def paintParameterLine(parameterLine, width, height, img): #PAINTPARAMETERLINE Paint parameterized line # parameterLine: [n1,n2,n3,planeID,u1,u2], first 3 dims are normal # direction, 4th dim is the base plane ID for U (1=XY), 5-6th dims are U # of start and end point. # width, height: the size of output panorama, width = height x 2 # img: the image on which lines will be drawn. If no img, # img=zeros(height,width). lines = parameterLine if img is None: panoEdgeC = np.zeros([height, width]) else: img = np.double(img) panoEdgeC = imresize(img, [height, width]) if img.shape[2] == 3: pimg = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(panoEdgeC)) panoEdgeC = pimg.convert('L') panoEdgeC = np.array(panoEdgeC) * 0.5 # valid = true(size(lines,1),1); # uv_vp = xyz2vp([vp;-vp]); # vpm = min(floor( (uv_vp(:,1)-(-pi)) /(2*pi)*width)+1, width); # vpn = min(floor( ((pi/2)-uv_vp(:,2))/(pi)*height )+1, height); # valid = lines(:,4)==1; # lines = lines(~valid,:); #horizontal # lines = lines(valid,:); #vertical num_sample = max(height, width) for i in np.arange(lines.shape[0]): # fprintf('#d\n',i); n = lines[i, 0:3] sid = lines[i, 4] * 2 * np.pi eid = lines[i, 5] * 2 * np.pi if eid < sid: x = np.linspace(sid, eid + 2 * np.pi, num_sample) x = x % (2 * np.pi) # x = sid-1:(eid-1+numBins); # x = rem(x,numBins) + 1; else: x = np.linspace(sid, eid, num_sample) # u = -pi + (x'-1)*uBinSize + uBinSize/2; u = -np.pi + x.T v = CoordsTransform.computeUVN(n, u, lines[i, 3]) xyz = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(np.column_stack((u, v)), lines[i, 3]) uv = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(xyz, 0) uv = uv.T m = np.minimum(np.floor((uv[:, 0] - (-np.pi)) / (2 * np.pi) * width), width - 1) n = np.minimum(np.floor(((np.pi / 2) - uv[:, 1]) / (np.pi) * height), height - 1) #drawId = sub2ind([height, width], n, m); panoEdgeC[np.int32(n), np.int32(m)] = 255 return panoEdgeC
def rotatePanorama(img, vp, R): #ROTATEPANORAMA Rotate panorama # if R is given, vp (vanishing point) will be overlooked # otherwise R is computed from vp [sphereH, sphereW, C] = img.shape # rotImg = zeros( sphereH, sphereW, C); ## new uv coordinates [TX, TY] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sphereW), np.arange(sphereH)) TX = TX.T.flatten() + 1 TY = TY.T.flatten() + 1 ANGx = (TX - sphereW / 2 - 0.5) / sphereW * np.pi * 2 ANGy = -(TY - sphereH / 2 - 0.5) / sphereH * np.pi uvNew = np.column_stack((ANGx, ANGy)) xyzNew = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(uvNew, 0) ## rotation matrix if R == None: R =[1, 1, 1]), np.linalg.pinv(vp.T)) xyzOld =, xyzNew.T).T uvOld = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(xyzOld, 0).T # Px = uvOld(:,1)/2/pi*sphereW + 0.5 + sphereW/2; # Py = -uvOld(:,2)/pi*sphereH + 0.5 + sphereH/2; Px = (uvOld[:, 0] + np.pi) / (2 * np.pi) * sphereW + 0.5 Py = (-uvOld[:, 1] + np.pi / 2) / np.pi * sphereH + 0.5 Px = np.reshape(Px, [sphereW, sphereH]).T Py = np.reshape(Py, [sphereW, sphereH]).T # boundary imgNew = np.double(np.zeros([sphereH + 2, sphereW + 2, C])) imgNew[1:-1, 1:-1, :] = img imgNew[1:-1, 0, :] = img[:, -1, :] imgNew[1:-1, -1, :] = img[:, 0, :] halfW = / 2) imgNew[0, 1:halfW + 1, :] = img[0, sphereW:halfW - 1:-1, :] imgNew[0, halfW + 1:-1, :] = img[0, halfW - 1::-1, :] imgNew[-1, 1:halfW + 1, :] = img[-1, sphereW:halfW - 1:-1, :] imgNew[-1, halfW + 1:-1, :] = img[0, halfW:0:-1, :] imgNew[0, 0, :] = img[0, 0, :] imgNew[-1, -1, :] = img[-1, -1, :] imgNew[0, -1, :] = img[0, -1, :] imgNew[-1, 0, :] = img[-1, 0, :] rotImg = Projection.warpImageFast(imgNew, Px + 1, Py + 1) # rotImg = warpImageFast(img, Px, Py); return rotImg, R
def lineFromTwoPoint( pt1, pt2 ): #LINEFROMTWOPOINT Generate line segment based on two points on panorama # pt1, pt2: two points on panorama # lines: # 1~3-th dim: normal of the line # 4-th dim: the projection dimension ID # 5~6-th dim: the u of line segment endpoints in projection plane # use paintParameterLine to visualize numLine = pt1.shape[0]; lines = np.zeros([numLine, 6]); n = np.cross( pt1, pt2); n = n/repmat( np.sqrt(np.sum(n**2,1)), 3, 1).T; lines[:,0:3] = n; areaXY = np.abs(np.sum(n*repmat(np.array([0 ,0 ,1]), numLine, 1),1)); areaYZ = np.abs(np.sum(n*repmat(np.array([1, 0, 0]), numLine, 1),1)); areaZX = np.abs(np.sum(n*repmat(np.array([0, 1, 0]), numLine, 1),1)); planeIDs = np.argmax(np.array([areaXY, areaYZ, areaZX]),0); # 1:XY 2:YZ 3:ZX lines[:,3] = planeIDs; for i in np.arange(numLine): uv = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(np.array([pt1[i,:], pt2[i,:]]), lines[i,3]).T; umax = np.max(uv[:, 0])+np.pi; umin = np.min(uv[:,0])+np.pi; if umax-umin>np.pi: lines[i,4:6] = np.array([umax, umin])/2/np.pi; else: lines[i,4:6] = np.array([umin ,umax])/2/np.pi; return lines
def assignVanishingType(lines, vp, tol, area): #ASSIGNVANISHINGTYPE Summary of this function goes here # Detailed explanation goes here if area < 0: area = 10 numLine = lines.shape[0] numVP = vp.shape[0] typeCost = np.zeros([numLine, numVP]) # perpendicular for vid in np.arange(numVP): cosint = np.sum(lines[:, 0:3] * repmat(vp[vid, :], numLine, 1), 1) typeCost[:, vid] = np.arcsin(np.abs(cosint)) # infinity for vid in np.arange(numVP): valid = np.ones([numLine, 1], dtype=bool) for i in np.arange(numLine): us = lines[i, 4] ue = lines[i, 5] u = np.array([us, ue]) * 2.0 * np.pi - np.pi v = CoordsTransform.computeUVN(lines[i, 0:3], u, lines[i, 3]) xyz = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(np.row_stack((u, v)).T, lines[i, 3]) x = np.linspace(xyz[0, 0], xyz[1, 0], 100) y = np.linspace(xyz[0, 1], xyz[1, 1], 100) z = np.linspace(xyz[0, 2], xyz[1, 2], 100) xyz = np.column_stack((x, y, z)) xyz = xyz / repmat(np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz**2, 1)), 3, 1).T ang = np.arccos(np.abs(np.sum(xyz * repmat(vp[vid, :], 100, 1), 1))) valid[i] = not any(ang < area * np.pi / 180) typeCost[~valid[:, 0], vid] = 100 I = np.min(typeCost, 1) type = np.argmin(typeCost, 1) type[I > tol] = numVP return [type, typeCost]
def rotateLines(lines, R): #ROTATELINES Rotate lines on panorama # lines: parameterized lines, R: rotation matrix [numLine, dimLine] = lines.shape lines_N = np.zeros([numLine, dimLine]) for i in np.arange(numLine): n = lines[i, 0:3] sid = lines[i, 4] * 2 * np.pi - np.pi eid = lines[i, 5] * 2 * np.pi - np.pi u = np.row_stack((sid, eid)) v = CoordsTransform.computeUVN(n, u, lines[i, 3]) xyz = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(np.column_stack((u, v)), lines[i, 3]) n_N =, n.T).T n_N = n_N / np.linalg.norm(n_N, 2) xyz_N =, xyz.T).T lines_N[i, 3] = np.argmax(np.abs(n_N[[2, 0, 1]])) uv_N = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(xyz_N, lines_N[i, 3]).T umax = max(uv_N[:, 0]) + np.pi umin = min(uv_N[:, 0]) + np.pi if umax - umin > np.pi: lines_N[i, 4:6] = np.array([umax, umin]) / 2 / np.pi else: lines_N[i, 4:6] = np.array([umin, umax]) / 2 / np.pi lines_N[i, 0:3] = n_N # lines_N(i,5:6) = (uv_N(:,1)'+pi)/2/pi; if dimLine >= 7: lines_N[i, 6] = np.arccos( np.sum(xyz_N[0, :] * xyz_N[1, :]) / (np.linalg.norm(xyz_N[0, :], 2) * np.linalg.norm(xyz_N[1, :], 2))) # lines_N(i,7) = lines(i,7); # this should be ok as well if dimLine >= 8: lines_N[i, 7] = lines[i, 7] return lines_N
def refitLineSegmentB(lines, vp, vpweight): #REFITLINESEGMENTA refit direction of line segments # lines: original line segments # vp: vannishing point # vpweight: if set to 0, lines will not change; if set to inf, lines will # be forced to pass vp if vpweight == None: vpweight = 0.1 numSample = 100 numLine = lines.shape[0] xyz = np.zeros([numSample + 1, 3]) wei = np.ones([numSample + 1, 1]) wei[numSample] = vpweight * numSample lines_ali = lines for i in np.arange(numLine): n = lines[i, 0:3] sid = lines[i, 4] * 2 * np.pi eid = lines[i, 5] * 2 * np.pi if eid < sid: x = np.linspace(sid, eid + 2 * np.pi, numSample) x = (x % (2 * np.pi)) # x = sid-1:(eid-1+numBins); # x = rem(x,numBins) + 1; else: x = np.linspace(sid, eid, numSample) # u = -pi + (x'-1)*uBinSize + uBinSize/2; u = -np.pi + x.T v = CoordsTransform.computeUVN(n, u, lines[i, 3]) xyz[0:numSample, :] = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(np.column_stack((u, v)), lines[i, 3]) xyz[numSample, :] = vp _, outputNM = curveFitting(xyz, wei) lines_ali[i, 0:3] = outputNM return lines_ali
def combineViews(Imgs, width, height): #COMBINEVIEWS Combine separate views to panorama # Imgs: same format as separatePano panoout = np.zeros([height, width, Imgs[0].img.shape[2]]) panowei = np.zeros([height, width, Imgs[0].img.shape[2]]) imgNum = len(Imgs) for i in np.arange(imgNum): [sphereImg, validMap] = CoordsTransform.im2Sphere(Imgs[i].img, Imgs[i].fov, width, height, Imgs[i].vx[0, 0], Imgs[i].vy[0, 0]) sphereImg[~validMap] = 0 panoout = panoout + sphereImg panowei = panowei + validMap panoout[panowei == 0] = 0 panowei[panowei == 0] = 1 panoout = panoout / np.double(panowei) return panoout
def gbPanoSegment(img, sigma, k, minSz): #GBPANOSEGMENT Graph-based image segmentation on panorama # Similar as Pedro's algorithm, only the graph is built on sphere, so # left and right side are considered as attached. # img: should be in uint8 [0~256] # sigma, k, minSz: same parameters as in Pedro's algorithm [height, width, _] = img.shape #img_smooth = smooth(img, sigma); #sigma = 10; img_smooth = np.zeros([height, width, 3]) img_smooth[:, :, 0] = gaussian_filter(img[:, :, 0], sigma) img_smooth[:, :, 1] = gaussian_filter(img[:, :, 1], sigma) img_smooth[:, :, 2] = gaussian_filter(img[:, :, 2], sigma) #SrcImage = './data/rotImg_smooth.mat' #dict = loadmat(SrcImage) #img_smooth = dict['img_smooth'] #plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) #plt.imshow(np.uint8(img)) #plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) #plt.imshow(np.uint8(img_smooth)) ## uniformly sample vectors on sphere and segment, test later dict = loadmat('./data/uniformvector_lvl8.mat') coor = dict['coor'] tri = dict['tri'] #[coor, tri] = getUniformVector(8); # [ E ] = getSketchTokenEdgemap( img ); # [EE, Ix, Iy] = dt2(double(E), 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0 ); EE = np.zeros([height, width]) xySubs = CoordsTransform.uv2coords(CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(coor, 0), width, height, 0) xySubs = np.int32(xySubs) #SrcImage = './data/xySubs.mat' #dict = loadmat(SrcImage) #xySubs = dict['xySubs'] #xySubs = xySubs -1; idx = np.where(xySubs[:, 1] < 0) xySubs[idx, 1] = 0 idx = np.where(xySubs[:, 1] >= 512) xySubs[idx, 1] = 511 idx = np.where(xySubs[:, 0] >= 1024) xySubs[idx, 0] = 1023 SubXY = np.array([xySubs[:, 1], xySubs[:, 0]]).T #xyinds = np.ravel_multi_index(SubXY,(height ,width)); #offset = width*height; tri = tri - 1 e0 = np.array([tri[:, 0], tri[:, 1]]).T e1 = np.array([tri[:, 1], tri[:, 2]]).T e2 = np.array([tri[:, 2], tri[:, 0]]).T edges = np.row_stack((e0, e1, e2)) invert = edges[:, 1] < edges[:, 0] edges[invert, :] = edges[invert, 1::-1] uniEdges, _ = np.unique(edges, return_inverse=True, axis=0) #eid0 = np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,0]],(height,width,3)) #eid1 = np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,1]],(height,width,3)) eid0 = SubXY[uniEdges[:, 0], :].T eid1 = SubXY[uniEdges[:, 1], :].T #eid0offset = np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,0]] + offset,(height,width,3)) #eid1offset = np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,1]] + offset,(height,width,3)) #eid0offset2 = np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,0]] + 2 * offset,(height,width,3)) #eid1offset2 = np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,1]] + 2 * offset,(height,width,3)) if any(eid0[:, 0] >= 512): print('nono') weight = (img_smooth[eid0[0], eid0[1], 0] - img_smooth[eid1[0], eid1[1], 0] )**2 + (img_smooth[eid0[0], eid0[1], 1] - img_smooth[eid1[0], eid1[1], 1])**2 + ( img_smooth[eid0[0], eid0[1], 2] - img_smooth[eid1[0], eid1[1], 2])**2 gdweight = (EE[eid0[0], eid0[1]] + EE[eid0[0], eid0[1]]) / 2 panoEdge = np.array([ uniEdges[:, 0], uniEdges[:, 1], np.sqrt(np.double(weight)) + 10 * np.double(gdweight) ]) maxID = coor.shape[0] num = uniEdges.shape[0] edgeLabel = segmentGraphEdge((maxID, num, panoEdge, k, minSz)) L = np.unique(edgeLabel) temp = np.zeros(len(edgeLabel)) [gridX, gridY] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(width), np.arange(height)) for i in np.arange(len(L)): temp[edgeLabel == L[i]] = i + 1 pixelvector = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN( CoordsTransform.coords2uv([gridX[:] + 1, gridY[:] + 1], width, height), 0) # k = 1; # [nnidx, dists] = annsearch( coor', pixelvector', k); #[nnidx, dists] = knnsearch( coor, pixelvector); nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, algorithm='auto').fit(coor) dists, nnidx = nbrs.kneighbors(pixelvector) #from scipy import spatial #tree = spatial.KDTree(coor); #dists, nnidx = tree.query(pixelvector,k=1); #SrcImage = './data/temp.mat' #dict = loadmat(SrcImage) #tempm = dict['temp'] #SrcImage = './data/nnidx.mat' #dict = loadmat(SrcImage) #nnidxm = dict['nnidx'] #nnidxm = nnidxm - 1 panoSegment = np.reshape(temp[nnidx], [width, height]).T #pimg = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(panoSegment)) ##pimggray = pimg.convert('L')'./data/segmentation.jpg'); return panoSegment
def process2(rotImg): #SrcImage = './data/rotImg.jpg' #rotImg = imread(SrcImage, mode='RGB') #rotImg = np.uint8(rotImg) ## image segmentation: panoSegment = Segmentation.gbPanoSegment(rotImg, 0.5, 200, 50) #SrcImage = './data/panoSegment.mat' #dict = loadmat(SrcImage) #panoSegment = dict['panoSegment'] plt.imshow(panoSegment, cmap='gray') plt.title('Segmentation: left and right are connected') ## Get region inside a polygon dict = loadmat('./data/points.mat') # load room corner points = dict['points'] dict = loadmat('./data/uniformvector_lvl8.mat') coor = dict['coor'] tri = dict['tri'] vcs = CoordsTransform.uv2coords(CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(coor, 0), 1024, 512, 0) # transfer vectors to image coordinates coords = CoordsTransform.uv2coords(CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(points, 0), 1024, 512, 0) [s_xyz, _] = PolygonRegion.sortXYZ(points[0:4, :]) # define a region with 4 vertices [inside, _, _] = PolygonRegion.insideCone(s_xyz[-1::-1, :], coor, 0) # test which vectors are in region #figure(8); plt.imshow(rotImg) #hold on for i in np.arange(4): plt.scatter(coords[i, 0], coords[i, 1], 100, 'r', 's') for i in np.where(inside): plt.scatter(vcs[i, 0], vcs[i, 1], 1, 'g', 'o') [s_xyz, I] = PolygonRegion.sortXYZ(points[4:8, :]) [inside, _, _] = PolygonRegion.insideCone(s_xyz[-1::-1, :], coor, 0) for i in np.arange(4, 8): plt.scatter(coords[i, 0], coords[i, 1], 100, 'r', 's') for i in np.where(inside): plt.scatter(vcs[i, 0], vcs[i, 1], 1, 'b', 'o') plt.title('Display of two wall regions') ## Reconstruct a box, assuming perfect upperright cuboid D3point = np.zeros([8, 3]) pointUV = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(points, 0).T floor = -160 floorPtID = np.array([2, 3, 6, 7, 2]) - 1 ceilPtID = np.array([1, 4, 5, 8, 1]) - 1 for i in np.arange(4): D3point[floorPtID[i], :] = LineFaceIntersection.LineFaceIntersection( np.array([0, 0, floor]), np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.array([0, 0, 0]), points[floorPtID[i], :]) D3point[ceilPtID[i], 2] = D3point[floorPtID[i], 2] / np.tan( pointUV[floorPtID[i], 1]) * np.tan(pointUV[ceilPtID[i], 1]) ceiling = np.mean(D3point[ceilPtID, 2]) for i in np.arange(4): D3point[ceilPtID[i], :] = LineFaceIntersection.LineFaceIntersection( np.array([0, 0, ceiling]), np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.array([0, 0, 0]), points[ceilPtID[i], :]) #figure(9); #fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #ax.scatter(D3point[floorPtID,0], D3point[floorPtID,1], D3point[floorPtID,2]); #hold on #ax.scatter(D3point[ceilPtID,0], D3point[ceilPtID,1], D3point[ceilPtID,2]); #for i in np.arange(4): #ax.scatter(D3point[[floorPtID[i], ceilPtID[i]],0], D3point[[floorPtID[i], ceilPtID[i]],1], D3point[[floorPtID[i], ceilPtID[i]],2]); #plt.title('Basic 3D reconstruction'); #figure(10); firstID = np.array([1, 4, 5, 8, 2, 3, 6, 7, 1, 4, 5, 8]) - 1 secndID = np.array([4, 5, 8, 1, 3, 6, 7, 2, 2, 3, 6, 7]) - 1 lines = LineFaceIntersection.lineFromTwoPoint(points[firstID, :], points[secndID, :]) plt.imshow(Visualization.paintParameterLine(lines, 1024, 512, rotImg)) #hold on for i in np.arange(8): plt.scatter(coords[i, 0], coords[i, 1], 100, 'r', 's') plt.title('Get lines by two points')
def process1(): SrcImage = './data/pano_room.jpg' panoImg = imread(SrcImage, mode='RGB') panoImg = np.double(panoImg / 255) pi = np.pi #project it to multiple perspective views cutSize = 320 # size of perspective views fov = pi / 3 # horizontal field of view of perspective views xh = np.arange(-pi, 5 / 6 * pi, pi / 6) yh = np.zeros([1, len(xh)]) xp = [ -3 / 3, -2 / 3, -1 / 3, +0 / 3, +1 / 3, +2 / 3, -3 / 3, -2 / 3, -1 / 3, +0 / 3, +1 / 3, +2 / 3 ] xp = np.multiply(xp, pi) yp = [ 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, -1 / 4, -1 / 4, -1 / 4, -1 / 4, -1 / 4, -1 / 4 ] yp = np.multiply(yp, pi) x = np.append(xh, xp) x = np.append(x, 0) x = np.append(x, 0) y = np.append(yh, yp) y = np.append(y, +pi / 2) y = np.append(y, -pi / 2) # viewing direction of perspective views sepScene = Projection.separatePano(panoImg, fov, x, y, cutSize) #figure 1 #plt.imshow(np.uint8(sepScene[0].img* 255)) ## Line segment detection on panorama: first on perspective views and project back to panorama numScene = len(sepScene) edges = [] for i in np.arange(numScene): [edgeMap, edgeList] = VpEstimation.lsdWrap(sepScene[i].img, 0.7) edge = VpEstimation.Edge() edge.img = edgeMap edge.edgeLst = edgeList edge.fov = sepScene[i].fov edge.vx = sepScene[i].vx edge.vy = sepScene[i].vy edge.panoLst = VpEstimation.edgeFromImg2Pano(edge) edges = np.append(edges, edge) [lines, olines] = VpEstimation.combineEdgesN(edges) # combine line segments from views panoEdge = Visualization.paintParameterLine(lines, 1024, 512, None) # paint parameterized line segments ##plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) #plt.imshow(np.uint8(panoEdge),cmap='gray') ##plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) #plt.imshow(np.uint8(sepScene[0].img * 255)) ##plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) #plt.imshow(np.uint8(edges[0].img) * 255,cmap='gray') # estimating vanishing point: Hough [olines, mainDirect, _, _] = VpEstimation.vpEstimationPano(lines) # mainDirect is vanishing point, in xyz format vpCoords = CoordsTransform.uv2coords( CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(mainDirect, 0), 1024, 512, 0) # transfer to uv format, then image coords imgres = imresize(panoImg, [512, 1024]) panoEdge1r = Visualization.paintParameterLine(olines[0].line, 1024, 512, imgres) panoEdge2r = Visualization.paintParameterLine(olines[1].line, 1024, 512, imgres) panoEdge3r = Visualization.paintParameterLine(olines[2].line, 1024, 512, imgres) panoEdgeVP = np.array([panoEdge1r, panoEdge2r, panoEdge3r]) panoEdgeVP = np.zeros((512, 1024, 3), 'uint8') panoEdgeVP[:, :, 0] = panoEdge1r panoEdgeVP[:, :, 1] = panoEdge2r panoEdgeVP[:, :, 2] = panoEdge3r #panoEdgeVP = np.reshape(panoEdgeVP,[512,1024,3]) plt.imshow(panoEdgeVP) color = 'rgb' for i in np.arange(3): plt.scatter(vpCoords[i, 0], vpCoords[i, 1], 100, color[i], 'o') plt.scatter(vpCoords[i + 3, 0], vpCoords[i + 3, 1], 100, color[i], 'o') plt.title('Vanishing points and assigned line segments') # rotate panorama to coordinates spanned by vanishing directions vp = mainDirect[2::-1, :] [rotImg, R] = Rotation.rotatePanorama(imgres, vp, None) newMainDirect = Rotation.rotatePoint(mainDirect, R) panoEdge1r = Visualization.paintParameterLine( Rotation.rotateLines(olines[0].line, R), 1024, 512, rotImg) panoEdge2r = Visualization.paintParameterLine( Rotation.rotateLines(olines[1].line, R), 1024, 512, rotImg) panoEdge3r = Visualization.paintParameterLine( Rotation.rotateLines(olines[2].line, R), 1024, 512, rotImg) newPanoEdgeVP = np.zeros((512, 1024, 3), 'uint8') newPanoEdgeVP[:, :, 0] = panoEdge1r newPanoEdgeVP[:, :, 1] = panoEdge2r newPanoEdgeVP[:, :, 2] = panoEdge3r plt.imshow(newPanoEdgeVP) for i in np.arange(3): plt.scatter(vpCoords[i, 0], vpCoords[i, 1], 100, color[i], 'o') plt.scatter(vpCoords[i + 3, 0], vpCoords[i + 3, 1], 100, color[i], 'o') plt.title('Original image') plt.imshow(newPanoEdgeVP) newVpCoords = CoordsTransform.uv2coords( CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(newMainDirect, 0), 1024, 512, 0) for i in np.arange(3): plt.scatter(newVpCoords[i, 0], newVpCoords[i, 1], 100, color[i], 'o') plt.scatter(newVpCoords[i + 3, 0], newVpCoords[i + 3, 1], 100, color[i], 'o') plt.title('Rotated image') return newPanoEdgeVP
def sphereHoughVote(segNormal, segLength, segScores, binRadius, orthTolerance, candiSet, force_unempty): #SPHEREHOUGHVOTE Summary of this function goes here # Detailed explanation goes here if 'force_unempty' in locals() == False: force_unempty = true ## initial guess # segNormal = arcList(:,1:3); # segLength = sqrt( sum((arcList(:,4:6)-arcList(:,7:9)).^2, 2)); # segScores = arcList(:,end); numLinesg = segNormal.shape[0] # [voteBinPoints tri] = icosahedron2sphere(level); voteBinPoints = candiSet voteBinPoints = voteBinPoints[voteBinPoints[:, 2] >= 0, :] reversValid = segNormal[:, 2] < 0 segNormal[reversValid, :] = -segNormal[reversValid, :] voteBinUV = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(voteBinPoints, 0) numVoteBin = len(voteBinPoints) voteBinValues = np.zeros([numVoteBin, 1]) for i in np.arange(numLinesg): tempNorm = segNormal[i, :] tempDots = np.sum(voteBinPoints * repmat(tempNorm, numVoteBin, 1), 1) # tempAngs = acos(abs(tempDots)); # voteBinValues = voteBinValues + normpdf(tempAngs, 0, 0.5*binRadius*pi/180)*segScores(i)*segLength(i); # voteBinValues = voteBinValues + max(0, (2*binRadius*pi/180-tempAngs)./(2*binRadius*pi/180))*segScores(i)*segLength(i); valid = np.abs(tempDots) < np.cos((90 - binRadius) * np.pi / 180) voteBinValues[ valid] = voteBinValues[valid] + segScores[i] * segLength[i] checkIDs1 = np.where(voteBinUV[1, :] > np.pi / 3) checkIDs1 = checkIDs1[0] voteMax = 0 checkID1Max = 0 checkID2Max = 0 checkID3Max = 0 for j in np.arange(len(checkIDs1)): # fprintf('#d/#d\n', j, length(checkIDs1)); checkID1 = checkIDs1[j] vote1 = voteBinValues[checkID1] if voteBinValues[checkID1] == 0 and force_unempty: continue checkNormal = voteBinPoints[checkID1, :] dotProduct = np.sum( voteBinPoints * repmat(checkNormal, voteBinPoints.shape[0], 1), 1) checkIDs2 = np.where( np.abs(dotProduct) < np.cos((90 - orthTolerance) * np.pi / 180)) checkIDs2 = checkIDs2[0] for i in np.arange(len(checkIDs2)): checkID2 = checkIDs2[i] if voteBinValues[checkID2] == 0 and force_unempty: continue vote2 = vote1 + voteBinValues[checkID2] cpv = np.cross(voteBinPoints[checkID1, :], voteBinPoints[checkID2, :]) cpn = np.sqrt(np.sum(cpv**2)) dotProduct = np.sum( voteBinPoints * repmat(cpv, voteBinPoints.shape[0], 1), 1) / cpn checkIDs3 = np.where( abs(dotProduct) > np.cos(orthTolerance * np.pi / 180)) checkIDs3 = checkIDs3[0] for k in np.arange(len(checkIDs3)): checkID3 = checkIDs3[k] if voteBinValues[checkID3] == 0 and force_unempty: continue vote3 = vote2 + voteBinValues[checkID3] if vote3 > voteMax: # print('#f\n', vote3); lastStepCost = vote3 - voteMax if voteMax != 0: tmp = np.sum( voteBinPoints[ [checkID1Max, checkID2Max, checkID3Max], :] * voteBinPoints[[checkID1, checkID2, checkID3], :], 1) lastStepAngle = np.arccos(tmp) else: lastStepAngle = [0, 0, 0] checkID1Max = checkID1 checkID2Max = checkID2 checkID3Max = checkID3 voteMax = vote3 # voteBins(checkID1, checkID2, checkID3) = true; if checkID1Max == 0: print('Warning: No orthogonal voting exist!!!\n') refiXYZ = [] lastStepCost = 0 lastStepAngle = 0 return initXYZ = voteBinPoints[[checkID1Max, checkID2Max, checkID3Max], :] ## refine # binRadius = binRadius/2; refiXYZ = np.zeros([3, 3]) dotprod = np.sum(segNormal * repmat(initXYZ[0, :], segNormal.shape[0], 1), 1) valid = np.abs(dotprod) < np.cos((90 - binRadius) * np.pi / 180) validNm = segNormal[valid, :] segL = segLength[valid] validWt = np.reshape(segL, [segL.shape[0], 1]) * segScores[valid] validWt = validWt / np.max(validWt) _, refiNM = curveFitting(validNm, validWt) refiXYZ[0, :] = refiNM dotprod = np.sum(segNormal * repmat(initXYZ[1, :], segNormal.shape[0], 1), 1) valid = np.abs(dotprod) < np.cos((90 - binRadius) * np.pi / 180) validNm = segNormal[valid, :] segl = segLength[valid] validWt = np.reshape(segl, [segl.shape[0], 1]) * segScores[valid] validWt = validWt / max(validWt) validNm = np.row_stack((validNm, refiXYZ[0, :])) validWt = np.row_stack((validWt, sum(validWt) * 0.1)) _, refiNM = curveFitting(validNm, validWt) refiXYZ[1, :] = refiNM refiNM = np.cross(refiXYZ[0, :], refiXYZ[1, :]) refiXYZ[2, :] = refiNM / np.linalg.norm(refiNM, 2) # [~,refiNM] = curveFitting(validNm, validWt); # refiXYZ(i,:) = refiNM; # # # # for i = 1:3 # dotprod = dot(segNormal, repmat(initXYZ(i,:), [size(segNormal,1) 1]), 2); # valid = abs(dotprod)<cos((90-binRadius)*pi/180); # validNm = segNormal(valid,:); # validWt = segLength(valid).*segScores(valid); # [~,refiNM] = curveFitting(validNm, validWt); # refiXYZ(i,:) = refiNM; # end ## output # # [voteBinPoints tri] = icosahedron2sphere(level); # OBJ.vertices = voteBinPoints; # # OBJ.vertices_normal = zeros(size(voteBinPoints)); # # OBJ.vertices_normal(:,1) = 1; # OBJ.vertices_normal = voteBinPoints; # uv = xyz2uvN(voteBinPoints); # OBJ.vertices_texture = [(uv(:,1)+pi)/2/pi (uv(:,2)+pi/2)/pi]; # # OBJ.objects.type = 'f'; # = tri; # = tri; # = tri; # # # check boundary # newVTSID = size(OBJ.vertices_texture,1); # newFace = 0; # newAddVT = zeros(1000,2); # for i = 1:size(,1) # texture =,:); # vt = OBJ.vertices_texture(texture,:); # v = OBJ.vertices(texture,:); # if (std(vt(:,1)))<0.3 # continue; # end # # newFace = newFace + 1; # # modify = (vt(1,1)-vt(:,1))>0.5; # vt(modify,1) = vt(modify,1)+1; # modify = (vt(1,1)-vt(:,1))<-0.5; # vt(modify,1) = vt(modify,1)-1; # # newAddVT((newFace-1)*3+1:newFace*3,:) = vt; #,:) = [(newFace-1)*3+1:newFace*3] + newVTSID; # # if newFace>300 # fprintf('Warning: pre-assign more memory!/n'); # end # end # OBJ.vertices_texture = [OBJ.vertices_texture;newAddVT]; # # material(1).type='newmtl'; # material(1).data='Textured'; # material(2).type='Ka'; # material(2).data=[1.0 1.0 1.0]; # material(3).type='Kd'; # material(3).data=[1.0 1.0 1.0]; # material(4).type='Ks'; # material(4).data=[1.0 1.0 1.0]; # material(5).type='illum'; # material(5).data=2; # material(6).type='map_Kd'; # material(6).data='pano_hotel_2.jpg'; # OBJ.material = material; # # write_wobj(OBJ, 'exciting_notext.obj'); # uv = xyz2uvN(voteBinPoints); # textureMap = zeros(512, 1024); # x = min(round((uv(:,1)+pi)/2/pi*1024+1), 1024); # y = 512 - min(round((uv(:,2)+pi/2)/pi*512+1), 512) + 1; # value = voteBinValues./max(voteBinValues); # value = value.^3; # # [gridX, gridY] = meshgrid(x,y); # for i = 1:length(x) # sx = max(1, x(i)-3); # ex = min(1024, x(i)+3); # sy = max(1, y(i)-3); # ey = min(512, y(i)+3); # textureMap(sy:ey, sx:ex) = value(i); # end # # # ind = sub2ind([512 1024], y, x); # # textureMap(ind) = voteBinValues; # imwrite(textureMap, 'exciting.png'); return [refiXYZ, lastStepCost, lastStepAngle]
def findMainDirectionEMA(lines): #FINDMAINDIRECTION compute vp from set of lines # Detailed explanation goes here print('Computing vanishing point:\n') # arcList = []; # for i = 1:length(edge) # panoLst = edge(i).panoLst; # if size(panoLst,1) == 0 # continue; # end # arcList = [arcList; panoLst]; # end ## initial guess segNormal = lines[:, 0:3] segLength = lines[:, 6] segScores = np.ones([lines.shape[0], 1]) #lines(:,8); shortSegValid = segLength < 5 * np.pi / 180 segNormal = segNormal[~shortSegValid, :] segLength = segLength[~shortSegValid] segScores = segScores[~shortSegValid] numLinesg = segNormal.shape[0] [candiSet, tri] = icosahedron2sphere.icosahedron2sphere(3) ang = np.arccos(np.sum( candiSet[tri[0, 0], :] * candiSet[tri[0, 1], :])) / np.pi * 180 binRadius = ang / 2 [initXYZ, score, angle] = sphereHoughVote(segNormal, segLength, segScores, 2 * binRadius, 2, candiSet, True) if len(initXYZ) == 0: print('Initial Failed\n') mainDirect = [] return print('Initial Computation: #d candidates, #d line segments\n', candiSet.shape[0], numLinesg) print( 'direction 1: #f #f #f\ndirection 2: #f #f #f\ndirection 3: #f #f #f\n', initXYZ[0, 0], initXYZ[0, 1], initXYZ[0, 2], initXYZ[1, 0], initXYZ[1, 1], initXYZ[1, 2], initXYZ[2, 0], initXYZ[2, 1], initXYZ[2, 2]) ## iterative refine iter_max = 3 [candiSet, tri] = icosahedron2sphere.icosahedron2sphere(5) numCandi = candiSet.shape[0] angD = np.arccos(np.sum( candiSet[tri[0, 0], :] * candiSet[tri[0, 1], :])) / np.pi * 180 binRadiusD = angD / 2 curXYZ = initXYZ tol = np.linspace(4 * binRadius, 4 * binRadiusD, iter_max) # shrink down #ls and #candi for iter in np.arange(iter_max): dot1 = np.abs(np.sum(segNormal * repmat(curXYZ[0, :], numLinesg, 1), 1)) dot2 = np.abs(np.sum(segNormal * repmat(curXYZ[1, :], numLinesg, 1), 1)) dot3 = np.abs(np.sum(segNormal * repmat(curXYZ[2, :], numLinesg, 1), 1)) valid1 = dot1 < np.cos((90 - tol[iter]) * np.pi / 180) valid2 = dot2 < np.cos((90 - tol[iter]) * np.pi / 180) valid3 = dot3 < np.cos((90 - tol[iter]) * np.pi / 180) valid = valid1 | valid2 | valid3 if (sum(valid) == 0): print('ZERO line segment for voting\n') break subSegNormal = segNormal[valid, :] subSegLength = segLength[valid] subSegScores = segScores[valid] dot1 = np.abs(np.sum(candiSet * repmat(curXYZ[0, :], numCandi, 1), 1)) dot2 = np.abs(np.sum(candiSet * repmat(curXYZ[1, :], numCandi, 1), 1)) dot3 = np.abs(np.sum(candiSet * repmat(curXYZ[2, :], numCandi, 1), 1)) valid1 = dot1 > np.cos(tol[iter] * np.pi / 180) valid2 = dot2 > np.cos(tol[iter] * np.pi / 180) valid3 = dot3 > np.cos(tol[iter] * np.pi / 180) valid = valid1 | valid2 | valid3 if (sum(valid) == 0): print('ZERO candidate for voting\n') break subCandiSet = candiSet[valid, :] [tcurXYZ, _, _] = sphereHoughVote(subSegNormal, subSegLength, subSegScores, 2 * binRadiusD, 2, subCandiSet, True) if (len(tcurXYZ) == 0): print('NO answer found!\n') break curXYZ = tcurXYZ print('#d-th iteration: #d candidates, #d line segments\n', iter, subCandiSet.shape[0], len(subSegScores)) print( 'direction 1: #f #f #f\ndirection 2: #f #f #f\ndirection 3: #f #f #f\n', curXYZ[0, 0], curXYZ[0, 1], curXYZ[0, 2], curXYZ[1, 0], curXYZ[1, 1], curXYZ[1, 2], curXYZ[2, 0], curXYZ[2, 1], curXYZ[2, 2]) mainDirect = curXYZ mainDirect[0, :] = mainDirect[0, :] * np.sign(mainDirect[0, 2]) mainDirect[1, :] = mainDirect[1, :] * np.sign(mainDirect[1, 2]) mainDirect[2, :] = mainDirect[2, :] * np.sign(mainDirect[2, 2]) uv = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(mainDirect, 0) I1 = np.argmax(uv[1, :]) J = np.setdiff1d([ 0, 1, 2, ], I1) I2 = np.argmin(np.abs(np.sin(uv[0, J]))) I2 = J[I2] I3 = np.setdiff1d([0, 1, 2], [I1, I2]) mainDirect = np.row_stack( (mainDirect[I1, :], mainDirect[I2, :], mainDirect[I3, :])) mainDirect[0, :] = mainDirect[0, :] * np.sign(mainDirect[0, 2]) mainDirect[1, :] = mainDirect[1, :] * np.sign(mainDirect[1, 1]) mainDirect[2, :] = mainDirect[2, :] * np.sign(mainDirect[2, 0]) mainDirect = np.row_stack((mainDirect, -mainDirect)) # score = 0; return [mainDirect, score, angle]
def combineEdgesN(edges): #COMBINEEDGES Combine some small line segments, should be very conservative # lines: combined line segments # ori_lines: original line segments # line format: [nx ny nz projectPlaneID umin umax LSfov score] arcList = [] for i in np.arange(edges.shape[0]): panoLst = edges[i].panoLst if panoLst[0].shape[0] == 0: continue if (len(arcList)) == 0: arcList = panoLst else: arcList = np.row_stack((arcList, panoLst)) ## ori lines numLine = arcList.shape[0] ori_lines = np.zeros((numLine, 8)) areaXY = np.abs( np.sum(arcList[:, 0:3] * repmat([0, 0, 1], arcList.shape[0], 1), 1)) areaYZ = np.abs( np.sum(arcList[:, 0:3] * repmat([1, 0, 0], arcList.shape[0], 1), 1)) areaZX = np.abs( np.sum(arcList[:, 0:3] * repmat([0, 1, 0], arcList.shape[0], 1), 1)) vec = [areaXY, areaYZ, areaZX] #[_, planeIDs] = np.max(vec, 1); # 1:XY 2:YZ 3:ZX planeIDs = np.argmax(vec, 0) for i in np.arange(numLine): ori_lines[i, 0:3] = arcList[i, 0:3] ori_lines[i, 3] = planeIDs[i] coord1 = arcList[i, 3:6] coord2 = arcList[i, 6:9] uv = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(np.row_stack((coord1, coord2)), planeIDs[i]) umax = np.max(uv[0, :]) + np.pi umin = np.min(uv[0, :]) + np.pi if umax - umin > np.pi: ori_lines[i, 4:6] = np.column_stack((umax, umin)) / 2 / np.pi # ori_lines(i,7) = umin + 1 - umax; else: ori_lines[i, 4:6] = np.column_stack((umin, umax)) / 2 / np.pi # ori_lines(i,7) = umax - umin; ori_lines[i, 6] = np.arccos( np.sum(coord1 * coord2) / (np.linalg.norm(coord1, 2) * np.linalg.norm(coord2, 2))) ori_lines[i, 7] = arcList[i, 9] # valid = ori_lines(:,3)<0; # ori_lines(valid,1:3) = -ori_lines(valid,1:3); ## additive combination lines = ori_lines # panoEdge = paintParameterLine( lines, 1024, 512); # figure; imshow(panoEdge); for iter in np.arange(3): numLine = lines.shape[0] valid_line = np.ones([numLine], dtype=bool) for i in np.arange(numLine): # fprintf('#d/#d\n', i, numLine); if valid_line[i] == False: continue dotProd = np.sum(lines[:, 0:3] * repmat(lines[i, 0:3], numLine, 1), 1) valid_curr = (np.abs(dotProd) > np.cos( 1 * np.pi / 180)) & valid_line valid_curr[i] = False valid_ang = np.where(valid_curr) for j in valid_ang[0]: range1 = lines[i, 4:6] range2 = lines[j, 4:6] valid_rag = intersection(range1, range2) if valid_rag == False: continue # combine I = np.argmax(np.abs(lines[i, 0:3])) if lines[i, I] * lines[j, I] > 0: nc = lines[i, 0:3] * lines[i, 6] + lines[j, 0:3] * lines[j, 6] else: nc = lines[i, 0:3] * lines[i, 6] - lines[j, 0:3] * lines[j, 6] nc = nc / np.linalg.norm(nc, 2) if insideRange(range1[0], range2): nrmin = range2[0] else: nrmin = range1[0] if insideRange(range1[1], range2): nrmax = range2[1] else: nrmax = range1[1] u = np.array([nrmin, nrmax]) * 2 * np.pi - np.pi v = CoordsTransform.computeUVN(nc, u, lines[i, 3]) xyz = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(np.column_stack((u, v)), lines[i, 3]) length = np.arccos(np.sum(xyz[0, :] * xyz[1, :])) scr = (lines[i, 6] * lines[i, 7] + lines[j, 6] * lines[j, 7]) / (lines[i, 6] + lines[j, 6]) nc = np.append(nc, lines[i, 3]) nc = np.append(nc, nrmin) nc = np.append(nc, nrmax) nc = np.append(nc, length) nc = np.append(nc, scr) newLine = nc lines[i, :] = newLine valid_line[j] = False lines = lines[valid_line, :] print('iter: #d, before: #d, after: #d\n', iter, len(valid_line), sum(valid_line)) return [lines, ori_lines] '''
def computePanoOmap(scene, edges, xyz): #COMPUTEPANOOMAP compute orientation map # edge: line segments in separate views # xyz: vanishing point # OUTPUT: # omap: orientation map of separate views # panoOmap: project to panorama theta phi coordinate uv = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(xyz, 0).T omap = edges numViews = len(edges) [H, W] = edges[0].img.shape for i in np.arange(numViews): edgeLst = edges[i].edgeLst if edgeLst.shape[0] == 0: omap[i].img = np.zeros(H, W, 3) continue edge = VpEstimation.Edge() lines = [] for j in np.arange(edgeLst.shape[0]): line = Line() line.point1 = edgeLst[j, 0:2] line.point2 = edgeLst[j, 2:4] line.length = np.sqrt( np.sum((edgeLst[j, 0:2] - edgeLst[j, 2:4])**2)) lines = np.append(lines, line) x = edges[i].vx y = edges[i].vy fov = edges[i].fov ANGx = uv[:, 0] ANGy = uv[:, 1] # compute the radius of ball [imH, imW] = edges[i].img.shape R = (imW / 2) / np.tan(fov / 2) # im is the tangent plane, contacting with ball at [x0 y0 z0] x0 = R * np.cos(y) * np.sin(x) y0 = R * np.cos(y) * np.cos(x) z0 = R * np.sin(y) # plane function: x0(x-x0)+y0(y-y0)+z0(z-z0)=0 # view line: x/alpha=y/belta=z/gamma # alpha=cos(phi)sin(theta); belta=cos(phi)cos(theta); gamma=sin(phi) alpha = np.cos(ANGy) * np.sin(ANGx) belta = np.cos(ANGy) * np.cos(ANGx) gamma = np.sin(ANGy) # solve for intersection of plane and viewing line: [x1 y1 z1] division = x0 * alpha + y0 * belta + z0 * gamma x1 = R * R * alpha / division y1 = R * R * belta / division z1 = R * R * gamma / division # vector in plane: [x1-x0 y1-y0 z1-z0] # positive x vector: vecposX = [cos(x) -sin(x) 0] # positive y vector: vecposY = [x0 y0 z0] x vecposX vec = np.row_stack([x1 - x0, y1 - y0, z1 - z0]).T vecposX = np.row_stack([np.cos(x), -np.sin(x), 0]).T deltaX =, vec.T) / np.sqrt( vecposX, vecposX.T)) + (imW + 1) / 2 vecposY = np.cross(np.column_stack([x0, y0, z0]), vecposX) deltaY =, vec.T) / np.sqrt( vecposY, vecposY.T)) + (imH + 1) / 2 deltaX = deltaX.flatten() deltaY = deltaY.reshape([-1]) vp = np.zeros([3]).tolist() vp[0] = np.array([deltaX[0], deltaY[0]]) vp[1] = np.array([deltaX[1], deltaY[1]]) vp[2] = np.array([deltaX[2], deltaY[2]]) lines_orig = lines [lines, lines_ex] = VVPR.taglinesvp(vp, lines_orig) [omapmore, OMAP_FACTOR] = VORM.compute_omap(lines, vp, [H, W, 3]) #plt.imshow( np.uint8(omapmore) * 255) omap[i].img = np.double(omapmore) omap[i].lines_orig = lines_orig omap[i].lines = lines omap[i].vp = vp linesImg = np.zeros([H, W, 3]) for j in np.arange(lines.shape[0]): lineclass = lines[j].lineclass if lineclass == 0: continue x = np.linspace(lines[j].point1[0] + 1, lines[j].point2[0] + 1, 1000) y = np.linspace(lines[j].point1[1] + 1, lines[j].point2[1] + 1, 1000) xx = np.maximum(np.minimum(np.round(x), W - 1), 0) yy = np.maximum(np.minimum(np.round(y), H - 1), 0) #index = sub2ind( [H W], yy, xx); #linesImg(H*W*(lineclass-1)+index) = 1; omap[i].linesImg = linesImg # roomhyp = sample_roomhyp(1000, lines_ex, vp, [H W 3]); # omap(i).roomhyp = roomhyp; # [ bestHyp ] = evaluateRoomHyp( omap(i) ); # disp_room(roomhyp(randsample(length(roomhyp),10)), scene(i).img, 1); # display some # cuboidhyp_omap = generate_cuboid_from_omap(omapmore, vp, OMAP_FACTOR); # disp_cubes(cuboidhyp_omap, scene(i).img, 1); # display all ## original # img = edge(i).img; # [lines linesmore] = compute_lines(img); # if length(lines)<=3 # omap(i).img = zeros(H,W,3); # continue; # end # # [vp f] = compute_vp(lines, [H W 3]); # lines_orig = lines; # [lines lines_ex] = taglinesvp(vp, lines_orig); # linesmore_orig = linesmore; # [linesmore linesmore_ex] = taglinesvp(vp, linesmore_orig); # [omapmore, OMAP_FACTOR] = compute_omap(lines, vp, [H W 3]); # omap(i).img = double(omapmore); ''' from import loadmat dict = loadmat('./data/var.mat'); # load room corner omap = dict['omap'] edgesObjs = [] for i in np.arange(omap.shape[1]): edge = VpEstimation.Edge() edge.img = omap[0,i][0]; edge.edgeLst = omap[0,i][1]; edge.fov = omap[0,i][4]; edge.vx = omap[0,i][2]; edge.vy = omap[0,i][3]; edge.panoLst = omap[0,i][5]; edge.lines_orig = omap[0,i][6]; edge.lines = omap[0,i][7]; edge.vp = omap[0,i][8]; edge.linesImg = omap[0,i][9]; edgesObjs = np.append(edgesObjs,edge) ''' panoOmap = Projection.combineViews(omap, 2048, 1024) return [omap, panoOmap]