def _readRow(self, hfen, rfather, xmove): sql = "SELECT ROWID, W, B, D, O, RFATHER, XMOVE FROM STATS WHERE HASHFEN = ?" cursor = self._conexion.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (hfen, )) liRows = cursor.fetchall() if liRows: for row in liRows: RFATHER = row[5] if rfather == RFATHER: alm = Util.Almacen() alm.ROWID = row[0] alm.W = row[1] alm.B = row[2] alm.D = row[3] alm.O = row[4] alm.RFATHER = RFATHER alm.XMOVE = row[6] return alm alm = Util.Almacen() alm.ROWID = None alm.W = 0 alm.B = 0 alm.D = 0 alm.O = 0 alm.RFATHER = rfather alm.XMOVE = xmove return alm
def _readRowExt(self, rfather, hashFen, fen): sql = "SELECT ROWID, W, B, D, O, RFATHER, XMOVE FROM STATS WHERE HASHFEN = ?" cursor = self._conexion.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (hashFen, )) liRows = cursor.fetchall() basefenM2 = fen2fenM2(fen) def history(xmove, rfather): li = [ xmove, ] sql = "SELECT RFATHER, XMOVE FROM STATS WHERE ROWID = ?" while rfather != self.riniFen: cursor.execute(sql, (rfather, )) resp = cursor.fetchone() if resp is None: break rfather, xmove = resp li.insert(0, xmove) li = [num2move(x) for x in li] pv = " ".join(li) setFen(self.iniFen) makePV(pv) fenM2 = fen2fenM2(getFen()) return pv, fenM2 liAlms = [] alm_base = None tW = tB = tD = tO = 0 if liRows: li = [] for row in liRows: alm = Util.Almacen() alm.ROWID, alm.W, alm.B, alm.D, alm.O, alm.RFATHER, alm.XMOVE = row alm.PV, alm.FENM2 = history(alm.XMOVE, alm.RFATHER) if alm.RFATHER == rfather: alm_base = alm li.append(alm) for alm in li: if alm.FENM2 == basefenM2: liAlms.append(alm) tW += alm.W tB += alm.B tD += alm.D tO += alm.O alm = Util.Almacen() alm.W = tW alm.B = tB alm.D = tD alm.O = tO alm.BASE = alm_base alm.LIALMS = liAlms cursor.close() return alm
def read_work(self, work): tm = '%d"' % work.seconds if work.seconds else '' dp = "%d^" % work.depth if work.depth else '' r = Util.Almacen() r.title = "%s %s%s" % (work.ref, tm, dp) r.labels = [] for ng in range(len(self.sts.groups)): rl = Util.Almacen() rl.points = self.sts.xdonePoints(work, ng) rl.label = self.sts.donePoints(work, ng) rl.is_max = False r.labels.append(rl) return r
def leeDicParametros(configuracion): fichero = configuracion.ficheroAnalisis dic = Util.recuperaVar(fichero) if not dic: dic = {} alm = Util.Almacen() alm.motor = dic.get("MOTOR", configuracion.tutor.clave) alm.tiempo = dic.get("TIEMPO", configuracion.tiempoTutor) alm.depth = dic.get("DEPTH", 0) alm.timedepth = dic.get("TIMEDEPTH", False) alm.kblunders = dic.get("KBLUNDERS", 50) alm.ptbrilliancies = dic.get("PTBRILLIANCIES", 100) alm.dpbrilliancies = dic.get("DPBRILLIANCIES", 7) alm.desdeelfinal = dic.get("DESDEELFINAL", False) alm.multiPV = dic.get("MULTIPV", "PD") alm.priority = dic.get("PRIORITY", EngineThread.PRIORITY_NORMAL) alm.libro = dic.get("LIBRO", None) alm.masvariantes = dic.get("MASVARIANTES", True) alm.limitemasvariantes = dic.get("LIMITEMASVARIANTES", 0) alm.mejorvariante = dic.get("MEJORVARIANTE", False) alm.infovariante = dic.get("INFOVARIANTE", True) alm.unmovevariante = dic.get("UNMOVEVARIANTE", False) alm.siBorrarPrevio = dic.get("SIBORRARPREVIO", True) alm.siPDT = dic.get("SIPDT", False) alm.showGraphs = dic.get("SHOWGRAPHS", True) alm.stability = dic.get("STABILITY", False) alm.st_centipawns = dic.get("ST_CENTIPAWNS", 5) alm.st_depths = dic.get("ST_DEPTHS", 3) alm.st_timelimit = dic.get("ST_TIMELIMIT", 5) return alm
def calculaSolucion(self): fenMB = self.cp.fen() fenOB = fenMB.replace(" w ", " b ") if "w" in fenMB else fenMB.replace( " b ", " w ") stAttacKing = set() stAttacKed = set() for fen in (fenMB, fenOB): LCEngine.setFen(fen) liMV = LCEngine.getExMoves() for mv in liMV: if mv.captura(): stAttacKing.add(mv.desde()) stAttacKed.add(mv.hasta()) liSolucion = [] for posicion, pieza in self.cp.casillas.iteritems(): if pieza: reg = Util.Almacen() reg.pieza = pieza reg.posicion = posicion lt = posicion[0] nm = int(posicion[1]) iswhite = nm % 2 == 0 if lt in "bdfh": iswhite = not iswhite reg.color = iswhite reg.atacante = posicion in stAttacKing reg.atacada = posicion in stAttacKed reg.comprobada = False liSolucion.append(reg) return liSolucion
def nuevo(self): wav = None nombre = "" while True: w = WEdicionSonido(self, _("New"), wav=wav, maxTime=600000, nombre=nombre) resp = w.exec_() if resp: centesimas = w.centesimas if not centesimas: return nombre = w.nombre().strip() if not nombre: QTUtil2.mensError(self, _("Name missing")) continue reg = Util.Almacen() reg.nombre = nombre reg.centesimas = centesimas = Util.nuevoID() reg.wav = w.wav reg.ordenVista = (self.liSonidos[-1].ordenVista + 1) if self.liSonidos else 1 self.db[] = reg self.liSonidos.append(reg) self.grid.refresh() return
def almListaJugadas(self, fen): li =, fen) posicion = ControlPosicion.ControlPosicion() posicion.leeFen(fen) total = 0 maxim = 0 for entry in li: w = entry.weight total += w if w > maxim: maxim = w listaJugadas = [] for entry in li: alm = Util.Almacen() pv = entry.pv() w = entry.weight alm.desde, alm.hasta, alm.coronacion = pv[:2], pv[2:4], pv[4:] alm.pgn = posicion.pgnSP(alm.desde, alm.hasta, alm.coronacion) alm.fen = fen alm.porc = "%0.02f%%" % (w * 100.0 / total, ) if total else "" alm.weight = w listaJugadas.append(alm) return listaJugadas
def calculaSolucion(self): mi = MotorInterno.MotorInterno() mi.ponFen(self.cp.fen()) mi.calculaEstado() stAttacKing = set() stAttacKed = set() for bando in (True, False): for mv in mi.listaCapturas(bando): stAttacKing.add(mv.a1()) stAttacKed.add(mv.h8()) liSolucion = [] for posicion, pieza in self.cp.casillas.iteritems(): if pieza: reg = Util.Almacen() reg.pieza = pieza reg.posicion = posicion lt = posicion[0] nm = int(posicion[1]) iswhite = nm % 2 == 0 if lt in "bdfh": iswhite = not iswhite reg.color = iswhite reg.atacante = posicion in stAttacKing reg.atacada = posicion in stAttacKed reg.comprobada = False liSolucion.append(reg) return liSolucion
def aceptar(self): self.selected = alm = Util.Almacen() alm.tourney = self.cbtourney.valor() alm.tolerance_min = self.sbtolerance_min.valor() alm.tolerance_max = self.sbtolerance_max.valor() alm.tries_min = self.sbtries_min.valor() alm.tries_max = self.sbtries_max.valor() alm.color = self.cbcolor.valor() self.accept()
def guarda(self): reg = Util.Almacen() for atr in dir(self): if atr.startswith("_") and not atr.startswith("__"): if atr == "_itemSC": reg._bloqueDatos = self._itemSC.bloqueDatos else: valor = getattr(self, atr) setattr(reg, atr, valor) return reg
def guarda(self): reg = Util.Almacen() for atr in dir(self): if atr.startswith("_") and not atr.startswith("__"): if atr == "_jg": reg._jg = self._jg.guardaEnTexto() else: valor = getattr(self, atr) setattr(reg, atr, valor) return reg
def importarPolyglot(self, ventana, partida, bookW, bookB, titulo, depth, siWhite, onlyone, minMoves): bp = QTUtil2.BarraProgreso1(ventana, titulo, formato1="%m") bp.ponTotal(0) bp.ponRotulo(_X(_("Reading %1"), "...")) bp.mostrar() cp = partida.ultPosicion setFen = LCEngine.setFen makeMove = LCEngine.makeMove getFen = LCEngine.getFen def hazFEN(fen, lipv_ant, control): if bp.siCancelado(): return siWhite1 = " w " in fen book = bookW if siWhite1 else bookB liPV = book.miraListaPV(fen, siWhite1 == siWhite, onlyone=onlyone) if liPV and len(lipv_ant) < depth: for pv in liPV: setFen(fen) makeMove(pv) fenN = getFen() lipv_nue = lipv_ant[:] lipv_nue.append(pv) hazFEN(fenN, lipv_nue, control) else: p = Partida.Partida() p.leerLIPV(lipv_ant) control.liPartidas.append(p) control.num_partidas += 1 bp.ponTotal(control.num_partidas) bp.pon(control.num_partidas) if control.num_partidas and control.num_partidas % 1000 == 0: self.guardaPartidas(control.rotulo, control.liPartidas, minMoves, with_history=control.with_history) control.liPartidas = [] control.with_history = False control = Util.Almacen() control.liPartidas = [] control.num_partidas = 0 control.with_history = True control.rotulo = "%s,%s,%s" % (_("Polyglot book"), bookW.nombre, bookB.nombre) hazFEN(cp.fen(), partida.lipv(), control) bp.ponRotulo(_("Writing...")) if control.liPartidas: self.guardaPartidas(control.rotulo, control.liPartidas, minMoves, with_history=control.with_history) bp.cerrar() return True
def hazListaRM(self): li = [] posOP = 0 nombrePlayer = _("You") posReal = 0 ultPts = -99999999 for pos, rm in enumerate(self.mrm.liMultiPV): pv1 = rm.pv.split(" ")[0] desde = pv1[:2] hasta = pv1[2:4] coronacion = pv1[4] if len(pv1) == 5 else None pgn = self.posicion.pgnSP(desde, hasta, coronacion) a = Util.Almacen() a.rm = rm a.texto = "%s (%s)" % (pgn, rm.abrTextoBase()) p = a.puntosABS = rm.puntosABS() if p != ultPts: ultPts = p posReal += 1 txt = "" siOP = rm.pv == self.rmOP.pv siUsu = rm.pv == self.rmUsu.pv if siOP and siUsu: txt = _("Both") posOP = pos elif siOP: txt = self.nombreOP posOP = pos elif siUsu: txt = nombrePlayer else: txt = "" a.player = txt a.siElegido = siOP or siUsu if a.siElegido or not self.siCompetitivo: if siOP: posOP = len(li) a.posReal = posReal li.append(a) return li, posOP
def yieldData(self, liFields, filtro): select = ",".join(liFields) sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s"%(select, self.tabla) if self.filter: sql += " WHERE %s"%self.filter if filtro: sql += " AND %s" % filtro else: if filtro: sql += " WHERE %s"% filtro self._cursor.execute(sql) while True: raw = self._cursor.fetchone() if raw: alm = Util.Almacen() for campo in liFields: setattr(alm, campo, raw[campo]) yield alm else: return
def new(self, reg_base): def distribution(num): lipesos = [] t = 1 for x in range(12): t += x + 3 // (x + 1) lipesos.append(t) pt = num li_resp = [] for n, peso in enumerate(lipesos[:-1]): elem = int(peso * pt * 100.0 / sum(lipesos[n:])) v = elem // 100 if elem % 100: v += 1 li_resp.append(v) pt -= v li_resp.append(pt) return li_resp[::-1] games = reg_base.tourney["GAMES"] reg = Util.Almacen() reg.DATE_INIT = Util.dtosext(Util.hoy()) reg.DATE_END = "" reg.NAME = reg_base.tourney["TOURNEY"] reg.TIMES = str([ [0, 0], ] * 12) reg.NUM_GAMES = ngames = len(games) reg.NEXT_GAME = 0 reg.TRIES_USED = 0 reg.DISTRIBUTION = str(distribution(ngames)) reg.TOLERANCE = "%d,%d" % (reg_base.tolerance_min, reg_base.tolerance_max) reg.TRIES = "%d,%d" % (reg_base.tries_min, reg_base.tries_max) reg.COLOR = reg_base.color reg.GAMES = Util.var2blob(games) self.dbf.insertarReg(reg, True)
def gmCrear(self): if self.torneo.numEngines() < 2: QTUtil2.mensError(self, _("You must create at least two engines")) return dicValores = self.configuracion.leeVariables("crear_torneo") get = dicValores.get liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Rounds"), 1, 999, 50) liGen.append((config, get("ROUNDS", 1))) liGen.append((None, None)) config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Total minutes"), 1, 999, 50) liGen.append((config, get("MINUTES", 10))) config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Seconds added per move"), 0, 999, 50) liGen.append((config, get("SECONDS", 0))) liGen.append((None, _("Engines"))) liEngines = self.torneo.liEngines() for pos, en in enumerate(liEngines): liGen.append((en.alias, get(en.huella(), True))) liGen.append((None, None)) liGen.append((_("Select all"), False)) reg = Util.Almacen() reg.form = None def dispatch(valor): if reg.form is None: reg.form = valor reg.liEngines = [] leng = len(liEngines) for x in range(leng): reg.liEngines.append(valor.getWidget(x + 3)) reg.selectall = valor.getWidget(leng + 3) reg.valorall = False else: QTUtil.refreshGUI() select = reg.selectall.isChecked() if select != reg.valorall: for uno in reg.liEngines: uno.setChecked(select) reg.valorall = select QTUtil.refreshGUI() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Games"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.Torneos(), dispatch=dispatch) if resultado is None: return accion, liResp = resultado dicValores["ROUNDS"] = rounds = liResp[0] dicValores["MINUTES"] = minutos = liResp[1] dicValores["SECONDS"] = segundos = liResp[2] liSel = [] for num in range(self.torneo.numEngines()): en = liEngines[num] dicValores[en.huella()] = si = liResp[3 + num] if si: liSel.append(en.huella()) self.configuracion.escVariables("crear_torneo", dicValores) nSel = len(liSel) if nSel < 2: QTUtil2.mensError(self, _("You must create at least two engines")) return for r in range(rounds): for x in range(0, nSel - 1): for y in range(x + 1, nSel): self.torneo.nuevoGame(liSel[x], liSel[y], minutos, segundos) self.torneo.nuevoGame(liSel[y], liSel[x], minutos, segundos) self.gridGames.refresh() self.gridGames.gobottom() self.borraResult()
def genHistograms(partida, sicentipawns): siPawns = not sicentipawns hgame = HSerie(siPawns) hwhite = HSerie(siPawns) hblack = HSerie(siPawns) lijg = [] lijgW = [] lijgB = [] porcT = 0 porcW = 0 porcB = 0 with open("IntFiles/Formulas/eloperfomance.formula") as f: eloformula = for num, jg in enumerate(partida.liJugadas): if jg.analisis: mrm, pos = jg.analisis siBlancas = jg.siBlancas() pts = mrm.liMultiPV[pos].puntosABS_5() pts0 = mrm.liMultiPV[0].puntosABS_5() lostp_abs = pts0 - pts elo_base = int(eval(eloformula.replace("xlost", str(lostp_abs)))) jg.elo_real = max(elo_base, 0) elo = max(elo_base, 1000) jg.elo = elo li = list({rm.puntosABS_5() for rm in mrm.liMultiPV}) li.sort(reverse=True) jg.elo_factor = len(li) porc = jg.porcentaje = 100 - lostp_abs if lostp_abs < 100 else 0 porcT += porc lijg.append(jg) if siBlancas: lijgW.append(jg) porcW += porc else: pts = -pts pts0 = -pts0 lijgB.append(jg) porcB += porc if siPawns: pts /= 100.0 pts0 /= 100.0 lostp = abs(pts0 - pts) nj = num / 2.0 + 1.0 rotulo = "%d." % int(nj) if not siBlancas: rotulo += ".." jg.xnum = rotulo rotulo += jg.pgnSP() jg.xsiW = siBlancas tooltip = rotulo + " " + ("%+0.02f" if siPawns else "%+d") % pts if lostp: tooltip += " ?" + ("%0.02f" if siPawns else "%d") % lostp else: tooltip += "!" tooltip += " (%d)" % elo hp = HPoint(nj, pts, lostp, lostp_abs, tooltip, elo) hgame.addPoint(hp) if siBlancas: hwhite.addPoint(hp.clone()) else: hblack.addPoint(hp.clone()) alm = Util.Almacen() alm.hgame = hgame alm.hwhite = hwhite alm.hblack = hblack alm.lijg = lijg alm.lijgW = lijgW alm.lijgB = lijgB alm.porcT = porcT * 1.0 / len(lijg) if len(lijg) else 0 alm.porcW = porcW * 1.0 / len(lijgW) if len(lijgW) else 0 alm.porcB = porcB * 1.0 / len(lijgB) if len(lijgB) else 0 return alm
def linea_bloque(self, pos): alm = Util.Almacen() alm.fen,, alm.sol, alm.pgn, alm.dif = self.li_bloque[pos].split( "|") alm.max_time = (int(alm.dif)**2) * 5 + 120 return alm
def leeRegAllRecno(self, recno): raw = self.leeAllRecno(recno) alm = Util.Almacen() for campo in self.liCamposAll: setattr(alm, campo, raw[campo]) return alm, raw
def genSVG(partida): siPawns = not VarGen.configuracion.centipawns game = [] gameDif = [] white = [] black = [] whiteDif = [] blackDif = [] axis_x = [] axis_xW = [] axis_xB = [] lijg = [] lijgW = [] lijgB = [] # complexity = {True:[], False:[], None:[]} # winprobability = {True:[], False:[], None:[]} # narrowness = {True:[], False:[], None:[]} # efficientmobility = {True:[], False:[], None:[]} # piecesactivity = {True:[], False:[], None:[]} # exchangetendency = {True:[], False:[], None:[]} for num, jg in enumerate(partida.liJugadas): if jg.analisis: mrm, pos = jg.analisis siBlancas = jg.siBlancas() pts = mrm.liMultiPV[pos].puntosABS_5() pts0 = mrm.liMultiPV[0].puntosABS_5() if not siBlancas: pts = -pts pts0 = -pts0 if siPawns: pts = pts / 100.0 pts0 = pts0 / 100.0 nj = num / 2.0 + 1.0 rotulo = "%d." % int(nj) if not siBlancas: rotulo += ".." jg.xnum = rotulo jg.xsiW = siBlancas rotulo += jg.pgnSP() axis_x.append(rotulo) lijg.append(jg) game.append(pts) gameDif.append(pts0 - pts) if siBlancas: axis_xW.append(rotulo) white.append(pts) whiteDif.append(pts0 - pts) lijgW.append(jg) else: axis_xB.append(rotulo) black.append(-pts) blackDif.append(-pts0 + pts) lijgB.append(jg) # if not hasattr(jg,"complexity"): # cp = jg.posicionBase # jg.complexity = Analisis.calc_complexity(cp, mrm) # jg.winprobability = Analisis.calc_winprobability(cp, mrm) # jg.narrowness = Analisis.calc_narrowness(cp, mrm) # jg.efficientmobility = Analisis.calc_efficientmobility(cp, mrm) # jg.piecesactivity = Analisis.calc_piecesactivity(cp, mrm) # jg.exchangetendency = Analisis.calc_exchangetendency(cp, mrm) # complexity[siBlancas].append(jg.complexity) # winprobability[siBlancas].append(jg.winprobability) # narrowness[siBlancas].append(jg.narrowness) # efficientmobility[siBlancas].append(jg.efficientmobility) # piecesactivity[siBlancas].append(jg.piecesactivity) # exchangetendency[siBlancas].append(jg.exchangetendency) # complexity[None].append(jg.complexity) # winprobability[None].append(jg.winprobability) # narrowness[None].append(jg.narrowness) # efficientmobility[None].append(jg.efficientmobility) # piecesactivity[None].append(jg.piecesactivity) # exchangetendency[None].append(jg.exchangetendency) alm = Util.Almacen() alm.lijg = lijg alm.lijgW = lijgW alm.lijgB = lijgB alm.axis_x = axis_x = wHistogram(6, False, axis_x, game) alm.gameDif = wHistogram(7, True, axis_x, gameDif) alm.white = wHistogram(2, False, axis_xW, white) alm.whiteDif = wHistogram(3, True, axis_xW, whiteDif) = wHistogram(4, False, axis_xB, black) alm.blackDif = wHistogram(5, True, axis_xB, blackDif) # alm.complexity = {} # alm.winprobability = {} # alm.narrowness = {} # alm.efficientmobility = {} # alm.piecesactivity = {} # alm.exchangetendency = {} # axis = { True:axis_xW, False:axis_xB, None:axis_x} # for quien in (True,False,None): # ax = axis[quien] # alm.complexity[quien] = wHistogram( 0, True, ax, complexity[quien] ) # alm.winprobability[quien] = wHistogram( 1, True, ax, winprobability[quien] ) # alm.narrowness[quien] = wHistogram( 2, True, ax, narrowness[quien] ) # alm.efficientmobility[quien] = wHistogram( 3, True, ax, efficientmobility[quien] ) # alm.piecesactivity[quien] = wHistogram( 4, True, ax, piecesactivity[quien] ) # alm.exchangetendency[quien] = wHistogram( 5, True, ax, exchangetendency[quien] ) return alm
def genHistograms(partida, sicentipawns): siPawns = not sicentipawns hgame = HSerie(siPawns) hwhite = HSerie(siPawns) hblack = HSerie(siPawns) lijg = [] lijgW = [] lijgB = [] for num, jg in enumerate(partida.liJugadas): if jg.analisis: mrm, pos = jg.analisis siBlancas = jg.siBlancas() pts = mrm.liMultiPV[pos].puntosABS_5() pts0 = mrm.liMultiPV[0].puntosABS_5() lostp_abs = pts0 - pts lijg.append(jg) if siBlancas: lijgW.append(jg) else: pts = -pts pts0 = -pts0 lijgB.append(jg) if siPawns: pts /= 100.0 pts0 /= 100.0 lostp = abs(pts0 - pts) nj = num / 2.0 + 1.0 rotulo = "%d." % int(nj) if not siBlancas: rotulo += ".." jg.xnum = rotulo rotulo += jg.pgnSP() jg.xsiW = siBlancas tooltip = rotulo + " " + ("%+0.02f" if siPawns else "%+d") % pts if lostp: tooltip += " ?" + ("%0.02f" if siPawns else "%d") % lostp else: tooltip += "!" hp = HPoint(nj, pts, lostp, lostp_abs, tooltip) hgame.addPoint(hp) if siBlancas: hwhite.addPoint(hp.clone()) else: hblack.addPoint(hp.clone()) alm = Util.Almacen() alm.hgame = hgame alm.hwhite = hwhite alm.hblack = hblack alm.lijg = lijg alm.lijgW = lijgW alm.lijgB = lijgB return alm
def paramAnalisisMasivo(parent, configuracion, siVariosSeleccionados): alm = leeDicParametros(configuracion) # Datos liGen = [SEPARADOR] # # Tutor li = configuracion.ayudaCambioTutor() li[0] = alm.motor liGen.append((_("Engine") + ":", li)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) # # Time config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Duration of engine analysis (secs)"), 40, tipo=float) liGen.append((config, alm.tiempo / 1000.0)) # Depth liDepths = [("--", 0)] for x in range(1, 31): liDepths.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Depth"), liDepths) liGen.append((config, alm.depth)) # Time+Depth liGen.append(("%s+%s:" % (_("Time"), _("Depth")), alm.timedepth)) # MultiPV liGen.append(SEPARADOR) li = [(_("Default"), "PD"), (_("Maximum"), "MX")] for x in (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200): li.append((str(x), str(x))) config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Number of moves evaluated by engine(MultiPV)"), li) liGen.append((config, alm.multiPV)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liJ = [(_("White"), "BLANCAS"), (_("Black"), "NEGRAS"), (_("White & Black"), "AMBOS")] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Analyze only color"), liJ) liGen.append((config, "AMBOS")) liGen.append( ("<div align=\"right\">" + _("Only player moves") + ":<br>%s</div>" % _("(You can add multiple aliases separated by ; and wildcard * )"), "")) fvar = configuracion.ficheroBooks listaLibros = Books.ListaLibros() listaLibros.recuperaVar(fvar) # Comprobamos que todos esten accesibles listaLibros.comprueba() defecto = listaLibros.lista[0] li = [("--", None)] for libro in listaLibros.lista: if libro.nombre == alm.libro: defecto = libro li.append((libro.nombre, libro)) config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Do not scan the opening moves based on book"), li) liGen.append((config, defecto)) liGen.append((_("Start from the end of the game") + ":", alm.desdeelfinal)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append((_("Only selected games") + ":", siVariosSeleccionados)) liBlunders, liBrilliancies = formBlundersBrilliancies(alm, configuracion) lista = [] lista.append((liGen, _("General options"), "")) lista.append((liBlunders, _("Wrong moves"), "")) lista.append((liBrilliancies, _("Brilliancies"), "")) reg = Util.Almacen() reg.form = None def dispatchR(valor): if reg.form is None: if isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormTabWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(0, 1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(0, 2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(0, 3) elif isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(3) else: sender = reg.form.sender() if not reg.wdt.isChecked(): if sender == reg.wtime: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif sender == reg.wdepth: if reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) elif sender == reg.wdt: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) QTUtil.refreshGUI() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(lista, title=_("Mass analysis"), parent=parent, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Opciones(), dispatch=dispatchR) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado liGen, liBlunders, liBrilliancies = liResp alm.motor = liGen[0] alm.tiempo = int(liGen[1] * 1000) alm.depth = liGen[2] alm.timedepth = liGen[3] alm.multiPV = liGen[4] color = liGen[5] alm.blancas = color != "NEGRAS" alm.negras = color != "BLANCAS" cjug = liGen[6].strip() alm.liJugadores = cjug.upper().split(";") if cjug else None alm.libroAperturas = liGen[7] alm.libro = alm.libroAperturas.nombre alm.desdeelfinal = liGen[8] alm.siVariosSeleccionados = liGen[9] alm.kblunders = liBlunders[0] alm.tacticblunders = liBlunders[1] alm.pgnblunders = liBlunders[2] alm.oriblunders = liBlunders[3] alm.bmtblunders = liBlunders[4] alm.dpbrilliancies = liBrilliancies[0] alm.ptbrilliancies = liBrilliancies[1] alm.fnsbrilliancies = liBrilliancies[2] alm.pgnbrilliancies = liBrilliancies[3] alm.oribrilliancies = liBrilliancies[4] alm.bmtbrilliancies = liBrilliancies[5] dic = {} for x in dir(alm): if not x.startswith("__"): dic[x.upper()] = getattr(alm, x) Util.guardaVar(configuracion.ficheroAnalisis, dic) if not (alm.tacticblunders or alm.pgnblunders or alm.bmtblunders or alm.fnsbrilliancies or alm.pgnbrilliancies or alm.bmtbrilliancies): QTUtil2.mensError(parent, _("No file was specified where to save results")) return return alm else: return None
def paramAnalisis(parent, configuracion, siModoAmpliado, siTodosMotores=False): alm = leeDicParametros(configuracion) # Datos liGen = [SEPARADOR] # # Tutor if siTodosMotores: li = configuracion.ayudaCambioCompleto(alm.motor) else: li = configuracion.ayudaCambioTutor() li[0] = alm.motor liGen.append((_("Engine") + ":", li)) # # Time liGen.append(SEPARADOR) config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Duration of engine analysis (secs)"), 40, tipo=float) liGen.append((config, alm.tiempo / 1000.0)) # Depth liDepths = [("--", 0)] for x in range(1, 51): liDepths.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Depth"), liDepths) liGen.append((config, alm.depth)) # Time+Depth liGen.append(("%s+%s:" % (_("Time"), _("Depth")), alm.timedepth)) # MultiPV liGen.append(SEPARADOR) li = [(_("Default"), "PD"), (_("Maximum"), "MX")] for x in (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200): li.append((str(x), str(x))) config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Number of moves evaluated by engine(MultiPV)"), li) liGen.append((config, alm.multiPV)) # Priority liGen.append(SEPARADOR) li = [(_("Normal"), EngineThread.PRIORITY_NORMAL), (_("Low"), EngineThread.PRIORITY_LOW), (_("Very low"), EngineThread.PRIORITY_VERYLOW), (_("High"), EngineThread.PRIORITY_HIGH), (_("Very high"), EngineThread.PRIORITY_VERYHIGH)] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Process priority"), li) liGen.append((config, alm.priority)) # Completo if siModoAmpliado: liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liJ = [(_("White"), "BLANCAS"), (_("Black"), "NEGRAS"), (_("White & Black"), "AMBOS")] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Analyze only color"), liJ) liGen.append((config, "AMBOS")) config = FormLayout.Editbox("<div align=\"right\">" + _("Moves") + "<br>" + _("By example:") + " -5,8-12,14,19-", rx="[0-9,\-,\,]*") liGen.append((config, "")) fvar = configuracion.ficheroBooks listaLibros = Books.ListaLibros() listaLibros.recuperaVar(fvar) # Comprobamos que todos esten accesibles listaLibros.comprueba() li = [("--", None)] defecto = listaLibros.lista[0] if alm.libro else None for libro in listaLibros.lista: if alm.libro == libro.nombre: defecto = libro li.append((libro.nombre, libro)) config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Do not scan the opening moves based on book"), li) liGen.append((config, defecto)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append( (_("To redo any existing prior analyses (if they exist)") + ":", alm.siBorrarPrevio)) liGen.append( (_("Start from the end of the game") + ":", alm.desdeelfinal)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append((_("Show graphics") + ":", alm.showGraphs)) liVar = [SEPARADOR] liVar.append((_("Add analysis to variants") + ":", alm.masvariantes)) liVar.append(SEPARADOR) liVar.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Minimum points lost"), 0, 1000, 60), alm.limitemasvariantes)) liVar.append(SEPARADOR) liVar.append((_("Only add better variant") + ":", alm.mejorvariante)) liVar.append(SEPARADOR) liVar.append((_("Include info about engine") + ":", alm.infovariante)) liVar.append(SEPARADOR) liVar.append( ("%s %s/%s/%s:" % (_("Format"), _("Points"), _("Depth"), _("Time")), alm.siPDT)) liVar.append(SEPARADOR) liVar.append( (_("Only one move of each variant") + ":", alm.unmovevariante)) liBlunders, liBrilliancies = formBlundersBrilliancies( alm, configuracion) liST = [SEPARADOR] liST.append((_("Activate") + ":", alm.stability)) liST.append(SEPARADOR) liST.append( (FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Last depths to control same best move"), 2, 10, 40), alm.st_depths)) liST.append(SEPARADOR) liST.append( (FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Maximum difference among last evaluations"), 0, 99999, 60), alm.st_centipawns)) liST.append(SEPARADOR) liST.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Additional time limit"), 0, 99999, 60), alm.st_timelimit)) lista = [] lista.append((liGen, _("General options"), "")) lista.append((liVar, _("Variants"), "")) lista.append((liBlunders, _("Wrong moves"), "")) lista.append((liBrilliancies, _("Brilliancies"), "")) lista.append((liST, _("Stability control"), "")) else: lista = liGen reg = Util.Almacen() reg.form = None def dispatchR(valor): if reg.form is None: if isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormTabWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(0, 1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(0, 2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(0, 3) elif isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(3) else: sender = reg.form.sender() if not reg.wdt.isChecked(): if sender == reg.wtime: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif sender == reg.wdepth: if reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) elif sender == reg.wdt: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) QTUtil.refreshGUI() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(lista, title=_("Analysis Configuration"), parent=parent, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Opciones(), dispatch=dispatchR) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado if siModoAmpliado: liGen, liVar, liBlunders, liBrilliancies, liST = liResp else: liGen = liResp alm.motor = liGen[0] alm.tiempo = int(liGen[1] * 1000) alm.depth = liGen[2] alm.timedepth = liGen[3] alm.multiPV = liGen[4] alm.priority = liGen[5] if siModoAmpliado: color = liGen[6] alm.blancas = color != "NEGRAS" alm.negras = color != "BLANCAS" alm.jugadas = liGen[7] alm.libroAperturas = liGen[8] alm.libro = alm.libroAperturas.nombre if alm.libroAperturas else None alm.siBorrarPrevio = liGen[9] alm.desdeelfinal = liGen[10] alm.showGraphs = liGen[11] (alm.masvariantes, alm.limitemasvariantes, alm.mejorvariante, alm.infovariante, alm.siPDT, alm.unmovevariante) = liVar (alm.kblunders, alm.tacticblunders, alm.pgnblunders, alm.oriblunders, alm.bmtblunders) = liBlunders (alm.dpbrilliancies, alm.ptbrilliancies, alm.fnsbrilliancies, alm.pgnbrilliancies, alm.oribrilliancies, alm.bmtbrilliancies) = liBrilliancies (alm.stability, alm.st_depths, alm.st_centipawns, alm.st_timelimit) = liST dic = {} for x in dir(alm): if not x.startswith("__"): dic[x.upper()] = getattr(alm, x) Util.guardaVar(configuracion.ficheroAnalisis, dic) return alm else: return None
def genHistograms(partida, sicentipawns): siPawns = not sicentipawns hgame = HSerie(siPawns) hwhite = HSerie(siPawns) hblack = HSerie(siPawns) lijg = [] lijgW = [] lijgB = [] porcT = 0 porcW = 0 porcB = 0 for num, jg in enumerate(partida.liJugadas): if jg.analisis: mrm, pos = jg.analisis siBlancas = jg.siBlancas() pts = mrm.liMultiPV[pos].puntosABS() pts0 = mrm.liMultiPV[0].puntosABS() jg.lostp_abs = lostp_abs = pts0 - pts porc = jg.porcentaje = 100 - lostp_abs if lostp_abs < 100 else 0 porcT += porc lijg.append(jg) if siBlancas: lijgW.append(jg) porcW += porc else: pts = -pts pts0 = -pts0 lijgB.append(jg) porcB += porc if siPawns: pts /= 100.0 pts0 /= 100.0 lostp = abs(pts0 - pts) nj = num / 2.0 + 1.0 rotulo = "%d." % int(nj) if not siBlancas: rotulo += ".." jg.xnum = rotulo rotulo += jg.pgnSP() jg.xsiW = siBlancas tooltip = rotulo + " " + ("%+0.02f" if siPawns else "%+d") % pts if lostp: tooltip += " ?" + ("%0.02f" if siPawns else "%d") % lostp else: tooltip += "!" tooltip += " (%d)" % jg.elo hp = HPoint(nj, pts, lostp, lostp_abs, tooltip, jg.elo) hgame.addPoint(hp) if siBlancas: hwhite.addPoint(hp.clone()) else: hblack.addPoint(hp.clone()) alm = Util.Almacen() alm.hgame = hgame alm.hwhite = hwhite alm.hblack = hblack alm.lijg = lijg alm.lijgW = lijgW alm.lijgB = lijgB alm.porcT = porcT * 1.0 / len(lijg) if len(lijg) else 0 alm.porcW = porcW * 1.0 / len(lijgW) if len(lijgW) else 0 alm.porcB = porcB * 1.0 / len(lijgB) if len(lijgB) else 0 return alm
def save_next(self, recno, next_game, tries_used, times): reg = Util.Almacen() reg.NEXT_GAME = next_game reg.TRIES_USED = tries_used reg.TIMES = str(times) self.dbf.modificarReg(recno, reg)