Example #1
class Zip:
    Handles zip files
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.state_manager = StateManager()
        self.path = path
        self.zip_r = None
        self.zip_w = None

    def selector_matches(selector):
        Checks if the specified selector is in the right format
        :param selector: Mode selection string
        :return: True if the specified string is in the correct format
        regex = r"zip:(.*)$"
        x = re.match(regex, selector)
        if not x:
            return None
        return x.group(1)

    def open_read(self):
        Open a zip file in read mode
        if self.zip_r:
        self.zip_r = ZipFile(self.path, 'r')

    def open_write(self):
        Open a zip file in write mode
        if self.zip_w:
        self.zip_w = ZipFile(self.path, 'a')

    def create_state(self):
        Creates a state of the files
        :return: Tuple of the current state and the previous state
        state = []

        name_list = self.zip_r.namelist()
        # add nested folders if they doesn't exist
        for file in name_list:
            folder_path = str(Path(file).parent) + path.sep
            if folder_path not in name_list and not self.zip_r.getinfo(
                    file).is_dir() and folder_path != '.' + path.sep:
                state.append({'path': folder_path[:-1], 'is_directory': True})
        # set current state for class_a
        for file in name_list:
            info = self.zip_r.getinfo(file)
            if info.is_dir():
                state.append({'path': file[:-1], 'is_directory': True})
                    'path': file,
                    'is_directory': False,
                    'size': info.file_size,
                    'last_modified': self.get_last_modified_time(info)
        # # add top level folder
        # if len(name_list) > 0 and name_list[0].split(path.sep)[0] + path.sep not in name_list:
        #     state.insert(0, {'path':   name_list[0].split(
        #         path.sep)[0], 'is_directory': True})
        return self.state_manager.get_current_state(
        ), self.state_manager.get_previous_state()

    def get_last_modified_time(self, zip_info):
        Get the last modified time
        :param zip_info: ZipInfo object
        :return: Last modified time
        # (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) = zip_info.date_time
        date_string = ''
        for item in zip_info.date_time:
            date_string = date_string + str(item)
        date_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
        return math.floor(date_time_obj.timestamp() / 2)

    def read(self, filename):
        Read the contents of a file
        :param filename: File path
        :return: The contents of the specified file
        for item in self.zip_r.infolist():
            if item.filename == filename:
                return self.zip_r.read(item.filename)

    def file_exists(self, filename):
        Check the existence of a file
        :param filename: File path
        :return: True if the file exists
        for item in self.zip_r.infolist():
            if item.filename == filename:
                return True
        return False

    def is_directory(self, filename):
        Checks to see whether the file specified is a directory
        :param filename: File path
        :return: True if the specified file is a directory
        current_state = self.state_manager.get_current_state()
        for item in current_state:
            if item['path'] == filename:
                return item['is_directory']

    def create_directory(self, filename):
        Create a new directory
        :param filename: Directory path
        zfi = ZipInfo(filename + path.sep)
        self.zip_w.writestr(zfi, '')
        log('Creating directory', filename)

    def delete(self, filename):
       Delete a file or directory
       :param filename: File pth to be deleted
        is_directory = self.is_directory(filename)
        log("Delete ", is_directory, filename)
        zout = ZipFile('./temp.zip', 'w')
        for item in self.zip_r.infolist():
            buff = self.zip_r.read(item.filename)
            if item.filename != filename and (
                    is_directory and not item.filename.startswith(filename)):
                zout.writestr(item, buff)
        rename("./temp.zip", self.path)

    def write(self, filename, content):
        Write contents to a file
        :param filename: File
        :param content: Contents to be written

        # zout = ZipFile('./temp.zip', 'w')
        # did_write = False
        # for item in self.zip_r.infolist():
        #     buff = self.zip_r.read(item.filename)
        #     if item.filename == filename:
        #         zout.writestr(item, content)
        #         did_write = True
        #     else:
        #         zout.writestr(item, buff)
        # if not did_write:
        #     zout.writestr(filename, content)
        # zout.close()
        # rename("./temp.zip",
        #        self.path)
        # self.open_read()
        with ZipFile(self.path, 'w') as zipped_f:
            zipped_f.writestr(filename, content)

    def copy_from(self, class_b, filename):
        Copy filename from class_b
        :param class_b: Class instance that will provide the contents of the file
        :param filename: File path
        target_path = filename
        from_path = filename
        if class_b.is_directory(from_path):
            log('Copy from ', from_path, 'to', target_path)
            log('Copy from ', from_path, 'to', target_path)
            contents = class_b.read(from_path)
            self.write(filename, contents)

    def create_file_hash(self, filename):
        create a hash of a file
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dirpath:
            tempfilename = path.join(dirpath, filename)
            with open(tempfilename, 'wb') as f:
            return create_hash(tempfilename)
Example #2
class Filesystem:
    Handles filesystem files
    def __init__(self, target_path):
        self.state_manager = StateManager()
        if target_path[-1] != path.sep:
            target_path = target_path + path.sep
        self.path = target_path

    def selector_matches(selector):
        Checks if the specified selector is in the right format
        :param selector: Mode selection string
        :return: True if the specified string is in the correct format
        regex = r"folder:(.*)"
        x = re.match(regex, selector)
        if not x:
            return None
        return x.group(1)

    def create_state(self):
        Creates a state of the files
        :return: Tuple of the current state and the previous state
        # set current state for class_a
        state = []
        file_list = list(walk(self.path))
        for (index, (dirname, _, filenames)) in enumerate(file_list):
            dirname = dirname.replace(self.path, '')

            if index > 0:
                state.append({'path': dirname, 'is_directory': True})
            for filename in filenames:
                path_with_file = path.join(dirname, filename)
                        path.join(self.path, path_with_file))
        return self.state_manager.get_current_state(
        ), self.state_manager.get_previous_state()

    def read(self, filename):
        Read the contents of a file
        :param filename: File path
        :return: The contents of the specified file
        filename = path.normpath(self.path + filename)
        f = open(filename, "rb")
        content = f.read()
        log('Reading ', filename, 'content', content)
        return content

    def is_directory(self, filename):
        Checks to see whether the file specified is a directory
        :param filename: File path
        :return: True if the specified file is a directory
        filename = path.normpath(self.path + filename)
        return path.isdir(filename)

    def get_last_modified_time(self, filepath):
        get the last modified time of a file
        return math.floor(path.getmtime(path.abspath(filepath)) / 2)

    def create_directory(self, filename):
        Create a new directory
        :param filename: Directory path
        filename = path.normpath(self.path + filename)

    def file_exists(self, filename):
        Check the existence of a file
        :param filename: File path
        :return: True if the file exists
        return path.exists(path.join(self.path, filename))

    def delete(self, filename):
        Delete a file or directory
        :param filename: File pth to be deleted
        file = path.abspath(path.normpath(self.path + filename + path.sep))
        log('Delete from ', file, self.is_directory(filename))
        if self.is_directory(filename):

    def copy_from(self, class_b, filename):
        Copy filename from class_b
        :param class_b: Class instance that will provide the contents of the file
        :param filename: File path
        target_path = filename
        from_path = filename
        log('reading ', from_path, 'from class b')
        if class_b.is_directory(from_path):
            log('Create dir from ', from_path, 'to', target_path)
            log('Copy from ', class_b.path + from_path, 'to',
                path.normpath(self.path + target_path))
            contents = class_b.read(from_path)
            f = open(path.normpath(self.path + target_path), 'wb')

    def create_file_hash(self, filename):
        create a hash of a file
        return create_hash(path.join(self.path, filename))

    def get_file_size(self, filename):
        get the size of a file
        return path.getsize(path.normpath(self.path + filename))
Example #3
                              output_size=board_size * board_size,

    anet = ANET_MODEL(anet_nn,
    optimizer = config.OPTIMIZERS[config.OPTIMIZER](anet_nn.parameters(),

    for episode in range(num_episodes):
        while state_manager.game_is_on():
            random_number = random.uniform(0, 1)
            if random_number < 0.3:
                action = state_manager.get_random_action()
                search_tree = SearchTree(state_manager.get_current_state(),
                action = search_tree.simulate_games_and_find_action(
                    num_simulations, state_manager, anet)

        # --------- LOGGING THE TIME MODELS USE TO RAIN --------------
        time_finished = time.time()
        time_passed = str(round((time_finished - time_start) / 60, 2))

        log_string = l = str(episode) + " of " + str(
            num_episodes) + " finished. TIME PASSED (minutes): " + time_passed
        utils.logging(folder_results, log_string)
        # ------------------------------------------------------------

Example #4
class Ftp:
    Handles ftp files
    def __init__(self, username, password, host, path):
        ftp = FTP(host)
            ftp.login(user=username, passwd=password)
            log('Incorrect credentials')

        log('Connected to {} with username {} and password {} on path {}'.
            format(host, username, password, path))
        self.ftp = ftp
        self.state_manager = StateManager()
        self.path = path

    def selector_matches(selector):
        Checks if the specified selector is in the right format
        :param selector: Mode selection string
        :return: True if the specified string is in the correct format
        regex = r"ftp:(\S*):([\S]+)@([\S^.]+?)([~.\/].*)"
        x = re.search(regex, selector)
        if not x:
            return None
        return {
            "user": x.group(1),
            "password": x.group(2),
            "host": x.group(3),
            "path": x.group(4),

    def listdir(self, _path):
        return files and directory names within a path (directory)

        file_list, dirs, nondirs = [], [], []
        except Exception as exp:
            log("the current path is : ", self.ftp.pwd(), exp.__str__(), _path)
            return [], []

            self.ftp.retrlines('LIST', lambda x: file_list.append(x.split()))
            # parse each file info result
            for info in file_list:
                ls_type, name, size = info[0], ' '.join(info[8:]), info[4]
                if ls_type.startswith('d'):
                    modification_time = self.parse_ftp_date(
                        self.ftp.voidcmd(f"MDTM " + name).split()[-1])

                    nondirs.append((name, modification_time, int(size)))
            return dirs, nondirs

    def walk(self, filepath=path.sep):
        Walk through FTP server's directory tree
        dirs, nondirs = self.listdir(filepath)
        yield filepath, dirs, nondirs
        for name in dirs:
            filepath = path.join(filepath, name)
            yield from self.walk(filepath)
            filepath = path.dirname(filepath)

    def generate_filedata(self):
        generat a file state
        state = []
        files = list(self.walk(self.path))
        for (index, (dirname, _, filenames)) in enumerate(files):
            dirname = dirname.replace(self.path, '')

            # ignore the first directory
            if index > 0:
                state.append({'path': dirname, 'is_directory': True})
            for (filename, last_modified, size) in filenames:
                path_with_file = path.join(dirname, filename)
                    'path': path_with_file,
                    'is_directory': False,
                    'last_modified': last_modified,
                    'size': size
        return state

    def create_state(self):
        Creates a state of the files
        :return: Tuple of the current state and the previous state
        state = self.generate_filedata()
        return self.state_manager.get_current_state(
        ), self.state_manager.get_previous_state()

    def parse_ftp_date(self, date_string):
        Parse a date string
        :param date_string: Date string
        :return: Date timestamp
        date_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
        return math.floor(date_time_obj.timestamp() / 2)

    def read(self, filepath):
        Read the contents of a file
        :param filepath: File path
        :return: The contents of the specified file
        directory_name, file_name = path.split(
            path.normpath(self.path + filepath))
        r = BytesIO()
        self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + path.join(directory_name, file_name),

        contents = r.getvalue()
        return contents

    def file_exists(self, filepath):
        Check the existence of a file
        :param filename: File path
        :return: True if the file exists
        files = self.generate_filedata()
        for file in files:
            if filepath == file['path']:
                return True
        return False

    def create_directory(self, filename):
        Create a new directory
        :param filename: Directory path
        log('Create directory ', filename)
        except Exception:
            # silent fail, directory already exists

    def delete(self, filename):
       Delete a file or directory
       :param filename: File pth to be deleted
        if self.is_directory(filename):
            return self.ftp.rmd(filename)
        return self.ftp.delete(filename)

    def is_directory(self, filename):
        Checks to see whether the file specified is a directory
        :param filename: File path
        :return: True if the specified file is a directory
        current_state = self.state_manager.get_current_state()
        for item in current_state:
            if item['path'] == filename:
                return item['is_directory']

    def write(self, filename, content):
        Write contents to a file
        :param filename: File path
        :param content: Content to be written
        bio = BytesIO(content)
        directory_name, file_name = path.split(path.join(self.path, filename))
        log('Writing', content, ' to', directory_name)

        self.ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + file_name, bio)

    def copy_from(self, class_b, filename):
        Copy filename from class_b
        :param class_b: Class instance that will provide the contents of the file
        :param filename: File path
        target_path = filename
        from_path = filename

        if target_path[0] == path.sep:
            target_path = '.' + target_path
        log('Copy', path.join(class_b.path, from_path), 'to',
            path.join(self.path, target_path))

        if class_b.is_directory(from_path):
            self.write(target_path, class_b.read(from_path))

    def create_file_hash(self, filename):
        create a hash of a file
        m = hashlib.sha1()
        self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + self.path + filename, m.update)
        return m.hexdigest()