def setStartingShipDesigns(obj):
     obj.shipDesigns[1] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(
         obj, 'Fighter', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1, {
             Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.CANNON1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.STLENG1: 2
         }, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[2] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(
         obj, 'Corvette', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1, {
             Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.CANNON1: 2,
             Rules.Tech.STLENG1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.STEELARM2: 1
         }, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[3] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(
         obj, 'Frigate', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2, {
             Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.CANNON1: 2,
             Rules.Tech.SSROCKET: 2,
             Rules.Tech.STLENG1: 2
         }, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[4] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(
         obj, 'Destroyer', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2, {
             Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.CANNON1: 4,
             Rules.Tech.SSROCKET: 2,
             Rules.Tech.NSTLENG2: 3
         }, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[5] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(
         obj, 'Armored Cruiser', Rules.Tech.RENEGADETITANIUMMHULL, {
             Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1: 1,
             Rules.Tech.CANNON1: 5,
             Rules.Tech.SSROCKET: 3,
             Rules.Tech.STLENG1: 4
         }, [])
Example #2
 def update(self, tran, obj):
     obj.techLevel = 99
     obj.race = "m"
     # grant technologies
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.EMCANNON] = Rules.techMaxImprovement
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.SSROCKET] = Rules.techMaxImprovement
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.TORPEDO] = Rules.techMaxImprovement
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.FTLENG1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.SCANNERMOD1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.CONBOMB1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTBASE] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTBASE2] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTBASE3] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTBASE4] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTPP1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTPP2] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTFACT1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTFACT2] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.MUTANTMINES] = 3
     # create two basic designs [they use modules not available to the
     # player otherwise so it has to be done this way]
     obj.shipDesigns[1] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Swarmer', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.EMCANNON:2, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[2] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Seeder', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.MUTANTPOD:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:4}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[3] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Seeker', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.SCANNERMOD1:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[4] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Sower', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CONBOMB1:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
     # call super method
     IPlayer.update(self, tran, obj)
Example #3
 def setStartingShipDesigns(obj):
     obj.shipDesigns[1] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Swarmer', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.EMCANNON:2, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[2] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Seeder', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.MUTANTPOD:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:4}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[3] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Seeker', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.SCANNERMOD1:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[4] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Sower', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CONBOMB1:1, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:1, Rules.Tech.FTLENG1:2}, [])
 def setStartingShipDesigns(obj):
     obj.shipDesigns[1] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Fighter', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
         {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:1, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[2] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Corvette', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
         {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:2, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:1, Rules.Tech.STEELARM2:1}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[3] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Frigate', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
         {Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:2, Rules.Tech.SSROCKET:2, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:2}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[4] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Destroyer', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
         {Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:4, Rules.Tech.SSROCKET:2, Rules.Tech.NSTLENG2:3}, [])
     obj.shipDesigns[5] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Armored Cruiser', Rules.Tech.RENEGADETITANIUMMHULL,
         {Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:5, Rules.Tech.SSROCKET:3, Rules.Tech.STLENG1:4}, [])
Example #5
	def addShipDesign(self, tran, obj, name, hullID, eqIDs):
		"""Add ship design to the database of designs."""
		# normalize design
		name = name.strip()
		# check technologies
		if hullID not in obj.techs:
			raise GameException("You do not posses this hull type.")
		for techID in eqIDs:
			if techID not in obj.techs:
				raise GameException("You do not posses technology(ies) to construct this ship.")
		# create spec (throws exception for invad ones)
		spec = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, name, hullID, eqIDs, [])
		# check number of designs
		if len(obj.shipDesigns) > Rules.shipMaxDesigns:
			raise GameException("No space to store design.")
		# check name of designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			if obj.shipDesigns[designID].name == name:
				raise GameException("Design name is already used.")
		if re.match("^\s*$",name):
			raise GameException("Design name must not be entirely whitespace.")
		# find free design id
		index = 1
		ids = obj.shipDesigns.keys()
		while 1:
			if index not in ids:
			index += 1
		# add design
		obj.shipDesigns[index] = spec
		return obj.shipDesigns, index
Example #6
	def addShipDesign(self, tran, obj, name, hullID, eqIDs):
		"""Add ship design to the database of designs."""
		# normalize design
		name = name.strip()
		# check technologies
		if hullID not in obj.techs:
			raise GameException("You do not posses this hull type.")
		for techID in eqIDs:
			if techID not in obj.techs:
				raise GameException("You do not posses technology(ies) to construct this ship.")
		# create spec (throws exception for invad ones)
		spec = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, name, hullID, eqIDs, [])
		# check number of designs
		if len(obj.shipDesigns) > Rules.shipMaxDesigns:
			raise GameException("No space to store design.")
		# check name of designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			if obj.shipDesigns[designID].name == name:
				raise GameException("Design name is already used.")
		if re.match("^\s*$",name):
			raise GameException("Design name must not be entirely whitespace.")
		# find free design id
		index = 1
		ids = obj.shipDesigns.keys()
		while 1:
			if index not in ids:
			index += 1
		# add design
		obj.shipDesigns[index] = spec
		return obj.shipDesigns, index
Example #7
 def update(self, tran, obj):
     obj.techLevel = 99
     obj.race = "r"
     # grant technologies
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.CANNON1] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.SSROCKET] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADEBASE] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADEBASE2] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADEBASE2MINOR] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADEBASE3] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADEBASE3MINOR] = 3
     obj.techs[Rules.Tech.RENEGADECOSMODROME] = 3
     if not len(obj.shipDesigns) == 3:
         # three basic designs [they use modules not available to the player otherwise
         # so it has to be done this way]
         obj.shipDesigns[1] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Fighter', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:1}, [])
         obj.shipDesigns[2] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Corvette', Rules.Tech.SMALLHULL1,
             {Rules.Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:2, Rules.Tech.STEELARM2:1}, [])
         obj.shipDesigns[3] = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj, 'Frigate', Rules.Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
             {Rules.Tech.SBRIDGE1:1, Rules.Tech.CANNON1:2, Rules.Tech.SSROCKET:2}, [])
     # call super method
     IPlayer.update(self, tran, obj)
Example #8
	def update(self, tran, obj):
		# update all designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			old = obj.shipDesigns[designID]
			new = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj,, old.hullID,
				old.eqIDs, old.improvements, raiseExs = False)
			new.built = old.built
			if hasattr(old, "upgradeTo"):
				new.upgradeTo = old.upgradeTo
			obj.shipDesigns[designID] = new
		# check all diplomacyRels
		for partyID in obj.diplomacyRels.keys():
			party = tran.db.get(partyID, None)
			if not party or party.type not in PLAYER_TYPES:
				log.debug("Deleting party", obj.oid, partyID)
				del obj.diplomacyRels[partyID]
		# delete obj with low scan pwr
		# check type of the objects in the map
		for objID in obj.staticMap.keys():
			obj.staticMap[objID] = min(obj.staticMap[objID], Rules.maxScanPwr)
			if obj.staticMap[objID] < Rules.level1InfoScanPwr:
				del obj.staticMap[objID]
			if not tran.db.has_key(objID) or tran.db[objID].type not in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
				log.debug("Deleting non system %d from static map of player %d" % (objID, obj.oid))
				del obj.staticMap[objID]
		for objID in obj.dynamicMap.keys():
			if obj.dynamicMap[objID] < Rules.level1InfoScanPwr:
				del obj.dynamicMap[objID]
			if not tran.db.has_key(objID) or tran.db[objID].type not in (T_FLEET, T_ASTEROID):
				log.debug("Deleting obj %d from dynamic map of player %d" % (objID, objID))
				del obj.dynamicMap[objID]
		# check if all planets are planets
		for objID in obj.planets[:]:
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("Planet does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				if tran.db[objID].type != T_PLANET:
					log.debug("Planet is not a planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
		# check if systems in buoys are systems
		for objID in obj.buoys.keys():
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("System for buoy does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
					del obj.buoys[objID]
				if tran.db[objID].type not in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
					log.debug("System for buoy is not a system - removing", obj.oid, objID)
					del obj.buoys[objID]
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing system for buoy - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				del obj.buoys[objID]
		# check if fleets are fleets
		for objID in obj.fleets[:]:
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("Fleet does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				if tran.db[objID].type not in  (T_FLEET, T_ASTEROID):
					log.debug("Fleet is not a fleet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
		# check accessible technologies
		wip = 1
		while wip:
			wip = 0
			for techID in obj.techs.keys():
				if techID not in Rules.techs:
					wip = 1
					log.debug("Deleting nonexistent tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
					del obj.techs[techID]
				tech = Rules.techs[techID]
				# check tech level
				if tech.level > obj.techLevel:
					wip = 1
					log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
					if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				# disabled?
				#for tmpTechID in obj.techs.keys():
				#	if techID in Rules.techs[tmpTechID].researchDisables:
				#		wip = 1
				#		log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
				#		if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				#		break
				# check requirements
				#for tmpTechID, improvement in tech.researchRequires:
				#	if not obj.techs.has_key(tmpTechID) or obj.techs[tmpTechID] < improvement:
				#		wip = 1
				#		log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
				#		if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				#		break
		for rTask in obj.rsrchQueue[:]:
			if rTask.techID not in Rules.techs:
				log.debug("Deleting res task for nonexistent tech", rTask.techID, "player", obj.oid)
			tech = Rules.techs[rTask.techID]
			if tech.level == 99:
				log.debug("Deleting res task", rTask.techID, "player", obj.oid)
		# check if player is in the universe
		universe = tran.db[OID_UNIVERSE]
		if obj.oid not in universe.players and obj.oid not in (OID_NATURE, OID_ADMIN):
			log.debug(obj.oid, "Adding player to the universe")
		# check nick (TODO remove in 0.5.33)
		if not hasattr(obj, "fullName"):
			obj.fullName =
		# check if player is a leader
		if not obj.galaxies:
			log.debug(obj.oid,, "IS NOT IN ANY GALAXY")
			galaxy = tran.db[obj.galaxies[0]]
			if galaxy.imperator != obj.oid and obj.imperator > 0:
				log.debug(obj.oid, "Removing imperator/leader bonus")
				obj.imperator = 0
		# get best technologies for planet weapons
		bestScores = [0, 0, 0, 0]
		obj.planetWeapons = [None, None, None, None, None]
		for techID in obj.techs:
			tech = Rules.techs[techID]
			if tech.isShipEquip and tech.weaponDmgMin > 0 and not tech.buildSRes\
				and tech.weaponGoodForFlak:
				# compute score
				weaponEff = Rules.techImprEff[obj.techs.get(techID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
				score = (tech.weaponDmgMin + tech.weaponDmgMax) / 2.0 * \
					tech.weaponROF * (tech.weaponAtt + 10.0)/10 * weaponEff
				if score > bestScores[tech.weaponClass]:
					obj.planetWeapons[tech.weaponClass] = techID
					bestScores[tech.weaponClass] = score
		#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Planet weapons", obj.planetWeapons)
		# update all ship designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			old = obj.shipDesigns[designID]
			new = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj,, old.hullID,
				old.eqIDs, old.improvements, raiseExs = False)
			new.built = old.built
			new.upgradeTo = old.upgradeTo
			obj.shipDesigns[designID] = new
Example #9
	def update(self, tran, obj):
		# update all designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			old = obj.shipDesigns[designID]
			new = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj,, old.hullID,
				old.eqIDs, old.improvements, raiseExs = False)
			new.built = old.built
			if hasattr(old, "upgradeTo"):
				new.upgradeTo = old.upgradeTo
			obj.shipDesigns[designID] = new
		# check all diplomacyRels
		for partyID in obj.diplomacyRels.keys():
			party = tran.db.get(partyID, None)
			if not party or party.type not in PLAYER_TYPES:
				log.debug("Deleting party", obj.oid, partyID)
				del obj.diplomacyRels[partyID]
		# delete obj with low scan pwr
		# check type of the objects in the map
		for objID in obj.staticMap.keys():
			obj.staticMap[objID] = min(obj.staticMap[objID], Rules.maxScanPwr)
			if obj.staticMap[objID] < Rules.level1InfoScanPwr:
				del obj.staticMap[objID]
			if not tran.db.has_key(objID) or tran.db[objID].type not in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
				log.debug("Deleting non system %d from static map of player %d" % (objID, obj.oid))
				del obj.staticMap[objID]
		for objID in obj.dynamicMap.keys():
			if obj.dynamicMap[objID] < Rules.level1InfoScanPwr:
				del obj.dynamicMap[objID]
			if not tran.db.has_key(objID) or tran.db[objID].type not in (T_FLEET, T_ASTEROID):
				log.debug("Deleting obj %d from dynamic map of player %d" % (objID, objID))
				del obj.dynamicMap[objID]
		# check if all planets are planets
		for objID in obj.planets[:]:
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("Planet does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				if tran.db[objID].type != T_PLANET:
					log.debug("Planet is not a planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
		# check if systems in buoys are systems
		for objID in obj.buoys.keys():
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("System for buoy does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
					del obj.buoys[objID]
				if tran.db[objID].type not in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
					log.debug("System for buoy is not a system - removing", obj.oid, objID)
					del obj.buoys[objID]
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing system for buoy - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				del obj.buoys[objID]
		# check if fleets are fleets
		for objID in obj.fleets[:]:
				if not tran.db.has_key(objID):
					log.debug("Fleet does not exists - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				if tran.db[objID].type not in  (T_FLEET, T_ASTEROID):
					log.debug("Fleet is not a fleet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
				log.warning("There is a problem when processing planet - removing", obj.oid, objID)
		# check accessible technologies
		wip = 1
		while wip:
			wip = 0
			for techID in obj.techs.keys():
				if techID not in Rules.techs:
					wip = 1
					log.debug("Deleting nonexistent tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
					del obj.techs[techID]
				tech = Rules.techs[techID]
				# check tech level
				if tech.level > obj.techLevel:
					wip = 1
					log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
					if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				# disabled?
				#for tmpTechID in obj.techs.keys():
				#	if techID in Rules.techs[tmpTechID].researchDisables:
				#		wip = 1
				#		log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
				#		if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				#		break
				# check requirements
				#for tmpTechID, improvement in tech.researchRequires:
				#	if not obj.techs.has_key(tmpTechID) or obj.techs[tmpTechID] < improvement:
				#		wip = 1
				#		log.debug("Deleting tech", techID, "player", obj.oid)
				#		if techID in obj.techs: del obj.techs[techID]
				#		break
		for rTask in obj.rsrchQueue[:]:
			if rTask.techID not in Rules.techs:
				log.debug("Deleting res task for nonexistent tech", rTask.techID, "player", obj.oid)
			tech = Rules.techs[rTask.techID]
			if tech.level == 99:
				log.debug("Deleting res task", rTask.techID, "player", obj.oid)
		# check if player is in the universe
		universe = tran.db[OID_UNIVERSE]
		if obj.oid not in universe.players and obj.oid not in (OID_NATURE, OID_ADMIN):
			log.debug(obj.oid, "Adding player to the universe")
		# check nick (TODO remove in 0.5.33)
		if not hasattr(obj, "fullName"):
			obj.fullName =
		# check if player is a leader
		if not obj.galaxies:
			log.debug(obj.oid,, "IS NOT IN ANY GALAXY")
			galaxy = tran.db[obj.galaxies[0]]
			if galaxy.imperator != obj.oid and obj.imperator > 0:
				log.debug(obj.oid, "Removing imperator/leader bonus")
				obj.imperator = 0
		# get best technologies for planet weapons
		bestScores = [0, 0, 0, 0]
		obj.planetWeapons = [None, None, None, None, None]
		for techID in obj.techs:
			tech = Rules.techs[techID]
			if tech.isShipEquip and tech.weaponDmgMin > 0 and not tech.buildSRes\
				and tech.weaponGoodForFlak:
				# compute score
				weaponEff = Rules.techImprEff[obj.techs.get(techID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
				score = (tech.weaponDmgMin + tech.weaponDmgMax) / 2.0 * \
					tech.weaponROF * (tech.weaponAtt + 10.0)/10 * weaponEff
				if score > bestScores[tech.weaponClass]:
					obj.planetWeapons[tech.weaponClass] = techID
					bestScores[tech.weaponClass] = score
		#@log.debug(obj.oid, "Planet weapons", obj.planetWeapons)
		# update all ship designs
		for designID in obj.shipDesigns:
			old = obj.shipDesigns[designID]
			new = ShipUtils.makeShipMinSpec(obj,, old.hullID,
				old.eqIDs, old.improvements, raiseExs = False)
			new.built = old.built
			new.upgradeTo = old.upgradeTo
			obj.shipDesigns[designID] = new