Example #1
def productDir(productName=None, versionName=Tag("setup"), eupsenv=None):
    return the installation directory (PRODUCT_DIR) for the specified 
    product.  None is returned if no matching product can be found
    @param productName   the name of the product of interest; if None return a dictionary of all productDirs
    @param version       the desired version.  This can in one of the 
                         following forms:
                          *  an explicit version 
                          *  a version expression (e.g. ">=3.3")
                          *  a Tag instance 
                          *  None, in which case, the (most) preferred 
                               version will be returned.
                         The default is the global tag "setup".  
    @param eupsenv       The Eups instance to use to find the product.  If 
                            not provided, a default will created.  
    if productName and versionName == Tag("setup"): # we can take a shortcut
        return os.environ.get(utils.dirEnvNameFor(productName))

    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups()

    if not productName:
        tags = None
        if versionName == Tag("setup"):
            tags = versionName
            versionName = ""
        productList = eupsenv.findProducts(productName, versionName, tags)
        productDirs = {}
        for prod in productList:
            pdir = prod.dir
            if pdir == "none":
                pdir = None
            productDirs[prod.name] = pdir

        return productDirs

    prod = eupsenv.findProduct(productName, versionName)
    if not prod:
        return None

    pdir = prod.dir
    if pdir == "none":
        pdir = None
    return pdir
Example #2
def productDir(productName=None, versionName=Tag("setup"), eupsenv=None):
    return the installation directory (PRODUCT_DIR) for the specified 
    product.  None is returned if no matching product can be found
    @param productName   the name of the product of interest; if None return a dictionary of all productDirs
    @param version       the desired version.  This can in one of the 
                         following forms:
                          *  an explicit version 
                          *  a version expression (e.g. ">=3.3")
                          *  a Tag instance 
                          *  None, in which case, the (most) preferred 
                               version will be returned.
                         The default is the global tag "setup".  
    @param eupsenv       The Eups instance to use to find the product.  If 
                            not provided, a default will created.  
    if productName and versionName == Tag("setup"):  # we can take a shortcut
        return os.environ.get(utils.dirEnvNameFor(productName))

    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups()

    if not productName:
        tags = None
        if versionName == Tag("setup"):
            tags = versionName
            versionName = ""

        productList = eupsenv.findProducts(productName, versionName, tags)
        productDirs = {}
        for prod in productList:
            pdir = prod.dir
            if pdir == "none":
                pdir = None
            productDirs[prod.name] = pdir

        return productDirs

    prod = eupsenv.findProduct(productName, versionName)
    if not prod:
        return None

    pdir = prod.dir
    if pdir == "none":
        pdir = None

    return pdir
Example #3
def printUses(outstrm, productName, versionName=None, eupsenv=None, 
              depth=9999, showOptional=False, tags=None, pickleFile=None):
    print a listing of products that make use of a given product.  
    @param outstrm       the output stream to write the listing to 
    @parma productName   the name of the product to find usage of for
    @param versionName   the product version to query.  If None, all
                            versions will be considered
    @param eupsenv       the Eups instance to use; if None, a default will
                            be created.
    @param depth         maximum number of dependency levels to examine
    @param showOptional  if True, indicate if a dependency is optional.  
    @param tags          the preferred set of tags to choose when examining
    @param pickleFile    file to save uses dependencies to (or read from if starts with <)
    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups()
    if tags:

    # To work
    if pickleFile and pickleFile[0] == "<": # read it
        fd = open(pickleFile[1:])
        usesInfo = cPickle.load(fd)
        usesInfo = eupsenv.uses()
        if pickleFile:
            fd = open(pickleFile, "w")
            cPickle.dump(usesInfo, fd)

    userList = eupsenv.uses(productName, versionName, depth, usesInfo=usesInfo)

    if len(userList) == 0:              # nobody cares.  Maybe the product doesn't exist?
        productList = eupsenv.findProducts(productName, versionName)
        if len(productList) == 0:
            raise ProductNotFound(productName, versionName)

    fmt = "%-25s %-15s"
    str = fmt % ("product", "version")

    if versionName:                             # we know the product version, so don't print it again
        fmt2 = None
        fmt2 = " %-15s"
        str += fmt2 % ("%s version" % productName)
    print >> outstrm, str

    for (p, pv, requestedInfo) in userList:
        if requestedInfo.optional and not showOptional:

        str = fmt % (("%*s%s" % (0*requestedInfo.depth, "", p)), pv)
        if fmt2:
            str += fmt2 % (requestedInfo.version)

        if showOptional:
            if requestedInfo.optional:
                str += "Optional"

        print >> outstrm, str
Example #4
def printProducts(ostrm, productName=None, versionName=None, eupsenv=None, 
                  tags=None, setup=False, tablefile=False, directory=False, 
                  dependencies=False, showVersion=False, showName=False,
                  depth=None, productDir=None, topological=False, checkCycles=False, raw=False):
    print out a listing of products.  Returned is the number of products listed.
    @param ostrm           the output stream to send listing to
    @param productName     restrict the listing to this product
    @param versionName     restrict the listing to this version of the product.
    @param eupsenv         the Eups instance to use; if None, a default 
                              will be created.  
    @param tags            restrict the listing to products with these tag names
    @param setup           restrict the listing to products that are currently
                              setup (or print actually setup versions with dependencies)
    @param tablefile       include the path to each product's table file
    @param directory       include each product's installation directory
    @param dependencies    print the product's dependencies
    @param showVersion     Only print the product{'s,s'} version[s] (e.g. eups list -V -s afw)
    @param showName        Only print the product{'s,s'} name[s] (e.g. eups list --name -t rhl)
    @param depth           a string giving an expression for determining
                             whether a dependency of a certain depth should
                             be included.  This string can be a simple integer
                             which will be taken to mean, print all depths
                             <= that integer.  An expression having just a
                             a logical operator and an integer (e.g. 
                             "> 3") implies a comparison with the depth
                             of each dependency (i.e. "depth > 3").  
    @param topological     List dependencies in topological-sorted order
    @param checkCycles     Raise RuntimeError if topological sort detects a cycle
    @param raw             Generate "raw" output (suitable for further processing)

    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups()
    if tags:
        if isinstance(tags, str):
            tags = tags.split()
        checkTagsList(eupsenv, tags)
    elif setup and not dependencies:
        tags = ["setup"]

    # If productDir is provided only list its dependencies;  we do this by setting it up
    if productDir:
        if not dependencies:
            raise EupsException("-r only makes sense with --dependencies")

        if productDir:
            ups_dir = os.path.join(productDir, "ups")
            if not os.path.isdir(ups_dir):
                raise EupsException("Unable to guess product name as product has no ups directory")

            p = utils.guessProduct(ups_dir)

            if productName:
                if p != productName:
                    raise EupsException("Guessed product %s from ups directory, but %s from path" % \
                                        (productName, p))
                productName = p  

        if tags:
            tag = tags[0]
            tag = None

        eupsenv.setup(productName, versionName, productRoot=os.path.abspath(productDir))
        setup = True                    # only list this version

    productNameIsGlob = productName and re.search(r"[\[\]?*]", productName) # is productName actually a glob?

    productList = eupsenv.findProducts(productName, versionName, tags)
    if not productList:
        if productName:
            msg = productName
            if versionName:
                msg += " %s" % versionName
            if tags:
                msg += " tagged \"%s\"" % ", ".join([Tag(t).name for t in tags])

            raise ProductNotFound(productName, versionName, msg="Unable to find product %s" % msg)

    productList.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a, b), 
                     lambda p: ":".join([p.name, p.version]))
    if dependencies:
        _msgs = {}               # maintain list of printed dependencies
        recursionDepth, indent = 0, ""

        if len(productList) > 1:
            if setup:
                productList = eupsenv.getSetupProducts(productName)
                raise EupsException("Please choose the version you want listed (%s)" %
                                    (", ".join([p.version for p in productList])))
        if topological:
            raise EupsException("--topological only makes sense with --dependencies")
    productTags = {}             # list of tags indexed by product

    oinfo = None                 # previous value of "info"; used to suppress repetitions due to e.g. 
                                 # listing directories when there's a NULL and Linux declaration 

    if depth is None: 
        depth = "True" 
            depth = "<= %d" % int(depth) 
        except ValueError: 
        if not re.search(r"depth", depth): 
            depth = "depth" + depth 
    def includeProduct(recursionDepth): 
        """Should we include a product at this recursionDepth in the listing?""" 
        depthExpr = VersionParser(depth)
        depthExpr.define("depth", recursionDepth) 
        return depthExpr.eval() 

    if dependencies:
        recursionDepth = 0 

        product = productList[0]

        if includeProduct(recursionDepth) and not (checkCycles and not topological):
            if raw:
                fmt = "%s|%s"
                fmt = "%-40s %s"
            print fmt % (product.name, product.version)

        for product, optional, recursionDepth in eupsenv.getDependentProducts(product, setup,
            if not includeProduct(recursionDepth) or (checkCycles and not topological):

            if eupsenv.verbose or not _msgs.has_key(product.name):
                _msgs[product.name] = product.version

                if not re.search(r"==", depth): 
                    indent = "| " * (recursionDepth/2) 
                    if recursionDepth%2 == 1: 
                        indent += "|" 

                if raw:
                    print "%s|%s" % (product.name, product.version)
                    print "%-40s %s" % (("%s%s" % (indent, product.name)), product.version)

        return 1
    # See if some tag appears more than once;  if so, they are from different stacks
    tagsSeen = {}
    for pi in productList:
        for t in pi.tags:
            if not tagsSeen.has_key(t):
                tagsSeen[t] = {}
            if not tagsSeen[t].has_key(pi.name):
                tagsSeen[t][pi.name] = 0

            tagsSeen[t][pi.name] += 1
    # Actually list the products
    nprod = len(productList)
    for pi in productList:
        name, version, root = pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot() # for convenience
        if root == "none":  root = " (none)"
        info = ""

        if setup:
            if not eupsenv.isSetup(pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot()):
            if not pi._prodStack:       # only found in the environment
                if False:           
                    continue            # Exclude environment-only products
        if directory or tablefile:
            if eupsenv.verbose:
                if raw:
                    if info:
                        info += "|"
                    info += version
                    info += "%-10s" % (version)

            if directory:
                if pi.dir:
                    if raw and info:
                        info += "|"
                    info += pi.dir
                    info += ""
            if tablefile:
                if info:
                    if raw:
                        info += "|"
                        info += "\t"

                if pi.tablefile:
                    info += pi.tablefile
                    info += "none"
        elif showName:
            if raw:
                if info:
                    info += "|"
                info += name
                info += "%-10s" % (name)
        elif showVersion:
            info += "%-10s" % (version)
            if raw:
                if info:
                    info += "|"
                info += name + "|" + version
                if productName and not productNameIsGlob:
                    info += "   "
                    info += "%-21s " % (name)
                info += "%-10s " % (version)
            if eupsenv.verbose:
                if raw:
                    if info:
                        info += "|"
                if eupsenv.verbose > 1:
                    if raw:
                        info += pi.flavor + "|"
                        info += "%-10s" % (pi.flavor)

                if raw:
                    info += root + "|" + pi.dir
                    info += "%-20s %-55s" % (root, pi.dir)

                extra = pi.tags
                extra = []
                for t in pi.tags:
                    if not eupsenv.verbose:
                        t = Tag(t).name # get the bare tag name, not e.g. user:foo
                    if tagsSeen.get(t) and tagsSeen[t].get(pi.name) > 1:
                        t = "%s[%s]" % (t, root)

            if eupsenv.isSetup(pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot()):
                extra += ["setup"]
            if raw and info:
                info += "|"

            if extra:
                if raw:
                    info += ":".join(extra)
                    info += "\t" + " ".join(extra)

        if info:
            if info != oinfo: 
                print info 
                oinfo = info

    return nprod
Example #5
def printUses(outstrm,
    print a listing of products that make use of a given product.  
    @param outstrm       the output stream to write the listing to 
    @parma productName   the name of the product to find usage of for
    @param versionName   the product version to query.  If None, all
                            versions will be considered
    @param eupsenv       the Eups instance to use; if None, a default will
                            be created.
    @param depth         maximum number of dependency levels to examine
    @param showOptional  if True, indicate if a dependency is optional.  
    @param tags          the preferred set of tags to choose when examining
    @param pickleFile    file to save uses dependencies to (or read from if starts with <)
    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups()
    if tags:

    # To work
    if pickleFile and pickleFile[0] == "<":  # read it
        fd = open(pickleFile[1:])
        usesInfo = cPickle.load(fd)
        usesInfo = eupsenv.uses()
        if pickleFile:
            fd = open(pickleFile, "w")
            cPickle.dump(usesInfo, fd)

    userList = eupsenv.uses(productName, versionName, depth, usesInfo=usesInfo)

    if len(userList) == 0:  # nobody cares.  Maybe the product doesn't exist?
        productList = eupsenv.findProducts(productName, versionName)
        if len(productList) == 0:
            raise ProductNotFound(productName, versionName)

    fmt = "%-25s %-15s"
    str = fmt % ("product", "version")

    if versionName:  # we know the product version, so don't print it again
        fmt2 = None
        fmt2 = " %-15s"
        str += fmt2 % ("%s version" % productName)
    print >> outstrm, str

    for (p, pv, requestedInfo) in userList:
        if requestedInfo.optional and not showOptional:

        str = fmt % (("%*s%s" % (0 * requestedInfo.depth, "", p)), pv)
        if fmt2:
            str += fmt2 % (requestedInfo.version)

        if showOptional:
            if requestedInfo.optional:
                str += "Optional"

        print >> outstrm, str
Example #6
def printProducts(ostrm,
    print out a listing of products.  Returned is the number of products listed.
    @param ostrm           the output stream to send listing to
    @param productName     restrict the listing to this product
    @param versionName     restrict the listing to this version of the product.
    @param eupsenv         the Eups instance to use; if None, a default 
                              will be created.  
    @param tags            restrict the listing to products with these tag names
    @param setup           restrict the listing to products that are currently
                              setup (or print actually setup versions with dependencies)
    @param tablefile       include the path to each product's table file
    @param directory       include each product's installation directory
    @param dependencies    print the product's dependencies
    @param showVersion     Only print the product{'s,s'} version[s] (e.g. eups list -V -s afw)
    @param showName        Only print the product{'s,s'} name[s] (e.g. eups list --name -t rhl)
    @param depth           a string giving an expression for determining
                             whether a dependency of a certain depth should
                             be included.  This string can be a simple integer
                             which will be taken to mean, print all depths
                             <= that integer.  An expression having just a
                             a logical operator and an integer (e.g. 
                             "> 3") implies a comparison with the depth
                             of each dependency (i.e. "depth > 3").  
    @param topological     List dependencies in topological-sorted order
    @param checkCycles     Raise RuntimeError if topological sort detects a cycle
    @param raw             Generate "raw" output (suitable for further processing)

    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups()
    if tags:
        if isinstance(tags, str):
            tags = tags.split()
        checkTagsList(eupsenv, tags)
    elif setup and not dependencies:
        tags = ["setup"]

    # If productDir is provided only list its dependencies;  we do this by setting it up
    if productDir:
        if not dependencies:
            raise EupsException("-r only makes sense with --dependencies")

        if productDir:
            ups_dir = os.path.join(productDir, "ups")
            if not os.path.isdir(ups_dir):
                raise EupsException(
                    "Unable to guess product name as product has no ups directory"

            p = utils.guessProduct(ups_dir)

            if productName:
                if p != productName:
                    raise EupsException("Guessed product %s from ups directory, but %s from path" % \
                                        (productName, p))
                productName = p

        if tags:
            tag = tags[0]
            tag = None

        setup = True  # only list this version

    productNameIsGlob = productName and re.search(
        r"[\[\]?*]", productName)  # is productName actually a glob?

    productList = eupsenv.findProducts(productName, versionName, tags)
    if not productList:
        if productName:
            msg = productName
            if versionName:
                msg += " %s" % versionName
            if tags:
                msg += " tagged \"%s\"" % ", ".join(
                    [Tag(t).name for t in tags])

            raise ProductNotFound(productName,
                                  msg="Unable to find product %s" % msg)

    productList.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a, b),
                     lambda p: ":".join([p.name, p.version]))

    if dependencies:
        _msgs = {}  # maintain list of printed dependencies
        recursionDepth, indent = 0, ""

        if len(productList) > 1:
            if setup:
                productList = eupsenv.getSetupProducts(productName)
                raise EupsException(
                    "Please choose the version you want listed (%s)" %
                    (", ".join([p.version for p in productList])))
        if topological:
            raise EupsException(
                "--topological only makes sense with --dependencies")

    productTags = {}  # list of tags indexed by product

    oinfo = None  # previous value of "info"; used to suppress repetitions due to e.g.
    # listing directories when there's a NULL and Linux declaration

    if depth is None:
        depth = "True"
            depth = "<= %d" % int(depth)
        except ValueError:

        if not re.search(r"depth", depth):
            depth = "depth" + depth

    def includeProduct(recursionDepth):
        """Should we include a product at this recursionDepth in the listing?"""
        depthExpr = VersionParser(depth)
        depthExpr.define("depth", recursionDepth)
        return depthExpr.eval()

    if dependencies:
        recursionDepth = 0

        product = productList[0]

        if includeProduct(recursionDepth) and not (checkCycles
                                                   and not topological):
            if raw:
                fmt = "%s|%s"
                fmt = "%-40s %s"
            print fmt % (product.name, product.version)

        for product, optional, recursionDepth in eupsenv.getDependentProducts(
                product, setup, topological=topological,
            if not includeProduct(recursionDepth) or (checkCycles
                                                      and not topological):

            if eupsenv.verbose or not _msgs.has_key(product.name):
                _msgs[product.name] = product.version

                if not re.search(r"==", depth):
                    indent = "| " * (recursionDepth / 2)
                    if recursionDepth % 2 == 1:
                        indent += "|"

                if raw:
                    print "%s|%s" % (product.name, product.version)
                    print "%-40s %s" % (
                        ("%s%s" % (indent, product.name)), product.version)

        return 1
    # See if some tag appears more than once;  if so, they are from different stacks
    tagsSeen = {}
    for pi in productList:
        for t in pi.tags:
            if not tagsSeen.has_key(t):
                tagsSeen[t] = {}
            if not tagsSeen[t].has_key(pi.name):
                tagsSeen[t][pi.name] = 0

            tagsSeen[t][pi.name] += 1
    # Actually list the products
    nprod = len(productList)
    for pi in productList:
        name, version, root = pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot(
        )  # for convenience
        if root == "none": root = " (none)"
        info = ""

        if setup:
            if not eupsenv.isSetup(pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot()):
            if not pi._prodStack:  # only found in the environment
                if False:
                    continue  # Exclude environment-only products

        if directory or tablefile:
            if eupsenv.verbose:
                if raw:
                    if info:
                        info += "|"
                    info += version
                    info += "%-10s" % (version)

            if directory:
                if pi.dir:
                    if raw and info:
                        info += "|"
                    info += pi.dir
                    info += ""
            if tablefile:
                if info:
                    if raw:
                        info += "|"
                        info += "\t"

                if pi.tablefile:
                    info += pi.tablefile
                    info += "none"
        elif showName:
            if raw:
                if info:
                    info += "|"
                info += name
                info += "%-10s" % (name)
        elif showVersion:
            info += "%-10s" % (version)
            if raw:
                if info:
                    info += "|"
                info += name + "|" + version
                if productName and not productNameIsGlob:
                    info += "   "
                    info += "%-21s " % (name)
                info += "%-10s " % (version)
            if eupsenv.verbose:
                if raw:
                    if info:
                        info += "|"
                if eupsenv.verbose > 1:
                    if raw:
                        info += pi.flavor + "|"
                        info += "%-10s" % (pi.flavor)

                if raw:
                    info += root + "|" + pi.dir
                    info += "%-20s %-55s" % (root, pi.dir)

                extra = pi.tags
                extra = []
                for t in pi.tags:
                    if not eupsenv.verbose:
                        t = Tag(
                            t).name  # get the bare tag name, not e.g. user:foo
                    if tagsSeen.get(t) and tagsSeen[t].get(pi.name) > 1:
                        t = "%s[%s]" % (t, root)

            if eupsenv.isSetup(pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot()):
                extra += ["setup"]
            if raw and info:
                info += "|"

            if extra:
                if raw:
                    info += ":".join(extra)
                    info += "\t" + " ".join(extra)

        if info:
            if info != oinfo:
                print info
                oinfo = info

    return nprod