Example #1
def declare(productName, versionName, productDir=None, eupsPathDir=None, 
            tablefile=None, externalFileList=[], tag=None, eupsenv=None):
    Declare a product.  That is, make this product known to EUPS.  

    If the product is already declared, this method can be used to
    change the declaration.  The most common type of
    "redeclaration" is to only assign a tag.  (Note that this can 
    be accomplished more efficiently with assignTag() as well.)
    Attempts to change other data for a product requires self.force
    to be true. 

    If the product has no installation directory or table file,
    these parameters should be set to "none".  If either are None,
    some attempt is made to surmise what these should be.  If the 
    guessed locations are not found to exist, this method will
    raise an exception.  

    If the tablefile is an open file descriptor, it is assumed that 
    a copy should be made and placed into product's ups directory.
    This directory will be created if it doesn't exist.

    For backward compatibility, the declareCurrent parameter is
    provided but its use is deprecated.  It is ignored unless the
    tag argument is None.  A value of True is equivalent to 
    setting tag="current".  If declareCurrent is None and tag is
    boolean, this method assumes the boolean value is intended for 

    @param productName   the name of the product to declare
    @param versionName   the version to declare.
    @param productDir    the directory where the product is installed.
                           If set to "none", there is no installation
                           directory (and tablefile must be specified).
                           If None, an attempt to determine the 
                           installation directory (from eupsPathDir) is 
    @param eupsPathDir   the EUPS product stack to install the product 
                           into.  If None, then the first writable stack
                           in EUPS_PATH will be installed into.
    @param tablefile     the path to the table file for this product.  If
                           "none", the product has no table file.  If None,
                           it is looked for under productDir/ups.
    @param externalFileList  List of tuples (infile, outfile) of files that should be
                         saved in the product's "Extra" directory
    @param tag           the tag to assign to this product.  If the 
                           specified product is already registered with
                           the same product directory and table file,
                           then use of this input will simple assign this
                           tag to the variable.  (See also above note about 
                           backward compatibility.)
    @param eupsenv       the Eups instance to assume.  If None, a default 
                           will be created.  
    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups()
    return eupsenv.declare(productName, versionName, productDir, eupsPathDir,
                           tablefile, externalFileList=externalFileList, tag=tag)
Example #2
def declare(productName,
    Declare a product.  That is, make this product known to EUPS.  

    If the product is already declared, this method can be used to
    change the declaration.  The most common type of
    "redeclaration" is to only assign a tag.  (Note that this can 
    be accomplished more efficiently with assignTag() as well.)
    Attempts to change other data for a product requires self.force
    to be true. 

    If the product has no installation directory or table file,
    these parameters should be set to "none".  If either are None,
    some attempt is made to surmise what these should be.  If the 
    guessed locations are not found to exist, this method will
    raise an exception.  

    If the tablefile is an open file descriptor, it is assumed that 
    a copy should be made and placed into product's ups directory.
    This directory will be created if it doesn't exist.

    For backward compatibility, the declareCurrent parameter is
    provided but its use is deprecated.  It is ignored unless the
    tag argument is None.  A value of True is equivalent to 
    setting tag="current".  If declareCurrent is None and tag is
    boolean, this method assumes the boolean value is intended for 

    @param productName   the name of the product to declare
    @param versionName   the version to declare.
    @param productDir    the directory where the product is installed.
                           If set to "none", there is no installation
                           directory (and tablefile must be specified).
                           If None, an attempt to determine the 
                           installation directory (from eupsPathDir) is 
    @param eupsPathDir   the EUPS product stack to install the product 
                           into.  If None, then the first writable stack
                           in EUPS_PATH will be installed into.
    @param tablefile     the path to the table file for this product.  If
                           "none", the product has no table file.  If None,
                           it is looked for under productDir/ups.
    @param externalFileList  List of tuples (infile, outfile) of files that should be
                         saved in the product's "Extra" directory
    @param tag           the tag to assign to this product.  If the 
                           specified product is already registered with
                           the same product directory and table file,
                           then use of this input will simple assign this
                           tag to the variable.  (See also above note about 
                           backward compatibility.)
    @param eupsenv       the Eups instance to assume.  If None, a default 
                           will be created.  
    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups()
    return eupsenv.declare(productName,