Example #1
Created on 2013-01-29

@author: paymahn

Use Eulers totient function:
import CommonFunctions as cf

MAX = 10**6
totient = [0]*(MAX+1)
primes = cf.sieve_of_Erastothenes(MAX)
for i in range(2,MAX+1):
    factors = cf.find_prime_factors(i, primes)
    product = 1
    for factor in factors:
        product *= factor**factors[factor] - factor**(factors[factor]-1)
    totient[i] = product
print sum(totient) * 3/7
Example #2
Created on 2013-01-28

@author: paymahn

The idea is to make a sieve and cross of multiples.
All unique fractions are kept unmarked.
import CommonFunctions as cf
from time import time

t = time()

MAX = 50

primes = set(cf.sieve_of_Erastothenes(MAX))
tally = 0
for denom in range(2,MAX + 1):
    if denom in primes:
        tally += denom - 1
        if denom %2 == 0:
            jump = 2
            jump = 1
        for num in range(1,denom,jump):
            if cf.gcd(num, denom) == 1:
                tally += 1

Example #3
import CommonFunctions as cf

sieve = cf.sieve_of_Erastothenes(10000)
best_num = 0
best_ratio = 0
for i in range(1,1000000):
    phi = cf.eulers_totient(i, sieve=sieve)

    if i / phi > best_ratio:
        best_ratio = i / phi
        best_num = i

print best_num