Example #1
    def __init__(self, name, config):
        self.name = name
            self.verbose      = config['verbose']
            title             = 'DASAbstactService_%s' % self.name
            self.logger       = PrintManager(title, self.verbose)
            self.dasmapping   = config['dasmapping']
            self.analytics    = config['dasanalytics']
            self.write2cache  = config.get('write_cache', True)
            self.multitask    = config['das'].get('multitask', True)
            self.error_expire = config['das'].get('error_expire', 300) 
            if  config.has_key('dbs'):
                self.dbs_global = config['dbs'].get('dbs_global_instance', None)
                self.dbs_global = None
            dburi             = config['mongodb']['dburi']
            engine            = config.get('engine', None)
            self.gfs          = db_gridfs(dburi)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise Exception('fail to parse DAS config')

        # read key/cert info
            self.ckey, self.cert = get_key_cert()
        except Exception as exc:
            self.ckey = None
            self.cert = None

        if  self.multitask:
            nworkers = config['das'].get('api_workers', 3)
            thr_weights = config['das'].get('thread_weights', [])
            for system_weight in thr_weights:
                system, weight = system_weight.split(':')
                if  system == self.name:
                    nworkers *= int(weight)
            if  engine:
                thr_name = 'DASAbstractService:%s:PluginTaskManager' % self.name
                self.taskmgr = PluginTaskManager(\
                        engine, nworkers=nworkers, name=thr_name)
                thr_name = 'DASAbstractService:%s:TaskManager' % self.name
                self.taskmgr = TaskManager(nworkers=nworkers, name=thr_name)
            self.taskmgr = None

        self.map        = {}   # to be defined by data-service implementation
        self._keys      = None # to be defined at run-time in self.keys
        self._params    = None # to be defined at run-time in self.parameters
        self._notations = {}   # to be defined at run-time in self.notations

        # define internal cache manager to put 'raw' results into cache
        if  config.has_key('rawcache') and config['rawcache']:
            self.localcache   = config['rawcache']
            msg = 'Undefined rawcache, please check your configuration'
            raise Exception(msg)
Example #2
 def init(self):
     """Init DAS web server, connect to DAS Core"""
         self.logcol     = DASLogdb(self.dasconfig)
         self.reqmgr     = RequestManager(self.dburi, lifetime=self.lifetime)
         self.dasmgr     = DASCore(engine=self.engine)
         self.repmgr     = CMSRepresentation(self.dasconfig, self.dasmgr)
         self.daskeys    = self.dasmgr.das_keys()
         self.gfs        = db_gridfs(self.dburi)
         self.dasmapping = self.dasmgr.mapping
         self.colors = {}
         for system in self.dasmgr.systems:
             self.colors[system] = gen_color(system)
         self.sitedbmgr   = SiteDBService(self.dasconfig)
     except Exception as exc:
         self.dasmgr = None
         self.daskeys = []
         self.colors = {}
     # Start Onhold_request daemon
     if  self.dasconfig['web_server'].get('onhold_daemon', False):
Example #3
    def __init__(self, name, config):
        self.name = name
            self.verbose = config['verbose']
            title = 'DASAbstactService_%s' % self.name
            self.logger = PrintManager(title, self.verbose)
            self.dasmapping = config['dasmapping']
            self.write2cache = config.get('write_cache', True)
            self.multitask = config['das'].get('multitask', True)
            self.error_expire = config['das'].get('error_expire', 300)
            self.dbs_global = None  # to be configured at run time
            self.dburi = config['mongodb']['dburi']
            engine = config.get('engine', None)
            self.gfs = db_gridfs(self.dburi)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise Exception('fail to parse DAS config')

        # read key/cert info
            self.ckey, self.cert = get_key_cert()
        except Exception as exc:
            self.ckey = None
            self.cert = None

        if self.multitask:
            nworkers = config['das'].get('api_workers', 3)
            thr_weights = config['das'].get('thread_weights', [])
            for system_weight in thr_weights:
                system, weight = system_weight.split(':')
                if system == self.name:
                    nworkers *= int(weight)
#             if  engine:
#                 thr_name = 'DASAbstractService:%s:PluginTaskManager' % self.name
#                 self.taskmgr = PluginTaskManager(\
#                         engine, nworkers=nworkers, name=thr_name)
#                 self.taskmgr.subscribe()
#             else:
#                 thr_name = 'DASAbstractService:%s:TaskManager' % self.name
#                 self.taskmgr = TaskManager(nworkers=nworkers, name=thr_name)
            thr_name = 'DASAbstractService:%s:TaskManager' % self.name
            self.taskmgr = TaskManager(nworkers=nworkers, name=thr_name)
            self.taskmgr = None

        self.map = {}  # to be defined by data-service implementation
        self._keys = None  # to be defined at run-time in self.keys
        self._params = None  # to be defined at run-time in self.parameters
        self._notations = {}  # to be defined at run-time in self.notations

        # define internal cache manager to put 'raw' results into cache
        if 'rawcache' in config and config['rawcache']:
            self.localcache = config['rawcache']
            msg = 'Undefined rawcache, please check your configuration'
            raise Exception(msg)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, name, config):
        self.name = name
            self.verbose = config["verbose"]
            title = "DASAbstactService_%s" % self.name
            self.logger = PrintManager(title, self.verbose)
            self.dasmapping = config["dasmapping"]
            self.write2cache = config.get("write_cache", True)
            self.multitask = config["das"].get("multitask", True)
            self.error_expire = config["das"].get("error_expire", 300)
            self.dbs_global = None  # to be configured at run time
            self.dburi = config["mongodb"]["dburi"]
            engine = config.get("engine", None)
            self.gfs = db_gridfs(self.dburi)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise Exception("fail to parse DAS config")

        # read key/cert info
            self.ckey, self.cert = get_key_cert()
        except Exception as exc:
            self.ckey = None
            self.cert = None

        if self.multitask:
            nworkers = config["das"].get("api_workers", 3)
            thr_weights = config["das"].get("thread_weights", [])
            for system_weight in thr_weights:
                system, weight = system_weight.split(":")
                if system == self.name:
                    nworkers *= int(weight)
            if engine:
                thr_name = "DASAbstractService:%s:PluginTaskManager" % self.name
                self.taskmgr = PluginTaskManager(engine, nworkers=nworkers, name=thr_name)
                thr_name = "DASAbstractService:%s:TaskManager" % self.name
                self.taskmgr = TaskManager(nworkers=nworkers, name=thr_name)
            self.taskmgr = None

        self.map = {}  # to be defined by data-service implementation
        self._keys = None  # to be defined at run-time in self.keys
        self._params = None  # to be defined at run-time in self.parameters
        self._notations = {}  # to be defined at run-time in self.notations

        # define internal cache manager to put 'raw' results into cache
        if "rawcache" in config and config["rawcache"]:
            self.localcache = config["rawcache"]
            msg = "Undefined rawcache, please check your configuration"
            raise Exception(msg)
Example #5
File: das_db_t.py Project: ktf/DAS
    def test_db_gridfs(self):
        """Test db_gridfs"""
        fsinst  = db_gridfs(self.dburi)
        doc     = 'hello world!'
        fid     = fsinst.put(doc)
        content = fsinst.get(fid).read()
        self.assertEqual(doc, content)

        rec     = {'test': 1}
        self.assertRaises(Exception, fsinst.put, rec)
Example #6
    def test_db_gridfs(self):
        """Test db_gridfs"""
        fsinst = db_gridfs(self.dburi)
        doc = 'hello world!'
        fid = fsinst.put(doc)
        content = fsinst.get(fid).read()
        self.assertEqual(doc, content)

        rec = {'test': 1}
        self.assertRaises(Exception, fsinst.put, rec)
Example #7
    def init(self):
        """Init DAS web server, connect to DAS Core"""
            self.reqmgr = RequestManager(lifetime=self.lifetime)
            self.dasmgr = DASCore(engine=self.engine)
            self.repmgr = CMSRepresentation(self.dasconfig, self.dasmgr)
            self.daskeys = self.dasmgr.das_keys()
            self.gfs = db_gridfs(self.dburi)
            self.dasmapping = self.dasmgr.mapping
            self.dbs_url = self.dasmapping.dbs_url()
            self.dbs_global = self.dasmapping.dbs_global_instance()
            self.dbs_instances = self.dasmapping.dbs_instances()
            self.colors = {"das": gen_color("das")}
            for system in self.dasmgr.systems:
                self.colors[system] = gen_color(system)
            # get SiteDB from global scope
            self.sitedbmgr = SERVICES.get("sitedb2", None)
            # Start DBS daemon
            if self.dataset_daemon:
            if not self.daskeyslist:
                keylist = [r for r in self.dasmapping.das_presentation_map()]
                keylist.sort(key=lambda r: r["das"])
                self.daskeyslist = keylist

        except ConnectionFailure as _err:
            tstamp = dastimestamp("")
            mythr = threading.current_thread()
            print "### MongoDB connection failure thread=%s, id=%s, time=%s" % (mythr.name, mythr.ident, tstamp)
        except Exception as exc:
            self.dasmgr = None
            self.reqmgr = None
            self.dbs_url = None
            self.dbs_global = None
            self.dbs_instances = []
            self.daskeys = []
            self.colors = {}
            self.q_rewriter = None

        # KWS and Query Rewriting failures are not fatal
            # init query rewriter, if needed
            if self.dasconfig["query_rewrite"]["pk_rewrite_on"]:
                self.q_rewriter = CMSQueryRewrite(self.repmgr, self.templatepage)
        except Exception as exc:
            self.q_rewriter = None
Example #8
    def init(self):
        """Init DAS web server, connect to DAS Core"""
            self.reqmgr     = RequestManager(lifetime=self.lifetime)
            self.dasmgr     = DASCore(engine=self.engine)
            self.repmgr     = CMSRepresentation(self.dasconfig, self.dasmgr)
            self.daskeys    = self.dasmgr.das_keys()
            self.gfs        = db_gridfs(self.dburi)
            self.dasmapping = self.dasmgr.mapping
            self.dbs_url    = self.dasmapping.dbs_url()
            self.dbs_global = self.dasmapping.dbs_global_instance()
            self.dbs_instances = self.dasmapping.dbs_instances()
            self.colors = {'das':gen_color('das')}
            for system in self.dasmgr.systems:
                self.colors[system] = gen_color(system)
            if  not self.daskeyslist:
                keylist = [r for r in self.dasmapping.das_presentation_map()]
                keylist.sort(key=lambda r: r['das'])
                self.daskeyslist = keylist

        except ConnectionFailure as _err:
            tstamp = dastimestamp('')
            mythr  = threading.current_thread()
            print("### MongoDB connection failure thread=%s, id=%s, time=%s" \
                    % (mythr.name, mythr.ident, tstamp))
        except Exception as exc:
            self.dasmgr  = None
            self.reqmgr  = None
            self.dbs_url = None
            self.dbs_global = None
            self.dbs_instances = []
            self.daskeys = []
            self.colors  = {}
            self.q_rewriter = None

        # KWS and Query Rewriting failures are not fatal
            # init query rewriter, if needed
            if self.dasconfig['query_rewrite']['pk_rewrite_on']:
                self.q_rewriter = CMSQueryRewrite(self.repmgr,
        except Exception as exc:
            self.q_rewriter = None
Example #9
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.emptyset_expire = expire_timestamp(\
            config['das'].get('emptyset_expire', 5))
        self.dburi   = config['mongodb']['dburi']
        self.cache_size = config['mongodb']['bulkupdate_size']
        self.dbname  = config['dasdb']['dbname']
        self.verbose = config['verbose']
        self.logger  = PrintManager('DASMongocache', self.verbose)
        self.mapping = config['dasmapping']

        self.conn    = db_connection(self.dburi)
        self.mdb     = self.conn[self.dbname]
        self.col     = self.mdb[config['dasdb']['cachecollection']]
        self.mrcol   = self.mdb[config['dasdb']['mrcollection']]
        self.merge   = self.mdb[config['dasdb']['mergecollection']]
        self.gfs     = db_gridfs(self.dburi)

        self.logdb   = DASLogdb(config)

        self.das_internal_keys = ['das_id', 'das', 'cache_id', 'qhash']

        msg = "%s@%s" % (self.dburi, self.dbname)


        # ensure that we have the following indexes
        index_list = [('das.expire', ASCENDING), ('das_id', ASCENDING),
                      ('das.system', ASCENDING),
                      ('qhash', DESCENDING),
                      ('das.empty_record', ASCENDING)]
        create_indexes(self.col, index_list)
        index_list = [('das.expire', ASCENDING), ('das_id', ASCENDING),
                      ('qhash', DESCENDING),
                      ('das.empty_record', ASCENDING), ('das.ts', ASCENDING)]
        create_indexes(self.merge, index_list)
Example #10
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config  = config
        self.emptyset_expire = \
                expire_timestamp(config['das'].get('emptyset_expire', 5))
        self.dburi   = config['mongodb']['dburi']
        self.cache_size = config['mongodb']['bulkupdate_size']
        self.dbname  = config['dasdb']['dbname']
        self.verbose = config['verbose']
        self.logger  = PrintManager('DASMongocache', self.verbose)
        self.mapping = config['dasmapping']
        self.logging = config['dasdb'].get('logging', False)
        self.rec_ttl = config['dasdb'].get('record_ttl', 24*60*60)
        self.del_ttl = config['dasdb'].get('delta_ttl', 60)
        self.cleanup_del_ttl = config['dasdb'].get('cleanup_delta_ttl', 3600)
        self.retry   = config['dasdb'].get('retry', 3)
        self.das_son_manipulator = DAS_SONManipulator()

        # Initialize MongoDB connection
        self.col_    = self.config['dasdb']['cachecollection']
        self.mrcol_  = self.config['dasdb']['mrcollection']
        self.merge_  = self.config['dasdb']['mergecollection']
        self.gfs     = db_gridfs(self.dburi)

        msg = "%s@%s" % (self.dburi, self.dbname)

        # ensure that we have the following indexes
        common_idx = [
                      ('file.name', DESCENDING),
                      ('dataset.name', DESCENDING),
                      ('block.name', DESCENDING),
                      ('run.run_number', DESCENDING),
        index_list = [('das.expire', ASCENDING), ('das_id', ASCENDING),
                      ('das.system', ASCENDING),
                      ('qhash', DESCENDING),
                      ('das.record', ASCENDING)]
        create_indexes(self.col, index_list + common_idx)
        index_list = [('das.expire', ASCENDING), ('das_id', ASCENDING),
                      ('qhash', DESCENDING),
                      ('das.record', ASCENDING),
                      ('das.ts', ASCENDING)]
        create_indexes(self.merge, index_list)
        # NOTE: I found that creating index in merge collection leads to
        # MongoDB error when records contains multiple arrays on indexed
        # keys. For example, when we query file,run,lumi both file and run
        # are arrays in MongoDB. In this case the final sort in MongoDB
        # bark with the following message:
        # cannot sort with keys that are parallel arrays
        # it looks like that there is no fix for that yet
        # see
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6516725/how-do-i-index-two-arrays-in-mongodb
        # therefore I temporary disabled create_indexes call on merge
        # collection which was used to have index to ease final sort,
        # especially in a case when a lot of records correspond to inital
        # query, e.g. file records.
        # On another hand, the most common use case where sort fails is
        # getting file records, and I can add one compound key to ease sort
        # but I can't add another compound key on array field, e.g. run
        common_idx = [[('qhash', DESCENDING), ('file.name', DESCENDING)]]
        create_indexes(self.merge, index_list + common_idx)

        # thread which clean-up DAS collections
        thname = 'mongocache_cleanup'
        cols   = [config['dasdb']['cachecollection'],
Example #11
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.emptyset_expire = \
                expire_timestamp(config['das'].get('emptyset_expire', 5))
        self.dburi = config['mongodb']['dburi']
        self.cache_size = config['mongodb']['bulkupdate_size']
        self.dbname = config['dasdb']['dbname']
        self.verbose = config['verbose']
        self.logger = PrintManager('DASMongocache', self.verbose)
        self.mapping = config['dasmapping']
        self.logging = config['dasdb'].get('logging', False)
        self.rec_ttl = config['dasdb'].get('record_ttl', 24 * 60 * 60)
        self.del_ttl = config['dasdb'].get('delta_ttl', 60)
        self.cleanup_del_ttl = config['dasdb'].get('cleanup_delta_ttl', 3600)
        self.retry = config['dasdb'].get('retry', 3)
        self.das_son_manipulator = DAS_SONManipulator()

        # Initialize MongoDB connection
        self.col_ = self.config['dasdb']['cachecollection']
        self.mrcol_ = self.config['dasdb']['mrcollection']
        self.merge_ = self.config['dasdb']['mergecollection']
        self.gfs = db_gridfs(self.dburi)

        msg = "%s@%s" % (self.dburi, self.dbname)

        # ensure that we have the following indexes
        common_idx = [
            ('file.name', DESCENDING),
            ('dataset.name', DESCENDING),
            ('block.name', DESCENDING),
            ('run.run_number', DESCENDING),
        index_list = [('das.expire', ASCENDING), ('das_id', ASCENDING),
                      ('das.system', ASCENDING), ('qhash', DESCENDING),
                      ('das.record', ASCENDING)]
        create_indexes(self.col, index_list + common_idx)
        index_list = [('das.expire', ASCENDING), ('das_id', ASCENDING),
                      ('qhash', DESCENDING), ('das.record', ASCENDING),
                      ('das.ts', ASCENDING)]
        create_indexes(self.merge, index_list)
        # NOTE: I found that creating index in merge collection leads to
        # MongoDB error when records contains multiple arrays on indexed
        # keys. For example, when we query file,run,lumi both file and run
        # are arrays in MongoDB. In this case the final sort in MongoDB
        # bark with the following message:
        # cannot sort with keys that are parallel arrays
        # it looks like that there is no fix for that yet
        # see
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6516725/how-do-i-index-two-arrays-in-mongodb
        # therefore I temporary disabled create_indexes call on merge
        # collection which was used to have index to ease final sort,
        # especially in a case when a lot of records correspond to inital
        # query, e.g. file records.
        # On another hand, the most common use case where sort fails is
        # getting file records, and I can add one compound key to ease sort
        # but I can't add another compound key on array field, e.g. run
        common_idx = [[('qhash', DESCENDING), ('file.name', DESCENDING)]]
        create_indexes(self.merge, index_list + common_idx)

        # thread which clean-up DAS collections
        thname = 'mongocache_cleanup'
        cols = [
            config['dasdb']['mrcollection'], config['dasdb']['mergecollection']