def qr_fact_givens(matA):
    original = matA.copy()
    n = len(matA)  # n is # of cols and rows
    rot_list = []  # keep track of all rotation matrices for calculation of Q
    temp = zeros(n)  # weird error happens if I don't do this
    matA = temp + matA  # weird error happens if I don't do this
    for i in range(0, n):  # for each col
        for j in range(i + 1, n):  # for each row
            if matA[j, i] != 0:  # if entry not already 0
                rot_matrix = build_rot_mat(
                    n, j, i, matA[i, i], matA[j, i]
                )  # build rotation matrix using pivot and target entry
                rot_list.append(rot_matrix)  # add rotation matrix to list
                matA = matrixMult(rot_matrix, matA)  # update matrix to approach R
    rot_list.reverse()  # reverse order of rotation matrices for multiplication
    qMat = rot_list[0].transpose()  # transpose first rotation matrix
    for k in range(1, len(rot_list)):  # for each rotation matrix
        qMat = matrixMult(rot_list[k].transpose(), qMat)  # multiply every rotation matrix transposed together

    derived_A = matrixMult(qMat, matA)  # begin error calculation, compute Q*R
    derived_A = derived_A - original  # compute QR - A
    current_max = 0  # find norm by finding largest abs val of entries
    for col in range(0, n):  # for each col
        for row in range(0, n):  # for each row
            if abs(derived_A[row, col]) > current_max:  # if current abs val entry is bigger than max
                current_max = abs(derived_A[row, col])  # update
    return [qMat, matA, current_max]  # return Q and R
Example #2
def lu_fact(matA):
    original = matA.copy()
    n = len(matA)  # n is # of rows and cols
    i_matA = identity(n, float)  # i_matA will be transformed into L via all row operations that create U
    for col in range(0, n):  # for each col
        i = 0  # initialize i
        for i in range(col, n):  # for each row
            if matA[i, col] != 0:  # find pivot
        if matA[i, col] != 0:
            for k in range(col + 1, n):  # for each entry beneath pivot
                if matA[k, col] != 0:  # if entry not already 0
                    multiple = matA[k, col] / matA[i, col]  # find multiple for eliminating entry
                    i_matA[k, col] = multiple  # set corresponding i_matA entry to construct L
                    for c in range(0, n):  # for each entry along row, we want to apply same operation
                        matA[k, c] = matA[k, c] - (
                            matA[i, c] * multiple
                        )  # eliminate entry by multiplying pivot by multiple and subtracting
    derived_A = matrixMult(i_matA, matA)  # begin error calculation, compute L*U
    derived_A = derived_A - original  # compute LU - A
    current_max = 0  # find norm by finding largest abs val of entries
    for col in range(0, n):  # for each col
        for row in range(0, n):  # for each row
            if abs(derived_A[row, col]) > current_max:  # if current abs val entry is bigger than max
                current_max = abs(derived_A[row, col])  # update
    return [i_matA, matA, current_max]  # return L, U, and error