def results2pdf(path, local=False, verbose=False, loglevel=logging.CRITICAL): # ===================================== # Regex-out the dataset number, date # ===================================== dataset_string ='E200_(\d+)', path).groups()[0] date_string_tmp ='\d{8}', path).group() year =[0:4]) month =[4:6]) day =[6:]) date =, month=month, day=day) date_string = date.strftime('%b %-d, %Y') # ===================================== # Load data # ===================================== data = E200.E200_load_data(path, local=local, readonly=True) processed_drill = scalars_drill = processed_drill.scalars vectors_drill = processed_drill.vectors arrays_drill = processed_drill.arrays scalars_rdrill = # ===================================== # Helper function # ===================================== def get_str(drill): out_str = drill._hdf5 return drill, out_str # ===================================== # get uids, energy axes, images, etc # ===================================== valid = scalars_drill.ss_ELANEX_valid uids = valid.UID[valid.dat is True] # uids = uids[0:4] valid_drill, valid_str = get_str(scalars_drill.ss_ELANEX_valid) valid = E200.E200_api_getdat(valid_str, uids) quadval_drill, quadval_str = get_str(scalars_rdrill.step_value) quadval = E200.E200_api_getdat(quadval_str, uids) emit_n_drill, emit_n_str = get_str(scalars_drill.ss_ELANEX_emit_n) emit_n = E200.E200_api_getdat(emit_n_str, uids) betastar_drill, betastar_str = get_str(scalars_drill.ss_ELANEX_betastar) betastar = E200.E200_api_getdat(betastar_str, uids) sstar_drill, sstar_str = get_str(scalars_drill.ss_ELANEX_sstar) sstar = E200.E200_api_getdat(sstar_str, uids) rect_drill, rect_str = get_str(vectors_drill.ss_ELANEX_rect) rects = E200.E200_api_getdat(rect_str, uids) eaxis_drill, eaxis_str = get_str(vectors_drill.ss_ELANEX_energy_axis) eaxis = E200.E200_api_getdat(eaxis_str, uids) variance_drill, variance_str = get_str(vectors_drill.ss_ELANEX_variance) variance = E200.E200_api_getdat(variance_str, uids) beta_drill, beta_str = get_str(vectors_drill.ss_ELANEX_LLS_beta) beta = E200.E200_api_getdat(beta_str, uids) y_error_drill, y_error_str = get_str(vectors_drill.ss_ELANEX_LLS_y_error) y_error = E200.E200_api_getdat(y_error_str, uids) X_unweighted_drill, X_unweighted_str = get_str(arrays_drill.ss_ELANEX_LLS_X_unweighted) X_unweighted = E200.E200_api_getdat(X_unweighted_str, uids) selected_img_drill, selected_img_str = get_str(arrays_drill.ss_ELANEX_selected_img) selected_img = E200.E200_api_getdat(selected_img_str, uids) oimg_eaxis_drill, oimg_eaxis_str = get_str(vectors_drill.ss_ELANEX_oimg_eaxis) oimg_eaxis = E200.E200_api_getdat(oimg_eaxis_str, uids) elanex_drill, elanex_str = get_str( images = E200.E200_load_images(elanex_str, uids) E224_Probe_drill, E224_Probe_str = get_str( # ===================================== # Determine laser on shots # ===================================== laseron = laser_on_off(E224_Probe_str, uids) # ===================================== # Determine number of shots, pages # ===================================== num_shots = len(valid) slots_per_page = 5 pages = # ===================================== # Create filename, pdf, main title # ===================================== now = filename = '{}_processed_{}-{:02d}-{:02d}_{:02d}{:02d}.pdf'.format(dataset_string, now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute) pdf = PdfPages(filename) main_title = 'Single Shot Emittance Analysis, Dataset {dataset}, {datestring}, Page {{}}/{totalpgs}'.format( dataset = dataset_string, datestring = date_string, totalpgs = pages+1 ) layout_rect = [0, 0, 1, 0.95] # ===================================== # Create overview # ===================================== worksheet(data, pdf, main_title) # ===================================== # Basic formatting options # ===================================== linewidth = 1 fontsize = 7 # ===================================== # Create pages with slots_per_page # number of analysis/page # ===================================== for i in range(pages): gs = gridspec.GridSpec(5, 3) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11)) fig.suptitle(main_title.format(i+2)) # ===================================== # Add analysis to each slot # ===================================== for j in range(slots_per_page): indx = i*slots_per_page+j print(indx) # ===================================== # Only add if there are shots left # ===================================== if indx < num_shots: # ===================================== # Plot Energy # ===================================== img_to_plot = np.fliplr(np.rot90(images.images[indx])) uid = images.UID[indx] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[j, 0]) e_axis = oimg_eaxis.dat[indx] e_axis = np.flipud(e_axis) # ===================================== # Get energy, pixel ranges # ===================================== # x_min = 1 x_max = img_to_plot.shape[0] # x_range = x_max-x_min # y_min = e_axis[-1] # y_max = e_axis[0] # y_max = img_to_plot.shape[1] # y_range = y_max-y_min # aspect = x_range/y_range * img_to_plot.shape[1]/img_to_plot.shape[0] # aspect = np.power(np.float64(img_to_plot.shape[1])/np.float64(img_to_plot.shape[0]), 2) # extent = (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) # ===================================== # Show image # ===================================== # ax.imshow(img_to_plot, extent=extent, aspect=aspect, origin='lower') # ax.imshow(img_to_plot, aspect=aspect, origin='lower') # img = mpl.image.NonUniformImage(ax) # img.set_data(e_axis, mt.linspacestep(1, x_max), img_to_plot) pixels = selected_img.dat[indx].flatten() hist, edges = np.histogram(pixels, bins=50) new_edges = edges[1:] max_count = np.max(new_edges[hist > 50]) img = mt.NonUniformImage(e_axis, mt.linspacestep(1, x_max), img_to_plot, ax=ax) img.set_clim([0, max_count]) mt.addlabel(axes = ax, ylabel='Pixels', xlabel='Energy [GeV]') cb = fig.colorbar(img) ax.tick_params(labelsize = fontsize) = fontsize) ax.get_figure().tight_layout() # ===================================== # Get rectangle info # ===================================== thisrect = rects.dat[indx] # ===================================== # Retool y to energy scale # ===================================== # x = thisrect[0] # y = thisrect[1] # width = thisrect[2] # height=thisrect[3] myrect = mt.qt.Rectangle(*thisrect) y0 = myrect.x0 y1 = myrect.x1 temp = np.flipud(e_axis) e_y0 = temp[] e_y1 = temp[] e_width = e_y1-e_y0 # rect = mt.qt.Rectangle(x, e_y0, e_width, height, axes=ax, alpha=1, fill=False) rect = mt.qt.Rectangle(e_y0, y, e_width, height, axes=ax, alpha=1, fill=False) ax.add_patch(rect.get_rect()), y_fraction=1), fontsize) # ===================================== # Plot Fit # ===================================== figlabel = 'Butterfly Fit' ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[j, 1]) ax0 = bt.plotfit( eaxis.dat[indx], variance.dat[indx], beta.dat[indx], X_unweighted.dat[indx], top = 'Emittance and Beam Parameter Fit', figlabel = figlabel, bottom = 'Energy [GeV]', axes = ax, error = y_error.dat[indx], linewidth = linewidth, fontsize = fontsize, markersize = 2 ), y_fraction=1), fontsize) ax0.get_figure().tight_layout() # ===================================== # Add numbers # ===================================== ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[j, 2]) # Calculate pinch energy size =[indx], beta.dat[indx]) argmin = np.argmin(size) pinch_energy = eaxis.dat[indx][argmin] if laseron[indx]: laser_status = 'On' else: laser_status = 'Off' table_begin = r''' \begin{{tabular}}{{ll}} \toprule Date & {} \\ UID & {:0.0f} \\ Quad Offset [GeV] & {:0.3f} \\ \midrule Pinch Energy [GeV] & {:0.3f} \\ Norm Emit [mm-mrad] & {:0.3f} \\ Beta* [m] & {:0.3f} \\ S* [m] & {:0.3f} \\ Laser & {} \\ \bottomrule \end{{tabular}}''' table_begin = table_begin.format( date_string, uid, quadval.dat[indx], pinch_energy, emit_n.dat[indx]*1e6, betastar.dat[indx], sstar.dat[indx], laser_status ) table_begin = re.sub('\\n', ' ', table_begin) # table_begin = r'''\begin{tabular}{ c | c | c | c } & col1 & col2 & col3 \\\hline row1 & 11 & 12 & 13 \\\hline row2 & 21 & 22 & 23 \\\hline row3 & 31 & 32 & 33 \end{tabular}''' ax.text(-0.1, 0.25, table_begin, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_figure().tight_layout() gs.tight_layout(fig, rect=layout_rect) pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close() pdf.close() command = 'open {}'.format(filename)
def coversheet(data, pdf, main_title): gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11)) fig.suptitle(main_title.format(1)) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) # data=E200.E200_load_data('nas/nas-li20-pm00/E200/2014/20140629/E200_13537', local=True, readonly=True) dats = E200.E200_api_getdat( uids = dats.UID[dats.dat is True] emit_dats = E200.E200_api_getdat(, UID=uids) imgstr = laseron = laser_on_off(imgstr, uids) if not np.any(laseron is True): laser_on_exist = False logger.log(level=loggerlevel, msg='No laser on shots') else: laser_on_exist = True if not np.any(laseron is False): laser_off_exist = False logger.log(level=loggerlevel, msg='No laser off shots') else: laser_off_exist = True # ===================================== # Create figure if no axes specified # ===================================== if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # ===================================== # Get Numbers # ===================================== norm_emit_on = emit_dats.dat[laseron == 1]*1e6 if len(norm_emit_on) > 0: avg_norm_emit_on = '{:0.3f}'.format(np.mean(norm_emit_on)) std_norm_emit_on = '{:0.3f}'.format(np.std(norm_emit_on)) else: avg_norm_emit_on = 'N/A' std_norm_emit_on = 'N/A' norm_emit_off = emit_dats.dat[laseron == 0]*1e6 # ipdb.set_trace() if len(norm_emit_off) > 0: avg_norm_emit_off = '{:0.3f}'.format(np.mean(norm_emit_off)) std_norm_emit_off = '{:0.3f}'.format(np.std(norm_emit_off)) else: avg_norm_emit_off = '(N/A)' std_norm_emit_off = '(N/A)' # ===================================== # Plot logic # ===================================== if laser_on_exist and laser_off_exist: # out_plot = ax.plot(norm_emit_on, '.-', norm_emit_off, '.-') ax.legend(['Laser On', 'Laser Off'], fontsize=fontsize) mt.addlabel(toplabel = 'Effect of Laser on Emittance', axes=ax) elif laser_on_exist and laser_off_exist is False: # out_plot = ax.plot(norm_emit_on, '.-') ax.legend(['Laser On'], fontsize=fontsize) toplabel = 'Effect of Laser on Emittance\nNO LASER OFF DATA' ax.set_title(toplabel, color='red') elif laser_on_exist is False and laser_off_exist: # out_plot = ax.plot(norm_emit_off, '.-') ax.legend(['Laser On'], fontsize=fontsize) toplabel = 'Effect of Laser on Emittance\nNO LASER ON DATA' ax.set_title(toplabel, color='red') else: raise NotImplementedError('Check laser on/off arrays') mt.addlabel( axes = ax, xlabel = 'Unsorted Shots', ylabel = 'Norm. Emittance [mm-mrad]') # fig.tight_layout() # # # # fig.savefig('NormEmit_Laser_On_Off_13537.jpg'), fontsize=7) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) table_begin = r''' \begin{{tabular}}{{ll}} \toprule \multicolumn{{2}}{{c}}{{Laser On}} \\ \midrule Average [mm-mrad] & {} \\ Std. Dev. [mm-mrad] & {} \\ \toprule \multicolumn{{2}}{{c}}{{Laser Off}} \\ \midrule Average [mm-mrad] & {} \\ Std. Dev. [mm-mrad] & {} \\ \bottomrule \end{{tabular}}''' table_begin = table_begin.format( avg_norm_emit_on, std_norm_emit_on, avg_norm_emit_off, std_norm_emit_off ) table_begin = re.sub('\\n', ' ', table_begin) ax.text(0.5, 1, table_begin, fontsize=fontsize, ha='center', va='top') ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_figure().tight_layout() gs.tight_layout(fig, rect=layout_rect) pdf.savefig(fig) return pdf