Example #1
def main():
    # Just a quick note. I prefer camelCase over underscores so that is what I used for the variable names I changed.
    authFile = "auth.txt"

    creds = import_credentials(authFile)
    if creds is False or len(creds) < 3:
        print("The OAuth file is not valid, or it does not exist.")
        print("Please provide valid OAuth credentials in ",
        )  # sys.exit() is I believe the more pythonic way of doing this.
        # sys.exit() is meant more for programs where as exit(0) is meant for the interactive console. I think.
        reddit = Reddit(*creds)
        # By creating a Reddit object we don't need to worry about passing credentials when we want to use the,

    inital_user = input("Enter username (enter 'q' to quit): ")
    if inital_user == "q":  # Why don't you just do this?

    print("Getting original user's top 5 subreddits...")
    # Original user's top 5 subreddits
    top_subreddits = reddit.ranked_subreddits(
        reddit.full_comment_and_submission_history(inital_user), max_count=10)

    user_scores = {}
    # Set this to the maximum number of latest users you want from each subreddit
    # Last 100 users in each of the top 5 subreddits
    for sub_count, sub_reddit in enumerate(
    ):  # enumerate gets you a iterable and an index variable
        # In this case sub_count was just the index+1
        print("Getting last 100 users in " + sub_reddit[0] + " (" +
              str(sub_count + 1) + " of " + str(len(top_subreddits)) + ")...")
        users_list = reddit.last_subreddit_users(
            sub_reddit[0], max_count=MAX_USERS_PER_SUBREDDIT)

        # Top 5 subreddits for each of the users in the current subreddit
        user_count = 1
        for user in users_list:
            print("Getting top subreddits for user " + str(user_count) +
                  " of " + str(len(users_list)) + "...",
            user_top_subreddits = reddit.ranked_subreddits(
                reddit.full_comment_and_submission_history(user), max_count=5)
            score = 1
            user_count += 1
            for comp_sub in user_top_subreddits:
                if comp_sub in top_subreddits:
                    score += 1
            if score > 1:
                user_scores.update({user: score})

        print("\nMatched users so far: " + str(user_scores))

    matched_users = sorted(user_scores.items(),

    print("\nUsers most like " + inital_user + ":")
    for match in matched_users:
        print("User: "******" | Score: " + str(match[1]))