Example #1
    def copy(self):
        sp = SynapseProperties()
        sp.internalDelay = self.internalDelay
        sp.preDelay = self.preDelay
        sp.postDelay = self.postDelay
        sp.propDelay = self.propDelay
        sp.weight = self.weight
        sp.threshold = self.threshold

        return sp
 def startGroup(self, g):
   self.log.debug("Going into a group: "+ g._v_name)
   if g._v_name.count('population_')>=1:
       # TODO: a better check to see if the attribute is a str or numpy.ndarray
       self.currPopulation = g._v_attrs.name[0]
       if (len(self.currPopulation)==1):          # i.e. it was a str and just took the first letter...
         self.currPopulation = g._v_attrs.name
       self.currentCellType = g._v_attrs.cell_type[0]
       if (len(self.currentCellType)==1):
         self.currentCellType = g._v_attrs.cell_type
       size = -1
       # Peek ahead for size...
       for node in g:
           if node._c_classId == 'ARRAY' and node.name == self.currPopulation:
             size = node.shape[0]
       self.log.debug("Found a population: "+ self.currPopulation+", cell type: "+self.currentCellType+", size: "+ str(size))
       self.netHandler.handlePopulation(self.currPopulation, self.currentCellType, size)
   if g._v_name.count('projection_')>=1:
       self.currentProjectionName = g._v_attrs.name[0]
       self.currentProjectionSource = g._v_attrs.source[0]
       self.currentProjectionTarget = g._v_attrs.target[0]
       self.globalSynapseProps = {}
       self.log.debug("------    Found a projection: "+ self.currentProjectionName+ ", from "+ self.currentProjectionSource+" to "+ self.currentProjectionTarget)
   if g._v_name.count('synapse_props_')>=1:
       newSynapseProps = SynapseProperties()
       name = g._v_name[len('synapse_props_'):]
       #print dir(g._v_attrs) 
       for attrName in g._v_attrs._v_attrnames:
           val = g._v_attrs.__getattr__(attrName)
           self.log.debug("Val of attribute: "+ attrName + " is "+ str(val))
           if attrName == "internal_delay":
              newSynapseProps.internalDelay = val[0]
           if attrName == "pre_delay":
              newSynapseProps.preDelay = val[0]
           if attrName == "post_delay":
              newSynapseProps.postDelay = val[0]
           if attrName == "prop_delay":
              newSynapseProps.propDelay = val[0]
           if attrName == "weight":
              newSynapseProps.weight = val[0]
           if attrName == "threshold":
              newSynapseProps.threshold = val[0]
       self.log.debug(str(newSynapseProps) )
       self.globalSynapseProps[name] = newSynapseProps
       self.log.debug("Global syn props: "+ str(self.globalSynapseProps) )
 def copy(self):
     sp = SynapseProperties()
     sp.internalDelay = self.internalDelay
     sp.preDelay = self.preDelay
     sp.postDelay = self.postDelay
     sp.propDelay = self.propDelay
     sp.weight = self.weight
     sp.threshold = self.threshold
     return sp
Example #4
  def startElement(self, name, attrs):

    #for el in self.currentElementList:
    #    print "<"+el+">"
    if name == 'networkml':     
      self.log.debug("Found main networkml element")
      self.log.debug("lengthUnits: "+ attrs.get('lengthUnits',""))
    elif name == 'notes' or name == 'meta:notes':
      self.log.debug("Found notes element")
    elif name == 'population':
      self.currPopulation = attrs.get('name',"")
      self.log.debug("Found population/cellGroup element: "+ self.currPopulation)
      if attrs.get('cell_type',"") != "":
          self.currentCellType = attrs.get('cell_type',"")     # post NeuroML v1.7.1 form
    elif name == 'instances':
      size = -1
      if attrs.get('size',"") != "":
          size = int(attrs.get('size',""))
      self.netHandler.handlePopulation(self.currPopulation, self.currentCellType, size)
    elif name == 'instance':
      includeInstance = 0
      if self.myNodeId == -1:
		self.log.debug("Ignoring nodeIds, handling all cells...")
		includeInstance = 1
      elif attrs.get('node_id',"") != "":
        self.log.debug("Found node_id: "+ attrs.get('node_id',""))
        if self.netHandler.isParallel!=1: self.netHandler.setParallelStatus(1)
        if int(attrs.get('node_id',"")) == self.myNodeId:
            includeInstance = 1
            self.log.debug("Excluding from host id:  %d..."%self.myNodeId)
            includeInstance = 0
        self.log.debug("Found no node_id...")
        includeInstance = 1
      if includeInstance == 1:
        self.currentInstanceId = attrs.get('id',"")
        self.log.debug("Found instance element: "+ self.currentInstanceId)
    elif name == 'cell_type':   		# pre NeuroML v1.7.1 form
      self.isCellTypeElement = 1
    elif name == 'location':
      if self.currentInstanceId != -1:
        #self.log.debug('Found location: ('+ str(attrs.get('x',''))+', '+ str(attrs.get('y',''))+', '+ str(attrs.get('z','')), ')')

        nodeInfo = ""
        if self.myNodeId >= 0:
            nodeInfo = " on node id: %d"%self.myNodeId 
        self.log.debug('Adding instance: ' +self.currentInstanceId+" of group: "+self.currPopulation+nodeInfo)
        self.netHandler.handleLocation(self.currentInstanceId, self.currPopulation, self.currentCellType, attrs.get('x',""),\
                                    attrs.get('y',""), \

    elif name == 'projection':
      self.currentProjectionName = attrs.get('name',"")   
      self.log.debug("Found projection element: "+ self.currentProjectionName)   

      if attrs.has_key('source'):
          self.currentProjectionSource = attrs.get('source',"") 

      if attrs.has_key('target'):
          self.currentProjectionTarget = attrs.get('target',"") 
          self.log.info("Projection: "+ self.currentProjectionName+" is from: "+ self.currentProjectionSource +" to: "+ self.currentProjectionTarget)           
    elif name == 'source':
      if self.currentProjectionName != "":
          self.isSourceElement = 1
    elif name == 'target' and not attrs.has_key('cell_group') and not attrs.has_key('population'):
      if self.currentProjectionName != "":    
          self.isTargetElement = 1  

    elif name == 'connections':
      if attrs.get('size',"") != "":
          size = int(attrs.get('size',""))

    elif name == 'connection':
      if self.currentProjectionName != "":
        self.currentConnId = attrs.get('id',"")   
        self.log.debug("Found connection element: "+ self.currentConnId)  

        if attrs.has_key('pre_cell_id'):
            self.preCellId = attrs.get('pre_cell_id',"") 
        if attrs.has_key('pre_segment_id'):
            self.preSegId = attrs.get('pre_segment_id',"") 
            self.preSegId = 0
        if attrs.has_key('pre_fraction_along'):
            self.preFract = attrs.get('pre_fraction_along',"")  
            self.preFract = 0.5

        if attrs.has_key('post_cell_id'):
            self.postCellId = attrs.get('post_cell_id',"") 
        if attrs.has_key('post_segment_id'):
            self.postSegId = attrs.get('post_segment_id',"") 
            self.postSegId = 0
        if attrs.has_key('post_fraction_along'):
            self.postFract = attrs.get('post_fraction_along',"")  
            self.postFract = 0.5
        synTypes = self.globalSynapseProps.keys()
        for synType in synTypes:
            self.localSynapseProps[synType] = self.globalSynapseProps[synType].copy()
    elif name == 'pre':
      if self.currentProjectionName != "":
        self.preCellId = attrs.get('cell_id',"")   
        if attrs.has_key('segment_id'):
            self.preSegId = attrs.get('segment_id',"") 
            self.preSegId = 0
        if attrs.has_key('fraction_along'):
            self.preFract = attrs.get('fraction_along',"")  
            self.preFract = 0.5
        self.log.debug("Found pre: "+ self.preCellId)         
    elif name == 'post':
      if self.currentProjectionName != "":
        self.postCellId = attrs.get('cell_id',"")   
        if attrs.has_key('segment_id'):
            self.postSegId = attrs.get('segment_id',"")  
            self.postSegId = 0
        if attrs.has_key('fraction_along'):
            self.postFract = attrs.get('fraction_along',"")  
            self.postFract = 0.5
        self.log.debug("Found post: "+ self.postCellId)          
    elif name == 'synapse_props':
      if self.currentProjectionName != "":  
        newSynapseProps = SynapseProperties()
        if attrs.has_key('synapse_type'):
            self.latestSynapseType = str(attrs.get('synapse_type'))

            self.log.debug("synapse_type is: "+self.latestSynapseType)

            if attrs.has_key('internal_delay'):
                newSynapseProps.internalDelay = attrs.get('internal_delay',"")    
            if attrs.has_key('pre_delay'):
                newSynapseProps.preDelay = attrs.get('pre_delay',"")    
            if attrs.has_key('post_delay'):
                newSynapseProps.postDelay = attrs.get('post_delay',"")    
            if attrs.has_key('prop_delay'):
                newSynapseProps.propDelay = attrs.get('prop_delay',"")    
            if attrs.has_key('weight'):
                newSynapseProps.weight = attrs.get('weight',"")    
            if attrs.has_key('threshold'):
                newSynapseProps.threshold = attrs.get('threshold',"")

            self.globalSynapseProps[self.latestSynapseType] = newSynapseProps

            for synProp in self.globalSynapseProps.keys():
                self.log.debug("globalSynapseProp "+synProp+": "+ str(self.globalSynapseProps[synProp]))      
    elif name == 'synapse_type':
      if self.currentProjectionName != "":    
          self.isSynapseTypeElement = 1         
    elif name == 'default_values':
      if self.currentProjectionName != "":  
        newSynapseProps = SynapseProperties()
        if attrs.has_key('internal_delay'):
            newSynapseProps.internalDelay = attrs.get('internal_delay',"")    
        if attrs.has_key('pre_delay'):
            newSynapseProps.preDelay = attrs.get('pre_delay',"")    
        if attrs.has_key('post_delay'):
            newSynapseProps.postDelay = attrs.get('post_delay',"")    
        if attrs.has_key('prop_delay'):
            newSynapseProps.propDelay = attrs.get('prop_delay',"")    
        if attrs.has_key('weight'):
            newSynapseProps.weight = attrs.get('weight',"")    
        if attrs.has_key('threshold'):
            newSynapseProps.threshold = attrs.get('threshold',"")
        self.globalSynapseProps[self.latestSynapseType] = newSynapseProps
        for synProp in self.globalSynapseProps.keys():
            self.log.debug("globalSynapseProp "+synProp+": "+ str(self.globalSynapseProps[synProp]))      
    elif name == 'properties':
      if self.currentProjectionName != "":  
        synapse_type = ""
        if attrs.has_key('synapse_type'):
            synapse_type = attrs.get('synapse_type',"")  
        elif len(self.localSynapseProps) == 1:
            synapse_type = self.localSynapseProps.keys()[0]
        if synapse_type != "":
            synProps = self.localSynapseProps[synapse_type]
            self.log.debug("Changing values of local syn props of: "+ synapse_type+", was: "+ str(synProps))          
            if attrs.has_key('internal_delay'):
                synProps.internalDelay = attrs.get('internal_delay',"")    
            if attrs.has_key('pre_delay'):
                synProps.preDelay = attrs.get('pre_delay',"")    
            if attrs.has_key('post_delay'):
                synProps.postDelay = attrs.get('post_delay',"")    
            if attrs.has_key('prop_delay'):
                synProps.propDelay = attrs.get('prop_delay',"")    
            if attrs.has_key('weight'):
                synProps.weight = attrs.get('weight',"")    
            if attrs.has_key('threshold'):
                synProps.threshold = attrs.get('threshold',"")    
            self.log.info("Changed vals of local syn props: "+ synapse_type+": "+ str(synProps))      
    elif name == 'input':
      self.currentInputName = attrs.get('name',"")   
      self.log.info("Found input element: "+ self.currentInputName)   
    elif name == 'random_stim':
      self.currentInputProps["synaptic_mechanism"] = attrs.get('synaptic_mechanism',"")
      self.currentInputProps["frequency"] = attrs.get('frequency',"") 
      self.log.info("Found input properties: "+ str(self.currentInputProps))   

    elif name == 'target':
      self.currentInputTarget = attrs.get('cell_group',"")
      if len(self.currentInputTarget) == 0:
        self.currentInputTarget = attrs.get('population',"")
      self.log.info("Input: "+ self.currentInputName+" is to population: "+self.currentInputTarget)   
    elif name == 'sites':
      size = -1
      if attrs.has_key('size'):
          size = int(attrs.get('size',""))     
      self.netHandler.handleInputSource(self.currentInputName, self.currentInputTarget, self.currentInputProps, size)
    elif name == 'site':
        cell_id = int(attrs.get('cell_id',""))
        segment_id = 0
        fract = 0.5
        if attrs.has_key('segment_id'):
            segment_id = int(attrs.get('segment_id',""))
        if attrs.has_key('fract'):
            fract = float(attrs.get('fract',""))
        self.netHandler.handleSingleInput(self.currentInputName, cell_id, segment_id, fract)

      others = ["populations", "projections", "connections", "inputs",
                "meta:tag", "meta:value", "meta:property", "meta:properties"]
      if (others.count(name) == 0):
      	print 'Unhandled, unknown element: '+ name
Example #5
    def startGroup(self, g):
        self.log.debug("Going into a group: " + g._v_name)

        if g._v_name.count('population_') >= 1:
            # TODO: a better check to see if the attribute is a str or numpy.ndarray
            self.currPopulation = g._v_attrs.name[0]
            if (len(self.currPopulation) == 1
                ):  # i.e. it was a str and just took the first letter...
                self.currPopulation = g._v_attrs.name
            self.currentCellType = g._v_attrs.cell_type[0]
            if (len(self.currentCellType) == 1):
                self.currentCellType = g._v_attrs.cell_type

            size = -1
            # Peek ahead for size...
            for node in g:
                if node._c_classId == 'ARRAY' and node.name == self.currPopulation:
                    size = node.shape[0]

            self.log.debug("Found a population: " + self.currPopulation +
                           ", cell type: " + self.currentCellType +
                           ", size: " + str(size))

                                             self.currentCellType, size)

        if g._v_name.count('projection_') >= 1:

            self.currentProjectionName = g._v_attrs.name[0]
            self.currentProjectionSource = g._v_attrs.source[0]
            self.currentProjectionTarget = g._v_attrs.target[0]
            self.globalSynapseProps = {}

            self.log.debug("------    Found a projection: " +
                           self.currentProjectionName + ", from " +
                           self.currentProjectionSource + " to " +

        if g._v_name.count('synapse_props_') >= 1:

            newSynapseProps = SynapseProperties()
            name = g._v_name[len('synapse_props_'):]

            #print dir(g._v_attrs)
            for attrName in g._v_attrs._v_attrnames:
                val = g._v_attrs.__getattr__(attrName)
                self.log.debug("Val of attribute: " + attrName + " is " +

                if attrName == "internal_delay":
                    newSynapseProps.internalDelay = val[0]
                if attrName == "pre_delay":
                    newSynapseProps.preDelay = val[0]
                if attrName == "post_delay":
                    newSynapseProps.postDelay = val[0]
                if attrName == "prop_delay":
                    newSynapseProps.propDelay = val[0]
                if attrName == "weight":
                    newSynapseProps.weight = val[0]
                if attrName == "threshold":
                    newSynapseProps.threshold = val[0]


            self.globalSynapseProps[name] = newSynapseProps

            self.log.debug("Global syn props: " + str(self.globalSynapseProps))