Example #1
 def update(self, tran, obj):
     obj.techLevel = 99
     obj.race = "m"
     # grant technologies
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.EMCANNON] = Rules.techMaxImprovement
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.SSROCKET] = Rules.techMaxImprovement
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.TORPEDO] = Rules.techMaxImprovement
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.FTLENG1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.SCANNERMOD1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.CONBOMB1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTBASE] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTBASE2] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTBASE3] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTBASE4] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTPP1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTPP2] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTFACT1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTFACT2] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTMINES] = 3
     # create two basic designs [they use modules not available to the
     # player otherwise so it has to be done this way]
     obj.shipDesigns[1] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Swarmer', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.EMCANNON:2, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[2] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Seeder', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.MUTANTPOD:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:4}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[3] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Seeker', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.SCANNERMOD1:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[4] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Sower', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CONBOMB1:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
     # call super method
     IPlayer.update(self, tran, obj)
 def setStartingShipDesigns(obj):
     obj.shipDesigns[1] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(
         obj, 'Fighter', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1, {
             Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.CANNON1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.STLENG1: 2
         }, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[2] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(
         obj, 'Corvette', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1, {
             Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.CANNON1: 2,
             Rules.Tech.STLENG1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.STEELARM2: 1
         }, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[3] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(
         obj, 'Frigate', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2, {
             Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.CANNON1: 2,
             Rules.Tech.SSROCKET: 2,
             Rules.Tech.STLENG1: 2
         }, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[4] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(
         obj, 'Destroyer', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2, {
             Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.CANNON1: 4,
             Rules.Tech.SSROCKET: 2,
             Rules.Tech.NSTLENG2: 3
         }, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[5] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(
         obj, 'Armored Cruiser', Rules.Tech.RENEGADETITANIUMMHULL, {
             Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.CANNON1: 5,
             Rules.Tech.SSROCKET: 3,
             Rules.Tech.STLENG1: 4
         }, [])
Example #3
 def setStartingShipDesigns(obj):
     obj.shipDesigns[1] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Swarmer', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.EMCANNON:2, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[2] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Seeder', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.MUTANTPOD:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:4}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[3] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Seeker', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.SCANNERMOD1:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[4] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Sower', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CONBOMB1:1, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
 def setStartingShipDesigns(obj):
     obj.shipDesigns[1] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Fighter', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
         {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:1, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[2] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Corvette', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
         {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:2, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:1, Rules.Tech.STEELARM2:1}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[3] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Frigate', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
         {Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:2, Rules.Tech.SSROCKET:2, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[4] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Destroyer', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
         {Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:4, Rules.Tech.SSROCKET:2, Rules.Tech.NSTLENG2:3}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[5] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Armored Cruiser', Rules.Tech.RENEGADETITANIUMMHULL,
         {Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:5, Rules.Tech.SSROCKET:3, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:4}, [])
Example #5
	def addShipDesign(self, tran, obj, name, hullID, eqIDs):
		"""Add ship design to the database of designs."""
		# normalize design
		name = name.strip()
		# check technologies
		if hullID not in obj.techs:
			raise GameException("You do not posses this hull type.")
		for techID in eqIDs:
			if techID not in obj.techs:
				raise GameException("You do not posses technology(ies) to construct this ship.")
		# create spec (throws exception for invad ones)
		spec = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, name, hullID, eqIDs, [])
		# check number of designs
		if len(obj.shipDesigns) > Rules.shipMaxDesigns:
			raise GameException("No space to store design.")
		# check name of designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			if obj.shipDesigns[designID].name == name:
				raise GameException("Design name is already used.")
		if re.match("^\s*$",name):
			raise GameException("Design name must not be entirely whitespace.")
		# find free design id
		index = 1
		ids = obj.shipDesigns.keys()
		while 1:
			if index not in ids:
			index += 1
		# add design
		obj.shipDesigns[index] = spec
		return obj.shipDesigns, index
Example #6
	def addShipDesign(self, tran, obj, name, hullID, eqIDs):
		"""Add ship design to the database of designs."""
		# normalize design
		name = name.strip()
		# check technologies
		if hullID not in obj.techs:
			raise GameException("You do not posses this hull type.")
		for techID in eqIDs:
			if techID not in obj.techs:
				raise GameException("You do not posses technology(ies) to construct this ship.")
		# create spec (throws exception for invad ones)
		spec = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, name, hullID, eqIDs, [])
		# check number of designs
		if len(obj.shipDesigns) > Rules.shipMaxDesigns:
			raise GameException("No space to store design.")
		# check name of designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			if obj.shipDesigns[designID].name == name:
				raise GameException("Design name is already used.")
		if re.match("^\s*$",name):
			raise GameException("Design name must not be entirely whitespace.")
		# find free design id
		index = 1
		ids = obj.shipDesigns.keys()
		while 1:
			if index not in ids:
			index += 1
		# add design
		obj.shipDesigns[index] = spec
		return obj.shipDesigns, index
Example #7
 def update(self, tran, obj):
     obj.techLevel = 99
     obj.race = "r"
     # grant technologies
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.CANNON1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.SSROCKET] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADEBASE] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADEBASE2] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADEBASE2MINOR] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADEBASE3] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADEBASE3MINOR] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADECOSMODROME] = 3
     if not len(obj.shipDesigns) == 3:
         # three basic designs [they use modules not available to the player otherwise
         # so it has to be done this way]
         obj.shipDesigns[1] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Fighter', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:1}, [])
         obj.shipDesigns[2] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Corvette', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:2, Rules.Tech.STEELARM2:1}, [])
         obj.shipDesigns[3] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Frigate', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
             {Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:2, Rules.Tech.SSROCKET:2}, [])
     # call super method
     IPlayer.update(self, tran, obj)
Example #8
	def getPreCombatData(self, tran, obj):
		# scan buildings and fire their weapons
		shots = {0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: []}
		if obj.owner == OID_NONE:
			return shots, [0, 0, 0, 8], False
		player = tran.db[obj.owner]
		system = tran.db[obj.compOf]
		desCount = {}
		firing = False
		systemAtt = 0;
		systemDef = 0;
		for struct in obj.slots:
			structTechID = struct[STRUCT_IDX_TECHID]
			opStatus = struct[STRUCT_IDX_OPSTATUS] / 100.0
			tech = Rules.techs[structTechID]
			desCount[structTechID] = desCount.get(structTechID, 0) + 1
			wpnCount = {}
			if not tech.structWeapons:
			firing = True
			for cClass in range(0, 4):
				weaponID = player.planetWeapons[cClass]
				if weaponID is None:
				weapon = Rules.techs[weaponID]
				maxWeaponCount = int(tech.structWeapons[cClass] * opStatus)
				for weaponIdx in range(0, maxWeaponCount):
					#@log.debug(obj.oid, "FIRING PLANET WEAPON", weapon.name)
					wpnCount[weaponID] = wpnCount.get(weaponID, 0) + 1
					weaponEff = Rules.techImprEff[player.techs.get(weaponID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
					# base attack
					attack = tech.combatAtt + int(weapon.weaponAtt * weaponEff)
					# because ALL counters starts at 1, subtract 3
					count = system.combatCounter + desCount[structTechID] + wpnCount[weaponID] - 2
					# add to attacks
					#@log.debug('IPlanet', obj.oid, structTechID, "Count", count, 'Shots', weapon.name, ShipUtils.getRounds(weapon.weaponROF, count))
					for round in xrange(0, ShipUtils.getRounds(weapon.weaponROF, count)):
						shots[weapon.weaponClass].append((attack, weaponID))
		# hit limit
		obj.maxHits = len(obj.slots)
		obj.hitCounter = 0
		obj.lastHitClass = 3
		obj.hitMod = 1.0
		log.debug(obj.oid, "Combat settings", obj.maxHits)
		# +1 means population only hit
		return shots, [0, 0, 0, 8], firing
Example #9
	def getPreCombatData(self, tran, obj):
		# compute data
		shots = {0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: []}
		targets = [0, 0, 0, 0]
		player = tran.db[obj.owner]
		desCount = {}
		firing = False
		rofMod = 1.0
		# limit number of shots per ship
		obj.maxHits = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
		obj.hitCounters = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
		obj.lastHitClass = 3
		obj.hitMods = {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 1.0, 3: 1.0}

		if obj.combatRetreatWait > 0:
			# ROF penalty
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Fleet inactive", obj.combatRetreatWait)
			rofMod *= 0.33
		if obj.storEn == 0:
			rofMod *= 0.33
		for designID, hp, shield, exp in obj.ships:
			tech = player.shipDesigns[designID]
			targets[tech.combatClass] += 1
			desCount[designID] = desCount.get(designID, 0) + 1
			obj.maxHits[tech.combatClass] += 2
			wpnCount = {}
			for weaponID in tech.weaponIDs:
				firing = True
				weapon = Rules.techs[weaponID]
				wpnCount[weaponID] = wpnCount.get(weaponID, 0) + 1
				weaponEff = Rules.techImprEff[player.techs.get(weaponID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
				# base attack
				attack = (tech.combatAtt + int(weapon.weaponAtt * weaponEff)) * tech.combatAttMultiplier #added multiplier part
				# correct using ship's level
				level = Rules.shipExpToLevel.get(int(exp / tech.baseExp), Rules.shipDefLevel)
				attack = int(attack * Rules.shipLevelEff[level])
				# because ALL counters starts at 1, subtract 3
				count = obj.combatCounter + desCount[designID] + wpnCount[weaponID] - 3
				# add to attacks
				#@log.debug('IFleet', obj.oid, designID, "Count", count, 'Shots', weapon.name, ShipUtils.getRounds(weapon.weaponROF, count))
				for round in xrange(0, ShipUtils.getRounds(weapon.weaponROF * rofMod, count)):
					shots[weapon.weaponClass].append((attack, weaponID))
		log.debug(obj.oid, "Combat limit settings", obj.maxHits)
		return shots, targets, firing
Example #10
	def update(self, tran, obj):
		# update all designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			old = obj.shipDesigns[designID]
			new = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, old.name, old.hullID,
				old.eqIDs, old.improvements, raiseExs = False)
			new.built = old.built
			if hasattr(old, "upgradeTo"):
				new.upgradeTo = old.upgradeTo
			obj.shipDesigns[designID] = new
		# check all diplomacyRels
		for partyID in obj.diplomacyRels.keys():
			party = tran.db.get(partyID, None)
			if not party or party.type not in PLAYER_TYPES:
				log.debug("Deleting party", obj.oid, partyID)
				del obj.diplomacyRels[partyID]
		# delete obj with low scan pwr
		# check type of the objects in the map
		for objID in obj.staticMap.keys():
			obj.staticMap[objID] = min(obj.staticMap[objID], Rules.maxScanPwr)
			if obj.staticMap[objID] < Rules.level1InfoScanPwr:
				del obj.staticMap[objID]
			if not tran.db.has_key(objID) or tran.db[objID].type not in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
				log.debug("Deleting non system %d from static map of player %d" % (objID, obj.oid))
				del obj.staticMap[objID]
		for objID in obj.dynamicMap.keys():
			if obj.dynamicMap[objID] < Rules.level1InfoScanPwr:
				del obj.dynamicMap[objID]
			if not tran.db.has_key(objID) or tran.db[objID].type not in (T_FLEET, T_ASTEROID):
				log.debug("Deleting obj %d from dynamic map of player %d" % (objID, objID))
				del obj.dynamicMap[objID]
		# check if all planets are planets
		for objID in obj.planets[:]:
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("Planet does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				if tran.db[objID].type != T_PLANET:
					log.debug("Planet is not a planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
		# check if systems in buoys are systems
		for objID in obj.buoys.keys():
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("System for buoy does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
					del obj.buoys[objID]
				if tran.db[objID].type not in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
					log.debug("System for buoy is not a system - removing", obj.oid, objID)
					del obj.buoys[objID]
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing system for buoy - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				del obj.buoys[objID]
		# check if fleets are fleets
		for objID in obj.fleets[:]:
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("Fleet does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				if tran.db[objID].type not in  (T_FLEET, T_ASTEROID):
					log.debug("Fleet is not a fleet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
		# check accessible technologies
		wip = 1
		while wip:
			wip = 0
			for techID in obj.techs.keys():
				if techID not in Rules.techs:
					wip = 1
					log.debug("Deleting nonexistent tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
					del obj.techs[techID]
				tech = Rules.techs[techID]
				# check tech level
				if tech.level > obj.techLevel:
					wip = 1
					log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
					if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				# disabled?
				#for tmpTechID in obj.techs.keys():
				#	if techID in Rules.techs[tmpTechID].researchDisables:
				#		wip = 1
				#		log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
				#		if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				#		break
				# check requirements
				#for tmpTechID, improvement in tech.researchRequires:
				#	if not obj.techs.has_key(tmpTechID) or obj.techs[tmpTechID] < improvement:
				#		wip = 1
				#		log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
				#		if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				#		break
		for rTask in obj.rsrchQueue[:]:
			if rTask.techID not in Rules.techs:
				log.debug("Deleting res task for nonexistent tech", rTask.techID, "player", obj.oid)
			tech = Rules.techs[rTask.techID]
			if tech.level == 99:
				log.debug("Deleting res task", rTask.techID, "player", obj.oid)
		# check if player is in the universe
		universe = tran.db[OID_UNIVERSE]
		if obj.oid not in universe.players and obj.oid not in (OID_NATURE, OID_ADMIN):
			log.debug(obj.oid, "Adding player to the universe")
		# check nick (TODO remove in 0.5.33)
		if not hasattr(obj, "fullName"):
			obj.fullName = obj.name
		# check if player is a leader
		if not obj.galaxies:
			log.debug(obj.oid, obj.name, "IS NOT IN ANY GALAXY")
			galaxy = tran.db[obj.galaxies[0]]
			if galaxy.imperator != obj.oid and obj.imperator > 0:
				log.debug(obj.oid, "Removing imperator/leader bonus")
				obj.imperator = 0
		# get best technologies for planet weapons
		bestScores = [0, 0, 0, 0]
		obj.planetWeapons = [None, None, None, None, None]
		for techID in obj.techs:
			tech = Rules.techs[techID]
			if tech.isShipEquip and tech.weaponDmgMin > 0 and not tech.buildSRes\
				and tech.weaponGoodForFlak:
				# compute score
				weaponEff = Rules.techImprEff[obj.techs.get(techID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
				score = (tech.weaponDmgMin + tech.weaponDmgMax) / 2.0 * \
					tech.weaponROF * (tech.weaponAtt + 10.0)/10 * weaponEff
				if score > bestScores[tech.weaponClass]:
					obj.planetWeapons[tech.weaponClass] = techID
					bestScores[tech.weaponClass] = score
		#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Planet weapons", obj.planetWeapons)
		# update all ship designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			old = obj.shipDesigns[designID]
			new = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, old.name, old.hullID,
				old.eqIDs, old.improvements, raiseExs = False)
			new.built = old.built
			new.upgradeTo = old.upgradeTo
			obj.shipDesigns[designID] = new
Example #11
	def applyShot(self, tran, obj, defense, attack, weaponID, cClass, count):
		#@log.debug('IPlanet', 'Apply shot', weaponID, attack, cClass, count)
		# compute chance to hit
		weapon = Rules.techs[weaponID]
		#system defense bonus is dropped for planets...structures can't move; just calculate defense off structure defense
		defense = Rules.combatStructDefense
		destroyed = 0
		dmg = 0
		# limit number of shots
		if weapon.weaponClass < obj.lastHitClass:
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Different class", obj.lastHitClass, weapon.weaponClass, obj.maxHits)
			obj.maxHits = int(Rules.combatHitXferMod * obj.maxHits * (obj.lastHitClass - weapon.weaponClass))
			obj.hitCounter = int(Rules.combatHitXferMod * obj.hitCounter * (obj.lastHitClass - weapon.weaponClass))
			obj.lastHitClass = weapon.weaponClass
		if weapon.weaponROF > 1:
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Increasing counter PL", 1.0 / weapon.weaponROF)
			obj.hitCounter += 1.0 / weapon.weaponROF
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Increasing counter PL", 1)
			obj.hitCounter += 1
		if obj.hitCounter > obj.maxHits:
			obj.hitCounter = 0
			obj.hitMod *= Rules.combatStructureHitMod
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Increasing hit penalty", obj.hitMod, obj.maxHits)
		attackChance = obj.hitMod * attack / (attack + defense)
		#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Chance to attack", attackChance, obj.hitMod, obj.hitCounter, obj.maxHits,
		#@	"without penalty:", float(attack) / (attack + defense))
		#@log.debug('IPlanet', obj.oid, 'HIT?', attack + defense + 1, defense)
		absorb = 0 #for when it doesn't hit
		if random.random() <= attackChance:
			# hit
			player = tran.db[obj.owner]
			weaponEff = Rules.techImprEff[player.techs.get(weaponID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
			dmg = ShipUtils.computeDamage(weapon.weaponClass, 3, weapon.weaponDmgMin, weapon.weaponDmgMax, weaponEff)
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, 'HIT! att=%d vs def=%d, dmg=%d '% (attack, defense, dmg))
			#shield strike
			if obj.shield > 0:
				absorb = min(dmg,obj.shield)
				obj.shield -= absorb
				dmg -= absorb
			if dmg == 0:
				return 0+absorb, 0, 3
			# select slot
			if count == 7 or not obj.slots:
				#@log.debug('IPlanet', 'Population hit')
				# population hit
				if obj.storPop == 0:
					dmg = 0
					# free slot hit -> dmg population
					# OLD dmgPop = int(Rules.popPerSlot * float(dmg) / Rules.popSlotHP * Rules.popKillMod)
					dmgPop = int(dmg * Rules.popSlotKillMod)
					obj.storPop = max(obj.storPop - dmgPop, 0)
					obj.changePop -= dmgPop
					if obj.storPop > 0:
						obj.morale -= Rules.moraleModPlHit * float(dmgPop) / float(obj.storPop)
					#@log.debug('IPlanet', obj.oid, 'Morale penalty', dmg, maxHP, Rules.moraleModPlHit * float(dmg) / float(maxHP))
			elif count < 0:
				# TODO can be count negative?
				log.warning('IPlanet', 'applyShot: count is negative')
				if count == 6:
					# random structure hit
					#@log.debug('IPlanet', 'Random structure hit')
					struct = obj.slots[Utils.rand(0, len(obj.slots))]
					# most damaged structure hit
					#@log.debug('IPlanet', 'Most damaged structure hit')
					struct = obj.slots[-1]
					for tmpStruct in obj.slots:
						if tmpStruct[STRUCT_IDX_HP] <= struct[STRUCT_IDX_HP]:
							struct = tmpStruct
				# compute sum hp of all buildings
				sumHP = 0
				for tmpStruct in obj.slots:
					sumHP += tmpStruct[STRUCT_IDX_HP]
				# damage building
				struct[STRUCT_IDX_HP] -= dmg
				# "damage" population
				tech = Rules.techs[struct[STRUCT_IDX_TECHID]]
				# compute struct effectivity
				techEff = Utils.getTechEff(tran, struct[STRUCT_IDX_TECHID], obj.owner)
				maxHP = int(tech.maxHP * techEff)
				dmgPop = int(tech.operWorkers * float(dmg) / maxHP * Rules.popKillMod)
				obj.storPop = max(obj.storPop - dmgPop, 0)
				obj.changePop -= dmgPop
				# destroy building
				if struct[STRUCT_IDX_HP] <= 0:
					destroyed = 1
					dmg += struct[STRUCT_IDX_HP]
				# compute morale penalty
				if dmg:
					obj.morale -= Rules.moraleModPlHit * float(dmg) / float(sumHP)
					#@log.debug('IPlanet', obj.oid, 'Morale penalty', dmg, sumHP, Rules.moraleModPlHit * float(dmg) / float(sumHP))
		#@log.debug('IPlanet', 'Shot applied', dmg, destroyed)
		# when destroyed, only class 3 (structure) i valid
		return dmg+absorb, destroyed, 3
Example #12
	def update(self, tran, obj):
		if not (hasattr(obj,'customname')): #added in 0.5.64
			obj.customname = None
			obj.allowmerge = 1
		# if there are no ships -> disband fleet
		if not len(obj.ships) or obj.owner == OID_NONE:
			log.warning(obj.oid, "FLEET - no ships in the fleet -- disbanding")
			self.cmd(obj).disbandFleet(tran, obj)
		# check for duplicates (TODO: remove me, bug was fixed)
		#for ship1 in obj.ships:
		#	duplicates = 0
		#	for ship2 in obj.ships:
		#		if ship1 is ship2:
		#			duplicates += 1
		#	if duplicates != 1:
		#		# regenerate ships
		#		newShips = []
		#		for designID, hp, shield, exp in obj.ships:
		#			newShips.append([designID, hp, shield, exp])
		#		obj.ships = newShips
		#		raise ServerException("Ship duplicates in %s" % obj)
		obj.origScannerPwr = 0
		obj.operEn = 0
		obj.operProd = 0.0
		obj.maxEn = 0
		obj.maxSpeed = 999999.9
		obj.combatPwr = 0
		obj.isMilitary = 0
		#ships = {}
		# find
		player = tran.db.get(obj.owner, None)
		if not player or player.type not in PLAYER_TYPES or obj.oid not in player.fleets:
			# disband fleet when owner is invalid
			log.warning(obj.oid, "Disbanding fleet - invalid owner", obj)
			self.cmd(obj).disbandFleet(tran, obj)
		obj.signature = 0
		remove = []
		idx = 0
		for designID, hp, shield, exp in obj.ships:
			if designID in player.shipDesigns:
				tech = player.shipDesigns[designID]
				obj.origScannerPwr = max(tech.scannerPwr, obj.origScannerPwr)
				obj.operEn += tech.operEn
				obj.operProd += tech.buildProd * Rules.operProdRatio
				obj.maxEn += tech.storEn
				obj.maxSpeed = min(obj.maxSpeed, tech.speed)
				obj.signature += tech.signature
				obj.combatPwr += int(tech.combatPwr * float(hp + shield) / (tech.maxHP + tech.shieldHP))
				obj.isMilitary = obj.isMilitary or tech.isMilitary
				#ships[tech.signature] = ships.get(tech.signature, 0) + 1
				if obj.ships[idx][1] > tech.maxHP:
					log.debug(obj.oid, "Too high maxHP for ship, player", obj.owner)
					obj.ships[idx][1] = min(obj.ships[idx][1], tech.maxHP)
				# TODO track this problem
				log.warning("Player has not this designID", player.oid, designID)
				remove.append([designID, hp, shield, exp])
			idx += 1
		# delete ships intended for removal
		for shipSpec in remove:
		# misc
		obj.signature = min(obj.signature, Rules.maxSignature)
		obj.signature = max(obj.signature,1) #require fleet signature to be at least 1 now that we removed that from a per-ship basis
		obj.speed = obj.maxSpeed
		# storage
		obj.storEn = min(obj.storEn, obj.maxEn)
		# sort ships only when there is no combat
		# this prevents resorting fleets in combat
		if obj.combatCounter == 0:
			obj.ships = ShipUtils.sortShips(obj.ships)
			log.debug("Skipping ship (re)sorting [fleet in combat]", obj.oid)
		# closest system
		if not tran.db.has_key(obj.closeSystem) or tran.db[obj.closeSystem].type not in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
			if obj.orbiting == OID_NONE:
				log.debug("No close system for fleet", obj.oid)
				# select any system
				systemID = tran.db[tran.db[OID_UNIVERSE].galaxies[0]].systems[0]
				obj.closeSystem = systemID
				log.debug(obj.oid, "Setting NULL close system to", systemID)
				log.debug(obj.oid, "Generating close system from orbiting", obj.orbiting)
				obj.closeSystem = obj.orbiting
			system = tran.db[obj.closeSystem]
			if obj.oid not in system.closeFleets:
		# verify close system
		if tran.db.has_key(obj.closeSystem):
			system = tran.db[obj.closeSystem]
			if system.type in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
				if obj.oid not in system.closeFleets:
					log.debug("Adding fleet", obj.oid, "into closeFleets of", system.oid)
				log.debug(obj.oid, "Close system is not a system")
				obj.closeSystem = OID_NONE
			log.debug(obj.oid, "Close system does not exists")
			obj.closeSystem = OID_NONE
		# compute scanner pwr
		if obj.closeSystem:
				system = tran.db[obj.closeSystem]
				emrLevel = tran.db[system.compOf].emrLevel
				obj.scannerPwr = int(obj.origScannerPwr * (2.0 - emrLevel))
		# replace obsolete commands
		for actionTuple in obj.actions[:]:
				action, target, actionData = actionTuple
				log.warning(obj.oid, "Removing action", actionTuple)
		index = 0
		for action, target, actionData in obj.actions:
			if action >= 2 and action <= 100:
				# this is an old action -> replace it by move command if available
				if target != OID_NONE:
					log.debug(obj.oid, "Replacing action", action, "by action MOVE")
					obj.actions[index][0] = FLACTION_MOVE
					# replace by none action
					log.debug(obj.oid, "Replacing action", action, "by action NONE")
					obj.actions[index] = (FLACTION_NONE, None, None)
			if action == FLACTION_DEPLOY and actionData not in player.shipDesigns:
				# deployment of scrapped ship
				log.debug(obj.oid, "invalid ship to deploy")
				obj.actions[index] = (FLACTION_NONE, None, None)
			index += 1
Example #13
	def applyShot(self, tran, obj, defense, attack, weaponID, targetClass, target):
		#@log.debug(obj.oid, 'IFleet', 'Apply shot', attack, weaponID, targetClass, target)
		player = tran.db[obj.owner]
		# find correct ship to hit
		target = -1
		targetCiv = 0
		while target == -1:
			index = 0
			found = 0
			for designID, hp, shield, exp in obj.ships:
				design = player.shipDesigns[designID]
				if design.combatClass == targetClass and (design.isMilitary or targetCiv):
					found = 1
					if Utils.rand(1, 101) < Rules.shipTargetPerc[targetClass]:
						target = index
				index += 1
			if not targetCiv:
				targetCiv = 1
			if not found and targetCiv:
				# no such target class - try to find another one
				log.warning("No such target class in the fleet", obj.oid, targetClass)
				targetClass = targetClass + 1
				targetCiv = 0
				if targetClass > 3:
					return 0, 0, 0
		designID, hp, shield, exp = obj.ships[target]
		ship = player.shipDesigns[designID]
		# compute if ship has been hit
		weapon = Rules.techs[weaponID]
		level = Rules.shipExpToLevel.get(int(exp / ship.baseExp), Rules.shipDefLevel)
		# add system defense bonus to ship inate defense
		if weapon.weaponIsMissile:
			defense += int(ship.missileDef * Rules.shipLevelEff[level])
			defense += int(ship.combatDef * Rules.shipLevelEff[level])
		destroyed = 0
		destroyedClass = ship.combatClass
		dmg = 0
		blocked = 0
		# limit number of shots
		cClass = weapon.weaponClass
		if cClass < obj.lastHitClass:
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Different class", obj.lastHitClass, cClass, obj.maxHits)
			for i in range(obj.lastHitClass - 1, cClass - 1, -1):
				if obj.hitMods[cClass] >= 0.99: # == 1.0
					#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Adding to", i, int(Rules.combatHitXferMod * (obj.maxHits[i + 1] - obj.hitCounters[i + 1])), obj.hitCounters[i + 1])
					obj.maxHits[i] += int(Rules.combatHitXferMod * (obj.maxHits[i + 1] - obj.hitCounters[i + 1]))
					#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Not transfering hits")
				obj.maxHits[i + 1] = 0
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, "max hits", obj.maxHits)
			obj.lastHitClass = cClass
		elif cClass > obj.lastHitClass:
			log.debug(obj.oid, "INCORRECT ORDER OF SHOTS", obj.lastHitClass, cClass)
		if weapon.weaponROF > 1:
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Increasing counter", cClass, 1.0 / weapon.weaponROF)
			obj.hitCounters[cClass] += 1.0 / weapon.weaponROF
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Increasing counter", cClass, 1)
			obj.hitCounters[cClass] += 1
		if obj.hitCounters[cClass] > obj.maxHits[cClass]:
			obj.hitCounters[cClass] = 0
			obj.hitMods[cClass] *= Rules.combatShipHitMod
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Increasing hit penalty", obj.hitMods[cClass], obj.maxHits[cClass], "class", cClass)
		attackChance = obj.hitMods[cClass] * attack / (attack + defense)
		#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Chance to attack", attackChance, obj.hitMods[cClass],
		#@	 obj.hitCounters[cClass], obj.maxHits[cClass], "without penalty:", float(attack) / (attack + defense))
		if random.random() <= attackChance:
			player = tran.db[obj.owner]
			weaponEff = Rules.techImprEff[player.techs.get(weaponID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
			# HIT! -> apply damage
			dmg = ShipUtils.computeDamage(weapon.weaponClass, ship.combatClass, weapon.weaponDmgMin, weapon.weaponDmgMax, weaponEff)
			#@log.debug(obj.oid, 'HIT! att=%d vs def=%d, dmg=%d '% (attack, defense, dmg))
			# shield
			if not weapon.weaponIgnoreShield and shield > 0:
				blocked = min(shield, dmg)
				obj.ships[target][2] -= blocked
				dmg -= blocked
			elif weapon.weaponIgnoreShield and ship.hardShield > 0 and shield > 0:
                                blocked = min(shield, int(dmg*(ship.hardShield))) #hard shields also reduce penetrating weapons
                                obj.ships[target][2] -= blocked
                                dmg -= blocked
                        #damage absorbsion by armor
                        if ship.damageAbsorb > 0 and dmg > 0:
                                dmg = max(0,dmg-ship.damageAbsorb)
			# armour
			if dmg >= hp:
				destroyed = 1
				self.cmd(obj).removeShips(tran, obj, [obj.ships[target]])
				dmg = hp
				obj.ships[target][1] -= dmg
		#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Damaged", dmg, blocked, destroyed)
		return dmg + blocked, destroyed, destroyedClass
Example #14
	def update(self, tran, obj):
		# update all designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			old = obj.shipDesigns[designID]
			new = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, old.name, old.hullID,
				old.eqIDs, old.improvements, raiseExs = False)
			new.built = old.built
			if hasattr(old, "upgradeTo"):
				new.upgradeTo = old.upgradeTo
			obj.shipDesigns[designID] = new
		# check all diplomacyRels
		for partyID in obj.diplomacyRels.keys():
			party = tran.db.get(partyID, None)
			if not party or party.type not in PLAYER_TYPES:
				log.debug("Deleting party", obj.oid, partyID)
				del obj.diplomacyRels[partyID]
		# delete obj with low scan pwr
		# check type of the objects in the map
		for objID in obj.staticMap.keys():
			obj.staticMap[objID] = min(obj.staticMap[objID], Rules.maxScanPwr)
			if obj.staticMap[objID] < Rules.level1InfoScanPwr:
				del obj.staticMap[objID]
			if not tran.db.has_key(objID) or tran.db[objID].type not in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
				log.debug("Deleting non system %d from static map of player %d" % (objID, obj.oid))
				del obj.staticMap[objID]
		for objID in obj.dynamicMap.keys():
			if obj.dynamicMap[objID] < Rules.level1InfoScanPwr:
				del obj.dynamicMap[objID]
			if not tran.db.has_key(objID) or tran.db[objID].type not in (T_FLEET, T_ASTEROID):
				log.debug("Deleting obj %d from dynamic map of player %d" % (objID, objID))
				del obj.dynamicMap[objID]
		# check if all planets are planets
		for objID in obj.planets[:]:
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("Planet does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				if tran.db[objID].type != T_PLANET:
					log.debug("Planet is not a planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
		# check if systems in buoys are systems
		for objID in obj.buoys.keys():
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("System for buoy does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
					del obj.buoys[objID]
				if tran.db[objID].type not in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
					log.debug("System for buoy is not a system - removing", obj.oid, objID)
					del obj.buoys[objID]
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing system for buoy - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				del obj.buoys[objID]
		# check if fleets are fleets
		for objID in obj.fleets[:]:
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("Fleet does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				if tran.db[objID].type not in  (T_FLEET, T_ASTEROID):
					log.debug("Fleet is not a fleet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
		# check accessible technologies
		wip = 1
		while wip:
			wip = 0
			for techID in obj.techs.keys():
				if techID not in Rules.techs:
					wip = 1
					log.debug("Deleting nonexistent tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
					del obj.techs[techID]
				tech = Rules.techs[techID]
				# check tech level
				if tech.level > obj.techLevel:
					wip = 1
					log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
					if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				# disabled?
				#for tmpTechID in obj.techs.keys():
				#	if techID in Rules.techs[tmpTechID].researchDisables:
				#		wip = 1
				#		log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
				#		if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				#		break
				# check requirements
				#for tmpTechID, improvement in tech.researchRequires:
				#	if not obj.techs.has_key(tmpTechID) or obj.techs[tmpTechID] < improvement:
				#		wip = 1
				#		log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
				#		if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				#		break
		for rTask in obj.rsrchQueue[:]:
			if rTask.techID not in Rules.techs:
				log.debug("Deleting res task for nonexistent tech", rTask.techID, "player", obj.oid)
			tech = Rules.techs[rTask.techID]
			if tech.level == 99:
				log.debug("Deleting res task", rTask.techID, "player", obj.oid)
		# check if player is in the universe
		universe = tran.db[OID_UNIVERSE]
		if obj.oid not in universe.players and obj.oid not in (OID_NATURE, OID_ADMIN):
			log.debug(obj.oid, "Adding player to the universe")
		# check nick (TODO remove in 0.5.33)
		if not hasattr(obj, "fullName"):
			obj.fullName = obj.name
		# check if player is a leader
		if not obj.galaxies:
			log.debug(obj.oid, obj.name, "IS NOT IN ANY GALAXY")
			galaxy = tran.db[obj.galaxies[0]]
			if galaxy.imperator != obj.oid and obj.imperator > 0:
				log.debug(obj.oid, "Removing imperator/leader bonus")
				obj.imperator = 0
		# get best technologies for planet weapons
		bestScores = [0, 0, 0, 0]
		obj.planetWeapons = [None, None, None, None, None]
		for techID in obj.techs:
			tech = Rules.techs[techID]
			if tech.isShipEquip and tech.weaponDmgMin > 0 and not tech.buildSRes\
				and tech.weaponGoodForFlak:
				# compute score
				weaponEff = Rules.techImprEff[obj.techs.get(techID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
				score = (tech.weaponDmgMin + tech.weaponDmgMax) / 2.0 * \
					tech.weaponROF * (tech.weaponAtt + 10.0)/10 * weaponEff
				if score > bestScores[tech.weaponClass]:
					obj.planetWeapons[tech.weaponClass] = techID
					bestScores[tech.weaponClass] = score
		#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Planet weapons", obj.planetWeapons)
		# update all ship designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			old = obj.shipDesigns[designID]
			new = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, old.name, old.hullID,
				old.eqIDs, old.improvements, raiseExs = False)
			new.built = old.built
			new.upgradeTo = old.upgradeTo
			obj.shipDesigns[designID] = new