Example #1
 def setUrl (self, url):
   if url:
     self._url= URL (url)
     self.debug (1, 'url: %s' % self._url)
     self.debug (1, 'building server loop')
     self._loop= ServerLoop (self._url.port (), self)
     self._loop.start ()
Example #2
class Master (Object):
    Warning: Abstract class.
    subclasses should at least define self._addClient hash (see run)
    and never reimplement periodic withiout calling this class' one
  Set= 0
  Complement= 1

  def __init__ (self, url=None, key=None, column=None, fileName=None):
    Object.__init__ (self, fileName=fileName, compressed=False)
    self.debug (1, 'm: logging in %s' % fileName)
    self._key= key
    self._url= None
    self._loop= None

    self._peers= PeerList (self)
    self._terminate= False
    # the class of the individual servers.
    self._serverType= None
    self._ring= Ring (self)

    self._data= None
    self._timeout= None

    # gotta join the clients after our servers died
    # so I keep a list and join them in the periodic function
    self._threadsToJoin= []
    if url:
      self.setUrl (url)

  def setUrl (self, url):
    if url:
      self._url= URL (url)
      self.debug (1, 'url: %s' % self._url)
      self.debug (1, 'building server loop')
      self._loop= ServerLoop (self._url.port (), self)
      self._loop.start ()

  def init (self):
    # do not allow fast update
    self._timeout= random (consts.periodicTimeOut)+5
    self.debug (1, "timeout: %d" % (self._timeout))

  def url (self):
    return self._url

  def key (self):
    return self._key

  def peers (self):
    return self._peers

  def navels (self):
    navels= self._peers.navels ()
    return navels

  def vices (self):
    vices= self._peers.vices ()
    return vices

  def delServer (self, server):
      Adds a finished server to the list of threads to join,
      and removes it from the known peers.
    self.debug (1, "queuing to join %s" % server)
    # the client thread cannot join itself, so we do it later
    self._threadsToJoin.append (server)
    self.debug (2, "done q.")
    self._peers.delServer (server)
    # do other stuff that keeps _pred and _succ up-to-date

  def delPeer (self, peer):
    self.debug (1, 'deleting %s' % peer)
    self._peers.delPeer (peer)
    peer.close ()

  def discover (self, net, skip=None):
      broadcasts messages for discovering the peers
      returns: the peer to which we should connect to.
    shouter= socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
    # set socket option
    shouter.setsockopt (SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1)
    server= None

    # we need to be root and a default gw here!
    # shouter.sendto ('any body there?', ('<broadcast>', consts.chalPort))
    # no if we broadcast the net only...
    self.debug (1, 'Ping %s' % net)
    shouter.sendto ('any body there?', (net, consts.chalPort))
    # wait for answers
    sleep (consts.shoutTimeOut)
    # now wait for at least one

    # but let things go on in the case the shout was not heard
    # nope, navels that doesn't find others should start their own ring

    # but vices should wait till they find one,
    # so navels and vices do different things

    i= select ([shouter],[],[], 0.1)[0]
    # collect *any* answer
    while len(i)>0:
      ans= csvParse (shouter.recv (1024))
      self.debug (1, 'found %s' % ans)
      (url, key)= ans[0]
      new= self._peers.getNavel (url, key)
      if skip:
        if new!=skip:
          server= new
        server= new
      i= select ([shouter],[],[], 0.1)[0]

    self.debug (1, 'returning %s' % server)
    return server

  def gossip (self, peer):
      (navels, vices)= peer.getKnownPeers ()
      self.debug (1, "from %s got peer list : %s" % (peer, navels))

      self.updatePeers (navels, vices)
      for viceUrl in vices:
          vice= self._peers.getVice (viceUrl)
          vice.updateStats ()
          self.delPeer (vice)
      self.delPeer (peer)

  def updatePeers (self, navels, vices):
    for navelUrl, navelKey in navels:
      self._peers.addPeer (navelUrl, navelKey)
    for viceUrl in vices:
      # for testing now
      vice= self._peers.getVice (viceUrl)

  def getNavelKey (self, url):
    # create a temp client and ask for the key...
    server= NavelClient (url, self)
    key= None
    while not key:
        key= server.key ()
        server.close ()
      except UmbDead:
        # a connection refused
        sleep (5)
        # should we 'timeout' and create our own ring?

    return key

  def giveData (self, m, n, what=Set):
      returns: a hash
    self.debug (1, "giveData called", 2)

    keys= self._data.keys ()
    keys.sort ()
    self.debug (1, 'my know keys are: %s' % keys)
    h= {}

    nextKey= next (keys)
    while not nextKey==None:
      self.debug (2, "m: %d, k: %d, n: %d" % (m, nextKey, n))
      if (what==self.Set and coBetween (m, nextKey, n)) or (what==self.Complement and coBetween (n, nextKey, m)):
        h[nextKey]= self._data.getValues (nextKey)

      nextKey= next (keys)

    if what==self.Set:
      self.debug (1, 'giving Set %d:%d %s' % (m, n, h.keys ()))
      self.debug (1, 'giving Complement %d:%d %s' % (n, m, h.keys ()))
    return h

  def ident (self):
    raise NotImplementedError

  # actual run
  def catchKill (self, signo, stackFrame):
    self.debug (1, "SIGTERM caught; terminating and sync'ing")
      self._data.sync ()
    self._terminate= True

  def periodic (self):
    self.joinServers ()

  def joinServers (self):
    # join the servers that were attending clients who quited
    for thread in self._threadsToJoin:
      self.debug (1, "thread.join()'ing %s" % thread)
      self._threadsToJoin.remove (thread)
      thread.join ()

  # 'main' loop: this is cron
  def run (self):
    # set the handler of sigterm
    signal (SIGTERM, self.catchKill)
    count= self._timeout

    while not self._terminate:
        if count<consts.periodicUTimeOut:
          self.debug (2, 'short uSleep')
          sleep (count)
          self.periodic ()
          count= self._timeout
          self.debug (2, 'long uSleep')
          sleep (consts.periodicUTimeOut)
          count-= consts.periodicUTimeOut
      except KeyboardInterrupt:
        self.debug (1, "SIGTERM caught; terminating")
        self._terminate= True

    self.stop ()

  def terminate (self):
    self.debug (1, "terminating...")
    self._terminate= True

  def stop (self):
    # end of the game
    self.debug (1, "join'ing server loop...")
    self._loop.join ()
    self.debug (1, "main finishing...")
    # self._clients.joinThem ()
    self.joinServers ()
    self.debug (1, "finished!")