def xVoyager(wowner, configuracion, partida): fdb = configuracion.ficheroTemporal("db") db = Util.DicRaw(fdb) db["USER"] = configuracion.user db["PARTIDA"] = partida.guardaEnTexto() if sys.argv[0].endswith(".py"): li = [ "pythonw.exe" if VarGen.isWindows else "python", "", "-voyager", fdb ] else: li = ["Lucas.exe" if VarGen.isWindows else "Lucas", "-voyager", fdb] subprocess.Popen(li) time.sleep(1.2) wowner.setVisible(False) while True: time.sleep(0.2) if "TXTGAME" in db: txtp = db["TXTGAME"] db.close() wowner.setVisible(True) QTUtil.refreshGUI() return txtp
def done_reinit(self, engine): self.washing.assign_tactics(engine) if engine.state == ENDED: engine.assign_date() with Util.DicRaw(self.file) as db: db.pack() self.saveWashing()
def washingRestore(self, tactic=None): with Util.DicRaw(self.file) as db: w = Washing() if "TACTICS" not in db: w.createTactics(db, tactic) else: w.restore(db) self.washing = w return w
def getRaw(self): db = Util.DicRaw(self.fdb) self.configuracion = Configuracion.Configuracion(db["USER"]) self.configuracion.lee() self.configuracion.leeConfTableros() self.partida = Partida.Partida() txt = db["PARTIDA"] if txt: self.partida.recuperaDeTexto(txt) # posicion = ControlPosicion.ControlPosicion() # posicion.leeFen("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 5") # self.partida = Partida.Partida(posicion) db.close()
def xVoyager(wowner, configuracion, partida=None, fen=None, siFen=False): fdb = configuracion.ficheroTemporal("db") db = Util.DicRaw(fdb) db["USER"] = configuracion.user if partida: db["PARTIDA"] = partida.guardaEnTexto() if siFen: db["FEN"] = fen db["MODO_PARTIDA"] = partida is not None popen = XRun.run_lucas("-voyager", fdb) popen.wait() txtp = db["RESULT"] db.close() return txtp
def recuperaConfig(self, clave, default=None): with Util.DicRaw(self.nomFichero, "config") as dbconf: return dbconf.get(clave, default)
def guardaConfig(self, clave, valor): with Util.DicRaw(self.nomFichero, "config") as dbconf: dbconf[clave] = valor
def restoreGame(self, engine): with Util.DicRaw(self.file) as db: return engine.restoreGame(db)
def saveGame(self, game, siFinal): with Util.DicRaw(self.file) as db: self.washing.saveGame(db, game, siFinal) if siFinal: db.pack()
def saveWashing(self): with Util.DicRaw(self.file) as db:
def setRaw(self, txtpartida): db = Util.DicRaw(self.fdb) db["TXTGAME"] = txtpartida db.close()