Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_emulatorpin(params):
    Check emulator affinity
    :params: the parameter dictionary
    dicts = {}
    vm = params.get("vm")
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    cpu_list = params.get("cpu_list")
    cgconfig = params.get("cgconfig", "on")
    options = params.get("emulatorpin_options")

    result = virsh.emulatorpin(vm_name)
    cmd_output = result.stdout.strip().splitlines()
    # Parsing command output and putting them into python dictionary.
    for l in cmd_output[2:]:
        k, v = l.split(':')
        dicts[k.strip()] = v.strip()


    emulator_from_cmd = dicts['*']
    emulatorpin_from_xml = ""

    # To change a running guest with 'config' option, which will affect
    # next boot, if don't shutdown the guest, we need to run virsh dumpxml
    # with 'inactive' option to get guest XML changes.
    if options == "config" and vm and not vm.is_alive():
        emulatorpin_from_xml = \
            vm_xml.VMXML().new_from_dumpxml(vm_name, "--inactive").emulatorpin
        emulatorpin_from_xml = \

    # To get guest corresponding emulator/cpuset.cpus value
    # from cpuset controller of the cgroup.
    if cgconfig == "on" and vm and vm.is_alive():
        emulatorpin_from_cgroup = get_emulatorpin_from_cgroup(params)
        logging.debug("The emulatorpin value from "
                      "cgroup: %s", emulatorpin_from_cgroup)

    # To check specified cpulist value with virsh command output
    # and/or cpuset.cpus from cpuset controller of the cgroup.
    if cpu_list:
        if vm and vm.is_alive() and options != "config":
            if (cpu_list != cpus_parser(emulator_from_cmd)) or \
                    (cpu_list != cpus_parser(emulatorpin_from_cgroup)):
                logging.error("To expect emulatorpin %s: %s",
                              cpu_list, emulator_from_cmd)
                return False
            if cpu_list != cpus_parser(emulatorpin_from_xml):
                logging.error("To expect emulatorpin %s: %s",
                              cpu_list, emulatorpin_from_xml)
                return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_numatune_xml(params):
    Compare mode and nodeset value with guest XML configuration
    :params: the parameter dictionary
    vm_name = params.get("vms")
    mode = params.get("numa_mode", "")
    nodeset = params.get("numa_nodeset", "")
    options = params.get("options", "")
    # --config option will act after vm shutdown.
    if options == "config":
    # The verification of the numa params should
    # be done when vm is running.
    if not virsh.is_alive(vm_name):

    numa_params = libvirt_xml.VMXML.get_numa_params(vm_name)
    if not numa_params:
        logging.error("Could not get numa parameters for %s", vm_name)
        return False

    mode_from_xml = numa_params["mode"]
    # if the placement is auto, there is no nodeset in numa param.
        nodeset_from_xml = numa_params["nodeset"]
    except KeyError():
        nodeset_from_xml = ""

    if mode and mode != mode_from_xml:
        logging.error("To expect %s: %s", mode, mode_from_xml)
        return False

    # The actual nodeset value is different with guest XML configuration,
    # so need to compare them via a middle result, for example, if you
    # set nodeset is '0,1,2' then it will be a list '0-2' in guest XML
    nodeset = cpus_parser(nodeset)
    nodeset_from_xml = cpus_parser(nodeset_from_xml)

    if nodeset and nodeset != nodeset_from_xml:
        logging.error("To expect %s: %s", nodeset, nodeset_from_xml)
        return False

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_numatune_xml(params):
    Compare mode and nodeset value with guest XML configuration
    :params: the parameter dictionary
    vm_name = params.get("vms")
    mode = params.get("numa_mode", "")
    nodeset = params.get("numa_nodeset", "")
    options = params.get("options", "")
    #--config option will act after vm shutdown.
    if options == "config":
    # The verification of the numa params should
    # be done when vm is running.
    if not virsh.is_alive(vm_name):

    numa_params = libvirt_xml.VMXML.get_numa_params(vm_name)
    if not numa_params:
        logging.error("Could not get numa parameters for %s", vm_name)
        return False

    mode_from_xml = numa_params['mode']
    # if the placement is auto, there is no nodeset in numa param.
        nodeset_from_xml = numa_params['nodeset']
    except KeyError():
        nodeset_from_xml = ""

    if mode and mode != mode_from_xml:
        logging.error("To expect %s: %s", mode, mode_from_xml)
        return False

    # The actual nodeset value is different with guest XML configuration,
    # so need to compare them via a middle result, for example, if you
    # set nodeset is '0,1,2' then it will be a list '0-2' in guest XML
    nodeset = cpus_parser(nodeset)
    nodeset_from_xml = cpus_parser(nodeset_from_xml)

    if nodeset and nodeset != nodeset_from_xml:
        logging.error("To expect %s: %s", nodeset, nodeset_from_xml)
        return False

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
def set_numa_parameter(params):
    Set the numa parameters
    :params: the parameter dictionary
    vm_name = params.get("vms")
    mode = params.get("numa_mode")
    nodeset = params.get("numa_nodeset")
    options = params.get("options", None)
    start_vm = params.get("start_vm", "yes")

    # Don't use libvirt_xml here because testing numatune command
    result = virsh.numatune(vm_name, mode, nodeset, options, debug=True)
    status = result.exit_status

    # Check status_error
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    # For a running domain, the mode can't be changed, and the nodeset can
    # be changed only the domain was started with a mode of 'strict'
    if mode == "strict" and start_vm == "yes":
        status_error = "no"

    # TODO, the '--config' option will affect next boot, and if the guest
    # is shutoff status, the '--current' option will be equivalent to
    # '--config', if users give a specified nodeset range is more than
    # host NUMA nodes, and use virsh numatune with '--config' or '--current'
    # option to set the invalid nodeset to a guest with shutoff status, and
    # then virsh numatune will return 0 rather than 1, because the libvirt just
    # check it when starting the guest, however, the current virsh.start()
    # can't meet this requirement.

    if status_error == "yes":
        if status:
            logging.info("It's an expected error")
            raise error.TestFail("Unexpected return code %d" % status)
    elif status_error == "no":
        if status:
            if len(cpus_parser(nodeset)) > num_numa_nodes():
                raise error.TestNAError("Host does not support requested"
                                        " nodeset")
                raise error.TestFail(result.stderr)
            if check_numatune_xml(params):
                raise error.TestFail("The 'mode' or/and 'nodeset' are"
                                     " inconsistent with numatune XML")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def set_numa_parameter(params):
    Set the numa parameters
    :params: the parameter dictionary
    vm_name = params.get("vms")
    mode = params.get("numa_mode")
    nodeset = params.get("numa_nodeset")
    options = params.get("options", None)
    start_vm = params.get("start_vm", "yes")

    # Don't use libvirt_xml here because testing numatune command
    result = virsh.numatune(vm_name, mode, nodeset, options, debug=True)
    status = result.exit_status

    # Check status_error
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    # For a running domain, the mode can't be changed, and the nodeset can
    # be changed only the domain was started with a mode of 'strict'
    if mode == "strict" and start_vm == "yes":
        status_error = "no"

    # TODO, the '--config' option will affect next boot, and if the guest
    # is shutoff status, the '--current' option will be equivalent to
    # '--config', if users give a specified nodeset range is more than
    # host NUMA nodes, and use virsh numatune with '--config' or '--current'
    # option to set the invalid nodeset to a guest with shutoff status, and
    # then virsh numatune will return 0 rather than 1, because the libvirt just
    # check it when starting the guest, however, the current virsh.start()
    # can't meet this requirement.

    if status_error == "yes":
        if status:
            logging.info("It's an expected error")
            raise error.TestFail("Unexpected return code %d" % status)
    elif status_error == "no":
        if status:
            if len(cpus_parser(nodeset)) > num_numa_nodes():
                raise error.TestNAError("Host does not support requested" " nodeset")
                raise error.TestFail(result.stderr)
            if check_numatune_xml(params):
                raise error.TestFail("The 'mode' or/and 'nodeset' are" " inconsistent with numatune XML")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def run_virsh_emulatorpin(test, params, env):
    Test emulatorpin tuning

    1) Positive testing
       1.1) get the current emulatorpin parameters for a running/shutoff guest
       1.2) set the current emulatorpin parameters for a running/shutoff guest
    2) Negative testing
       2.1) get emulatorpin parameters for a running/shutoff guest
       2.2) set emulatorpin parameters running/shutoff guest

    # Run test case
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    cgconfig = params.get("cgconfig", "on")
    cpulist = params.get("emulatorpin_cpulist")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    change_parameters = params.get("change_parameters", "no")

    test_dicts = dict(params)
    test_dicts['vm'] = vm

    host_cpus = int(open('/proc/cpuinfo').read().count('processor'))
    test_dicts['host_cpus'] = host_cpus

    cpu_list = None

    if cpulist:
        cpu_list = cpus_parser(cpulist)
        test_dicts['cpu_list'] = cpu_list
        logging.debug("CPU list is %s", cpu_list)

    # If the physical CPU N doesn't exist, it's an expected error
    if cpu_list and max(cpu_list) > host_cpus - 1:
        test_dicts["status_error"] = "yes"

    # positive and negative testing #########

    if status_error == "no":
        if change_parameters == "no":

    cg = utils_cgroup.CgconfigService()

    if cgconfig == "off":
        if cg.cgconfig_is_running():

    if status_error == "yes":
        if change_parameters == "no":

    # Recover cgconfig and libvirtd service
    if not cg.cgconfig_is_running():