Example #1
    def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict):
        """ copy input file from SE to local dir """

        error = PilotErrors()

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '')
        workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        pandaProxySecretKey = pdict.get('pandaProxySecretKey')
        jobSetID = pdict.get('jobsetID')

        # get the Rucio tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 's3objectstorepresignedurl', lfn, guid)

        if path == '': path = './'
        fullname = os.path.join(path, lfn)

        # pandaID, filename, jobSetID, pandaProxySecretKey=None, stageIn=True
        status, output = self.stageIn(jobId, lfn, jobSetID, pandaProxySecretKey, fullname, fsize, fchecksum, experiment)

        if status == 0:
            updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="file_state", state="transferred", type="input")
            state = "DONE"
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"

        # self.__sendReport(state, report)
        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return status, output
Example #2
    def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict):
        """ copy input file from SE to local dir """

        error = PilotErrors()

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '')
        workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        proxycheck = pdict.get('proxycheck', False)

        # try to get the direct reading control variable (False for direct reading mode; file should not be copied)
        useCT = pdict.get('usect', True)
        prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '')

        # get the DQ2 tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 's3objectstore', lfn, guid)

        if path == '': path = './'
        fullname = os.path.join(path, lfn)

        status, output = self.stageIn(gpfn, fullname, fsize, fchecksum, experiment)

        if status == 0:
            updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="file_state", state="transferred", type="input")
            state = "DONE"
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"

        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return status, output
Example #3
    def put_data(self, source, destination, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, **pdict):
        """ copy output file from disk to local SE """
        # function is based on dCacheSiteMover put function

        error = PilotErrors()
        pilotErrorDiag = ""

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        lfn = pdict.get('lfn', '')
        guid = pdict.get('guid', '')
        token = pdict.get('token', '')
        scope = pdict.get('scope', '')
        dsname = pdict.get('dsname', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        outputDir = pdict.get('outputDir', '')
        os_bucket_id = pdict.get('os_bucket_id', -1)
        timeout = pdict.get('timeout', None)
        if not timeout:
            timeout = self.timeout

        # get the site information object
        si = getSiteInformation(experiment)

        # get the Rucio tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 's3objectstore', lfn, guid)

        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(destination)
        scheme = parsed.scheme
        hostname = parsed.netloc.partition(':')[0]
        port = int(parsed.netloc.partition(':')[2])
        report['remoteSite'] = '%s://%s:%s' % (scheme, hostname, port)

        filename = os.path.basename(source)
        surl = destination
        self.log("surl=%s, timeout=%s" % (surl, timeout))
        if "log.tgz" in surl:
            surl = surl.replace(lfn, "%s:%s"%(scope,lfn))
            report['eventType'] = 'put_es'

        status, output, size, checksum = self.stageOut(source, surl, token, experiment, outputDir=outputDir, timeout=timeout, os_bucket_id=os_bucket_id, report=report)
        if status !=0:
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            # self.__sendReport(state, report)
            self.prepareReport(state, report)
            return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)

        state = "DONE"
        # self.__sendReport(state, report)
        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return 0, pilotErrorDiag, surl, size, checksum, self.arch_type
Example #4
    def put_data(self, source, destination, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, **pdict):
        """ copy output file from disk to local SE """
        # function is based on dCacheSiteMover put function

        error = PilotErrors()
        pilotErrorDiag = ""

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        alt = pdict.get('alt', False)
        jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '')
        jobSetID = pdict.get('jobsetID', '')
        lfn = pdict.get('lfn', '')
        guid = pdict.get('guid', '')
        #token = pdict.get('token', '')
        scope = pdict.get('scope', '')
        dsname = pdict.get('dsname', '')
        analysisJob = pdict.get('analJob', False)
        testLevel = pdict.get('testLevel', '0')
        extradirs = pdict.get('extradirs', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        proxycheck = pdict.get('proxycheck', False)
        prodSourceLabel = pdict.get('prodSourceLabel', '')
        outputDir = pdict.get('outputDir', '')
        timeout = pdict.get('timeout', None)
        pandaProxySecretKey = pdict.get('pandaProxySecretKey')
        if not timeout:
            timeout = self.timeout

        # get the site information object
        si = getSiteInformation(experiment)

        tolog("put_data received prodSourceLabel=%s" % (prodSourceLabel))

        # get the Rucio tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 's3objectstorepresignedurl', lfn, guid)

        filename = os.path.basename(source)
        surl = destination
        status, output, size, checksum = self.stageOut(source, jobId, lfn, jobSetID, pandaProxySecretKey, experiment, outputDir=outputDir, timeout=timeout)
        if status !=0:
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            # self.__sendReport(state, report)
            self.prepareReport(state, report)
            return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)

        state = "DONE"
        # self.__sendReport(state, report)
        # self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return 0, pilotErrorDiag, surl, size, checksum, self.arch_type
    def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict):
        """ copy input file from SE to local dir """

        error = PilotErrors()

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '')
        workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        proxycheck = pdict.get('proxycheck', False)

        # try to get the direct reading control variable (False for direct reading mode; file should not be copied)
        useCT = pdict.get('usect', True)
        prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '')

        # get the DQ2 tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'gfal-copy', lfn,

        if path == '': path = './'
        fullname = os.path.join(path, lfn)

        # get the site information object
        si = getSiteInformation(experiment)
        ret_path = si.getCopyPrefixPathNew(gpfn, stageIn=True)
        if not ret_path.startswith("s3:"):
            errorLog = "Failed to use copyprefix to convert the current path to S3 path."
            tolog("!!WARNING!!1777!! %s" % (errorLog))
            status = PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED
            state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            output = errorLog
            gpfn = ret_path
            status, output = self.stageIn(gpfn, fullname, fsize, fchecksum,

        if status == 0:
            state = "DONE"
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"

        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return status, output
Example #6
    def put_data(self, source, destination, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, **pdict):
        """ copy output file from disk to local SE """
        # function is based on dCacheSiteMover put function

        error = PilotErrors()
        pilotErrorDiag = ""

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        alt = pdict.get('alt', False)
        lfn = pdict.get('lfn', '')
        guid = pdict.get('guid', '')
        token = pdict.get('token', '')
        scope = pdict.get('scope', '')
        dsname = pdict.get('dsname', '')
        analysisJob = pdict.get('analJob', False)
        testLevel = pdict.get('testLevel', '0')
        extradirs = pdict.get('extradirs', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        proxycheck = pdict.get('proxycheck', False)
        prodSourceLabel = pdict.get('prodSourceLabel', '')

        # get the site information object
        si = getSiteInformation(experiment)

        tolog("put_data received prodSourceLabel=%s" % (prodSourceLabel))
        if prodSourceLabel == 'ddm' and analysisJob:
                "Treating PanDA Mover job as a production job during stage-out"
            analysisJob = False

        # get the DQ2 tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 's3objectstore',
                                           lfn, guid)

        filename = os.path.basename(source)
        surl = destination
        status, output, size, checksum = self.stageOut(source, surl, token,
        if status != 0:
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            self.prepareReport(state, report)
            return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)

        state = "DONE"
        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return 0, pilotErrorDiag, surl, size, checksum, self.arch_type
Example #7
    def put_data(self, source, destination, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, **pdict):
        """ copy output file from disk to local SE """
        # function is based on dCacheSiteMover put function

        error = PilotErrors()
        pilotErrorDiag = ""

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        alt = pdict.get('alt', False)
        lfn = pdict.get('lfn', '')
        guid = pdict.get('guid', '')
        token = pdict.get('token', '')
        scope = pdict.get('scope', '')
        dsname = pdict.get('dsname', '')
        analysisJob = pdict.get('analJob', False)
        testLevel = pdict.get('testLevel', '0')
        extradirs = pdict.get('extradirs', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        proxycheck = pdict.get('proxycheck', False)
        prodSourceLabel = pdict.get('prodSourceLabel', '')

        # get the site information object
        si = getSiteInformation(experiment)

        tolog("put_data received prodSourceLabel=%s" % (prodSourceLabel))
        if prodSourceLabel == 'ddm' and analysisJob:
            tolog("Treating PanDA Mover job as a production job during stage-out")
            analysisJob = False

        # get the DQ2 tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 's3objectstore', lfn, guid)

        filename = os.path.basename(source)
        surl = destination
        status, output, size, checksum = self.stageOut(source, surl, token, experiment)
        if status !=0:
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            self.prepareReport(state, report)
            return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)

        state = "DONE"
        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return 0, pilotErrorDiag, surl, size, checksum, self.arch_type
    def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict):
        """ copy input file from SE to local dir """

        error = PilotErrors()

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '')
        workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        os_bucket_id = pdict.get('os_bucket_id', -1)

        # try to get the direct reading control variable (False for direct reading mode; file should not be copied)
        useCT = pdict.get('usect', True)
        prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '')

        # get the Rucio tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 's3objectstore',
                                           lfn, guid)

        if path == '': path = './'
        fullname = os.path.join(path, lfn)

        status, output = self.stageIn(gpfn,

        if status == 0:
            state = "DONE"
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"

        # self.__sendReport(state, report)
        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return status, output
Example #9
    def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict):
        """ copy input file from SE to local dir """

        error = PilotErrors()

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '')
        workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        proxycheck = pdict.get('proxycheck', False)
        os_bucket_id = pdict.get('os_bucket_id', -1)

        # try to get the direct reading control variable (False for direct reading mode; file should not be copied)
        useCT = pdict.get('usect', True)
        prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '')

        # get the Rucio tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'gfal-copy', lfn, guid)

        if path == '': path = './'
        fullname = os.path.join(path, lfn)

        # get the site information object
        si = getSiteInformation(experiment)
        ret_path = si.getCopyPrefixPathNew(gpfn, stageIn=True)
        if not ret_path.startswith("s3:"):
            errorLog = "Failed to use copyprefix to convert the current path to S3 path."
            tolog("!!WARNING!!1777!! %s" % (errorLog))
            status = PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED
            state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            output = errorLog
            gpfn = ret_path
            status, output = self.stageIn(gpfn, fullname, fsize, fchecksum, experiment, os_bucket_id=os_bucket_id)

        if status == 0:
            updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="file_state", state="transferred", ftype="input")
            state = "DONE"
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"

        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return status, output
Example #10
    def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict):
        """ copy input file from SE to local dir """

        error = PilotErrors()

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '')
        workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        os_bucket_id = pdict.get('os_bucket_id', -1)

        # try to get the direct reading control variable (False for direct reading mode; file should not be copied)
        useCT = pdict.get('usect', True)
        prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '')

        # get the Rucio tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 's3objectstore', lfn, guid)

        if path == '': path = './'
        fullname = os.path.join(path, lfn)

        status, output = self.stageIn(gpfn, fullname, fsize, fchecksum, experiment, os_bucket_id=os_bucket_id, report=report)
        report['eventType'] = 'get_es'

        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(gpfn)
        scheme = parsed.scheme
        hostname = parsed.netloc.partition(':')[0]
        port = int(parsed.netloc.partition(':')[2])
        report['remoteSite'] = '%s://%s:%s' % (scheme, hostname, port)

        if status == 0:
            updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="file_state", state="transferred", ftype="input")
            state = "DONE"
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"

        # self.__sendReport(state, report)
        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return status, output
Example #11
    def put_data(self, source, destination, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, **pdict):
        """ copy output file from disk to local SE """
        # function is based on dCacheSiteMover put function

        error = PilotErrors()
        pilotErrorDiag = ""

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        alt = pdict.get('alt', False)
        lfn = pdict.get('lfn', '')
        guid = pdict.get('guid', '')
        token = pdict.get('token', '')
        scope = pdict.get('scope', '')
        dsname = pdict.get('dsname', '')
        analysisJob = pdict.get('analJob', False)
        testLevel = pdict.get('testLevel', '0')
        extradirs = pdict.get('extradirs', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        proxycheck = pdict.get('proxycheck', False)
        prodSourceLabel = pdict.get('prodSourceLabel', '')

        # get the site information object
        si = getSiteInformation(experiment)

        tolog("put_data received prodSourceLabel=%s" % (prodSourceLabel))
        if prodSourceLabel == 'ddm' and analysisJob:
            tolog("Treating PanDA Mover job as a production job during stage-out")
            analysisJob = False

        # get the Rucio tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'gfal-copy', lfn, guid)

        filename = os.path.basename(source)

        # get all the proper paths
        ec, pilotErrorDiag, tracer_error, dst_gpfn, lfcdir, surl = si.getProperPaths(error, analysisJob, token, prodSourceLabel, dsname, filename, scope=scope, alt=alt, sitemover=self) # quick workaround
        if ec != 0:
            self.prepareReport(tracer_error, report)
            return self.put_data_retfail(ec, pilotErrorDiag)

        # get local adler32 checksum
        status, output, adler_size, adler_checksum = self.getLocalFileInfo(source, checksumType="adler32")
        if status != 0:
            errorLog = 'Failed to get local file %s adler32 checksum: %s' % (source, output)
            tolog("!!WARNING!!1777!! %s" % (errorLog))
            status = PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED
            state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            output = errorLog
            self.prepareReport(state, report)
            return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)

        ret_path = si.getCopyPrefixPathNew(surl, stageIn=False)
        tolog("Convert destination: %s to new path: %s" % (surl, ret_path))
        if not ret_path.startswith("s3:"):
            errorLog = "Failed to use copyprefix to convert the current path to S3 path."
            tolog("!!WARNING!!1777!! %s" % (errorLog))
            status = PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED
            state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            output = errorLog
            size = None
            checksum = None
            status, output, size, checksum = self.stageOut(source, ret_path, token, experiment)

        if status !=0:
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            self.prepareReport(state, report)
            return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)
            if size == adler_size:
                tolog("The file size is not changed. Will check whether adler32 changed.")
                status, output, new_adler_size, new_adler_checksum = self.getLocalFileInfo(source, checksumType="adler32")
                if status != 0:
                    errorLog = 'Failed to get local file %s adler32 checksum: %s' % (source, output)
                    tolog("!!WARNING!!1777!! %s" % (errorLog))
                    status = PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED
                    state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
                    output = errorLog
                    self.prepareReport(state, report)
                    return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)
                    if adler_checksum == new_adler_checksum:
                        tolog("The file checksum is not changed. Will use adler32 %s to replace the md5 checksum %s" % (adler_checksum, checksum))
                        checksum = adler_checksum
                        errorLog = "The file checksum changed from %s(before transfer) to %s(after transfer)" % (adler_checksum, new_adler_checksum)
                        tolog("!!WARNING!!1777!! %s" % (errorLog))
                        status = PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED
                        state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
                        output = errorLog
                        self.prepareReport(state, report)
                        return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)

        state = "DONE"
        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return 0, pilotErrorDiag, surl, size, checksum, self.arch_type
    def put_data(self, source, destination, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, **pdict):
        """ copy output file from disk to local SE """
        # function is based on dCacheSiteMover put function

        error = PilotErrors()
        pilotErrorDiag = ""

        # Get input parameters from pdict
        alt = pdict.get('alt', False)
        lfn = pdict.get('lfn', '')
        guid = pdict.get('guid', '')
        token = pdict.get('token', '')
        scope = pdict.get('scope', '')
        dsname = pdict.get('dsname', '')
        analysisJob = pdict.get('analJob', False)
        testLevel = pdict.get('testLevel', '0')
        extradirs = pdict.get('extradirs', '')
        experiment = pdict.get('experiment', '')
        proxycheck = pdict.get('proxycheck', False)
        prodSourceLabel = pdict.get('prodSourceLabel', '')

        # get the site information object
        si = getSiteInformation(experiment)

        tolog("put_data received prodSourceLabel=%s" % (prodSourceLabel))
        if prodSourceLabel == 'ddm' and analysisJob:
                "Treating PanDA Mover job as a production job during stage-out"
            analysisJob = False

        # get the DQ2 tracing report
        report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'gfal-copy', lfn,

        filename = os.path.basename(source)

        # get all the proper paths
        ec, pilotErrorDiag, tracer_error, dst_gpfn, lfcdir, surl = si.getProperPaths(
            sitemover=self)  # quick workaround
        if ec != 0:
            self.prepareReport(tracer_error, report)
            return self.put_data_retfail(ec, pilotErrorDiag)

        # get local adler32 checksum
        status, output, adler_size, adler_checksum = self.getLocalFileInfo(
            source, checksumType="adler32")
        if status != 0:
            errorLog = 'Failed to get local file %s adler32 checksum: %s' % (
                source, output)
            tolog("!!WARNING!!1777!! %s" % (errorLog))
            status = PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED
            state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            output = errorLog
            self.prepareReport(state, report)
            return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)

        ret_path = si.getCopyPrefixPathNew(surl, stageIn=False)
        tolog("Convert destination: %s to new path: %s" % (surl, ret_path))
        if not ret_path.startswith("s3:"):
            errorLog = "Failed to use copyprefix to convert the current path to S3 path."
            tolog("!!WARNING!!1777!! %s" % (errorLog))
            status = PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED
            state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            output = errorLog
            size = None
            checksum = None
            status, output, size, checksum = self.stageOut(
                source, ret_path, token, experiment)

        if status != 0:
            errors = PilotErrors()
            state = errors.getErrorName(status)
            if state == None:
                state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
            self.prepareReport(state, report)
            return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)
            if size == adler_size:
                    "The file size is not changed. Will check whether adler32 changed."
                status, output, new_adler_size, new_adler_checksum = self.getLocalFileInfo(
                    source, checksumType="adler32")
                if status != 0:
                    errorLog = 'Failed to get local file %s adler32 checksum: %s' % (
                        source, output)
                    tolog("!!WARNING!!1777!! %s" % (errorLog))
                    status = PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED
                    state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
                    output = errorLog
                    self.prepareReport(state, report)
                    return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)
                    if adler_checksum == new_adler_checksum:
                            "The file checksum is not changed. Will use adler32 %s to replace the md5 checksum %s"
                            % (adler_checksum, checksum))
                        checksum = adler_checksum
                        errorLog = "The file checksum changed from %s(before transfer) to %s(after transfer)" % (
                            adler_checksum, new_adler_checksum)
                        tolog("!!WARNING!!1777!! %s" % (errorLog))
                        status = PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED
                        state = "PSTAGE_FAIL"
                        output = errorLog
                        self.prepareReport(state, report)
                        return self.put_data_retfail(status, output, surl)

        state = "DONE"
        self.prepareReport(state, report)
        return 0, pilotErrorDiag, surl, size, checksum, self.arch_type