Example #1
	def is_valid_request(child, db, log):
			Ensures request is from an account older than MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE days,
			and the accounts last request was over MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS days ago.
			If not, removes the request and comments with the reason for removal

				True if post is valid request,
				False if request is not valid and was removed.
		if type(child) != Post: return True

		request_is_valid = False

		# Check if last request was < MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS days ago
		now = timegm(gmtime())
		for (date, permalink) in db.select('date, permalink', 'amarch_requests', 'username = ?', [child.author]):
			if date + (3600 * 24 * AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS) > now:
				# Last request was < MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS days ago, check if the request was 'removed'
				post = Reddit.get(permalink)
				if post.banned_by == None:
					# Last request was < MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS days ago, wasn't removed
					log('AmArch.is_valid_request: Request < %d days old: %s' % (AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS, child.permalink()))
					body  = '## Rule: [Requests must be at least %d days apart](/r/AmateurArchives/about/sidebar)\n\n' % AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS
					body += 'The [**last request**](%s) from your account was submitted %s' % (permalink, Reddit.utc_timestamp_to_hr(post.created))
					response = child.reply(body)
					child.flair('last req < %dd' % AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS)
					return False
					# Last request was > MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS days ago but was removed
					# Therefore: User account must be > MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE days old
					request_is_valid = True

		if not request_is_valid:
			# Check if user is < MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE days old
			user = Reddit.get_user_info(child.author)
			if user.created > now - (3600 * 24 * AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE):
				log('AmArch.is_valid_request: Requester /u/%s < %d days old: %s' % (child.author, AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE, child.permalink()))
				body  = '## Rule: [Requests must be from accounts more than %d days old](/r/AmateurArchives/about/sidebar)\n\n' % AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE
				body += 'The account (/u/%s) was created %s.' % (child.author, Reddit.utc_timestamp_to_hr(user.created))
				response = child.reply(body)
				child.flair('user < %dd' % AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE)
				return False

		# Request is valid. Add it to the database for checking in the future
		log('AmArch.is_valid_request: Allowing request from /u/%s' % child.author)
		if db.count('amarch_requests', 'username = ?', [child.author]) == 0:
			db.insert('amarch_requests', (child.author, child.created, child.permalink()))
			db.update('amarch_requests', 'date = ?, permalink = ?', 'username = ?', [child.created, child.permalink(), child.author])
		return True
Example #2
	def gonewild_check(child, json, db, log):
			Check if image(s) in child were posted to gonewild
			and the child author is not the original gonewild author.
			Remove child and explain in comment.
				child: reddit child (post)
				json: results from rarchives
				True if post originated on gonewild, False otherwise.
		# Disable this on /r/AmateurArchives
		if child.subreddit.lower() == 'amateurarchives': return False

		# XXX Only enforce posts by gonewild users (not comments)
		for post in json['posts']:
			if post['subreddit'].lower() == 'gonewild' and \
			   post['author'].lower() != child.author.lower() and \
				 post['author'] != '[deleted]':
				# Child author is not the gonewild user, image *is* though
				# Remove and comment the source
				log('Rarchives.gonewild_check: Removed %s - matches /u/%s @ http://reddit.com%s' % (child.permalink(), post['author'], post['permalink']))
				title = post['title'].replace('[', '\\[').replace('(', '\\(').replace(']', '\\]').replace(')', '\\)').replace('*', '')
				body = '## This post was removed because it is a repost of a /r/gonewild submission:\n\n'
				body += '* **/u/%s** submitted [*%s*](%s) %s' % (post['author'], title, post['permalink'], Reddit.utc_timestamp_to_hr(post['created']))
					response = child.reply(body)
					child.flair('Gonewild repost: /u/%s' % post['author'])
				except Exception, e:
					log('Rarchives.gonewild_check: Error while replying to %s : %s' % (child.permalink(), str(e)))
				# Update 'log_amarch' db table
				db.insert('log_amarch', ('removed', child.permalink(), timegm(gmtime()), 'gonewild repost of /u/%s: %s' % (post['author'], post['permalink'])))
				return True