Example #1
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.distributions import Categorical

from GridWorld import GridWorld
from Agents import RandomAgent
from TOMnet import CharacterNet, TOMNet
''' initializing the gridworld and the agent'''
Height = 11
Width = 11
Num_Goals = 4

sample_world = GridWorld(Height, Width, Num_Goals)

random_agent = RandomAgent(sample_world)
# sample_world.showImage()
''' initializing ToM network '''
batch_size = 7
input_channel = 11  # 5+K -> 1 wall, 4 goals, 1 agent, 5 action
height = 11
width = 11
hidden_channel_cn = 8
hidden_channel_tn = 32
output_size = 2
input_size = (batch_size, input_channel, height, width)