for book in books:
        print ""
        print "Book Number: " + str(index)
        print "Author: " + book.getAuthor().getLastName()
        print "Title: " + book.getTitle()
        print "Pages: " + book.getNumberPages()
        index += 1

# Extract book information from text files into array of Book objects
books100 = extractBooks("../googleBooks100.txt")
books1000 = extractBooks("../googleBooks1000.txt")
books10000 = extractBooks("../googleBooks10000.txt")

# Determine the duration to sort 100 books
startTime100 = timer()
endTime100 = timer()
duration100 = (endTime100 - startTime100) * 1000 # Convert to milliseconds
print "Duration to sort 100 books: " + str(duration100)

# Determine the duration to sort 1000 books
startTime1000 = timer()
endTime1000 = timer()
duration1000 = (endTime1000 - startTime1000) * 1000 # Convert to milliseconds
print "Duration to sort 1000 books: " + str(duration1000)