def get_model(project_dir, train_seq, hparams, num_GPUs, logger, args): """ Initializes a tf.keras Model from MultiPlanarUNet.models as specified in hparams['build']. If args.continue_training, the best previous model stored in [project_dir]/models will be loaded. If hparams["build"]["biased_output_layer"] is True, sets the bias weights on the final conv. layer so that a zero-input gives an output of class probabilities equal to the class frequencies of the training set. If num_GPUs > 1, distribute the model on multiple GPUs Args: project_dir: A path to a MultiPlanarUNet project folder train_seq: A MultiPlanarUNet.sequences object for the training data hparams: A MultiPlanarUNet YAMLHParams object num_GPUs: An integer, the number of GPUs to train the model on logger: A MultiPlanarUNet logging object args: argparse arguments Returns: model: The model to fit org_model: The original, non-GPU-distributed model (Same as model if num_GPUs==1) """ from MultiPlanarUNet.models import model_initializer # Build new model (or continue training an existing one) org_model = model_initializer(hparams=hparams, continue_training=args.continue_training, project_dir=project_dir, logger=logger) # Initialize weights in final layer? if not args.continue_training and hparams["build"].get( "biased_output_layer"): from MultiPlanarUNet.utils.utils import set_bias_weights_on_all_outputs set_bias_weights_on_all_outputs(org_model, train_seq, hparams, logger) # Multi-GPU? if num_GPUs > 1: from tensorflow.keras.utils import multi_gpu_model model = multi_gpu_model(org_model, gpus=num_GPUs, cpu_merge=False, cpu_relocation=False) logger("Creating multi-GPU model: N=%i" % num_GPUs) else: model = org_model return model, org_model
def run(base_path, gpu_mon, num_GPUs, continue_training, force_GPU, just_one, no_val, no_images, debug, wait_for, logger, train_images_per_epoch, val_images_per_epoch, **kwargs): from MultiPlanarUNet.train import Trainer, YAMLHParams from MultiPlanarUNet.models import model_initializer from MultiPlanarUNet.preprocessing import get_preprocessing_func # Read in hyperparameters from YAML file hparams = YAMLHParams(base_path + "/train_hparams.yaml", logger=logger) validate_hparams(hparams) # Wait for PID? if wait_for: from MultiPlanarUNet.utils import await_PIDs await_PIDs(wait_for) # Prepare Sequence generators and potential model specific hparam changes f = get_preprocessing_func(hparams["build"].get("model_class_name")) train, val, hparams = f(hparams, logger=logger, just_one=just_one, no_val=no_val, continue_training=continue_training, base_path=base_path) if gpu_mon: # Wait for free GPU if not force_GPU: gpu_mon.await_and_set_free_GPU(N=num_GPUs, sleep_seconds=120) else: gpu_mon.set_GPUs = force_GPU num_GPUs = len(force_GPU.split(",")) gpu_mon.stop() # Build new model (or continue training an existing one) org_model = model_initializer(hparams=hparams, continue_training=continue_training, project_dir=base_path, logger=logger) # Initialize weights in final layer? if not continue_training and hparams["build"].get("biased_output_layer"): from MultiPlanarUNet.utils.utils import set_bias_weights_on_all_outputs set_bias_weights_on_all_outputs(org_model, train, hparams, logger) # Multi-GPU? if num_GPUs > 1: from tensorflow.keras.utils import multi_gpu_model model = multi_gpu_model(org_model, gpus=num_GPUs, cpu_merge=False, cpu_relocation=False) logger("Creating multi-GPU model: N=%i" % num_GPUs) else: model = org_model # Init trainer trainer = Trainer(model, logger=logger) trainer.org_model = org_model # Compile model trainer.compile_model(n_classes=hparams["build"].get("n_classes"), **hparams["fit"]) # Debug mode? if debug: from tensorflow.python import debug as tfdbg from tensorflow.keras import backend as k k.set_session(tfdbg.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(k.get_session())) # Fit the model _ =, val=val, train_im_per_epoch=train_images_per_epoch, val_im_per_epoch=val_images_per_epoch, hparams=hparams, no_im=no_images, **hparams["fit"]) # Save final model weights (usually not used, but maybe....?) if not os.path.exists("%s/model" % base_path): os.mkdir("%s/model" % base_path) model_path = "%s/model/model_weights.h5" % base_path logger("Saving current model to: %s" % model_path) org_model.save_weights(model_path)
def entry_func(args=None): # Get command line arguments args = vars(get_argparser().parse_args(args)) base_dir = os.path.abspath(args["project_dir"]) _file = args["f"] label = args["l"] N_extra = args["extra"] try: N_extra = int(N_extra) except ValueError: pass # Get settings from YAML file from MultiPlanarUNet.train.hparams import YAMLHParams hparams = YAMLHParams(os.path.join(base_dir, "train_hparams.yaml")) # Set strides hparams["fit"]["strides"] = args["strides"] if not _file: try: # Data specified from command line? data_dir = os.path.abspath(args["data_dir"]) # Set with default sub dirs hparams["test_data"] = { "base_dir": data_dir, "img_subdir": "images", "label_subdir": "labels" } except (AttributeError, TypeError): data_dir = hparams["test_data"]["base_dir"] else: data_dir = False out_dir = os.path.abspath(args["out_dir"]) overwrite = args["overwrite"] predict_mode = args["no_eval"] save_only_pred = args["save_only_pred"] # Check if valid dir structures validate_folders(base_dir, data_dir, out_dir, overwrite) # Import all needed modules (folder is valid at this point) import numpy as np from MultiPlanarUNet.image import ImagePairLoader, ImagePair from MultiPlanarUNet.utils import get_best_model, create_folders, \ pred_to_class, await_and_set_free_gpu, set_gpu from MultiPlanarUNet.utils.fusion import predict_3D_patches, predict_3D_patches_binary, pred_3D_iso from MultiPlanarUNet.logging import init_result_dict_3D, save_all_3D from MultiPlanarUNet.evaluate import dice_all from MultiPlanarUNet.bin.predict import save_nii_files # Fetch GPU(s) num_GPUs = args["num_GPUs"] force_gpu = args["force_GPU"] # Wait for free GPU if force_gpu == -1: await_and_set_free_gpu(N=num_GPUs, sleep_seconds=240) else: set_gpu(force_gpu) # Read settings from the project hyperparameter file dim = hparams["build"]["dim"] n_classes = hparams["build"]["n_classes"] mode = hparams["fit"]["intrp_style"] # Set ImagePairLoader object if not _file: image_pair_loader = ImagePairLoader(predict_mode=predict_mode, **hparams["test_data"]) else: predict_mode = not bool(label) image_pair_loader = ImagePairLoader(predict_mode=predict_mode, initialize_empty=True) image_pair_loader.add_image(ImagePair(_file, label)) # Put them into a dict and remove from image_pair_loader to gain more control with # garbage collection all_images = { image for image in image_pair_loader.images} image_pair_loader.images = None """ Define UNet model """ from MultiPlanarUNet.models import model_initializer hparams["build"]["batch_size"] = 1 unet = model_initializer(hparams, False, base_dir) model_path = get_best_model(base_dir + "/model") unet.load_weights(model_path) # Evaluate? if not predict_mode: # Prepare dictionary to store results in pd df results, detailed_res = init_result_dict_3D(all_images, n_classes) # Save to check correct format save_all_3D(results, detailed_res, out_dir) # Define result paths nii_res_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, "nii_files") create_folders(nii_res_dir) image_ids = sorted(all_images) for n_image, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): print("\n[*] Running on: %s" % image_id) # Set image_pair_loader object with only the given file image = all_images[image_id] image_pair_loader.images = [image] seq = image_pair_loader.get_sequencer(n_classes=n_classes, no_log=True, **hparams["fit"]) if mode.lower() == "iso_live_3d": pred = pred_3D_iso(model=unet, sequence=seq, image=image, extra_boxes=N_extra, min_coverage=None) else: # Predict on volume using model if n_classes > 1: pred = predict_3D_patches(model=unet, patches=seq, image=image, N_extra=N_extra) else: pred = predict_3D_patches_binary(model=unet, patches=seq, image_id=image_id, N_extra=N_extra) if not predict_mode: # Get patches for the current image y = image.labels # Calculate dice score print("Mean dice: ", end="", flush=True) p = pred_to_class(pred, img_dims=3, has_batch_dim=False) dices = dice_all(y, p, n_classes=n_classes, ignore_zero=True) mean_dice = dices[~np.isnan(dices)].mean() print("Dices: ", dices) print("%s (n=%i)" % (mean_dice, len(dices))) # Add to results results[image_id] = [mean_dice] detailed_res[image_id] = dices # Overwrite with so-far results save_all_3D(results, detailed_res, out_dir) # Save results save_nii_files(p, image, nii_res_dir, save_only_pred) # Remove image from dictionary and image_pair_loader to free memory del all_images[image_id] image_pair_loader.images.remove(image) if not predict_mode: # Write final results save_all_3D(results, detailed_res, out_dir)