def process2(rotImg):
    #SrcImage = './data/rotImg.jpg'
    #rotImg = imread(SrcImage, mode='RGB')
    #rotImg = np.uint8(rotImg)

    ## image segmentation:
    panoSegment = Segmentation.gbPanoSegment(rotImg, 0.5, 200, 50)

    #SrcImage = './data/panoSegment.mat'
    #dict = loadmat(SrcImage)
    #panoSegment = dict['panoSegment']

    plt.imshow(panoSegment, cmap='gray')
    plt.title('Segmentation: left and right are connected')

    ## Get region inside a polygon
    dict = loadmat('./data/points.mat')
    # load room corner
    points = dict['points']

    dict = loadmat('./data/uniformvector_lvl8.mat')
    coor = dict['coor']
    tri = dict['tri']

    vcs = CoordsTransform.uv2coords(CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(coor, 0), 1024,
                                    512, 0)
    # transfer vectors to image coordinates
    coords = CoordsTransform.uv2coords(CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(points, 0),
                                       1024, 512, 0)

    [s_xyz, _] = PolygonRegion.sortXYZ(points[0:4, :])
    # define a region with 4 vertices
    [inside, _, _] = PolygonRegion.insideCone(s_xyz[-1::-1, :], coor, 0)
    # test which vectors are in region

    #hold on
    for i in np.arange(4):
        plt.scatter(coords[i, 0], coords[i, 1], 100, 'r', 's')

    for i in np.where(inside):
        plt.scatter(vcs[i, 0], vcs[i, 1], 1, 'g', 'o')

    [s_xyz, I] = PolygonRegion.sortXYZ(points[4:8, :])
    [inside, _, _] = PolygonRegion.insideCone(s_xyz[-1::-1, :], coor, 0)
    for i in np.arange(4, 8):
        plt.scatter(coords[i, 0], coords[i, 1], 100, 'r', 's')

    for i in np.where(inside):
        plt.scatter(vcs[i, 0], vcs[i, 1], 1, 'b', 'o')

    plt.title('Display of two wall regions')

    ## Reconstruct a box, assuming perfect upperright cuboid
    D3point = np.zeros([8, 3])
    pointUV = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(points, 0).T
    floor = -160

    floorPtID = np.array([2, 3, 6, 7, 2]) - 1
    ceilPtID = np.array([1, 4, 5, 8, 1]) - 1
    for i in np.arange(4):
        D3point[floorPtID[i], :] = LineFaceIntersection.LineFaceIntersection(
            np.array([0, 0, floor]), np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.array([0, 0, 0]),
            points[floorPtID[i], :])
        D3point[ceilPtID[i], 2] = D3point[floorPtID[i], 2] / np.tan(
            pointUV[floorPtID[i], 1]) * np.tan(pointUV[ceilPtID[i], 1])

    ceiling = np.mean(D3point[ceilPtID, 2])
    for i in np.arange(4):
        D3point[ceilPtID[i], :] = LineFaceIntersection.LineFaceIntersection(
            np.array([0, 0, ceiling]), np.array([0, 0, 1]),
            np.array([0, 0, 0]), points[ceilPtID[i], :])

    #fig = plt.figure()
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    #ax.scatter(D3point[floorPtID,0], D3point[floorPtID,1], D3point[floorPtID,2]);
    #hold on
    #ax.scatter(D3point[ceilPtID,0], D3point[ceilPtID,1], D3point[ceilPtID,2]);

    #for i in np.arange(4):
    #ax.scatter(D3point[[floorPtID[i], ceilPtID[i]],0], D3point[[floorPtID[i], ceilPtID[i]],1], D3point[[floorPtID[i], ceilPtID[i]],2]);

    #plt.title('Basic 3D reconstruction');
    firstID = np.array([1, 4, 5, 8, 2, 3, 6, 7, 1, 4, 5, 8]) - 1
    secndID = np.array([4, 5, 8, 1, 3, 6, 7, 2, 2, 3, 6, 7]) - 1
    lines = LineFaceIntersection.lineFromTwoPoint(points[firstID, :],
                                                  points[secndID, :])

    plt.imshow(Visualization.paintParameterLine(lines, 1024, 512, rotImg))
    #hold on

    for i in np.arange(8):
        plt.scatter(coords[i, 0], coords[i, 1], 100, 'r', 's')

    plt.title('Get lines by two points')
Example #2
def gbPanoSegment(img, sigma, k, minSz):
    #GBPANOSEGMENT Graph-based image segmentation on panorama
    #   Similar as Pedro's algorithm, only the graph is built on sphere, so
    #   left and right side are considered as attached.
    #   img: should be in uint8 [0~256]
    #   sigma, k, minSz: same parameters as in Pedro's algorithm

    [height, width, _] = img.shape
    #img_smooth = smooth(img, sigma);

    #sigma = 10;
    img_smooth = np.zeros([height, width, 3])
    img_smooth[:, :, 0] = gaussian_filter(img[:, :, 0], sigma)
    img_smooth[:, :, 1] = gaussian_filter(img[:, :, 1], sigma)
    img_smooth[:, :, 2] = gaussian_filter(img[:, :, 2], sigma)

    #SrcImage = './data/rotImg_smooth.mat'
    #dict = loadmat(SrcImage)
    #img_smooth = dict['img_smooth']
    #plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)

    #plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)

    ## uniformly sample vectors on sphere and segment, test later
    dict = loadmat('./data/uniformvector_lvl8.mat')
    coor = dict['coor']
    tri = dict['tri']
    #[coor, tri] = getUniformVector(8);

    # [ E ] = getSketchTokenEdgemap( img );
    # [EE, Ix, Iy] = dt2(double(E), 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0 );
    EE = np.zeros([height, width])

    xySubs = CoordsTransform.uv2coords(CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(coor, 0), width,
                                       height, 0)
    xySubs = np.int32(xySubs)

    #SrcImage = './data/xySubs.mat'
    #dict = loadmat(SrcImage)
    #xySubs = dict['xySubs']
    #xySubs = xySubs -1;

    idx = np.where(xySubs[:, 1] < 0)
    xySubs[idx, 1] = 0

    idx = np.where(xySubs[:, 1] >= 512)
    xySubs[idx, 1] = 511

    idx = np.where(xySubs[:, 0] >= 1024)
    xySubs[idx, 0] = 1023

    SubXY = np.array([xySubs[:, 1], xySubs[:, 0]]).T

    #xyinds = np.ravel_multi_index(SubXY,(height ,width));
    #offset = width*height;

    tri = tri - 1
    e0 = np.array([tri[:, 0], tri[:, 1]]).T
    e1 = np.array([tri[:, 1], tri[:, 2]]).T
    e2 = np.array([tri[:, 2], tri[:, 0]]).T

    edges = np.row_stack((e0, e1, e2))
    invert = edges[:, 1] < edges[:, 0]
    edges[invert, :] = edges[invert, 1::-1]

    uniEdges, _ = np.unique(edges, return_inverse=True, axis=0)

    #eid0 = np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,0]],(height,width,3))
    #eid1 = np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,1]],(height,width,3))

    eid0 = SubXY[uniEdges[:, 0], :].T
    eid1 = SubXY[uniEdges[:, 1], :].T

    #eid0offset =  np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,0]] + offset,(height,width,3))
    #eid1offset =  np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,1]] + offset,(height,width,3))

    #eid0offset2 =  np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,0]] + 2 * offset,(height,width,3))
    #eid1offset2 =  np.unravel_index(xyinds[uniEdges[:,1]] + 2 * offset,(height,width,3))

    if any(eid0[:, 0] >= 512):

    weight = (img_smooth[eid0[0], eid0[1], 0] - img_smooth[eid1[0], eid1[1], 0]
              )**2 + (img_smooth[eid0[0], eid0[1], 1] -
                      img_smooth[eid1[0], eid1[1], 1])**2 + (
                          img_smooth[eid0[0], eid0[1], 2] -
                          img_smooth[eid1[0], eid1[1], 2])**2
    gdweight = (EE[eid0[0], eid0[1]] + EE[eid0[0], eid0[1]]) / 2
    panoEdge = np.array([
        uniEdges[:, 0], uniEdges[:, 1],
        np.sqrt(np.double(weight)) + 10 * np.double(gdweight)

    maxID = coor.shape[0]
    num = uniEdges.shape[0]

    edgeLabel = segmentGraphEdge((maxID, num, panoEdge, k, minSz))

    L = np.unique(edgeLabel)
    temp = np.zeros(len(edgeLabel))

    [gridX, gridY] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(width), np.arange(height))

    for i in np.arange(len(L)):
        temp[edgeLabel == L[i]] = i + 1

    pixelvector = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(
        CoordsTransform.coords2uv([gridX[:] + 1, gridY[:] + 1], width, height),

    # k = 1;
    # [nnidx, dists] = annsearch( coor', pixelvector', k);
    #[nnidx, dists] = knnsearch( coor, pixelvector);

    nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, algorithm='auto').fit(coor)
    dists, nnidx = nbrs.kneighbors(pixelvector)

    #from scipy import spatial
    #tree = spatial.KDTree(coor);
    #dists, nnidx  = tree.query(pixelvector,k=1);

    #SrcImage = './data/temp.mat'
    #dict = loadmat(SrcImage)
    #tempm = dict['temp']

    #SrcImage = './data/nnidx.mat'
    #dict = loadmat(SrcImage)
    #nnidxm = dict['nnidx']
    #nnidxm = nnidxm - 1
    panoSegment = np.reshape(temp[nnidx], [width, height]).T

    #pimg = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(panoSegment))
    ##pimggray = pimg.convert('L')'./data/segmentation.jpg');

    return panoSegment
def process1():

    SrcImage = './data/pano_room.jpg'

    panoImg = imread(SrcImage, mode='RGB')
    panoImg = np.double(panoImg / 255)

    pi = np.pi

    #project it to multiple perspective views
    cutSize = 320
    # size of perspective views
    fov = pi / 3
    # horizontal field of view of perspective views

    xh = np.arange(-pi, 5 / 6 * pi, pi / 6)

    yh = np.zeros([1, len(xh)])

    xp = [
        -3 / 3, -2 / 3, -1 / 3, +0 / 3, +1 / 3, +2 / 3, -3 / 3, -2 / 3, -1 / 3,
        +0 / 3, +1 / 3, +2 / 3
    xp = np.multiply(xp, pi)

    yp = [
        1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, -1 / 4, -1 / 4, -1 / 4,
        -1 / 4, -1 / 4, -1 / 4
    yp = np.multiply(yp, pi)
    x = np.append(xh, xp)
    x = np.append(x, 0)
    x = np.append(x, 0)
    y = np.append(yh, yp)
    y = np.append(y, +pi / 2)
    y = np.append(y, -pi / 2)  # viewing direction of perspective views

    sepScene = Projection.separatePano(panoImg, fov, x, y, cutSize)

    #figure 1
    #plt.imshow(np.uint8(sepScene[0].img* 255))

    ## Line segment detection on panorama: first on perspective views and project back to panorama
    numScene = len(sepScene)
    edges = []
    for i in np.arange(numScene):
        [edgeMap, edgeList] = VpEstimation.lsdWrap(sepScene[i].img, 0.7)

        edge = VpEstimation.Edge()
        edge.img = edgeMap
        edge.edgeLst = edgeList
        edge.fov = sepScene[i].fov
        edge.vx = sepScene[i].vx
        edge.vy = sepScene[i].vy
        edge.panoLst = VpEstimation.edgeFromImg2Pano(edge)

        edges = np.append(edges, edge)

    [lines, olines] = VpEstimation.combineEdgesN(edges)
    # combine line segments from views
    panoEdge = Visualization.paintParameterLine(lines, 1024, 512, None)
    # paint parameterized line segments

    ##plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)

    ##plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
    #plt.imshow(np.uint8(sepScene[0].img * 255))

    ##plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
    #plt.imshow(np.uint8(edges[0].img) * 255,cmap='gray')

    # estimating vanishing point: Hough
    [olines, mainDirect, _, _] = VpEstimation.vpEstimationPano(lines)
    # mainDirect is vanishing point, in xyz format

    vpCoords = CoordsTransform.uv2coords(
        CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(mainDirect, 0), 1024, 512, 0)
    # transfer to uv format, then image coords

    imgres = imresize(panoImg, [512, 1024])
    panoEdge1r = Visualization.paintParameterLine(olines[0].line, 1024, 512,
    panoEdge2r = Visualization.paintParameterLine(olines[1].line, 1024, 512,
    panoEdge3r = Visualization.paintParameterLine(olines[2].line, 1024, 512,
    panoEdgeVP = np.array([panoEdge1r, panoEdge2r, panoEdge3r])

    panoEdgeVP = np.zeros((512, 1024, 3), 'uint8')
    panoEdgeVP[:, :, 0] = panoEdge1r
    panoEdgeVP[:, :, 1] = panoEdge2r
    panoEdgeVP[:, :, 2] = panoEdge3r

    #panoEdgeVP = np.reshape(panoEdgeVP,[512,1024,3])

    color = 'rgb'
    for i in np.arange(3):
        plt.scatter(vpCoords[i, 0], vpCoords[i, 1], 100, color[i], 'o')
        plt.scatter(vpCoords[i + 3, 0], vpCoords[i + 3, 1], 100, color[i], 'o')

    plt.title('Vanishing points and assigned line segments')

    # rotate panorama to coordinates spanned by vanishing directions
    vp = mainDirect[2::-1, :]
    [rotImg, R] = Rotation.rotatePanorama(imgres, vp, None)
    newMainDirect = Rotation.rotatePoint(mainDirect, R)
    panoEdge1r = Visualization.paintParameterLine(
        Rotation.rotateLines(olines[0].line, R), 1024, 512, rotImg)
    panoEdge2r = Visualization.paintParameterLine(
        Rotation.rotateLines(olines[1].line, R), 1024, 512, rotImg)
    panoEdge3r = Visualization.paintParameterLine(
        Rotation.rotateLines(olines[2].line, R), 1024, 512, rotImg)

    newPanoEdgeVP = np.zeros((512, 1024, 3), 'uint8')
    newPanoEdgeVP[:, :, 0] = panoEdge1r
    newPanoEdgeVP[:, :, 1] = panoEdge2r
    newPanoEdgeVP[:, :, 2] = panoEdge3r

    for i in np.arange(3):
        plt.scatter(vpCoords[i, 0], vpCoords[i, 1], 100, color[i], 'o')
        plt.scatter(vpCoords[i + 3, 0], vpCoords[i + 3, 1], 100, color[i], 'o')

    plt.title('Original image')

    newVpCoords = CoordsTransform.uv2coords(
        CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(newMainDirect, 0), 1024, 512, 0)

    for i in np.arange(3):
        plt.scatter(newVpCoords[i, 0], newVpCoords[i, 1], 100, color[i], 'o')
        plt.scatter(newVpCoords[i + 3, 0], newVpCoords[i + 3, 1], 100,
                    color[i], 'o')

    plt.title('Rotated image')

    return newPanoEdgeVP