Example #1
    def update(self, game, my_choice, opponent_choice):

        # fill history of opponents' behavior with 0 for cooperation and 1 for defection
        if opponent_choice == 'C':
            opponent_coop = 1.0
            opponent_coop = 0.0

        # compute frequencies of opponents cooperation and defection according to history
        frequency_opponents_def = sum(self.history_opponents_move) * 1.0 / len(
        frequency_opponents_coop = 1.0 - frequency_opponents_def

        # compute surprise values for cooperation and defection in the last round
        surprise_coop = (frequency_opponents_coop - opponent_coop)**2
        surprise_def = (frequency_opponents_def - (1.0 - opponent_coop))**2

        # compute predictability as how unsurprising the opponent's choice has been
        self.predictability = 1.0 - (0.5 * (surprise_coop + surprise_def))

        # compute current payoffs and payoffs if cooperated or defected
        current_payoff = game.payoffs[0 if my_choice == 'C' else 1][
            0 if opponent_choice == 'C' else 1]
        payoff_coop = game.payoffs[0][0 if opponent_choice == 'C' else 1]
        payoff_def = game.payoffs[1][0 if opponent_choice == 'C' else 1]

        # compute regret values
        if current_payoff < payoff_coop:
            self.regret_coop = 0.5
            self.regret_coop = 0.0

        if current_payoff < payoff_def:
            self.regret_def = 0.5
            self.regret_def = 0.0

        # compute updated experience value
        new_experience = self.experience * self.predictability + 1.0

        # compute regret factors for cooperation and defection
        regret_factor_coop = payoff_coop * (
            self.regret_coop +
            (1.0 - self.regret_coop) * MyMath.ident(my_choice, 'C'))
        regret_factor_def = payoff_def * (
            self.regret_def +
            (1.0 - self.regret_def) * MyMath.ident(my_choice, 'D'))

        # update attraction values
        self.attraction_coop = (
            self.predictability * self.experience * self.attraction_coop +
            regret_factor_coop) / new_experience
        self.attraction_def = (
            self.predictability * self.experience * self.attraction_def +
            regret_factor_def) / new_experience

        # update experience value
        self.experience = new_experience
    def merge(self, h):
        if (
            self.min_each_dim[0] < h.min_each_dim[0]
            and self.max_each_dim[0] < h.max_each_dim[0]
            and (self.dim == 1 or self.dim == 2)
            one = np.append(
                np.reshape(self.bins[:, 1], (self.num_bins, 1)),
                np.reshape(self.bins[:, 2 * self.dim + 2], (self.num_bins, 1)),
            two = np.append(
                np.reshape(h.bins[:, 1], (h.num_bins, 1)), np.reshape(h.bins[:, 2 * h.dim + 2], (h.num_bins, 1)), axis=1
            stderr.write("\n*** Error: range of histogram is invalid! Merge operation is illegal!\n\n")

        deriv_one = MyMath.derivatives(one)
        deriv_two = MyMath.derivatives(two)

        start_index = -1
        for i in xrange(0, self.num_bins - 4):
            if np.allclose(deriv_one[i, 0], deriv_two[0, 0]):
                start_index = i
        end_index = -1
        for i in xrange(0, h.num_bins - 4):
            if np.allclose(deriv_one[self.num_bins - 5, 0], deriv_two[i, 0]):
                end_index = i

        if start_index == -1 or end_index == -1:
            stderr.write("\n*** Error: histograms are not compatible! Merge Operation is illegal!\n\n")

        deriv_one = deriv_one[start_index:, :]
        deriv_two = deriv_two[: end_index + 1, :]

        diff = np.abs(deriv_one[:, 2] - deriv_two[:, 2])
        min_pos = np.argmin(diff)
        min_pos_in_one = min_pos + 2 + start_index
        min_pos_in_two = min_pos + 2

        temp = np.copy(h.bins)
        if self.dim == 1:
            offset = self.bins[min_pos_in_one, 4]
            temp += (0, 0, 0, 0, offset - temp[min_pos_in_two, 4])
        elif self.dim == 2:
            offset = self.bins[min_pos_in_one, 6]
            temp += (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, offset - temp[min_pos_in_two, 6])

        self.bins = np.append(self.bins[:min_pos_in_one, :], temp[min_pos_in_two:, :], axis=0)
        self.num_bins = self.bins.shape[0]
        self.num_bins_each_dim[0] = self.bins.shape[0]
        self.max_each_dim = np.copy(h.max_each_dim)

        for i in range(0, self.bins.shape[0]):
            self.bins[i, 0] = i
Example #3
def fast_grad(func):
    flag1 = 1
    w = [1, 1]
    while flag1:
        fastest_grad = mm.gradient(F, w)  #первоначальное направление
        lambda_ = mm.bin_search(min_lambda, 0, 2, w, fastest_grad)
        if (mm.vec_norm(fastest_grad) < eps):
            return w
        w = mm.vec_sum(w, mm.vec_mul((-1) * lambda_, fastest_grad))
Example #4
    def update(self, game, my_choice, opponent_choice):

        # update the memory of the last two opponents' choices
        self.before_last_opponent_choice = self.last_opponent_choice
        self.last_opponent_choice = opponent_choice

        # update weights as soon as two rounds were played
        if self.before_last_opponent_choice != -1:

            # compute learning rate
            learning_rate = min(self.prob_coop, 1.0 - self.prob_coop)

            # update according to opponents' behavior
            if self.last_opponent_choice == 'C' and self.before_last_opponent_choice == 'D':
                self.harmony += learning_rate
                #self.greed -= (learning_rate * 0.5)
                #self.fear -= (learning_rate * 0.5)

            elif self.last_opponent_choice == 'C' and self.before_last_opponent_choice == 'C':
                #self.harmony -= (learning_rate * 0.5)
                self.greed += learning_rate
                #self.fear -= (learning_rate * 0.5)

            elif self.last_opponent_choice == 'D' and self.before_last_opponent_choice == 'D':
                #self.harmony -= (learning_rate * 0.5)
                #self.greed -= (learning_rate * 0.5)
                self.fear += learning_rate

            # normalize so that all values are >= 0, <= 1 and the sum is 1
            normalized_values = MyMath.normalize_triple(
                [self.harmony, self.greed, self.fear])
            self.harmony = normalized_values[0]
            self.greed = normalized_values[1]
            self.fear = normalized_values[2]
Example #5
    def choice(self, game):

        # get the game features EFF, TEMP and RISK
        a = game.payoffs[0][0]
        b = game.payoffs[0][1]
        c = game.payoffs[1][0]
        d = game.payoffs[1][1]

        EFF = (a - d) * 1.0 / a
        TEMP = abs(a - c) * 1.0 / max(a, c)
        RISK = (d - b) * 1.0 / d

        # compute the dispositions as product of game features and weights
        disp_EFF = EFF * self.harmony
        disp_TEMP = TEMP * self.greed
        disp_RISK = RISK * self.fear

        # compute cooperation probability due to dispositions and game type
        if game.type == "SH":
            self.prob_coop = (disp_EFF + disp_TEMP) / (disp_EFF + disp_TEMP +
        elif game.type == "PD":
            self.prob_coop = (disp_EFF) / (disp_EFF + disp_TEMP + disp_RISK)

        # make a probabilistic choice
        if MyMath.prob_choice(self.prob_coop):
            choice = 'C'
            choice = 'D'

        return choice
Example #6
    def choice(self, game):

        if self.choices_opponents[0] > 0 and self.choices_opponents[1] > 0:

            self.belief_coop = self.choices_opponents[0] * 1.0 / sum(

            #print believe_coop,

            exp_util_C = game.payoffs[0][0] * self.belief_coop + game.payoffs[
                0][1] * (1.0 - self.belief_coop)
            exp_util_D = game.payoffs[1][0] * self.belief_coop + game.payoffs[
                1][1] * (1.0 - self.belief_coop)

            if exp_util_C > exp_util_D:
                self.prob_coop = 1.0
            elif exp_util_C < exp_util_D:
                self.prob_coop = 0.0
                self.prob_coop = 0.5

        if MyMath.prob_choice(self.prob_coop):
            choice = 'C'
            choice = 'D'

        return choice
Example #7
    def interact(self, opponent, game):

        # check the distance between agents
        distance = MyMath.euc_distance(self.trait_coordinates,

        # play in-group of out-group strategy dependent on tolerance
        if distance <= self.tolerance:
            self.current_choice = self.strategy[0]

            if opponent.type == 0:
                self.ingroup_members0 += 1
                self.ingroup_members1 += 1
            self.current_choice = self.strategy[1]

        if distance <= opponent.tolerance:
            opponent.current_choice = opponent.strategy[0]
            opponent.current_choice = opponent.strategy[1]

        # compute current utility
        self.current_utility = max(

        # update accumulated reward values
        self.accumulated_utility += self.current_utility
Example #8
def getE(phi):
	e = 65537
	while True:
		if MyMath.GCD(e,phi) == 1:
		e+= 2
	return e
Example #9
def calculate(x):
    difference = MyMath.subtraction(MyMath.maximum(x), MyMath.minimum(x))
    addition = MyMath.add(MyMath.maximum(x), MyMath.minimum(x))
    summation = MyMath.sumTotal(x)
    numEven = MyMath.evenNum(x)
    finalList = checkClear(x)
    return (
        "The difference is:%d The summation is:%d The summation of all input is:%d The number of even numbers is:%d The values in the list are: %s"
        % (difference, addition, summation, numEven, finalList))
Example #10
    def choice(self, game):

        if MyMath.prob_choice(self.prob_coop):
            choice = 'C'
            choice = 'D'

        return choice
Example #11
 def doCycle(self):
     e = MyMath.exponent(1, 100)
     n = []
     E = 0
     for x in self.neurons:
         E += e**x.value
     for x in self.neurons:
         x.value = (e**x.value) / E
Example #12
    def decrypt(self, cipher, n, e):
        c = int(cipher, 16)
        if n < 1e10:
            p, q = self.normal_factorising(self, n)
        elif n < 1e28:
            p, q = self.Pollard_factorising(self, n)
            print("N too big")

        phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
        d, tmp = self.Euclide_Extend(self, e, phi)
        if d < 0:
            d += phi
        m = MyMath.powmod(c, d, n)
        plain = MyMath.long_to_bytes(m)

        return plain
def Q(a, p, m, s):
    x = MyMath.powMod(a, m, p)
    if x == 1:
        return True
    for i in range(0, s + 1):
        if x == p - 1:
            return True
        x *= x
        x %= p
    return False
def merge_files():

    path = argv[2]
    fmt = argv[3]
    wins = [int(argv[4]), int(argv[5])]
    lipids = int(argv[6])
    num_resamples = int(argv[7])

    hs_files = []
    for i in range(0, wins[0]):
        for j in range(0, wins[1]):
            filename = fmt % ((i + j * wins[0]), lipids)
            filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
            if os.path.exists(filename):

    result = None
    for r in range(0, num_resamples):
        h = HistogramND(2)
        fs = resample(hs_files)
        for i in range(1, len(fs)):
            th = HistogramND(2)
        h = h.norm_dos()
        if result == None:
            result = np.copy(
                np.append(np.reshape(h[:, 0], (h.shape[0], 1)), np.reshape(h[:, 2], (h.shape[0], 1)), axis=1)
            result = np.append(result, np.reshape(h[:, 2], (result.shape[0], 1)), axis=1)

    opath = "."
    final = np.reshape(result[:, 0], (result.shape[0], 1))
    final = np.append(final, np.reshape(np.mean(result[:, 1:], axis=1), (result.shape[0], 1)), axis=1)
    final = np.append(final, np.reshape(np.std(result[:, 1:], axis=1), (result.shape[0], 1)), axis=1)
    np.savetxt(os.path.join(opath, "Lipid%d.dos_deriv.dat" % lipids), MyMath.derivatives(final[:, 0:2]))

    array_lipid = np.ones((final.shape[0], 1)) * lipids
    final = np.append(final, np.reshape(array_lipid, ((final.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)
    np.savetxt(os.path.join(opath, "Lipid%d.ave_dos.dat" % lipids), final, fmt="%.2f   %.2f   %.2f  %d")

    dT = 0.01
    kb = 1
    num_files = 1
    num_points = 1000
    num_atoms = 1000

    result = result[67:,]

    thermo_result = DOS.thermo(result, dT, num_points, 1000)

    np.savetxt(os.path.join(opath, "Lipid%d.thermo_dos.dat" % lipids), thermo_result)
Example #15
    def choice(self, game):

        # initialize attractions value due to the first game:
        if self.attraction_coop == -1 or self.attraction_def == -1:
            initial_attraction_values = MyMath.cognitive_hierarchy(
                game.payoffs, 1.5)
            self.attraction_coop = initial_attraction_values[0]
            self.attraction_def = initial_attraction_values[1]

        # compute cooperation probability due to attraction values
        self.prob_coop = self.attraction_coop / (self.attraction_coop +

        # make a probabilistic choice
        if MyMath.prob_choice(self.prob_coop):
            choice = 'C'
            choice = 'D'

        return choice
Example #16
def encode(n, e, P, file):
    fo = open(file, "w")
    C = ""
    R = convertStringToInt(P, 4)
    A = createBigInt(R, len(str(n)))
    for i in A:
        M = MyMath.powMod(i, e, n)
        M = MyBase.toBase(M, 64)
        C += M + ' '
        fo.write(M + ' ')
    return C
    def isMatched(self, robot, ball):
        max_e_dist = 40

        their_defender = self.world.their_defender
        (target_x, target_y) = self.goalCentre()

        ball_y = self.world.ball.y
        ball_x = self.world.ball.x
        zone = self.world.pitch.zones[self.robot.zone]

        zone = self.world.pitch.zones[self.robot.zone]

        between = (ball_x - target_x) * (ball_x - self.midX) < 0.0
        if between or ball_x < 1.0:
            def_ang = their_defender._vector.angle
            def_pos = their_defender._vector

            p1 = array( [self.midX, 0.0] )
            p2 = array( [self.midX, self.max_y] )

            ad = array([math.cos(def_ang), math.sin(def_ang)])

            p3 = array( [def_pos.x, def_pos.y] )
            p4 = array( p3 + ad)

            si = MyMath.seg_intersect( p1,p2, p3,p4)
            #log_dot(si, 'yellow', 'haha')
            #log('inter', si, 'MatchY')
            g_to_mid = self.midX - target_x

            y = si[1]

            y = clip(y, max_e_dist, self.max_y - max_e_dist)

            consol.log('facing', g_to_mid * ad[0] > 0.0, 'MatchY')

            if g_to_mid * ad[0] > 0.0:
                return math.fabs(robot.y - y) < ERROR
                return math.fabs(robot.y - self.midY) < ERROR

            y = clip(ball.y, max_e_dist, self.max_y - max_e_dist)
            return math.fabs(robot.y - y) < ERROR
    def nextCommand(self):

        their_defender = self.world.their_defender
        (target_x, target_y) = self.goalCentre()

        ball_y = self.world.ball.y
        ball_x = self.world.ball.x
        zone = self.world.pitch.zones[self.robot.zone]

        zone = self.world.pitch.zones[self.robot.zone]

        max_e_dist = 40
        between = (ball_x - target_x) * (ball_x - self.midX) < 0.0
        if between or ball_x < 1.0:
            def_ang = their_defender._vector.angle
            def_pos = their_defender._vector

            p1 = array( [self.midX, 0.0] )
            p2 = array( [self.midX, self.max_y] )

            ad = array([math.cos(def_ang), math.sin(def_ang)])

            p3 = array( [def_pos.x, def_pos.y] )
            p4 = array( p3 + ad)

            si = MyMath.seg_intersect( p1,p2, p3,p4)
            #log_dot(si, 'yellow', 'haha')
            #log('inter', si, 'MatchY')
            g_to_mid = self.midX - target_x

            y = si[1]

            y = clip(y, max_e_dist, self.max_y - max_e_dist)

            consol.log('facing', g_to_mid * ad[0] > 0.0, 'MatchY')

            if g_to_mid * ad[0] > 0.0:
                command = self.go_to_asym(zone.center()[0], y, max_speed=100, min_speed=50)
                command = self.go_to_asym(self.midX, self.midY, max_speed=100, min_speed=50)

            y = clip(ball_y, max_e_dist, self.max_y - max_e_dist)
            command = self.go_to_asym(zone.center()[0], ball_y, max_speed=100, min_speed=50)
        return command
Example #19
def decode(n, d, C, base, fileOut):  # file PlanintextDecode
    fo = open(fileOut, "w")
    P = ""
    for i in C:
        m = MyMath.powMod(MyBase.toInt(i, 64), d, n)
        c = str(m)
        while len(c) % base != 0:
            c = '0' + c
        x = 0
        while x != len(c):
            a = c[x:x + base]
            x += base
            P += chr(int(a))
    return P
def main():
    numberslist = checker()
    biggestnumber = MyMath.maximum(numberslist)
    smallestnumber = MyMath.minimum(numberslist)
    difference = MyMath.subtraction(biggestnumber, smallestnumber)
    bigsmallsum = MyMath.add(biggestnumber, smallestnumber)
    listsum = MyMath.sumTotal(numberslist)
    evencount = len(MyMath.evenNum(numberslist))

    if smallestnumber < 5:
        numberslist = MyMath.clear(numberslist)

    output = "The difference is:%d The summation is:%d The summation of all input is:%d The number of even numbers is:%d The values in the list are: %s" \
            %(difference, bigsmallsum, listsum, evencount, str(numberslist))

Example #21
def check_col(verts,curbox,exbox): # 檢查放置的箱子是否和已放置的箱子有干涉
    # print('*** check_col')
    flag=False # 若干涉返回 True
    if len(exbox) > 0: #檢查所有已放置的箱子
        for i in range(0,len(exbox)):
            # exbox[i].set_box_dir()
            # exbox[i].set_verts() #依方向計算八點頂座標
            # flag=edge_plane_int(verts, exbox[i].verts) #邊線與對手平面是否有兩個交點
            # if flag:
            #     # print('edge_plane intersection')
            #     return flag #有干涉
            # flag=jm.face_face_int(curbox.verts, exbox[i].verts) #兩表面是否相交
            # if flag:
            #     return flag #有干涉
            # flag=jm.face_face_int(exbox[i].verts, curbox.verts) #兩表面是否相交
            # if flag:
            #     return flag #有干涉   
            flag=jm.coboid_coboid_int(exbox[i].verts, curbox.verts) #兩方體是否相交
            if flag:
                return flag #有干涉    
            # flag=jm.coboid_coboid_int(curbox.verts,exbox[i].verts ) #兩方體是否相交
            # if flag:
            #     return flag #有干涉                                   
            # for p in verts: # 檢查欲放置箱子的所有檢查點
            #     flag=jm.point_in_box(p,exbox[i].verts)
            #     # print(exbox[i]) 
            #     if flag:
            #         return flag
            # if flag==False:
            #     tmp_verts=[]
            #     tmp_verts.extend(exbox[i].verts) #加入對手件頂點
            #     tmp_verts.extend(edge_midPt(exbox[i].verts)) #加入對手件邊線中點
            #     tmp_verts.extend(face_midPt(exbox[i].verts)) #加入對手件表面中點
            #     tmp_verts.extend(solid_midPt(exbox[i].verts))#加入對手件體積中點
            #     for p in tmp_verts : # 檢查對手的頂點
            #         flag=jm.point_in_box(p,curbox.verts)
            #         # print('exbox verts has inside curbox')
            #         if flag:
            #             return flag
    else :
        flag=False #無干涉
    return flag
Example #22
    def __init__(self, learningBonesList, referenceBonesList, option):
        self.option = option
        self.perfEval = perf.PerformanceEvaluator()
        self.util = utils.Utility()
        self.computeUtil = utils.ComputingUtility()
        self.math1 = math1.SimpleMath()
        self.vertUtil = utils.VertexUtility()

        self.helperBonesList = learningBonesList
        self.helperBoneThetaMatList = []

        # to start simple,
        self.referenceBonesList = referenceBonesList

        # Learner's learning parameters
        self.motionLearnerParms = config.MotionLearnerParms()

        self.finalError = 0
        self.finalIteration = 0
Example #23
    def choice(self, game):

        if game.type == 'PD':
            self.prob_coop = 0.0

        elif game.type == 'SH':

            a = game.payoffs[0][0]
            b = game.payoffs[0][1]
            c = game.payoffs[1][0]
            d = game.payoffs[1][1]

            self.prob_coop = (d - b) * 1.0 / (a - b - c + d)

        if MyMath.prob_choice(self.prob_coop):
            choice = 'C'
            choice = 'D'

        return choice
Example #24
import MyMath
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("MyMathLauncher : program's argument not specified")
elif len(sys.argv) > 2:
    print("MyMathLauncher : too many program's arguments")
    st = open(sys.argv[1],"r").read()
import MyMath

i = 3
total = 0
primes = MyMath.erat_sieve(2000000)
for x in primes:
    total += x
print total
Example #26
import MyMath

MyMath.multiplicar(3, 10)
MyMath.mediaAritmetica(0, 10)

Example #27
def checkClear(x):
    if MyMath.minimum(x) < 5:
        x = MyMath.clear(x)
    return (x)
Example #28
import MyMath
print("10+10=", MyMath.add(10, 10), sep="")
print("10-10=", MyMath.sub(10, 10), sep="")
print("10*10=", MyMath.mul(10, 10), sep="")
print("10/10=", MyMath.div(10, 10), sep="")
print("10**10=", MyMath.power(10, 10), sep="")
Example #29
import MyMath as mm
import numpy as np

x = [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2]
y = [1, 0.989616, 0.958851, 0.908852 , 0.841471, 0.759188 , 0.664997, 0.562278 , 0.454649]
print(mm.int_trapeze(x, y))
print(mm.int_simpson(x, y))
print(mm.int_rich(x, y))
Example #30
import MyMath

v = MyMath.vols(4)
print (v)
import MyMath

total = 0
primes = MyMath.erat_sieve(2000000);
for x in primes :
	total += x
print total
Example #32
        if self.a <= 20:
            x = self.a
            self.a += 1
            return x
            raise StopIteration

if __name__ == '__main__':
    A_Coefficient = 0
    B_Coefficient = 0
    C_Coefficient = 0
    Discriminant = 0
    roots = []
    Points = []
    myMath_obj = MyMath.MyMath_Class()
    myclass = MyNumbers()
    myiter = iter(myclass)

    for x in myiter:

    while True:

        A_Coefficient = MyInput_Class.InputFloat("Indtast a koefficient : ")
        B_Coefficient = MyInput_Class.InputFloat("Indtast b koefficient : ")
        C_Coefficient = MyInput_Class.InputFloat("Indtast c koefficient : ")
Example #33
# Python 2.7.X
# Try_006.py
# Modules

# Objective: Create a new module and import it
# to this script
# Requirement 1: Create a new script called
# MyMath.py, then add 5 functions we created from
# Works_Try_004 and 005.
# Requirement 2: Using imported module, perform
# 5 functions with given variables

a = 2
b = 8

# Writer your code here
import MyMath

print "A + B:", MyMath.add(a, b)
print "A - B:", MyMath.sub(a, b)
print "A * B:", MyMath.mul(a, b)
print "A / B:", MyMath.div(a, b)
print "A ^ B:", MyMath.exp(a, b)
Example #34
#cipher text = ......
import MyMath
def Euclide_Extend( a, b):
        if a == 1:
            return 1, 0
        x_, y_ = Euclide_Extend( b, a % b)
        x = y_
        y = x_ - (a // b) * y_
        return x, y
m = 0
e1 = 2788276781
e2 = 2750610521
c1 = 41722827324219154502412894777929708295817269862821442985517165993161893049531
c2 = 44554975419623697543042888877641384509200031600063096793963144597106437406168
n = 52593746111299673917462180378616675287554472293960928632820865884284203124461       #256bit (77 digit)

x, y = Euclide_Extend(e1, e2)
if x < 0:
    tmp, c1_ = Euclide_Extend(n, c1)
    m = (MyMath.powmod(c1_, -x, n) * MyMath.powmod(c2, y, n)) % n
    tmp, c2_ = Euclide_Extend(n, c2)
    m = (MyMath.powmod(c1, x, n) * MyMath.powmod(c2_, -y, n)) % n
Example #35
import MyMath

print(" ----- MyMathShell v1.0 by Andrea Fioraldi -----\n")

while True:
    s = input("MyMathShell:> ")
        rt = MyMath.ExecLine(s)
        if rt != None:
    except Exception as Err:
        print("Error :", Err)
def merge_files():

    path = argv[2]
    fmt = argv[3]
    wins = [int(argv[4]), int(argv[5])]
    lipids = int(argv[6])
    num_resamples = int(argv[7])

    hs_files = []
    for i in range(0, wins[0]):
        for j in range(0, wins[1]):
            filename = fmt % ((i + j * wins[0]), lipids)
            filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
            if os.path.exists(filename):

    result = None
    for r in range(0, num_resamples):
        h = HistogramND(2)
        fs = resample(hs_files)
        for i in range(1, len(fs)):
            th = HistogramND(2)
        h = h.norm_dos()
        if result == None:
            result = np.copy(
                np.append(np.reshape(h[:, 0], (h.shape[0], 1)),
                          np.reshape(h[:, 2], (h.shape[0], 1)),
            result = np.append(result,
                               np.reshape(h[:, 2], (result.shape[0], 1)),

    opath = "."
    final = np.reshape(result[:, 0], (result.shape[0], 1))
    final = np.append(final,
                      np.reshape(np.mean(result[:, 1:], axis=1),
                                 (result.shape[0], 1)),
    final = np.append(final,
                      np.reshape(np.std(result[:, 1:], axis=1),
                                 (result.shape[0], 1)),
    np.savetxt(os.path.join(opath, "Lipid%d.dos_deriv.dat" % lipids),
               MyMath.derivatives(final[:, 0:2]))

    array_lipid = np.ones((final.shape[0], 1)) * lipids
    final = np.append(final,
                      np.reshape(array_lipid, ((final.shape[0], 1))),
    np.savetxt(os.path.join(opath, "Lipid%d.ave_dos.dat" % lipids),
               fmt="%.2f   %.2f   %.2f  %d")

    dT = 0.01
    kb = 1
    num_files = 1
    num_points = 1000
    num_atoms = 1000

    thermo_result = DOS.thermo(result, dT, num_points, 1000)

    np.savetxt(os.path.join(opath, "Lipid%d.thermo_dos.dat" % lipids),