def test_sortFully(self):
        sortTest = SelectionSort(['abc', 1.0, 'ab', 'aa', 3, 1.2, 4, 'abb'])

        self.assertEqual(sortTest.unsorted, [])
                         [1.0, 1.2, 3, 4, 'aa', 'ab', 'abb', 'abc'])
Example #2
def Main(array_to_be_sorted):

    acceptedTypes = [int, float, str]

    assert (type(array_to_be_sorted) == list
            ), "The input must be in the form of a list."

    for item in array_to_be_sorted:
        assert (type(item)
                in acceptedTypes), "Type %s unaccepted." % str(type(item))

    assert array_to_be_sorted != [], "The array must not be empty."

    ##      The code above is run before anything else
    ##      to insure the input is formatted correctly.
    ##      Can be edited if the accepted format/types change.

    sortChoice = input("\nWhich sorting algorith would you like to use?\n\n" +
                       "1. Selection Sort\n" + "2. Insertion Sort\n\n" +
                       "Insert your choice: ")

    if sortChoice == "1":
        temp = SelectionSort(array_to_be_sorted)
        return temp.sorted
        del temp

    elif sortChoice == "2":
        temp = InsertionSort(array_to_be_sorted)
        return temp.sorted
        del temp

##      New sorting algorithms can be added
##      by simply adding a new option in sortChoice
##      and then adding a new elif statement here.

        raise ValueError("Invalid choice.")