Example #1
def getFinalState(result):
    Figure out the final job state (finished or failed)
    Simplies job recovery

    state = "failed"

    # job has failed if transExitCode != 0
    if result[1] != 0:
        state = "failed"
        error = PilotErrors()
        # job has finished if pilotErrorCode is in the allowed list or recoverable jobs
        if ((error.isRecoverableErrorCode(result[2])) or (result[2] == error.ERR_KILLSIGNAL and result[0] == "holding")):
            state = "finished"

    return state
Example #2
def getFinalState(result):
    Figure out the final job state (finished or failed)
    Simplies job recovery

    state = "failed"

    # job has failed if transExitCode != 0
    if result[1] != 0:
        state = "failed"
        error = PilotErrors()
        # job has finished if pilotErrorCode is in the allowed list or recoverable jobs
        if ((error.isRecoverableErrorCode(result[2])) or (result[2] == error.ERR_KILLSIGNAL and result[0] == "holding")):
            state = "finished"

    return state