def doFileLoadThread(self): for obj in self.objectList: if obj.filename is not None and os.path.isfile(obj.filename) and obj.fileTime != os.stat(obj.filename).st_mtime: obj.fileTime = os.stat(obj.filename).st_mtime mesh = meshLoader.loadMesh(obj.filename) obj.mesh = mesh obj.dirty = True obj.steepDirty = True self.updateModelTransform() self.glCanvas.zoom = self.objectsBoundaryCircleSize * 6.0 self.errorList = [] wx.CallAfter(self.updateToolbar) wx.CallAfter(self.glCanvas.Refresh) if os.path.isfile(self.gcodeFilename) and self.gcodeFileTime != os.stat(self.gcodeFilename).st_mtime: self.gcodeFileTime = os.stat(self.gcodeFilename).st_mtime self.gcodeDirty = True self.gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() self.gcode.progressCallback = self.loadProgress self.gcode.load(self.gcodeFilename) errorList = [] for line in open(self.gcodeFilename, "rt"): res =';Model error\(([a-z ]*)\): \(([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*)\) \(([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*)\)', line) if res is not None: v1 = util3d.Vector3(float(, float(, float( v2 = util3d.Vector3(float(, float(, float( errorList.append([v1, v2]) self.errorList = errorList wx.CallAfter(self.updateToolbar) wx.CallAfter(self.glCanvas.Refresh) elif not os.path.isfile(self.gcodeFilename): self.gcode = None wx.CallAfter(self.checkReloadFileTimer.Start, 1000)
def LoadGCodeFile(self, filename): if self.machineCom != None and self.machineCom.isPrinting(): return #Send an initial M110 to reset the line counter to zero. prevLineType = lineType = 'CUSTOM' gcodeList = ["M110"] for line in open(filename, 'r'): if line.startswith(';TYPE:'): lineType = line[6:].strip() if ';' in line: line = line[0:line.find(';')] line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0: if prevLineType != lineType: gcodeList.append((line, lineType, )) else: gcodeList.append(line) prevLineType = lineType gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() gcode.loadList(gcodeList) #print "Loaded: %s (%d)" % (filename, len(gcodeList)) self.filename = filename self.gcode = gcode self.gcodeList = gcodeList wx.CallAfter(self.progress.SetRange, len(gcodeList)) wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateButtonStates) wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateProgress) wx.CallAfter(self.SetTitle, 'Printing: %s' % (filename))
def OnDropFiles(self, files): #if len(files) > 0: #profile.setPluginConfig([]) #self.updateProfileToControls() profile.putPreference('lastFile', files[0]) gcodeFilename = None for filename in files: self.addToModelMRU(filename) ext = filename[filename.rfind('.')+1:].upper() if ext == 'G' or ext == 'GCODE': gcodeFilename = filename if gcodeFilename is not None: if self.scene._gcode is not None: self.scene._gcode = None for layerVBOlist in self.scene._gcodeVBOs: for vbo in layerVBOlist: self.scene.glReleaseList.append(vbo) self.scene._gcodeVBOs = [] self.scene._gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() self.scene._gcodeFilename = gcodeFilename self.scene.printButton.setBottomText('') self.scene.setModelView(4) self.scene.printButton.setDisabled(False) self.scene.OnSliceDone(gcodeFilename) self.scene.OnViewChange() else: if self.scene.getModelView() == 4: self.scene.setModelView(0) self.scene.OnViewChange() self.scene.loadScene(files)
def _updateSliceProgress(self, progressValue, ready): if not ready: if self.printButton.getProgressBar() is not None and progressValue >= 0.0 and abs(self.printButton.getProgressBar() - progressValue) < 0.01: return self.printButton.setDisabled(not ready) if progressValue >= 0.0: self.printButton.setProgressBar(progressValue) else: self.printButton.setProgressBar(None) if self._gcode is not None: self._gcode = None for layerVBOlist in self._gcodeVBOs: for vbo in layerVBOlist: self.glReleaseList.append(vbo) self._gcodeVBOs = [] if ready: self.printButton.setProgressBar(None) cost = self._slicer.getFilamentCost() if cost is not None: self.printButton.setBottomText('%s\n%s\n%s' % (self._slicer.getPrintTime(), self._slicer.getFilamentAmount(), cost)) else: self.printButton.setBottomText('%s\n%s' % (self._slicer.getPrintTime(), self._slicer.getFilamentAmount())) self._gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() self._gcodeFilename = self._slicer.getGCodeFilename() else: self.printButton.setBottomText('') self.QueueRefresh()
def LoadGCodeFile(self, filename): if self.machineCom is not None and self.machineCom.isPrinting(): return #Send an initial M110 to reset the line counter to zero. prevLineType = lineType = 'CUSTOM' gcodeList = ["M110"] for line in open(filename, 'r'): if line.startswith(';TYPE:'): lineType = line[6:].strip() if ';' in line: line = line[0:line.find(';')] line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0: if prevLineType != lineType: gcodeList.append(( line, lineType, )) else: gcodeList.append(line) prevLineType = lineType gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() gcode.loadList(gcodeList) #print "Loaded: %s (%d)" % (filename, len(gcodeList)) self.filename = filename self.gcode = gcode self.gcodeList = gcodeList wx.CallAfter(self.progress.SetRange, len(gcodeList)) wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateButtonStates) wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateProgress) wx.CallAfter(self.SetTitle, 'Printing: %s' % (filename))
def doFileLoadThread(self): for obj in self.objectList: if obj.filename is not None and os.path.isfile( obj.filename) and obj.fileTime != os.stat( obj.filename).st_mtime: obj.fileTime = os.stat(obj.filename).st_mtime try: mesh = meshLoader.loadMesh(obj.filename) except: wx.CallAfter(self.ShowWarningPopup, 'Failed to load %s' % (obj.filename)) obj.mesh = None obj.filename = None else: obj.mesh = mesh obj.dirty = True obj.steepDirty = True self.updateModelTransform() if self.objectsBoundaryCircleSize is not None: self.glCanvas.zoom = self.objectsBoundaryCircleSize * 6.0 self.errorList = [] wx.CallAfter(self.updateToolbar) wx.CallAfter(self.glCanvas.Refresh) elif obj.filename is None or not os.path.isfile(obj.filename): obj.mesh = None obj.filename = None if os.path.isfile( self.gcodeFilename) and self.gcodeFileTime != os.stat( self.gcodeFilename).st_mtime: self.gcodeFileTime = os.stat(self.gcodeFilename).st_mtime self.gcodeDirty = True self.gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() self.gcode.progressCallback = self.loadProgress self.gcode.load(self.gcodeFilename) errorList = [] for line in open(self.gcodeFilename, "rt"): res = ';Model error\(([a-z ]*)\): \(([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*)\) \(([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*)\)', line) if res is not None: v1 = util3d.Vector3(float(, float(, float( v2 = util3d.Vector3(float(, float(, float( errorList.append([v1, v2]) self.errorList = errorList wx.CallAfter(self.updateToolbar) wx.CallAfter(self.glCanvas.Refresh) elif not os.path.isfile(self.gcodeFilename): self.gcode = None wx.CallAfter(self.checkReloadFileTimer.Start, 1000)
def __init__(self): self._engineLog = [] self._gcodeData = StringIO.StringIO() self._polygons = [] self._replaceInfo = {} self._success = False self._printTimeSeconds = None self._filamentMM = [0.0] * 4 self._modelHash = None self._profileString = profile.getProfileString() self._preferencesString = profile.getPreferencesString() self._gcodeInterpreter = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() self._gcodeLoadThread = None self._finished = False
def doFileLoadThread(self): for obj in self.objectList: if obj.filename is not None and os.path.isfile( obj.filename) and obj.fileTime != os.stat( obj.filename).st_mtime: obj.fileTime = os.stat(obj.filename).st_mtime mesh = meshLoader.loadMesh(obj.filename) obj.mesh = mesh obj.dirty = True obj.steepDirty = True self.updateModelTransform() self.OnScaleMax(True) self.glCanvas.zoom = numpy.max(self.objectsSize) * 3.5 self.errorList = [] wx.CallAfter(self.updateToolbar) wx.CallAfter(self.glCanvas.Refresh) if os.path.isfile( self.gcodeFilename) and self.gcodeFileTime != os.stat( self.gcodeFilename).st_mtime: self.gcodeFileTime = os.stat(self.gcodeFilename).st_mtime gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() gcode.progressCallback = self.loadProgress gcode.load(self.gcodeFilename) self.gcodeDirty = False self.gcode = gcode self.gcodeDirty = True errorList = [] for line in open(self.gcodeFilename, "rt"): res = ';Model error\(([a-z ]*)\): \(([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*)\) \(([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*)\)', line) if res is not None: v1 = util3d.Vector3(float(, float(, float( v2 = util3d.Vector3(float(, float(, float( errorList.append([v1, v2]) self.errorList = errorList wx.CallAfter(self.updateToolbar) wx.CallAfter(self.glCanvas.Refresh) elif not os.path.isfile(self.gcodeFilename): self.gcode = None wx.CallAfter(self.checkReloadFileTimer.Start, 1000)
def OnRun(self): self.progressLog = [] p = sliceRun.startSliceCommandProcess(self.sliceCommand) line = p.stdout.readline() while (len(line) > 0): line = line.rstrip() if line[0:9] == "Progress[" and line[-1:] == "]": progress = line[9:-1].split(":") if len(progress) > 2: maxValue = int(progress[2]) wx.CallAfter(self.SetProgress, progress[0], int(progress[1]), maxValue) else: self.progressLog.append(line) wx.CallAfter(self.statusText.SetLabel, line) if self.abort: p.terminate() wx.CallAfter(self.statusText.SetLabel, "Aborted by user.") return line = p.stdout.readline() line = p.stderr.readline() while len(line) > 0: line = line.rstrip() self.progressLog.append(line) line = p.stderr.readline() self.returnCode = p.wait() self.progressGauge2.SetValue(self.fileCount) gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() gcode.load(self.resultFilename) self.abort = True sliceTime = time.time() - self.sliceStartTime status = "Build: %s" % (self.resultFilename) status += "\nSlicing took: %02d:%02d" % (sliceTime / 60, sliceTime % 60) status += "\nFilament: %.2fm %.2fg" % (gcode.extrusionAmount / 1000, gcode.calculateWeight() * 1000) status += "\nPrint time: %02d:%02d" % (int( gcode.totalMoveTimeMinute / 60), int( gcode.totalMoveTimeMinute % 60)) cost = gcode.calculateCost() if cost is not None: status += "\nCost: %s" % (cost) profile.replaceGCodeTags(self.resultFilename, gcode) wx.CallAfter(self.statusText.SetLabel, status) wx.CallAfter(self.OnSliceDone)
def run(self): p = sliceRun.startSliceCommandProcess(self.cmdList[self.fileIdx]) line = p.stdout.readline() self.progressLog = [] maxValue = 1 while(len(line) > 0): line = line.rstrip() if line[0:9] == "Progress[" and line[-1:] == "]": progress = line[9:-1].split(":") if len(progress) > 2: maxValue = int(progress[2]) wx.CallAfter(self.notifyWindow.SetProgress, progress[0], int(progress[1]), maxValue) else: self.progressLog.append(line) wx.CallAfter(self.notifyWindow.statusText.SetLabel, line) if self.notifyWindow.abort: p.terminate() wx.CallAfter(self.notifyWindow.statusText.SetLabel, "Aborted by user.") return line = p.stdout.readline() line = p.stderr.readline() while(len(line) > 0): line = line.rstrip() self.progressLog.append(line) line = p.stderr.readline() self.returnCode = p.wait() self.fileIdx += 1 if self.fileIdx == len(self.cmdList): if len(self.filelist) > 1: self._stitchMultiExtruder() gcodeFilename = sliceRun.getExportFilename(self.filelist[0]) gcodefile = open(gcodeFilename, "a") for logLine in self.progressLog: if logLine.startswith('Model error('): gcodefile.write(';%s\n' % (logLine)) gcodefile.close() wx.CallAfter(self.notifyWindow.statusText.SetLabel, "Running plugins") ret = profile.runPostProcessingPlugins(gcodeFilename) if ret != None: self.progressLog.append(ret) self.gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() self.gcode.load(gcodeFilename) profile.replaceGCodeTags(gcodeFilename, self.gcode) wx.CallAfter(self.notifyWindow.OnSliceDone, self) else:
def OnRun(self, index): while self.cmdIndex < len(self.sliceCmdList): cmdIndex = self.cmdIndex self.cmdIndex += 1 action = self.sliceCmdList[cmdIndex] wx.CallAfter( self.SetTitle, _("Building: [%(index)d/%(size)d]") % (self.sliceCmdList.index(action) + 1, len(self.sliceCmdList))) p = sliceRun.startSliceCommandProcess(action) line = p.stdout.readline() maxValue = 1 while (len(line) > 0): line = line.rstrip() if line[0:9] == "Progress[" and line[-1:] == "]": progress = line[9:-1].split(":") if len(progress) > 2: maxValue = int(progress[2]) wx.CallAfter(self.SetProgress, index, progress[0], int(progress[1]), maxValue) else: wx.CallAfter(self.statusText[index].SetLabel, line) if self.abort: p.terminate() wx.CallAfter(self.statusText[index].SetLabel, _("Aborted by user.")) return line = p.stdout.readline() self.returnCode = p.wait() # Update output gocde file... # Warning: the user could have changed the profile between the slcer run and this code. We might be using old information. gcodeFilename = self.outputFilenameList[index] gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() gcode.load(gcodeFilename) profile.replaceGCodeTags(gcodeFilename, gcode) wx.CallAfter(self.progressGauge[index].SetValue, 10000) self.totalDoneFactor[index] = 0.0 wx.CallAfter( self.progressTextTotal.SetLabel, _("Done %(index)d/%(size)d") % (self.cmdIndex, len(self.sliceCmdList))) wx.CallAfter(self.progressGaugeTotal.SetValue, self.cmdIndex)
def run(self): p = sliceRun.startSliceCommandProcess(self.cmdList[self.fileIdx]) line = p.stdout.readline() self.progressLog = [] maxValue = 1 starttime = time.time() while len(line) > 0: line = line.rstrip() if line[0:9] == "Progress[" and line[-1:] == "]": progress = line[9:-1].split(":") if len(progress) > 2: maxValue = int(progress[2]) wx.CallAfter(self.notifyWindow.SetProgress, progress[0], int(progress[1]), maxValue) else: self.progressLog.append("%0.2f: %s" % (time.time() - starttime, line)) wx.CallAfter(self.notifyWindow.statusText.SetLabel, line) if self.notifyWindow.abort: p.terminate() wx.CallAfter(self.notifyWindow.mainWindow.removeSliceProgress, self.notifyWindow) return line = p.stdout.readline() line = p.stderr.readline() while len(line) > 0: line = line.rstrip() self.progressLog.append(line) line = p.stderr.readline() self.returnCode = p.wait() self.fileIdx += 1 if self.fileIdx == len(self.cmdList): gcodeFilename = sliceRun.getExportFilename(self.filelist[0]) gcodefile = open(gcodeFilename, "a") for logLine in self.progressLog: if logLine.startswith('Model error('): gcodefile.write(';%s\n' % (logLine)) gcodefile.close() self.gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() self.gcode.load(gcodeFilename) profile.replaceGCodeTags(gcodeFilename, self.gcode) wx.CallAfter(self.notifyWindow.OnSliceDone, self) else:
def OnRun(self): self.progressLog = [] p = sliceRun.startSliceCommandProcess(self.sliceCommand) line = p.stdout.readline() while(len(line) > 0): line = line.rstrip() if line[0:9] == "Progress[" and line[-1:] == "]": progress = line[9:-1].split(":") if len(progress) > 2: maxValue = int(progress[2]) wx.CallAfter(self.SetProgress, progress[0], int(progress[1]), maxValue) else: self.progressLog.append(line) wx.CallAfter(self.statusText.SetLabel, line) if self.abort: p.terminate() wx.CallAfter(self.statusText.SetLabel, "Aborted by user.") return line = p.stdout.readline() line = p.stderr.readline() while len(line) > 0: line = line.rstrip() self.progressLog.append(line) line = p.stderr.readline() self.returnCode = p.wait() self.progressGauge2.SetValue(self.fileCount) gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() gcode.load(self.resultFilename) self.abort = True sliceTime = time.time() - self.sliceStartTime status = "Build: %s" % (self.resultFilename) status += "\nSlicing took: %02d:%02d" % (sliceTime / 60, sliceTime % 60) status += "\nFilament: %.2fm %.2fg" % (gcode.extrusionAmount / 1000, gcode.calculateWeight() * 1000) status += "\nPrint time: %02d:%02d" % (int(gcode.totalMoveTimeMinute / 60), int(gcode.totalMoveTimeMinute % 60)) cost = gcode.calculateCost() if cost is not None: status += "\nCost: %s" % (cost) profile.replaceGCodeTags(self.resultFilename, gcode) wx.CallAfter(self.statusText.SetLabel, status) wx.CallAfter(self.OnSliceDone)
def doFileLoadThread(self): for obj in self.objectList: if obj.filename != None and os.path.isfile(obj.filename) and obj.fileTime != os.stat(obj.filename).st_mtime: obj.fileTime = os.stat(obj.filename).st_mtime mesh = meshLoader.loadMesh(obj.filename) obj.dirty = False obj.mesh = mesh self.updateModelTransform() self.OnScaleMax(None, True) scale = profile.getProfileSettingFloat('model_scale') size = (self.objectsMaxV - self.objectsMinV) * scale self.toolbarInfo.SetValue('%0.1f %0.1f %0.1f' % (size[0], size[1], size[2])) self.glCanvas.zoom = numpy.max(size) * 2.5 self.errorList = [] wx.CallAfter(self.updateToolbar) wx.CallAfter(self.glCanvas.Refresh) if os.path.isfile(self.gcodeFilename) and self.gcodeFileTime != os.stat(self.gcodeFilename).st_mtime: self.gcodeFileTime = os.stat(self.gcodeFilename).st_mtime gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() gcode.progressCallback = self.loadProgress gcode.load(self.gcodeFilename) self.gcodeDirty = False self.gcode = gcode self.gcodeDirty = True errorList = [] for line in open(self.gcodeFilename, "rt"): res =';Model error\(([a-z ]*)\): \(([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*)\) \(([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*), ([0-9\.\-e]*)\)', line) if res != None: v1 = util3d.Vector3(float(, float(, float( v2 = util3d.Vector3(float(, float(, float( errorList.append([v1, v2]) self.errorList = errorList wx.CallAfter(self.updateToolbar) wx.CallAfter(self.glCanvas.Refresh) elif not os.path.isfile(self.gcodeFilename): self.gcode = None wx.CallAfter(self.checkReloadFileTimer.Start, 1000)
def OnRun(self, index): while self.cmdIndex < len(self.sliceCmdList): cmdIndex = self.cmdIndex; self.cmdIndex += 1 action = self.sliceCmdList[cmdIndex] wx.CallAfter(self.SetTitle, "Building: [%d/%d]" % (self.sliceCmdList.index(action) + 1, len(self.sliceCmdList))) p = sliceRun.startSliceCommandProcess(action) line = p.stdout.readline() maxValue = 1 while(len(line) > 0): line = line.rstrip() if line[0:9] == "Progress[" and line[-1:] == "]": progress = line[9:-1].split(":") if len(progress) > 2: maxValue = int(progress[2]) wx.CallAfter(self.SetProgress, index, progress[0], int(progress[1]), maxValue) else: wx.CallAfter(self.statusText[index].SetLabel, line) if self.abort: p.terminate() wx.CallAfter(self.statusText[index].SetLabel, "Aborted by user.") return line = p.stdout.readline() self.returnCode = p.wait() # Update output gocde file... # Warning: the user could have changed the profile between the slcer run and this code. We might be using old information. gcodeFilename = self.outputFilenameList[index] gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() gcode.load(gcodeFilename) profile.replaceGCodeTags(gcodeFilename, gcode) wx.CallAfter(self.progressGauge[index].SetValue, 10000) self.totalDoneFactor[index] = 0.0 wx.CallAfter(self.progressTextTotal.SetLabel, "Done %d/%d" % (self.cmdIndex, len(self.sliceCmdList))) wx.CallAfter(self.progressGaugeTotal.SetValue, self.cmdIndex)
def showLoadModel(self, button = 1): if button == 1: dlg=wx.FileDialog(self, 'Open 3D model', os.path.split(profile.getPreference('lastFile'))[0], style=wx.FD_OPEN|wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST|wx.FD_MULTIPLE) dlg.SetWildcard(meshLoader.loadWildcardFilter() + "|GCode file (*.gcode)|*.g;*.gcode;*.G;*.GCODE") if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return filenames = dlg.GetPaths() dlg.Destroy() if len(filenames) < 1: return False profile.putPreference('lastFile', filenames[0]) gcodeFilename = None for filename in filenames: self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().addToModelMRU(filename) ext = filename[filename.rfind('.')+1:].upper() if ext == 'G' or ext == 'GCODE': gcodeFilename = filename if gcodeFilename is not None: if self._gcode is not None: self._gcode = None for layerVBOlist in self._gcodeVBOs: for vbo in layerVBOlist: self.glReleaseList.append(vbo) self._gcodeVBOs = [] self._gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() self._gcodeFilename = gcodeFilename self.printButton.setBottomText('') self.viewSelection.setValue(4) self.printButton.setDisabled(False) self.OnViewChange() else: if self.viewSelection.getValue() == 4: self.viewSelection.setValue(0) self.OnViewChange() self.loadScene(filenames)
def OnRun(self): resultFile = open(self.resultFilename, "w") put = profile.setTempOverride self.progressLog = [] for action in self.actionList: wx.CallAfter(self.SetTitle, "Building: [%d/%d]" % (self.actionList.index(action) + 1, len(self.actionList))) if not action.usePreviousSlice: p = sliceRun.startSliceCommandProcess(action.sliceCmd) line = p.stdout.readline() maxValue = 1 while(len(line) > 0): line = line.rstrip() if line[0:9] == "Progress[" and line[-1:] == "]": progress = line[9:-1].split(":") if len(progress) > 2: maxValue = int(progress[2]) wx.CallAfter(self.SetProgress, progress[0], int(progress[1]), maxValue) else: self.progressLog.append(line) wx.CallAfter(self.statusText.SetLabel, line) if self.abort: p.terminate() wx.CallAfter(self.statusText.SetLabel, "Aborted by user.") resultFile.close() return line = p.stdout.readline() self.returnCode = p.wait() put('object_center_x', action.centerX - self.extruderOffset[action.extruder][0]) put('object_center_y', action.centerY - self.extruderOffset[action.extruder][1]) put('clear_z', action.clearZ) put('extruder', action.extruder) put('print_temperature', action.temperature) if action == self.actionList[0]: resultFile.write(';TYPE:CUSTOM\n') resultFile.write('T%d\n' % (action.extruder)) currentExtruder = action.extruder prevTemp = action.temperature startGCode = profile.getAlterationFileContents('start.gcode') startGCode = startGCode.replace('?filename?', 'Multiple files') resultFile.write(startGCode) else: #reset the extrusion length, and move to the next object center. resultFile.write(';TYPE:CUSTOM\n') if prevTemp != action.temperature and action.temperature > 0: resultFile.write('M104 S%d\n' % (int(action.temperature))) prevTemp = action.temperature resultFile.write(profile.getAlterationFileContents('nextobject.gcode')) resultFile.write(';PRINTNR:%d\n' % self.actionList.index(action)) profile.resetTempOverride() if not action.usePreviousSlice: f = open(sliceRun.getExportFilename(action.filename, "project_tmp"), "r") data = while data != '': resultFile.write(data) data = f.close() savedCenterX = action.centerX savedCenterY = action.centerY else: f = open(sliceRun.getExportFilename(action.filename, "project_tmp"), "r") for line in f: if line[0] != ';': if 'X' in line: line = self._adjustNumberInLine(line, 'X', action.centerX - savedCenterX) if 'Y' in line: line = self._adjustNumberInLine(line, 'Y', action.centerY - savedCenterY) resultFile.write(line) f.close() if not action.leaveResultForNextSlice: os.remove(sliceRun.getExportFilename(action.filename, "project_tmp")) wx.CallAfter(self.progressGauge.SetValue, 10000) self.totalDoneFactor = 0.0 wx.CallAfter(self.progressGauge2.SetValue, self.actionList.index(action) + 1) resultFile.write(';TYPE:CUSTOM\n') if len(self.actionList) > 1 and self.actionList[-1].clearZ > 1: #only move to higher Z if we have sliced more then 1 object. This solves the "move into print after printing" problem with the print-all-at-once option. resultFile.write('G1 Z%f F%f\n' % (self.actionList[-1].clearZ, profile.getProfileSettingFloat('max_z_speed') * 60)) resultFile.write(profile.getAlterationFileContents('end.gcode')) resultFile.close() gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() gcode.load(self.resultFilename) self.abort = True sliceTime = time.time() - self.sliceStartTime status = "Build: %s" % (self.resultFilename) status += "\nSlicing took: %02d:%02d" % (sliceTime / 60, sliceTime % 60) status += "\nFilament: %.2fm %.2fg" % (gcode.extrusionAmount / 1000, gcode.calculateWeight() * 1000) status += "\nPrint time: %02d:%02d" % (int(gcode.totalMoveTimeMinute / 60), int(gcode.totalMoveTimeMinute % 60)) cost = gcode.calculateCost() self.totalMoveTimeMinute = gcode.totalMoveTimeMinute if cost != False: status += "\nCost: %s" % (cost) profile.replaceGCodeTags(self.resultFilename, gcode) wx.CallAfter(self.statusText.SetLabel, status) wx.CallAfter(self.OnSliceDone)