Example #1
	def __init__(self, filename, varname, t_dim=None, var_attrs=None, glob_attrs=None):
		self.__filename = filename
		self.__varname = varname
		# allowing t_dim, var_attrs and glob_attrs to be None allows overloading 
		# and creating from pickle
		if isinstance(t_dim, NoneType) or isinstance(var_attrs, NoneType) or \
		   isinstance(glob_attrs, NoneType):
			temp_box = cpdn_box()			
			temp_box.load(self.__filename, self.__varname)
			# quality check
			temp_vals = temp_box.get_values()
			self.__valid = True
			self.__valid &= numpy.isfinite(temp_vals).any()
			self.__valid &= (numpy.max(temp_vals) < 2e20)
			self.__valid &= (numpy.min(temp_vals) > -2e20)
		if isinstance(t_dim, NoneType):
			self.__t_dim = temp_box.get_dimension("T")			
			self.__t_dim = t_dim

		if isinstance(var_attrs, NoneType):
			self.__var_attrs = temp_box.get_attributes()
			self.__var_attrs = var_attrs

		if isinstance(glob_attrs, NoneType):
			self.__glob_attrs = temp_box.get_global_attributes()
			self.__glob_attrs = glob_attrs
Example #2
def cpdn_zonal_mean(box, mask=None):
	"""Create a zonal mean from a cpdn_box. The meaning will always
       work on the X dimension, operating over the other dimensions.  For
       example, if the box contains a time dimensions, then a time-series will 
       be created.  If the box contains a Z dimension then a multi-level 
       time-series will be created.
       Returns : a box containing the zonal means"""

	# No need to calculate weights as the Y axis is not meaned
	# get the axis number used for the "X" dimension
	X_axis = box.get_dimension_axes().index("X")
	src_data = box.__getitem__().get_values()
	tgt_data = numpy.average(src_data, axis=X_axis)

	# create target dimensions
	tgt_dims = create_tgt_dims(box, ["X"])

	# now create a box to put the data in - all dimensions except X
	# get the attributes first and the scale factor and offset (if any) from them
	method_str = "longitude: zonal mean"
	history_str = datetime.now().isoformat() + " altered by CPDN: zonal mean."
	tgt_attrs = amend_attributes(box.get_attributes(), method_str, history_str)

	# overwrite tgt_off and tgt_sf as get_values scales by these
	tgt_off = 0.0
	tgt_sf = 1.0

	tgt_box = cpdn_box(dims=tgt_dims, var_attrs=tgt_attrs, name=box.get_name(),
					   off=tgt_off, sf=tgt_sf, data=tgt_data)
	return tgt_box
Example #3
def cpdn_global_mean(box, mask=None):
	"""Create an area-weighted global mean from a cpdn_box.  Weights are
	   automatically calculated from the box dimensions.  The meaning will always
	   work on the X & Y dimensions, operating over the other dimensions.  For
	   example, if the box contains a time dimensions, then a time-series will 
	   be created.  If the box contains a Z dimension then a multi-level 
	   time-series will be created.
	   Returns : a box containing the area-average means"""

	# get the the X and Y bounds
	X_bounds = box.get_dimension("X").get_bounds()
	Y_bounds = box.get_dimension("Y").get_bounds()
	# calculate the weights from these bounds
	wts = calc_aa_weights(X_bounds, Y_bounds, mask)
	wts = wts.squeeze()

	# get the position of the X and Y axes
	dim_axes = box.get_dimension_axes()
	X_axis = dim_axes.index("X")
	Y_axis = dim_axes.index("Y")

	# get the dimensions to iterate over
	it_dims = []
	dim_lens = []
	for d in box.get_dimensions():
		axis = d.get_axis()
		if axis != "X" and axis != "Y":

	# create the target data
	tgt_data = numpy.zeros(dim_lens, 'f')

	# create an iterator
	box_it = cpdn_box_iterator(box, it_dims)
	src_idx, tgt_idx = box_it.begin(True)

	# iterate over the box dimensions that are not X and Y
	while not box_it.end():
		src_data = box[src_idx].get_values().squeeze()
		tgt_data[tgt_idx] = numpy.average(src_data, weights=wts)
		src_idx, tgt_idx = box_it.next(True)

	tgt_dims = create_tgt_dims(box, ["X","Y"])

	# now create a box to put the data in - all dimensions except X & Y, same attributes
	# as original
	# get the attributes first and the scale factor and offset (if any) from them
	method_str = "longitude: latitude: area-weighted mean"
	history_str = datetime.now().isoformat() + " altered by CPDN: area-weighted mean."
	tgt_attrs = amend_attributes(box.get_attributes(), method_str, history_str)
	tgt_glob_attrs = box.get_global_attributes()
	# overwrite tgt_off and tgt_sf as get_values scales by these
	tgt_off = 0.0
	tgt_sf = 1.0

	tgt_box = cpdn_box(dims=tgt_dims, var_attrs=tgt_attrs, name=box.get_name(),
					   glob_attrs=tgt_glob_attrs, off=tgt_off, sf=tgt_sf, data=tgt_data)
	return tgt_box
Example #4
def read_cpdnbox(var_ncfile, varname):

    var_nparray = numpy.zeros([13 * 6, 1, 145, 192], "f")  # Ostia N96 Grid

    var = cpdn_box()
    var.load(var_ncfile, varname)
    var_nparray = var.get_values()

    return var_nparray
def read_cpdnbox(var_ncfile, varname):

    var_nparray=numpy.zeros([13*6,1,145,192],"f") # Ostia N96 Grid


    return var_nparray
Example #6
def cpdn_reshape(box, new_shape, new_dim_names=[], new_dim_axes=[]):
	"""Reshape the box to take on the new shape - will create dummy dimensions if
	# get the values
	src_data = box.get_values("true_value")
	# check that the size of the arrays match
	if numpy.product(new_shape) != numpy.product(src_data.shape):
		raise Exception("Box cannot be refactored into new shape - size differs.")

	# match dimensions up by length
	dls = box.get_dimension_lengths()
	box_dims = box.get_dimensions()
	dimension_map = [[-1,-1] for s in new_shape]
	for s in range(0, len(new_shape)):
		if new_shape[s] in dls:
			i = dls.index(new_shape[s])
			if not i in dimension_map:			# only add once
				dimension_map[s] = dls.index(new_shape[s])		# create a map between dimension and new shape
				dimension_map[s] = -1
			dimension_map[s] = -1

	# now create the new dimensions
	new_dimensions = []
	n_new_dims = 0
	for d in dimension_map:
		if d == -1:
			# create a new dimension
			if new_dim_names != []:
				nd_name = new_dim_names[n_new_dims]
				nd_name = "null_dim_"+str(n_new_dims)
			if new_dim_axes != []:
				nd_axis = new_dim_axes[n_new_dims]
				nd_axis = "N"
			new_dim = cpdn_boxdim(name=nd_name, vals=[0.0], attrs={}, axis=nd_axis)
			n_new_dims += 1

	# reshape the data
	tgt_data = numpy.reshape(src_data, new_shape)

	# create the box
	tgt_box = cpdn_box(name=box.get_name(), dims=new_dimensions, 
					   var_attrs=box.get_attributes(), glob_attrs=box.get_global_attributes(), 
					   off=box.get_off(), sf=box.get_sf(), 
					   data=tgt_data, rotated_grid=box.get_rotated_grid())
	return tgt_box
Example #7
def cpdn_period_mean(box, period):
	# get the axis number used for the "T" dimension
	T_axis = box.get_dimension_axes().index("T")
	src_data = box.__getitem__().get_values().squeeze()
	src_times = box.get_dimension("T").get_values("true_values")
	src_T_dim = box.get_dimension("T")

	# create target dimension sizes
	tgt_data_size = list(src_data.shape)
	tgt_data_size[T_axis] = tgt_data_size[T_axis]/period
	# create target data
	tgt_data = numpy.zeros(tgt_data_size, 'f')
	tgt_times = numpy.zeros([tgt_data_size[T_axis]], 'f')

	# create a source index
	src_idx = []
	tgt_idx = []
	for d in range(0, src_data.ndim):
		src_idx.append(slice(None, None, None))
		tgt_idx.append(slice(None, None, None))

	# amend the T dimension
	sd, tu, nd = src_T_dim.get_time_details()
	# now loop over the data
	for t in range(0, tgt_data_size[T_axis]):
		t0 = t * period
		t1 = t0 + period
		src_idx[T_axis] = slice(t0, t1)
		tgt_idx[T_axis] = t
		tgt_data[tgt_idx] = numpy.mean(src_data.__getitem__(src_idx), axis=T_axis)
		tgt_times[t] = src_times[t0] * tu + (src_times[t1-1] - src_times[t0]) * tu / 2.0 - sd

	# create the target dimensions
	tgt_dims = create_tgt_dims(box, ["T"])
	tgt_T_dim = cpdn_boxdim(name=src_T_dim.get_name(), vals=tgt_times, 
						    attrs=src_T_dim.get_attributes(), axis="T", 
 			                start_date=sd, time_units=tu, n_days_per_year=nd)
	tgt_dims[T_axis] = tgt_T_dim

	# amend the attributes to add the mean to the cell methods and to update the history
	method_str = "time: period mean"
	history_str = datetime.now().isoformat() + " altered by CPDN: temporal period mean."
	tgt_attrs = amend_attributes(box.get_attributes(), method_str, history_str)
	tgt_glob_attrs = box.get_global_attributes()
	# overwrite tgt_off and tgt_sf as get_values scales by these
	tgt_off = 0.0
	tgt_sf = 1.0

	tgt_box = cpdn_box(dims=tgt_dims, var_attrs=tgt_attrs, name=box.get_name(),
					   glob_attrs=tgt_glob_attrs, off=tgt_off, sf=tgt_sf, data=tgt_data)
	return tgt_box
Example #8
def cpdn_remap_latitude(box):
	# create an iterator over the source box
	it_dims = []
	for d in box.get_dimensions():
		axis = d.get_axis()
		if axis != "X" and axis != "Y":

	# create an iterator
	box_it = cpdn_box_iterator(box, it_dims)
	src_idx, tgt_idx = box_it.begin(True)

	# create the target data - same shape as the source box
	tgt_data = numpy.zeros(box.get_dimension_lengths(),'f')

	# loop through
	while not box_it.end():
		data = box[src_idx].get_values().squeeze()
		# flip in the Y direction
		tgt_data[tgt_idx]  = data[::-1,:]
		# move onto next
		src_idx, tgt_idx = box_it.next(True)

	# get the lat dim and flip the lat values
	LAT_dim = box.get_dimension("Y")
	LAT_dim_vals = LAT_dim.get_values()[::-1]
	# create the output dimensions
	out_dims = []
	for d in box.get_dimensions():
		axis = d.get_axis()
		if axis == "Y":
			lat_dim = cpdn_boxdim(LAT_dim.get_name(), LAT_dim_vals, LAT_dim.get_attributes(), "Y")

	# return a box
	out_box = cpdn_box(name=box.get_name(), dims=out_dims, var_attrs=box.get_attributes(),
					   glob_attrs = box.get_global_attributes(), off=0.0, sf=1.0,
					   data=tgt_data, rotated_grid=box.get_rotated_grid())
	return out_box
Example #9
def cpdn_meridional_mean(box, mask=None):
	"""Create a meridional mean from a cpdn_box. The meaning will always
       work on the Y dimension, operating over the other dimensions.  For
       example, if the box contains a time dimensions, then a time-series will 
       be created.  If the box contains a Z dimension then a multi-level 
       time-series will be created.
       Returns : a box containing the meridional means"""

	# get the the X and Y bounds - only need the first X bounds as the meaning
	# is over a longitude line
	X_bounds = box.get_dimension("X").get_bounds()[0:1]
	Y_bounds = box.get_dimension("Y").get_bounds()
	# calculate the weights from these bounds
	wts = calc_aa_weights(X_bounds, Y_bounds, mask)

	# squeeze the weights as we will be squeezing the data later - no need to
	# transpose in this case
	wts = wts.squeeze()
	# get the source data
	src_data = box.__getitem__().get_values()

	# get the Y_axis index
	Y_axis = box.get_dimension_axes().index("Y")
	# create the target data
	tgt_data = numpy.average(src_data, axis=Y_axis, weights=wts)
	# create the target dimensions
	tgt_dims = create_tgt_dims(box, ["Y"])

	# now create a box to put the data in - all dimensions except X
	# amend the attributes to add the mean to the cell methods and to update the history
	method_str = "latitude: meridional mean"
	history_str = datetime.now().isoformat() + " altered by CPDN: meridional mean."
	tgt_attrs = amend_attributes(box.get_attributes(), method_str, history_str)
	tgt_glob_attrs = box.get_global_attributes()
	# overwrite tgt_off and tgt_sf as get_values scales by these
	tgt_off = 0.0
	tgt_sf = 1.0

	tgt_box = cpdn_box(dims=tgt_dims, var_attrs=tgt_attrs, name=box.get_name(),
					   glob_attrs=tgt_glob_attrs, off=tgt_off, sf=tgt_sf, data=tgt_data)
	return tgt_box
Example #10
def create_tgt_box(src_box, tgt_data, tgt_X, tgt_Y, method_str, history_str, mv=numpy.inf):
	# helper function to create the tgt output box

	# get the length of the dimensions first
	src_X = src_box.get_dimension("X").get_values()
	src_Y = src_box.get_dimension("Y").get_values()

	# create the output box
	tgt_attrs = amend_attributes(src_box.get_attributes(), method_str, history_str)

	# overwrite tgt_off and tgt_sf as get_values scales by these
	tgt_off = 0.0
	tgt_sf = 1.0

	# copy the dimensions
	tgt_dims = []
	for d in src_box.get_dimensions():
		if d.get_axis() == "X":
			# create a new dimension with the tgt_X dimension values
			X_dim = cpdn_boxdim(name=d.get_name(), vals=tgt_X, attrs=d.get_attributes(),
		elif d.get_axis() == "Y":
			# same as above for Y dim
			Y_dim = cpdn_boxdim(name=d.get_name(), vals=tgt_Y, attrs=d.get_attributes(),

	# amend the missing value
	if not numpy.isinf(mv):
		tgt_attrs["missing_value"] = mv

	# create the target box to return into
	tgt_box = cpdn_box(dims=tgt_dims, var_attrs=tgt_attrs, name=src_box.get_name(),
                       off=tgt_off, sf=tgt_sf, data=tgt_data)
	return tgt_box
Example #11
def cpdn_temporal_sum(box):
	"""Create a temporal mean from a cpdn_box."""
	# get the axis number used for the "T" dimension
	T_axis = box.get_dimension_axes().index("T")
	src_data = box.__getitem__().get_values()
	tgt_data = numpy.sum(src_data, axis=T_axis)

	# create target dimensions
	tgt_dims = create_tgt_dims(box, ["T"])

	# now create a box to put the data in - all dimensions except T
	# get the attributes first and the scale factor and offset (if any) from them
	# amend the attributes to add the mean to the cell methods and to update the history
	method_str = "time: sum"
	history_str = datetime.now().isoformat() + " altered by CPDN: temporal sum."
	tgt_attrs = amend_attributes(box.get_attributes(), method_str, history_str)
	tgt_glob_attrs = box.get_global_attributes()
	# overwrite tgt_off and tgt_sf as get_values scales by these
	tgt_off = 0.0
	tgt_sf = 1.0
	tgt_box = cpdn_box(dims=tgt_dims, var_attrs=tgt_attrs, glob_attrs=tgt_glob_attrs,
					   name=box.get_name(), off=tgt_off, sf=tgt_sf, data=tgt_data)
	return tgt_box
Example #12
def cpdn_replace_mv(box, new_mv):
	# replace a missing_value with a new missing value
	# this is useful if the missing value isn't massively massive (e.g. -54 instead of 2e20)
	# get data values
	src_data = box.get_values()
	# get missing value and indices into data
	mv = box.get_missing_value()
	mv_idx = numpy.where(src_data == mv)
	# replace missing values
	src_data[mv_idx] = new_mv

	# create new box
	var_attrs = box.get_attributes()
	if not isinstance(var_attrs, NoneType):
		if "missing_value" in var_attrs.keys():
			var_attrs["missing_value"] = new_mv
		if "_FillValue" in var_attrs.keys():
			var_attrs["_FillValue"] = new_mv
	out_box = cpdn_box(name=box.get_name(), dims=box.get_dimensions(), 
					   var_attrs=var_attrs, glob_attrs=box.get_global_attributes(), 
					   off=0.0, sf=1.0, data=src_data, rotated_grid=box.get_rotated_grid())
	return out_box
Example #13
	def get_values(self):
		"""Return the box's values."""
		temp_box = cpdn_box()
		temp_box.load(self.__filename, self.__varname)
		return temp_box.get_values()
Example #14
	def __getitem__(self, idx):
		"""Return the box's getitem as the ensemble member getitem"""
		# have to load the box to get the item
		temp_box = cpdn_box()
		temp_box.load(self.__filename, self.__varname)
		return temp_box.__getitem__(idx)
Example #15
def cpdn_remap_longitude(box):
	# get the box longitude and decide what to do
	LON_dim = box.get_dimension("X")
	LON = LON_dim.get_values()
	# create an iterator over the source box
	it_dims = []
	for d in box.get_dimensions():
		axis = d.get_axis()
		if axis != "X" and axis != "Y":

	# create an iterator
	box_it = cpdn_box_iterator(box, it_dims)
	src_idx, tgt_idx = box_it.begin(True)

	# create the target data - same shape as the source box
	tgt_data = numpy.zeros(box.get_dimension_lengths(),'f')

	# get where the longitude is less or greater than the date line / meridion
	if LON[0] < 0.0:
		lon_under_0 = numpy.where(LON < 0)
		s = lon_under_0[0][0]
		e = lon_under_0[0][-1] + 1
		LON[lon_under_0] += 360
		under_0 = True
		p = box.get_dimension("X").get_length() - e
		lon_over_180 = numpy.where(LON > 180)
		s = lon_over_180[0][0]
		e = lon_over_180[0][-1] + 1
		LON[lon_over_180] -= 360
		under_0 = False
		p = box.get_dimension("X").get_length() - s

	# loop through
	while not box_it.end():
		data = box[src_idx].get_values().squeeze()
		if under_0:
			# remap to 0 to 360
			tgt_full_idx = list(tgt_idx)
			tgt_full_idx.append(slice(None, None, None))
			tgt_full_idx.append(slice(p, None, None))
			tgt_data[tgt_full_idx] = data[:,s:e]
			tgt_full_idx = list(tgt_idx)
			tgt_full_idx.append(slice(None, None, None))
			tgt_full_idx.append(slice(0, p, None))
			tgt_data[tgt_full_idx]  = data[:,e:]
			# remap to -180 to 180
			tgt_full_idx = list(tgt_idx)
			tgt_full_idx.append(slice(None, None, None))
			tgt_full_idx.append(slice(0, p, None))
			tgt_data[tgt_full_idx] = data[:,s:e]
			tgt_full_idx = list(tgt_idx)
			tgt_full_idx.append(slice(None, None, None))
			tgt_full_idx.append(slice(p, None, None))
			tgt_data[tgt_full_idx]  = data[:,0:s]

		# move onto next
		src_idx, tgt_idx = box_it.next(True)

	# create the output dimensions
	out_dims = []
	for d in box.get_dimensions():
		axis = d.get_axis()
		if axis == "X":
			lon_dim = cpdn_boxdim(LON_dim.get_name(), LON, LON_dim.get_attributes(), "X")

	# return a box
	out_box = cpdn_box(name=box.get_name(), dims=out_dims, var_attrs=box.get_attributes(),
					   glob_attrs = box.get_global_attributes(), off=0.0, sf=1.0,
					   data=tgt_data, rotated_grid=box.get_rotated_grid())
	return out_box
Example #16
def cpdn_ensemble_mean(ensemble):
	"""Create an ensemble mean from a cpdn_ensemble.  Each ensemble member is
		equally weighted."""

	# get the start date, end date and time period from the ensemble
	sd = ensemble.get_start_date(t_mode="value")
	ed = ensemble.get_end_date(t_mode="value")
	pd = ensemble.get_time_period()

	out_data = None
	time_data = []

	# iterate over the days
	for d in numpy.arange(sd, ed+pd, pd):
		sub_ens = ensemble.subset_by_date(d)
		ens_mems = sub_ens.get_members()
		# need the start date of the ensemble member
		sde, tue, n_days_py = ens_mems[0].get_t_dim().get_time_details()
		if debug==True:	# debug output
			print "Date " + float_to_daytime(d, n_days_py).isoformat(" ") +\
				  " ensemble members " + str(len(ens_mems))
		# get the weight - 1.0 / number of ensemble members
		ew = 1.0 / len(ens_mems)
		# get the time dimension axis number
		T_axis = ens_mems[0].get_box().get_dimension_axes().index("T")
		# now do for the rest of the ensemble members - but adding to the weighted sum
		c_data = None
		for e in range(0, len(ens_mems)):
			# let the current index be the ensemble member
			c_idx = e
			# set a flag that a value hasn't been assigned
			val_assigned = False
			# keep going until a value is assigned
			while not val_assigned:
				# try getting a value
					val = ew * ens_mems[c_idx][d-sde].get_values()
					val_assigned = True
					# if there is an exception then the value could not be assigned
					# and so the ensemble member is invalid
					# try again with a random ensemble member
					c_idx = int(random.uniform(0, len(ens_mems)))

			# assign to c_data
			if isinstance(c_data, NoneType):
				c_data = val
				c_data += val

		# do we have to create the data (in the timeseries) or just append to it?
		if isinstance(out_data, NoneType):
			out_data = c_data
			out_data = numpy.concatenate([out_data, c_data], axis=T_axis)

	# now create a box containing the data and the new T axis
	# use first ensemble members box as the template
	src_box = ensemble.subset_by_date(sd).get_members()[0].get_box()
	# get the dimensions - and find the time axis dimension
	tgt_dims = src_box.get_dimensions()
	T_axis = src_box.get_dimension_axes().index("T")

	##### steps to create a new time dimension
	# get the time units, start date and number of days per year - start date is 0, though
	sdate, timeu, n_days_py = ens_mems[0].get_t_dim().get_time_details()
	# get the old attributes and modify the source date
	time_attrs = tgt_dims[T_axis].get_attributes()
	# get the start_date as a daytime
	sd_dt = float_to_daytime(sd, n_days_py)
	time_attrs['units'] = "days since " + sd_dt.isoformat(" ")
	# minus sd from time_data after converting to numpy array
	time_data = numpy.array(time_data)-sd

	# create a new time dimension and overwrite the existing dimension
	tgt_t_dim = cpdn_boxdim(name=tgt_dims[T_axis].get_name(), 
							vals=time_data, attrs=time_attrs, axis="T", 
							start_date=sd, time_units=timeu, n_days_per_year=n_days_py)
	tgt_dims[T_axis] = tgt_t_dim


	# modify the variables attributes - add a cell method and history
	method_str = "ensemble mean"
	history_str = datetime.now().isoformat() + " altered by CPDN: ensemble mean."
	tgt_attrs = amend_attributes(src_box.get_attributes(), method_str, history_str)
	tgt_glob_attrs = src_box.get_global_attributes()

	# overwrite tgt_off and tgt_sf as get_values scales by these
	tgt_off = 0.0
	tgt_sf = 1.0

	# create the box and return
	tgt_box = cpdn_box(dims=tgt_dims, var_attrs=tgt_attrs, name=src_box.get_name(),
						glob_attrs=tgt_glob_attrs, off=tgt_off, sf=tgt_sf, data=out_data)

	return tgt_box
Example #17
def cpdn_climatological_seasonal_mean(box):
	"""Create a climatological seasonal mean from a cpdn_box. i.e. all DJF meaned,
	   all MAM, all JJA, all SON meaned."""
	# get the time dimension and its values
	T_axis = box.get_dimension_axes().index("T")
	T_vals = box.get_dimension("T").get_values("daytime")
	time_vals_list = [[] for m in range(0, 4)]

	# loop through the T_vals and build 4 lists (one for each month) of time values
	for t_val in T_vals:
		# DJF
		if t_val.month in [12, 1, 2]:
		# MAM
		elif t_val.month in [3, 4, 5]:
		# JJA
		elif t_val.month in [6, 7, 8]:
		# DJF
		elif t_val.month in [9, 10, 11]:

	# now produce the seasonal means, need an array to store them in - first 
	# determine shape
	tgt_shape = []
	z_dim = "Z" in box.get_dimension_axes()
	for d in box.get_dimensions():
		if d.get_axis() != "T":
	tgt_data = numpy.zeros(tgt_shape, 'f')
	tgt_sum = numpy.zeros(tgt_shape, 'f')
	mv = box.get_missing_value()

	# now loop through and add to the target data, weighted by 1.0/number of jans etc.
	src_idx = [slice(None, None, None) for d in range(0,box.get_ndims())]
	for m in range(0, 4):
		for sm in range(0, len(time_vals_list[m])):
			# get the data
			src_idx[T_axis] = time_vals_list[m][sm]
			data = box.__getitem__(src_idx).get_values().squeeze()
			# get where the data does not equal the mv
			non_mv_idx = numpy.where(data != mv)
			# add the data and sum
			if z_dim:
				tgt_data[m][0][non_mv_idx] += data[non_mv_idx]
				tgt_sum[m][0][non_mv_idx] += 1
				tgt_data[m][non_mv_idx] += data[non_mv_idx]
				tgt_sum[m][non_mv_idx] += 1
		# divide through by the sum to get the mean
		tgt_data[m] = tgt_data[m] / tgt_sum[m]
		# set where the sum is 0 to be the mv
		if not numpy.isinf(mv):
			tgt_data[m][tgt_sum[m] == 0] = mv

	# create the target dimensions
	tgt_dims = []
	start_year = T_vals[0].year
	end_year   = T_vals[-1].year
	for d in box.get_dimensions():
		if d.get_axis() == "T":
			# get the start date, units and number of days in the year
			sd, un, nd = d.get_time_details()
			# create the values and the bounds
			vals = [(x*90*un)+15 for x in range(0, 4)]
			bnds = numpy.array([[vals[x], vals[x]+(end_year-start_year)*nd+90*un] for x in range(0, 4)])
			# create the time dimension and append
			td = cpdn_boxdim(name=d.get_name(), vals=vals, attrs=d.get_attributes(),
							 axis="T", bounds=bnds, start_date=sd, time_units=un, 

	# create the return box
	method_str = "time: climatological seasonal mean"
	history_str = datetime.now().isoformat() + " altered by CPDN: climatological seasonal mean."
	tgt_attrs = amend_attributes(box.get_attributes(), method_str, history_str)
	tgt_glob_attrs = box.get_global_attributes()
	# overwrite tgt_off and tgt_sf as get_values scales by these
	tgt_off = 0.0
	tgt_sf = 1.0
	tgt_box = cpdn_box(dims=tgt_dims, var_attrs=tgt_attrs, glob_attrs=tgt_glob_attrs,
					   name=box.get_name(), off=tgt_off, sf=tgt_sf, data=tgt_data)
	return tgt_box
Example #18
def cpdn_climatological_month_mean(box):
	"""Create a climatological month mean from a cpdn_box. i.e. all Jans meaned,
	   all Febs meaned etc."""
	# get the time dimension and its values
	T_axis = box.get_dimension_axes().index("T")
	T_vals = box.get_dimension("T").get_values("daytime")
	time_vals_list = [[] for m in range(0, 12)]
	# get missing value
	mv = box.get_missing_value()
	# get missing value indices - assume same across all time periods
	mv_idx = numpy.where(box[0].get_values().squeeze() == mv)

	# loop through the T_vals and build 12 lists (one for each month) of time values
	for t_val in T_vals:

	# now produce the month means, need an array to store them in - first 
	# determine shape
	tgt_shape = []
	for d in box.get_dimensions():
		if d.get_axis() != "T":
	tgt_data = numpy.zeros(tgt_shape, 'f')

	# now loop through and add to the target data, weighted by 1.0/number of jans etc.
	src_idx = [slice(None, None, None) for d in range(0,box.get_ndims())]
	for m in range(0, 12):
		mw = 1.0 / len(time_vals_list[m])
		for sm in range(0, len(time_vals_list[m])):
			src_idx[T_axis] = time_vals_list[m][sm]
			v = numpy.mean(box.__getitem__(src_idx).get_values(), axis=T_axis)
			tgt_data[m] += mw * v
			# reinstate missing values
			tgt_data[m][mv_idx] = mv

	# create the target dimensions
	tgt_dims = []
	start_year = T_vals[0].year
	end_year   = T_vals[-1].year
	for d in box.get_dimensions():
		if d.get_axis() == "T":
			# get the start date, units and number of days in the year
			sd, un, nd = d.get_time_details()
			# create the values and the bounds
			vals = []
			for m in range(0, 12):
				if nd == 360:
			bnds = numpy.array([[vals[x], vals[x]+(end_year-start_year)*nd+30] for x in range(0, 12)])
			# create the time dimension and append
			td = cpdn_boxdim(name=d.get_name(), vals=vals, attrs=d.get_attributes(), 
							 axis="T", bounds=bnds, start_date=sd, time_units=un, 

	# create the return box
	method_str = "time: climatological month mean"
	history_str = datetime.now().isoformat() + " altered by CPDN: climatological month mean."
	tgt_attrs = amend_attributes(box.get_attributes(), method_str, history_str)
	tgt_glob_attrs = box.get_global_attributes()
	# overwrite tgt_off and tgt_sf as get_values scales by these
	tgt_off = 0.0
	tgt_sf = 1.0
	tgt_box = cpdn_box(dims=tgt_dims, var_attrs=tgt_attrs, glob_attrs=tgt_glob_attrs,
					   name=box.get_name(), off=tgt_off, sf=tgt_sf, data=tgt_data)
	return tgt_box
Example #19
def cpdn_spatial_smooth(src_box, w_x=3, w_y=None, type="flat"):
	"""Spatially smooth (in X and Y dimensions) data contained within a box."""
	# create or copy the window
	if isinstance(w_x, numpy.ndarray):
		win = w_x / numpy.sum(w_x)
	elif isinstance(w_x, int):
		if isinstance(w_y, NoneType):
			w_y = w_x
		if type == "flat":
			win = numpy.ones([w_x*2+1,w_y*2+1], 'f') / (w_x*w_y*4)
			win = win / numpy.sum(win)
		elif type == "gauss":
			x,y = numpy.mgrid[-w_x:w_x+1, -w_y:w_y+1]
			win = numpy.exp(-(x**2/float(w_x)+y**2/float(w_y)))
			win = win / numpy.sum(win)
		raise Exception("Unknown window type")

	# create the target data - same shape as the source box
	tgt_data = numpy.zeros(src_box.get_dimension_lengths(),'f')

	# create an iterator over the source box
	it_dims = []
	for d in src_box.get_dimensions():
		axis = d.get_axis()
		if axis != "X" and axis != "Y":

    # create an iterator
	box_it = cpdn_box_iterator(src_box, it_dims)
	src_idx, tgt_idx = box_it.begin(True)

	# get missing value - don't want to convolve this
	mv = src_box.get_missing_value()

	# loop through
	while not box_it.end():
		# get the source data
		src_data = src_box[src_idx].get_values().squeeze()
		# check whether the data can be smoothed quickly using convolve
		if not numpy.isinf(mv):
			mv_in_src = numpy.where(numpy.abs(src_data) > mv*0.9)[0].shape[0] > 0
			mv_in_src = False
		if not numpy.isinf(mv) and not mv_in_src:
			# convolve the data with the window - ensure it's the same size and wrap around
			# the date line (and the poles, unfortunately)
			c_data = convolve2d(win, src_data, mode="same", boundary="wrap")
			tgt_data[tgt_idx] = numpy.reshape(c_data, src_data.shape)
			# do the slow dance with missing data
			win_f = win.flatten()
			for j in range(0, src_data.shape[0]):
				for i in range(0, src_data.shape[1]):
					if abs(src_data[j,i]) > 1000:	#abs(mv*0.9):
						tgt_data[tgt_idx][j,i] = mv
						# get the list of indices
						idx_list = get_smoothing_window(j, i, 
														w_x, w_y)
						# average using the list of indices
						sum = 0.0
						n = 0
						for k in range(0, len(idx_list)):
							idx = idx_list[k]
							y = idx[0]
							x = idx[1]
							v = src_data[y,x]
							if abs(v) < 1000: #abs(mv*0.9):
								sum += v * win_f[k]
								n += win_f[k]
						if n == 0:
							tgt_data[tgt_idx][j,i] = mv
							tgt_data[tgt_idx][j,i] = sum/n

		# iterate to next time / z / etc.
		src_idx, tgt_idx = box_it.next(True)
	# smoothing does weird things to the poles (due to wrap around boundary conditions)
	# so reinstate the poles
	Y_axis = src_box.get_dimension_axes().index("Y")
	idxs = []
	for x in range(0, src_box.get_ndims()):
		idxs.append(slice(None, None, None))
	# north pole / top
	idxs[Y_axis] = 0
	tgt_data[idxs] = src_box.get_values()[idxs]
	# south pole / bottom
	idxs[Y_axis] = -1
	tgt_data[idxs] = src_box.get_values()[idxs]

	# create return box, all the same except for attributes and history
	method_str = "longitude: latitude: kernel smoothing"
	history_str = datetime.now().isoformat() + " altered by CPDN: area-weighted mean."
	tgt_attrs = amend_attributes(src_box.get_attributes(), method_str, history_str)
	# create return box
	tgt_box = cpdn_box(dims=src_box.get_dimensions(), var_attrs=tgt_attrs, 
					   name=src_box.get_name(), glob_attrs=src_box.get_global_attributes(),
                       off=0.0, sf=1.0, data=tgt_data)
	return tgt_box
Example #20
	def get_box(self):
		"""Return the box associated with the ensemble member"""
		# have to load the box first
		temp_box = cpdn_box()
		temp_box.load(self.__filename, self.__varname)
		return temp_box
from cpdn_smooth import *
from map_plot import map_plot
from os.path import expanduser as EU
import matplotlib.cm as cm


### tests ###

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_number = 16

    if test_number == 0:
        path = EU("/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/shared/sas_test2/")
        file = "nhqhma.pcg7oct.nc"
        box = cpdn_box()
        box.load(path+file, "field16")
        print box.get_dimension("Y").get_values()

#       # file with no bounds data so will guess bounds
#       path = "/home/orwell/cpdn/massey/HadAM3P_Output/1960/hadam3p_m001_1960_2_006101835_0/"
#       file = "m001ma.pag0dec.nc"
#       box = cpdn_box()
#       box.load(path+file, "field16")
#       x = box["1960-12-01":"1961-01-02", 0, :, :]
#       print x.get_values()

    elif test_number == 1:

        # file with bounds data so will read them in
        path = "/home/ares/mad/rye/data/cmip5/CMIP5/output/MOHC/HadGEM2-ES/historical/mon/atmos/Amon/r1i1p1/v20110329/tas/"