
        for event in self.history:
            key = string + str(itr)
            itr += 1
            state['HISTORY'][key] = event

        return state

	return all physical shards

    def all_shards(self):
        return self.P_SHARDS

    def all_nodes(self):
        return self.nodes

	get all nodes in this shard

    def shard_replicas(self, shard_ID):
        return self.P_SHARDS[shard_ID]

	hash frunction is a composit of xxhash modded by prime

    def hash(self, key, Type):
        hash_val = hasher.xxh32(key).intdigest()

        # may be expensive but will produce better distribution
        return (hash_val % self.ring_edge)

	evenly distribute nodes into num_shard buckets

    def even_distribution(self, repl_factor, nodes):

        num_shards = (len(nodes) // repl_factor)
        replicas = (len(nodes) // num_shards)
        overflow = (len(nodes) % num_shards)

        shards = [[] for i in range(0, num_shards)]
        shard_dict = {}

        node_iter = 0
        for shard in range(num_shards):
            extra = (1 if shard < overflow else 0)
            interval = replicas + extra

            shards[shard] = nodes[node_iter:(node_iter + interval)]
            node_iter += interval

            for node in shards[shard]:
                shard_dict[node] = shard

        return shard_dict

	Perform a key operation, ie. find the correct shard given key.
	First hash the key then perform binary search to find the correct shard
	to store the key. 

    def find_match(self, key):

        ring_val = self.hash(key, 'consistent')
        # get the virtual shard number
        v_shard = self.find_shard('predecessor', ring_val)
        # convert to physical shard
        shard_ID = self.virtual_translation[v_shard]

        return shard_ID

	perform binary search on list of virtual shards given ring value
	we need to be careful about wrap around case. If ring_val >= max_ring_val, return 0

    def find_shard(self, direction, ring_val):
        if direction == 'predecessor':
            v_shard = bisect_left(self.V_SHARDS, ring_val)
            if v_shard:
                return self.V_SHARDS[v_shard - 1]
            return self.V_SHARDS[-1]

        elif direction == 'successor':
            v_shard = bisect_right(self.V_SHARDS, ring_val)
            if v_shard != len(self.V_SHARDS):
                return self.V_SHARDS[v_shard]
            return self.V_SHARDS[0]

	respond to view change request, perform a reshard
	this can only be done if all nodes have been given new view
	2 cases:
		1. len(nodes) + 1 // r > or < shard_num: we need to add or 
			remove a shard to maintain repl_factor
		2. add and/or remove nodes

    def view_change(self, view, repl_factor):
        new_num_shards = len(view) // repl_factor
        if new_num_shards == 1:
            new_num_shards = 2

        buckets = self.even_distribution(repl_factor, view)
        #print('buckets', buckets)

        # add nodes and shards
        for node in view:
            my_shard = buckets[node]

            if node == self.ADDRESS:
                self.shard_ID = buckets[node]


            # add a new node
            if node not in self.nodes:
                self.add_node(node, my_shard, new_num_shards)

            # move node to new shard
                if my_shard >= len(self.P_SHARDS):
                if node not in self.P_SHARDS[my_shard]:
                    self.move_node(node, my_shard)

        old_nodes = list(set(self.nodes) - set(view))

        # remove nodes from view
        for node in old_nodes:

        # remove empty shards
        for shard_ID in range(0, len(self.P_SHARDS)):
            if len(self.P_SHARDS[shard_ID]) == 0:

	Add a single node to shards and get keys from shard replicas

    def add_node(self, node, shard_ID, num_shards):

        # do we need to add another shard before adding nodes
        while num_shards > self.num_shards:

        # update internal data structures

        # determine if the node's shard is this shard
        if self.shard_ID == shard_ID:
            #print('<adding node to:', shard_ID)

	move node from old shard to new shard and perform atomic key transfer

    def move_node(self, node, shard_ID):

        old_shard_ID = self.nodes.index(node) // self.num_shards
        if node not in self.P_SHARDS[old_shard_ID]:
            if old_shard_ID > 0 and node in self.P_SHARDS[old_shard_ID - 1]:
                old_shard_ID += -1
                old_shard_ID += 1

        # do we need to add another shard before adding nodes
        while shard_ID > len(self.P_SHARDS):

        self.atomic_key_transfer(old_shard_ID, shard_ID, node)

	remove single node from a shard and send final state to shard replicas

    def remove_node(self, node):
        shard_ID = (self.nodes.index(node) - 1) // self.num_shards
        if shard_ID > 0 and shard_ID < len(
                self.P_SHARDS) and node not in self.P_SHARDS[shard_ID]:
            if shard_ID > 0 and node in self.P_SHARDS[shard_ID - 1]:
                shard_ID += -1
                shard_ID += 1
            #print('error finding node')

        if node == self.ADDRESS:
            print('<send my final state to my replicas before removing')
            success = self.final_state_transfer(node)

            if success:
                raise Exception('<final_state_transfer failed>')

	add shard to view

    def add_shard(self):

        new_shards = []
        p_shard = self.num_shards
        if p_shard >= len(self.P_SHARDS):

        for v_shard in range(self.virtual_range):

            virtural_shard = str(p_shard) + str(v_shard)
            ring_num = self.hash(virtural_shard,
                                 'consistent')  # unique value on 'ring'

            # if ring_num is already in unsorted list, skip this iteration
            if ring_num in self.V_SHARDS:
                #print('<System: Hash collision detected>')

            self.virtual_translation[ring_num] = p_shard
        self.num_shards += 1

        return new_shards

	remove from all internal data structures if there are no nodes in shard

    def remove_shard(self, shard_ID):

	get all keys for a given shard

    def shard_keys(self):

	perform an atomic key transfer
	concurrent operation: get new keys, send old keys, delete old keys

    def atomic_key_transfer(self, old_shard_ID, new_shard_ID, node):
        # message all nodes and tell them your state
        # get new keys from new replica

        old_kv = self.KV_store
        for replica in self.P_SHARDS[old_shard_ID]:
            data = None

                res, status_code = self.router.GET(replica,
                                                   data, False)

            if status_code == 201:
                new_kv = res.get('KV_store')
                update = False
                for key in new_kv:
                    self.KV_store.keystore[key] = new_kv[key]
                for key in old_kv:
                    del self.KV_store.keystore[key]

                return True

        return False

	send final state of node before removing a node

    def final_state_transfer(self, node):
        data = {"kv-store": self.keystore, "context": self.VC.__repr__()}
        replica_ip_addresses = self.shard_replicas(self.shard_ID)
        for replica in replica_ip_addresses:
            if (replica != self.ADDRESS):
                    res, status_code = self.router.PUT(
                        replica, '/kv-store/internal/state-transfer', data,
                if status_code == 201:
                    return True
        return False

	handle node failures, check if node should be removed or not

    def handle_unresponsive_node(self, node):

    def gossip_backoff(self):
        return hash(self.ADDRESS) % random.randint(20, 40)

    def gossip(self):
        if (self.gossiping == False):
            current_key_store = self.keystore
            self.gossiping = True
            replica_ip_addresses = self.shard_replicas(self.shard_ID)
            replica = replica_ip_addresses[(random.randint(
                len(replica_ip_addresses) - 1))]
            while (self.ADDRESS == replica):
                replica = replica_ip_addresses[(random.randint(
                    len(replica_ip_addresses) - 1))]
            myNumber = int((self.ADDRESS.split(".")[3]).split(":")[0])
            otherNumber = int((replica.split(".")[3]).split(":")[0])
            tiebreaker = replica if (otherNumber > myNumber) else self.ADDRESS
            data = {
                "context": self.VC.__repr__(),
                "kv-store": current_key_store,
                "tiebreaker": tiebreaker
            print("sending to node: " + replica + " " + str(data),
                response = self.router.PUT(replica,
                code = -1
            code = response.status_code

            if (code == 200):
                # 200: They took my data
                self.gossiping = False
            elif (code == 501):
                content = response.json()
                # 501:
                # the other node was either the tiebreaker or happened after self
                # so this node takes its data
                # context of node
                other_context = content["context"]
                # key store of incoming node trying to gossip
                other_kvstore = content["kv-store"]
                incoming_Vc = VectorClock(view=None, clock=other_context)
                if bool(other_kvstore) and not incoming_Vc.allFieldsZero():
                    if current_key_store == self.keystore:
                        print("I TOOK DATA: " + str(self.keystore),
                        self.VC.merge(other_context, self.ADDRESS)
                        self.keystore = other_kvstore
                        print("I RECIEVED AN UPDATE WHILE GOSSIPING, ABORT",
                self.gossip = False
                #self happened before other, take its kvstore and merge with my clock
                # concurrent but other is tiebreaker
                # 400: Other is already gossiping with someone else
                # ELSE: unresponsive node (maybe itll be code 404?)
                self.gossiping = False
            # Curretly gossiping,
            # Will call after gossip backoff again
            self.gossiping = False
        return 200