Example #1
class ProcessContext:
    def __init__(self, contextParas, remove_stopwords=True):
        self.utl = Utilities()
        self.sent_tokenizer = nltk.data.load('tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
        self.remove_stopwords = remove_stopwords
        self.stopwords = stopwords.words('english')
        self.stemmer = PorterStemmer()
        self.numOfParas = len(contextParas)
        self.paraInfo, self.vocab, self.processed_vocab = self.processParas(
        del contextParas

    def processParas(self, paras):
        idf = {}
        docs = {}
        vocab = set()
        processed_vocab = set()

        for index in range(self.numOfParas):

            docs[index] = {}
            docs[index]['para'] = paras[index]
            docs[index]['paraWords'] = word_tokenize(paras[index])
            docs[index]['paraSentences'] = self.sent_tokenizer.tokenize(
            wf, processed_sentences, pv = self.processSentences(
            docs[index]['paraWF'] = wf
            docs[index]['paraProcessedSentences'] = processed_sentences
            docs[index]['paraPV'] = pv

            for word in pv:
                if idf.get(word, 0) == 0:
                    idf[word] = 1
                    idf[word] += 1

        self.contextIDF = {}
        for word in idf:
            # Laplace smoothing
            self.contextIDF[word] = math.log((self.numOfParas + 1) / idf[word])

        for index in range(self.numOfParas):
            docs[index]['paraVector'] = self.utl.ComputeVector(
                docs[index]['paraWF'], self.contextIDF)

        return docs, vocab, processed_vocab

    def processSentences(self, sentences):
        wf = {}
        processed_sentences = []
        processed_vocab = set()
        for sent in sentences:
            processed_sentence = []
            words = word_tokenize(sent)
            wf, processed_sentence = self.utl.processText(
                words, self.remove_stopwords, self.stemmer, wf)
            # for word in words:
            #     if not self.remove_stopwords:
            #         continue
            #     else:
            #         if word in self.stopwords:
            #             continue
            #     word = self.stemmer.stem(word)
            #     if wf.get(word, 0) == 0:
            #         wf[word] = 1
            #     else:
            #         wf[word] += 1
            #     processed_sentence.append(word)
            processed_sentences.append(" ".join(processed_sentence))
        return wf, processed_sentence, processed_vocab

    def getResults(self, PQ):
        PQ.questionDoc['questionVector'] = self.utl.ComputeVector(
            PQ.questionDoc['questionWF'], self.contextIDF)
        # print(PQ.questionDoc['questionVector'])
        simParas = self.getSimilarParas(PQ.questionDoc)
        allSentences = []
        if simParas != None:
            for i in simParas:

        if len(allSentences) == 0:
            return "Oops! Unable to find answer"

        relevantSentencesWithScores = self.getMostRelevantSentences(
            allSentences, PQ, 1)
        sentences = [
            for sentencewithscore in relevantSentencesWithScores
        # print(relevantSentences)

        answerType = PQ.questionDoc['Atype']
        answer = " ".join(sentences[:2])

        if answerType in ["GPE", "PERSON", "ORGANIZATION"]:
            entities = self.utl.getNamedEntityChunks(sentences)
            for entity in entities:
                if entity[0] == answerType:
                    answer = entity[1]
                    # print(entities)
                    ansTokens = [
                        for word in word_tokenize(answer)
                    if [(i in PQ.questionDoc['processedQuestion'])
                            for i in ansTokens].count(True) >= 1:
        elif answerType == "DEFINITION":
            answer = " ".join(sentences[:4])

        elif answerType == "DATE":
            dates = self.utl.getDates(" ".join(sentences))
            # print(dates)
            if len(dates) > 0:
                answer = dates[0]

        elif answerType == "QUANTITY":
            answer = "Work In Progress"
        elif answerType == "YESNO":
            answer = "Work In Progress"
            if len(sentences) > 5:
                answer = " ".join(sentences[:5])

        return answer

    def getSimilarParas(self, questionVector):
        if questionVector['questionVector'] == 0:
            return None

        qv = questionVector['questionWF']

        rankedParas = []
        for index in range(self.numOfParas):
            dotProduct = 0
            paraInfo = self.paraInfo[index]
            for word in qv.keys():
                if word in paraInfo['paraWF']:
                    dotProduct += qv[word] * paraInfo['paraWF'][
                        word] * self.contextIDF[word] * self.contextIDF[word]

            sim = dotProduct / (paraInfo['paraVector'] *
            rankedParas.append((paraInfo['para'], sim))

        return sorted(rankedParas, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]),

    def getMostRelevantSentences(self, sentences, pQ, nGram=3):
        relevantSentences = []
        for sent in sentences:
            sim = 0
            if (len(word_tokenize(pQ.question)) > nGram + 1):
                sim = self.sim_ngram_sentence(pQ.question, sent, nGram)
                sim = self.sim_sentence(pQ.qVector, sent)
            relevantSentences.append((sent, sim))

        return sorted(relevantSentences,
                      key=lambda tup: (tup[1], tup[0]),

    def sim_ngram_sentence(self, question, sentence, nGram):
        #considering stop words as well
        ps = PorterStemmer()
        getToken = lambda question: [
            ps.stem(w.lower()) for w in word_tokenize(question)
        getNGram = lambda tokens, n: [
            " ".join([tokens[index + i] for i in range(0, n)])
            for index in range(0,
                               len(tokens) - n + 1)
        qToken = getToken(question)
        sToken = getToken(sentence)

        if (len(qToken) > nGram):
            q3gram = set(getNGram(qToken, nGram))
            s3gram = set(getNGram(sToken, nGram))
            if (len(s3gram) < nGram):
                return 0
            qLen = len(q3gram)
            sLen = len(s3gram)
            sim = len(q3gram.intersection(s3gram)) / len(q3gram.union(s3gram))
            return sim
            return 0

    def sim_sentence(self, queryVector, sentence):
        sentToken = word_tokenize(sentence)
        ps = PorterStemmer()
        for index in range(0, len(sentToken)):
            sentToken[index] = ps.stem(sentToken[index])
        sim = 0
        for word in queryVector.keys():
            w = ps.stem(word)
            if w in sentToken:
                sim += 1
        return sim / (len(sentToken) * len(queryVector.keys()))
Example #2
class ProcessContext:
    def __init__(self, contextParas, remove_stopwords, lemm_or_stemm,
                 use_stemmer_lemm, which_stemmer, sim_func, sent_t):
        self.utl = Utilities()
        self.sent_tokenizer = sent_tokenize
        self.sim_func = sim_func
        if sent_t == "Punkt":
            self.sent_tokenizer = nltk.data.load(
        self.remove_stopwords = remove_stopwords
        self.stopwords = stopwords.words('english')
        self.stemmer = lambda x: x.lower()
        if lemm_or_stemm == "Stemming" and which_stemmer == "PorterStemmer" and use_stemmer_lemm:
            self.stemmer = PorterStemmer().stem
        elif lemm_or_stemm == "Stemming" and which_stemmer == "SnowBallStemmer" and use_stemmer_lemm:
            self.stemmer = SnowballStemmer(language='english').stem
        elif lemm_or_stemm == "Lemmanization" and use_stemmer_lemm:
            self.stemmer = WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize
        self.numOfParas = len(contextParas)
        self.paraInfo, self.vocab, self.processed_vocab = self.processParas(
        del contextParas

    def processParas(self, paras):
        idf = {}
        docs = {}
        vocab = set()
        processed_vocab = set()

        for index in range(self.numOfParas):
            docs[index] = {}
            docs[index]['para'] = paras[index]
            docs[index]['paraWords'] = word_tokenize(paras[index])
            docs[index]['paraSentences'] = self.sent_tokenizer(paras[index])
            wf, processed_sentences, pv = self.processSentences(
            docs[index]['paraWF'] = wf
            docs[index]['paraProcessedSentences'] = processed_sentences
            docs[index]['paraPV'] = pv

            for word in pv:
                if idf.get(word, 0) == 0:
                    idf[word] = 1
                    idf[word] += 1

        self.contextIDF = {}
        for word in idf:
            self.contextIDF[word] = math.log((self.numOfParas + 1) / idf[word])

        for index in range(self.numOfParas):
            docs[index]['paraVector'] = self.utl.ComputeVector(
                docs[index]['paraWF'], self.contextIDF)

        return docs, vocab, processed_vocab

    def processSentences(self, sentences):
        wf = {}
        processed_sentences = []
        processed_vocab = set()
        for sent in sentences:
            processed_sentence = []
            words = word_tokenize(sent)
            wf, processed_sentence = self.utl.processText(
                words, self.remove_stopwords, self.stemmer, wf)
            processed_sentences.append(" ".join(processed_sentence))
        return wf, processed_sentence, processed_vocab

    def getResults(self, PQ):
        PQ.questionDoc['questionVector'] = self.utl.ComputeVector(
            PQ.questionDoc['questionWF'], self.contextIDF)
        # print(PQ.questionDoc['questionVector'])
        simParas = self.getSimilarParas(PQ.questionDoc)
        allSentences = []
        if simParas != None:
            for i in simParas:

        if len(allSentences) == 0:
            return "Oops! Unable to find answer"

        relevantSentencesWithScores = self.getMostRelevantSentences(
            allSentences, PQ, 1)
        if self.sim_func in ["SkLearn", "Gensim"]:
            sentencesWithSimScores = set()
                self.getMostSimilarSentences(PQ.question, allSentences))
            while len(sentencesWithSimScores) < 5:
                                                 allSentences, True))
            relevantSentencesWithScores = list(sentencesWithSimScores)

        sentences = [
            for sentencewithscore in relevantSentencesWithScores
        # print(relevantSentences)

        answerType = PQ.questionDoc['Atype']
        # print(answerType)
        answer = " ".join(sentences[:2])

        if answerType in ["GPE", "PERSON", "ORGANIZATION"]:
            entities = self.utl.getNamedEntityChunks(sentences)
            for entity in entities:
                if entity[0] == answerType:
                    answer = entity[1]
                    # print(entities)
                    ansTokens = [
                        self.stemmer(word) for word in word_tokenize(answer)
                    if [(i in PQ.questionDoc['processedQuestion'])
                            for i in ansTokens].count(True) >= 1:
        elif answerType == "DEFINITION":
            answer = " ".join(sentences[:4])

        elif answerType == "DATE":
            dates = self.utl.getDates(" ".join(sentences))
            # print(dates)
            if len(dates) > 0:
                answer = dates[0]

        elif answerType == "QUANTITY":
            answer = "Work In Progress"
        elif answerType == "YESNO":
            answer = "Work In Progress"
            if len(sentences) > 5:
                answer = " ".join(sentences[:5])

        return answer

    def getSimilarParas(self, questionVector):
        if questionVector['questionVector'] == 0:
            return None

        qv = questionVector['questionWF']

        rankedParas = []
        for index in range(self.numOfParas):
            dotProduct = 0
            paraInfo = self.paraInfo[index]
            for word in qv.keys():
                if word in paraInfo['paraWF']:
                    dotProduct += qv[word] * paraInfo['paraWF'][
                        word] * self.contextIDF[word] * self.contextIDF[word]

            sim = dotProduct / (paraInfo['paraVector'] *
            rankedParas.append((paraInfo['para'], sim))

        return sorted(rankedParas, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]),

    def getMostSimilarSentences(self, question, sentences, second_time=False):
        documents = [question]
        df = self.getsimilarityDF(documents)
        res = cosine_similarity(df, df)
        z = res[0, :]
        y = []
        for idx, i in enumerate(z):
            if i > 0:
                y.append((documents[idx], i))
        arr = sorted(y, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)
        return arr[2:] if second_time else arr[1:]

    def getsimilarityDF(self, documents):
        count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
        count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
        sparse_matrix = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(documents)
        doc_term_matrix = sparse_matrix.todense()
        return doc_term_matrix

    # Thanks to the project made by vaibhav for the below Code
    def getMostRelevantSentences(self, sentences, pQ, nGram=3):
        relevantSentences = []
        for sent in sentences:
            sim = 0
            if (len(word_tokenize(pQ.question)) > nGram + 1):
                sim = self.sim_ngram_sentence(pQ.question, sent, nGram)
                sim = self.sim_sentence(pQ.qVector, sent)
            relevantSentences.append((sent, sim))

        return sorted(relevantSentences,
                      key=lambda tup: (tup[1], tup[0]),

    def sim_ngram_sentence(self, question, sentence, nGram):
        #considering stop words as well
        ps = PorterStemmer()
        getToken = lambda question: [
            ps.stem(w.lower()) for w in word_tokenize(question)
        getNGram = lambda tokens, n: [
            " ".join([tokens[index + i] for i in range(0, n)])
            for index in range(0,
                               len(tokens) - n + 1)
        qToken = getToken(question)
        sToken = getToken(sentence)

        if (len(qToken) > nGram):
            q3gram = set(getNGram(qToken, nGram))
            s3gram = set(getNGram(sToken, nGram))
            if (len(s3gram) < nGram):
                return 0
            qLen = len(q3gram)
            sLen = len(s3gram)
            sim = len(q3gram.intersection(s3gram)) / len(q3gram.union(s3gram))
            return sim
            return 0

    def sim_sentence(self, queryVector, sentence):
        sentToken = word_tokenize(sentence)
        ps = PorterStemmer()
        for index in range(0, len(sentToken)):
            sentToken[index] = ps.stem(sentToken[index])
        sim = 0
        for word in queryVector.keys():
            w = ps.stem(word)
            if w in sentToken:
                sim += 1
        return sim / (len(sentToken) * len(queryVector.keys()))