Example #1
# MiSaSiM MIPS ISA Simulator
# Written by Linda and Scott Wills
# (c) 2004-2012 Scott & Linda Wills
# Modification for multi-core by Xiao Yu, [email protected]

from Logging import LogFactory

Logger = LogFactory.getLogger('Memory')

class Memory:
    """Memory Unit."""
    def __init__(Self):
        Self.Data = {} # Data is stored in the granularity of word
        Self.Cores = [] # To do: should be a list of cache controllers

    def AddCores(Self, Cores):
        Self.Cores = Cores

    def Peek(Self, Address):
        assert (Address % 4) == 0, 'Memory address not word aligned'
        if Address in Self.Data:
            return Self.Data[Address]
        return 'undefined'

    def Set(Self, Address, Value):
        assert (Address % 4) == 0, 'Memory address not word aligned'
        Self.Data[Address] = Value

    def Clear(Self):
Example #2
# MiSaSiM MIPS ISA Simulator
# Written by Linda and Scott Wills
# (c) 2004-2012 Scott & Linda Wills

# Modification for multi-core by Xiao Yu, [email protected]

from Logging import LogFactory

Logger = LogFactory.getLogger('Core')

class Core:
    Running = 0
    Done = 1
    Error = 2
    STATUS_STRINGS = ['Running', 'Done', 'Error']
    def __init__(Self, CoreID, Sim):
        Self.StartingSP = Sim.StartingSP
        Self.ReturnIP = Sim.ReturnIP
        Self.NumCores = Sim.NumCores
        Self.Regs = {0:0, 29:Self.StartingSP, 31:Self.ReturnIP}
        Self.SpecRegs = {'Res':False, 'ResAddr':None}
        Self.CoreID = CoreID
        Self.Tracer = Sim.Tracer
        Self.IP = 0
        Self.Executor = InstExecutor(Self)
        Self.Mem = Sim.Mem #To do: should be a cache controller.
        Self.Status = Self.Running
        Self.Code = None

    def Load_Code(Self, Code):
Example #3
# MiSaSiM MIPS ISA Simulator
# Written by Linda and Scott Wills
# (c) 2004-2012 Scott & Linda Wills
# Modification for multi-core by Xiao Yu, [email protected]

from Logging import LogFactory
from Opcodes import *
from Parser import *

Logger = LogFactory.getLogger('Instructions')

class Instruction :
    def __init__(Self, Opcode, Address) :
        Self.Address = Address
        Self.Opcode = Opcode

    def __repr__(Self) :
        return '[%04i: %s]' % (Self.Address, Self.Opcode)

    def Opcode(Self) :
        return Self.Opcode

    def Adjust_IP(Self, Executor) :

#    def Log_In_Trace(Self, Result, OldValue) :
#        Self.Sim.Trace.append((Self, Result, OldValue))

    def Has_Dest(Self) :
Example #4
# (c) 2004-2012 Scott & Linda Wills
# Modification for multi-core by Xiao Yu, [email protected]

from os import listdir
from random import seed, randint
from copy import copy

from Core import *
from Memory import *
from ExecArbitrator import *
from Logging import LogFactory
from Parser import *
from Tracer import *

Logger = LogFactory.getLogger('Simulation')

class Simulation :
    def __init__(Self, 
                 CodeBase=1000, StackBase=90000, StartingSP=100000,
                 NumCores=2, Tracer=Tracer()):
        #Self.DataLabels = []  # cached for the benefit of the control flow analyzer
        #Self.DataBase = Self.DataEnd = 5000 + (randint(0,250) * 4)
        Self.CodeBase = CodeBase
        Self.StackBase = StackBase
        Self.StartingSP = StartingSP
        Self.ReturnIP = 3000 + (randint(0,250) * 4)
        Self.Cores = []
        Self.Mem = Memory()
        Self.InitMemImage = {}
        Self.Tracer = Tracer
Example #5
# MiSaSiM MIPS ISA Simulator
# Written by Linda and Scott Wills
# (c) 2004-2012 Scott & Linda Wills
# Modification for multi-core by Xiao Yu, [email protected]

from Instructions import *
from Opcodes import *
from Code import *
from Logging import LogFactory

Logger = LogFactory.getLogger('Parser')

class InstParser:
    def __init__(Self):
        Self.Symbols = {}
        Self.Instructions = []
        Self.InitCommands = []

    def Tokenize (Self, Line) :
        """ This routine scans a list of space or comma delimited tokens with comments """
        Comment = []
        Line = Line.strip()                 # strip leading and trialing whitespace
        CN = Line.find('#')                 # find comment string
        if CN <> -1 :
            Comment = [Line[CN:]]           # create comment token
            Line = Line[:CN]                # remove comment from line
        return Line.replace(',', ' ').split() + Comment  # tokenize line with whitespace or comma

    def Parse_Label_Def (Self, String) :