def addConfigInfo(of, dataset): d = of.mkdir("configInfo") # configinfo histogram configinfo = ROOT.TH1F("configinfo", "configinfo", 3, 0, 3) axis = configinfo.GetXaxis() def setValue(bin, name, value): axis.SetBinLabel(bin, name) configinfo.SetBinContent(bin, value) setValue(1, "control", 1) if dataset.isData(): setValue(2, "luminosity", dataset.getLuminosity()) setValue(3, "isData", 1) elif dataset.isMC(): setValue(2, "crossSection", dataset.getCrossSection()) setValue(3, "isData", 0) configinfo.Write() configinfo.Delete() # dataVersion ds = dataset if dataset.isData(): ds = dataset.datasets[0] dataVersion = ROOT.TNamed("dataVersion", ds.dataVersion) dataVersion.Write() dataVersion.Delete() # codeVersion codeVersion = ROOT.TNamed("codeVersion", git.getCommitId()) codeVersion.Write() codeVersion.Delete()
def plotTurnOn(datasets, pathAll, pathPassed, commonText, dataText=None, mcText=None, rebin=1, ratio=False): dataLabel = "Data" mcLabel = "Simulation" if dataText != None and mcText == None: raise Exception("mcText must not be None when dataText is not") if dataText == None and mcText != None: raise Exception("dataText must not be None when mcText is not") # if dataText != None: # dataLabel += ": "+dataText # mcLabel += ": "+mcText mc_effs = [] data_eff_gr = None binWidth = None luminosity = 0 for dataset in datasets.getAllDatasets(): all = dataset.getDatasetRootHisto(pathAll).getHistogram() passed = dataset.getDatasetRootHisto(pathPassed).getHistogram() if rebin > 1: all.Rebin(rebin) passed.Rebin(rebin) binWidth = all.GetBinWidth(1) if dataset.isMC() and not "TTTo" in dataset.getName(): #if dataset.isMC() and not "TTTo" in dataset.getName() and not "QCD" in dataset.getName(): #if dataset.isMC() and "QCD" in dataset.getName(): mc_effs.append(HistoEff(all, passed, dataset)) elif dataset.isData(): data_eff_gr = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(passed, all, "cp") # 0.683 cl is default luminosity += dataset.getLuminosity() mc_eff_gr = combineHistoEffs(mc_effs) p = plots.ComparisonPlot( histograms.HistoGraph(data_eff_gr, "Data", "p", "P"), histograms.HistoGraph(mc_eff_gr, "Simulation", "p", "P")) p.histoMgr.forEachHisto( styles.generator2(styles.StyleMarker(markerSizes=[1.0, 1.5]), plotStyles)) p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendLabelMany({ "Data": dataLabel, "Simulation": mcLabel, }) p.setLuminosity(luminosity) #p.addGraph(data_eff_gr, "Data") #p.addGraph(mc_eff_gr, "Simulation") #p.finalize() opts = {"ymin": 0.0, "ymax": 1.1} #opts2 = {"ymin": 0.5, "ymax": 1.5} opts2 = {"ymin": 0.7, "ymax": 1.3} name = "calomet_turnon_" + runs if not mcDataDefinition: name += "_McSummer11" if caloMetNoHF: name += "_caloMetNoHF" p.createFrame(name, createRatio=ratio, opts=opts, opts2=opts2) if ratio: p.getFrame2().GetYaxis().SetTitle("Ratio") p.line1 = plots._createRatioLine(,, 0.9) p.line2 = plots._createRatioLine(,, 1.1) p.line1.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) p.line2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) p.line1.Draw("L") p.line2.Draw("L") p.setLegend( histograms.moveLegend( histograms.createLegend(y1=0.95, y2=0.85), #dx=-0.55, dy=-0.05 #dx=-0.44, dy=-0.58 dx=-0.3, dy=-0.4)) x = 0.25 y = 0.3 dy = 0.035 mcColor = mc_eff_gr.GetMarkerColor() size = 17 p.appendPlotObject( histograms.PlotText(x, y, "Data (runs %s):" % runs, size=size)) y -= dy p.appendPlotObject(histograms.PlotText(x, y, dataText, size=size)) y -= dy y -= 0.01 p.appendPlotObject( histograms.PlotText(x, y, "Simulation:", size=size, color=mcColor)) y -= dy p.appendPlotObject( histograms.PlotText(x, y, mcText, size=size, color=mcColor)) y -= dy def text(): l = ROOT.TLatex() l.SetNDC() # l.SetTextFont(l.GetTextFont()-20) # bold -> normal l.SetTextSize(l.GetTextSize() * 0.65) #l.DrawLatex(0.35, 0.4, commonText) l.DrawLatex(0.48, 0.32, commonText) textFunction = text if dataText != None: textFunction = None #common(p, "PF E_{T}^{miss} (GeV)", "Efficiency / %.0f GeV"%binWidth, afterDraw=textFunction) common(p, "Uncorrected PF E_{T}^{miss} (GeV)", "Efficiency", afterDraw=textFunction)
def printEfficiency(datasets, bin, function): backup = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kError mc_all = 0 mc_passed = 0 data_all = 0 data_passed = 0 # mc_eff = ROOT.TEfficiency("mc", "mc", 1, 0, 1) # mc_eff.SetStatisticOption(ROOT.TEfficiency.kFCP) mc_effs = [] for dataset in datasets.getAllDatasets(): # print histo.getRootHisto().GetNbinsX(), histo.getXmin(), histo.getXmax() # hpass = histograms.dist2pass(histo.getRootHisto(), greaterThan=True) # hpass = histograms.dist2pass(dataset.getDatasetRootHisto(path).getHistogram(), greaterThan=True) # all = hpass.GetBinContent(1) # passed = hpass.GetBinContent(bin) # cutvalue = hpass.GetBinCenter(bin) (all, passed, cutvalue) = function(dataset, bin) eff = Eff(all, passed, dataset) print "Dataset %-35s, eff %f + %f - %f" % (dataset.getName(), eff.eff, eff.eff_up, eff.eff_down) # print all, passed, cutvalue # e = ROOT.TEfficiency("mc"+dataset.getName(), "mc_"+dataset.getName(), 1, 0, 1) # e.SetStatisticOption(ROOT.TEfficiency.kFCP) if dataset.isMC() and not "TTTo" in dataset.getName(): mc_all += all mc_passed += passed mc_effs.append(eff) elif dataset.isData(): data_all += all data_passed += passed #cl = 0.95 cl = 0.683 mc_eff = mc_passed / mc_all mc_eff_up = ROOT.TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(mc_all), int(mc_passed), cl, True) mc_eff_down = ROOT.TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(mc_all), int(mc_passed), cl, False) mc_eff_up = mc_eff_up - mc_eff mc_eff_down = mc_eff - mc_eff_down (cmc_eff, cmc_eff_up, cmc_eff_down) = combineEffs(mc_effs) cmc_eff_err = max(cmc_eff_up, cmc_eff_down) data_eff = data_passed / data_all data_eff_up = ROOT.TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(data_all), int(data_passed), cl, True) data_eff_down = ROOT.TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(data_all), int(data_passed), cl, False) data_eff_up = data_eff_up - data_eff data_eff_down = data_eff - data_eff_down data_eff_err = max(data_eff_up, data_eff_down) rho = data_eff / cmc_eff rho_err = math.sqrt((data_eff_err / cmc_eff)**2 + (data_eff * cmc_eff_err / (cmc_eff**2))**2) print "Cut value %f, bin %d:" % (cutvalue, bin) # print " MC %f/%f = %f + %f - %f" % (mc_all, mc_passed, mc_eff, mc_eff_up, mc_eff_down) print " Comb. MC %f + %f - %f" % (cmc_eff, cmc_eff_up, cmc_eff_down) print " data %f/%f = %f + %f - %f" % (data_all, data_passed, data_eff, data_eff_up, data_eff_down) print " scale factor = %f \\pm %f" % (rho, rho_err) ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = backup
def plotTurnOn(datasets, pathAll, pathPassed, commonText, dataText=None, mcText=None, rebin=1, ratio=False): dataLabel = "Data" mcLabel = "Simulation" if dataText != None and mcText == None: raise Exception("mcText must not be None when dataText is not") if dataText == None and mcText != None: raise Exception("dataText must not be None when mcText is not") # if dataText != None: # dataLabel += ": "+dataText # mcLabel += ": "+mcText mc_effs = [] data_eff_gr = None binWidth = None luminosity = 0 for dataset in datasets.getAllDatasets(): all = dataset.getDatasetRootHisto(pathAll).getHistogram() passed = dataset.getDatasetRootHisto(pathPassed).getHistogram() if rebin > 1: all.Rebin(rebin) passed.Rebin(rebin) binWidth = all.GetBinWidth(1) if dataset.isMC() and not "TTTo" in dataset.getName(): #if dataset.isMC() and not "TTTo" in dataset.getName() and not "QCD" in dataset.getName(): #if dataset.isMC() and "QCD" in dataset.getName(): mc_effs.append(HistoEff(all, passed, dataset)) elif dataset.isData(): data_eff_gr = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(passed, all, "cp") # 0.683 cl is default luminosity += dataset.getLuminosity() mc_eff_gr = combineHistoEffs(mc_effs) p = plots.ComparisonPlot( histograms.HistoGraph(data_eff_gr, "Data", "p", "P"), histograms.HistoGraph(mc_eff_gr, "Simulation", "p", "P") ) p.histoMgr.forEachHisto(styles.generator2(styles.StyleMarker(markerSizes=[1.0, 1.5]), plotStyles)) p.histoMgr.setHistoLegendLabelMany({ "Data": dataLabel, "Simulation": mcLabel, }) p.setLuminosity(luminosity) #p.addGraph(data_eff_gr, "Data") #p.addGraph(mc_eff_gr, "Simulation") #p.finalize() opts = {"ymin": 0.0, "ymax": 1.1} #opts2 = {"ymin": 0.5, "ymax": 1.5} opts2 = {"ymin": 0.7, "ymax": 1.3} name = "calomet_turnon_"+runs if not mcDataDefinition: name += "_McSummer11" if caloMetNoHF: name += "_caloMetNoHF" p.createFrame(name, createRatio=ratio, opts=opts, opts2=opts2) if ratio: p.getFrame2().GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data / MC") p.line1 = plots._createRatioLine(,, 0.9) p.line2 = plots._createRatioLine(,, 1.1) p.line1.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) p.line2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) p.line1.Draw("L") p.line2.Draw("L") p.setLegend(histograms.moveLegend(histograms.createLegend(y1=0.95, y2=0.85), #dx=-0.55, dy=-0.05 #dx=-0.44, dy=-0.58 dx=-0.3, dy=-0.4 )) x = 0.25 y = 0.3 dy = 0.035 mcColor = mc_eff_gr.GetMarkerColor() size = 17 p.appendPlotObject(histograms.PlotText(x, y, "Data (runs %s):"%runs, size=size)); y -= dy p.appendPlotObject(histograms.PlotText(x, y, dataText, size=size)); y -= dy y -= 0.01 p.appendPlotObject(histograms.PlotText(x, y, "Simulation:", size=size, color=mcColor)); y -= dy p.appendPlotObject(histograms.PlotText(x, y, mcText, size=size, color=mcColor)); y -= dy def text(): l = ROOT.TLatex() l.SetNDC() # l.SetTextFont(l.GetTextFont()-20) # bold -> normal l.SetTextSize(l.GetTextSize()*0.65) #l.DrawLatex(0.35, 0.4, commonText) l.DrawLatex(0.48, 0.32, commonText) textFunction = text if dataText != None: textFunction = None #common(p, "PF E_{T}^{miss} (GeV)", "Efficiency / %.0f GeV"%binWidth, afterDraw=textFunction) common(p, "Uncorrected PF E_{T}^{miss} (GeV)", "Efficiency", afterDraw=textFunction)
def printEfficiency(datasets, bin, function): backup = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kError mc_all = 0 mc_passed = 0 data_all = 0 data_passed = 0 # mc_eff = ROOT.TEfficiency("mc", "mc", 1, 0, 1) # mc_eff.SetStatisticOption(ROOT.TEfficiency.kFCP) mc_effs = [] for dataset in datasets.getAllDatasets(): # print histo.getRootHisto().GetNbinsX(), histo.getXmin(), histo.getXmax() # hpass = histograms.dist2pass(histo.getRootHisto(), greaterThan=True) # hpass = histograms.dist2pass(dataset.getDatasetRootHisto(path).getHistogram(), greaterThan=True) # all = hpass.GetBinContent(1) # passed = hpass.GetBinContent(bin) # cutvalue = hpass.GetBinCenter(bin) (all, passed, cutvalue) = function(dataset, bin) eff = Eff(all, passed, dataset) print "Dataset %-35s, eff %f + %f - %f" % (dataset.getName(), eff.eff, eff.eff_up, eff.eff_down) # print all, passed, cutvalue # e = ROOT.TEfficiency("mc"+dataset.getName(), "mc_"+dataset.getName(), 1, 0, 1) # e.SetStatisticOption(ROOT.TEfficiency.kFCP) if dataset.isMC() and not "TTTo" in dataset.getName(): mc_all += all mc_passed += passed mc_effs.append(eff) elif dataset.isData(): data_all += all data_passed += passed #cl = 0.95 cl = 0.683 mc_eff = mc_passed/mc_all mc_eff_up = ROOT.TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(mc_all), int(mc_passed), cl, True) mc_eff_down = ROOT.TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(mc_all), int(mc_passed), cl, False) mc_eff_up = mc_eff_up-mc_eff mc_eff_down = mc_eff-mc_eff_down (cmc_eff, cmc_eff_up, cmc_eff_down) = combineEffs(mc_effs) cmc_eff_err = max(cmc_eff_up, cmc_eff_down) data_eff = data_passed/data_all data_eff_up = ROOT.TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(data_all), int(data_passed), cl, True) data_eff_down = ROOT.TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(data_all), int(data_passed), cl, False) data_eff_up = data_eff_up-data_eff data_eff_down = data_eff-data_eff_down data_eff_err = max(data_eff_up, data_eff_down) rho = data_eff / cmc_eff rho_err = math.sqrt( (data_eff_err/cmc_eff)**2 + (data_eff*cmc_eff_err/(cmc_eff**2))**2) print "Cut value %f, bin %d:" % (cutvalue, bin) # print " MC %f/%f = %f + %f - %f" % (mc_all, mc_passed, mc_eff, mc_eff_up, mc_eff_down) print " Comb. MC %f + %f - %f" % (cmc_eff, cmc_eff_up, cmc_eff_down) print " data %f/%f = %f + %f - %f" % (data_all, data_passed, data_eff, data_eff_up, data_eff_down) print " scale factor = %f \\pm %f" % (rho, rho_err) ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = backup