# load SeqUtil methods
import SeqUtil

lenTargetPeptide = len(target)
lenTargetDna = lenTargetPeptide*3

foundDnas = []  # storage of target dan sequences

## search amino acids in forward direction
for start in range(0,3):                # loop for reading frame start
    curDna = dna[start:]                
    curRna = SeqUtil.dna2rna(curDna)
    peptides = SeqUtil.rna2peptide(curRna, mapFile='./data/RNA_codon_table_1.txt')

    pepStartIndex = 0
    for pep in peptides:
        # find positions of target in peptide
        targetPositions = [pos for pos in range(0, len(pep)) if pep[pos:(pos+lenTargetPeptide)]==target]

        # get corresponding dna sequence and save
        targetDnas = [curDna[(pepStartIndex+pos*3):(pepStartIndex+pos*3+lenTargetDna)] for pos in targetPositions]

        # update pepStartIndex for the next peptide
        pepStartIndex = pepStartIndex + (len(pep)+1)*3