Example #1
def main():
    #Declare the variable that is used to end the loop
    loopend = False

    #This loop will always loop back to the main menu, prompting the user for a choice until they press play, or exit.
    while loopend == False:
        #We declare inRules to be False, which will prevent the ""invalidChoice"" functioning from running when the user presses 'any key' in the rules.
        inRules = False

        #We get the user's choice
        UserChoice = MainMenu()
        if UserChoice == '1':
            #User wants to play!
            #Here we set up the board and prompt them for a move

            #So we must end the loop
            loopend = True
            #Check if the user wannts to see the rules or quit
            if UserChoice == '2':

                #update inRules to prevent the invalidChoice function from running in line
                inRules = True

            if UserChoice == '3':
                #The user sucks and wants to quit
        #Here we check if the user made a valid choice and dsiplay the appropriate text if they did not.
        if UserChoice is not '1' or '2' or '3':
            #This if statement will prevent InvalidChoice from running when the user is viewing the rules
            if inRules == False:
                if loopend == False:
			print(column, "Column")	#Prints the Column Letter
			print(row, "Row") #Prints the Row Number
#			print(game_state[moveIDX], ": Character at the move's index number.") #Prints the character at the index [moveIDX]
			print(moveIDX, "Index number of new move") #Takes the move and converts it to the index number for the string
			print(new_state)	#Prints the new_state with the character at index.moveIDX in place
		return new_state	#returns the new_state, The updated move.

#Sets up the board using the pieces and reading through the string.
def setup2():
	new_state = stringInterpretSetup(("NNNNNNNN" * 8), "D4", -2)
	new_state = stringInterpretSetup((new_state), "E4", -1)
	new_state = stringInterpretSetup((new_state), "D5", -1)
	new_state = stringInterpretSetup((new_state), "E5", -2)
	start_board = stringToPiece(new_state)
	for turn in range(64):
		new_state = stringInterpret(new_state, input("Move?"), turn + 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":